Youtube Hater, I support your right to free speech
See these applicable threads for Operation Spread Eagle:
If you only read one post about this issue make it this one!
Open letter to Youtube from Brian Sapient
Post your youtube censorship or copyright infringement stories here. (also counter notices).
Kent Hovind from Jail Phone Calls
Eric Hovind writes RRS (still hasn't written back!)
Eddygoombah letter to CSE
The first Christian (we know of) to come forward and support atheists on copyright abuse!! (he recently beat Viacom on a familiar issue!) Thanks! More information on his case.
As I went through youtube I found it funny that three of the counter responses to our work were overtly logically weak, riddled in strawmen, false assertions, and behavior even more childish than the kind I advocate. What follows is an extensive debunking, there was nothing really to debunk in the other two as they were strictly false caricatures. I highly suggest you do this in two screens, open the youtube video in a new window. Then go through the video pausing it as you read my points. The best I can do is promise laughter from our atheist constituency. And we deserve it right now. If you're reading from the homepage you can comment by being logged in and clicking the title above.
(I'll comment on the first minute in a minute)
1:03 She repeats my "silence all critics" comment in my favorite debunking of all debunkings, it's called the Repeat What You Said And Delude Myself That There Is Something Wrong With That. Or... R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T. for short.
1:18 R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T.
1:20-1:31 Sablechicken makes claim that I took video and sliced and diced it to defame their character. That statement is false. In fact it might even be slander, it's cool. I had never posted a single video ever about Kent Hovind in my profile. I consider Kent and his ilk to be so dishonest that they aren't worthy of consideration for conversation conducive to growth. I've never had his material up, nor have I sliced his material.
1:32-1:37 Sablechicken says I (Sapient) think someone else broke a copyright law. Here is a video outlining why.
1:40-2:09 Extended R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T.
2:11- 2:17 Actually it's a video of me on the phone leaving a message for a federal prosecutor who I spoke to the next day. I have a lawyer, but don't need one for this case yet. I am not at liberty to discuss communications I have with my lawyer on this issue or any other issue like my case with Uri Geller.
2:18-2:30 Extended R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T.
2:31-2:32 "What in the world" defense. Socrates used to use this one.
2:33-2:40 Sablechicken points out I went for 45 hours without sleep and says "what kind of cult is this." This is known as a red herring,, others would call it batshit insane. Working a long day does not make a person part of a cult. if you wanted to make an argument against sleep deprivation you could have spoke about the fatigue and poor decision making that someone goes through when they are deprived of sleep. I of course would have responded by stating that I didn't want to miss a minute of the action, I wanted to pursue my goal, and that even if I was functioning at 10%, I am effective enough to expose dishonesty of people like Hovind in a cogent manner.
Oh Noes!! That doctor, is in a doctor cult!! WARNING WARNING!! Isn't it ironic that the fear you tried to breed in your "cult" comment is the fear you inferred we were applying in the first 42 seconds of your video?
2:41-2:43 The "this is ridiculous" response. The best response to this response is to say "that's ridiculous!" I believe it was Plato that contrived the now famous "this is ridiculous" response, now generally only used by people who are unable to defend themselves.
2:44-2:50 WARNING WARNING "Anyone can see that this is a cult" Ok, ok... fine.
First you muddy the waters by calling us a cult as we are not religious and most definitions of cult would argue that cults are religious. When you look at the guy with the dress on at an alter of gold and he feeds you the blood of a dead guy after you eat a piece of the dead man, you are in a cult. When you try to protect a species from that which can harm itself, you're not in a cult, even if you work 1000 hours in a row.
What is your definition of cult?
Second, let's pretend for a moment that we are a cult. So? So what? Would that make fair use laws disappear? Would that make what Creation Science Evangelism Ministries did right?
2:51-2:56 I wasn't guarding anything. Unless of course you mean guarding people from Creation Science Evangelism Ministries is guarding something.
2:57-3:01 You're right I did need sleep. Congratulations on saying something relevant!
3:02-3:05 the "it gets better" defense followed by R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T.
3:24 No we would ask ourselves "What is this Rational Response Squad." YOU'RE the one who would ask the question in that manner so as to help reinforce your own self delusions that we hold an irrational position here.
3:29 We're not simply "all about taking a blasphemy challenge." We're all about holding up societies actions to public and logical scrutiny. Because religion is the most prevalent of the corrupt and irrational institutions our world has to offer, we tend to address the claims of religion most often. You see our views pushed forward in things like the Blasphemy Challenge that haters such as yourself have helped us spread the word about. We have many other projects we are proud of Operation Spread Eagle which you are so kindly giving publicity to in a ridiculously humorous manner. We also own and are excited about the volunteer work being done in the name of atheism so that people can see we are not as vile as you so dishonestly portray us to be. We exist because of you, not in spite of you. You realize that of the (appx) 15% of atheist cultist people in this country less than 1% of the people in jail in America are cult atheist cult people? Does that tell you anything other than "What in the world?"
3:46 Sablechicken says the badges are like gambling, gambling with your soul. Actually Sablechicken we could argue that any religion or non religion you choose is an equal gamble, especially when you have no proof. Which you don't. Your gamble on Christianity is risky, because it's just as likely that Zoroaster will be angry at you, and you'll ruin your chance at an afterlife. Or you could gamble the only life you actually have proof that you get, and waste it on primitive archaic inane incoherent illogically indefensible beliefs like you do. Good luck with that gamble. It's a damn good thing for the Church that when you die, you can't return for a refund.
