Religious media, entertainment, godtube, and punking

BenfromCanada's picture

Ever since I was a teenager (not so long ago), I've always been a bit turned off by religious media. There are several reasons for this. For one, the quality level is rarely high enough to impress, and most religious media I've experienced is very heavy handed in its preaching. It's also always struck me as elitist. That is, the general "secular" media isn't good enough for the religious. I understand the desire to have television shows, movies and music that affirms your worldviews. I am more likely to listen to a mediocre band that preaches things I believe in. However, many christians nowadays will not listen to ANY music that isn't christian, even if it is not "offensive" and does not promote something christians are against. Hell, they only recently started accepting U2, and the band has been quite christian since they began.
This would not be so bad, but they are doing their best to censor everyone else, at least in the West, trying to shut down all other forms of media that doesn't conform to their ideas. From protesting Brokeback Mountain, Million Dollar Baby and Borat, to Janet's Nipplegate, to getting on Bono's case for saying "fuck" on TV, to the antics they've been pulling on YouTube. Getting Gisburne banned, getting CapnOAwesome's website shut down (temporarily), trying to get CapnOAwesome kicked out of school...I know the Rational Response Squad was kicked off YouTube, too, but I don't know the details there.
Now they have GodTube. It's not "officially" launched until May, but it's up in Beta form right now. They are trying to get atheists booted from YouTube, and then they form their own site anyway? The atheists who get banned stay banned, the christians still get their own website.
My solution to this is simple: Punking them. Why? Because it still gets them, and it shows we're better than them. It's harmless pranking, and we get a laugh.
Before I came back here, I made up a GodTube account with that in mind. I started posting legitimate christian videos with the intent of gaining some leeway. "If I post stuff they like," I thought, "they'll not suspect my next move." My plan is to post a video that is anti-christian but could conceivably have a christian message, and get it onto their front page for most viewed, most discussed, and highest rated front pages. I have several videos that can achieve this. Right now, the site is down, else I'd link you to my account and videos, but that will have to wait.
Good idea? Bad? Pointless?