Product is the Excrement of Activity

Marquis's picture

It is common in our world, in these times, to identify with our products. We are told that being productive is a virtue. Making, distributing and owning these strange fetishes of megalomania is what life is all about. The biggest shitter is admired - and so are those who claim possession over the largest amounts of these excrements of activity. The human monkey is trying to be an insect, building a glorious colony of lines, angles and surfaces we proudly refer to as 'civilization', wherein we spend our lives in frantic activity just to stay alive from one day to the next.

But something has died. Our sense of wonder and ability to simply BE. We do not consider ourselves a part of nature, and we think of ourselves as 'non-animals' that for some reason - the jury is still out on that one - evolved beyond the 'lesser' creatures, whom we look at with overbearing kindness if they are cute, and a mixture of terror and fascination if they are fierce. Mostly, we reckon that we are GOOD, and that we should probably take our wisdom and our goodness with us and try to colonize the rest of space as well. That is to say, after we have researched forth a cure for that pesky ailment we call DEATH. (We wouldn't want to miss out on all the excitement that our glorious future holds, now would we?)

From my point of view, modern human beings are emotionally crippled, twisted and evil little monkeys. They are by and large incapeable of feeling any strong emotions, whether this be for good or for bad. In our search for an industrial grade nirvana of safety and well kempt lawns, where we can enjoy eternal life with multiple flat-screen televisions and a cornucopia of well-buttered popcorn, we have sacrificed passion, beauty, wonder and love. We can all feel it. There's something wrong with the picture. But we haven't got much time to think about that, because we need to get active and produce more excrements, so that we can produce even more excrements.

"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)