3:57 "The Rational Response Squad, they're some kind of authority, you know like the police." - Sablechicken
4:00 R.W.Y.S.A.D.M.T.T.I.S.W.W.T.
4:04 "It makes you feel self important." I know your religion may make you feel otherwise Sable, but you are important. It's good to feel important. You should worry, only when instances of inflated self worth become delusional. We happen to realize that we're very important, and the 50+ blogs (this morning alone) that we saw from people we respect, coming to the aid of others who we want to help, added credibility to that belief. You see how it works? You need evidence for your claims, it's good knowing I have them for mine.
4:10ish "I guess this is what freethinking is all about, you must follow the herd." Since all freethinkers follow the herd, wouldn't
that make them all Christian? Moron say what? (realizing of course that the majority of the herd is Christian.)
4:25ish "They line up in droves to take a blasphemy challenge. to blaspheme something they don't even believe in which is sort of an irrational thing in itself if you think about it." Ok I thought about it, and I've formed the opinion that you're a dipstick. If you think about it you realize that the only time a rational person would ever blaspheme a god is if they don't believe that god exists. A rational person would not commit oneself to an eternity of torture if they believed in the loving god who would allow this torture pit to exist.
It should also be noted you presented no proof for your point of view. You presented the same amount of proof you have for a god, none.
4:45 The look on his face wasn't one of hypnosis. It was a result of the feeling you get when you realize you are related to people as dumb as sablechicken. But let's say there's something to your argument. Well first of all, the young man could have been on some sort of medication, he could've been tired, he could've had some sort of condition that causes him to speak slowly. If this was the case, you as a loving Christian surely spoke of him in a rude manner.
I'd also like to point out you said you were going to show us the faces of "some" of the people who took the challenge who were hypnotized, and you proceeded to show us only one person. You liar! (it's ok, you could even murder a baby, Jesus will forgive your guilty sinner ass)
5:37 Your argument that it appeared like someone was holding a gun to that guys head: This is the closest thing resembling an actual argument that you've offered so far, so good job there. The only problem is, I've got a psychologist buddy holding two masters degrees and almost a PhD who would remind me that what you're doing is projecting. YOU feel like YOU have a gun to YOUR head, so when you see his video, it draws up those feelings in you. And it completely makes sense. You are taught to believe in this or burn forever.
You do have a gun to your head. The biggest and scariest gun we've ever had on Earth and it's pointed at your head. And here's the best part.... the gun isn't really even there, but since so many people believe it's there, it's easier to convince yourself that it is. And all of those people who falsely believe, give chunks of their money to this "believe in this or burn forever" terroristic system... and groups like ours are born to protect you from it.
Furthermore, I'll even protect your rights to make videos illustrating to others how unintelligent you are. You wont find me submitting a DMCA takedown notice because some of my material was in your video (the equivalent to some of the cases in which CSEM submitted take down notices). I realize you have a right to show it and criticize it with your Christarded opinion. In fact I even plan to host videos from other haters in this thread.
I encourage others to take the time to write in full text their thrashings of other irrational opinions in this thread. Her video is featuring several childish responses. here (one big projection) and here.
5:48 "taking the blasphemy challenge seems to just suck the life out of you" (refer to your own previous analogy to see the projection)
The truth is, ,religion sucks the life out of you and you are projecting. Here, this is for you...
5:55 You heeded warning not to take the blasphemy challenge, but haven't offered any reason. You said something about "being on the safe side." I know all about the safe side, I've been on it for about 8 years after I left Fairy Tale LaLa land. Would you like to join us on the safe side? We have alcohol and strippers (Christian strippers too).
6:03 "RabidApe got suspended too. I think it's a permanent suspension." No actually his suspension is based on a false copyright claim submitted by Creation Science Evangelism Unlimited Incorporated Church of God Dinosauric Scientific Jesus Rode A Brontosaurus Ministries. He will likely be vindicated and clear in about 14 days, however if the CSEUICOGDSJRAB want to try and go to court with Rabidape he may have to wait longer. It'd be awfully stupid for them to go to court. They should retract the false DMCA claims they made immediately to avoid harm. I'm fairly sure my advice wont be heeded. CSEM has a history of not knowing when to admit guilt, which they should do immediately so it's not worse down the road.
6:37 You comment on Rabidape smoking, and imply that if you do, you aren't living life to the fullest and that atheists aren't embracing the idea that there is only one life to live. Holy shit! You actually make a fairly decent point. I mean it is completely off topic like much of the video, you don't really deal with the copyright issue, instead you make a video that leads one to believe that you condone illegal activity for Christ. I would like to use your question as an opportunity to ask fellow atheists what they think of this issue. I want to see their answers.
7:25 Here's the deal...
7:35 "atheists want to see where the borders of free speech are." Could you please point us to your proof for that claim? It's an interesting hypothesis, but do you have some sort of proof? Not evidence... proof.
7:55 obsesses over rabidapes crotch talking about banging big or something.
8:10 "these people take science like it is a religion." Excuse me jerkoff but I don't take science as if it's fake, which is how I take religion. Religion is fake, science is knowledge based on study. Are you implying that science is somhow not a good means to determine reality? How will you prove it without science? Faith?
It's not a religion, but if you don't agree that science is interesting you can fuck off.
8:16 has big bang crotch problems. Wow, obsess much? This is uncomfortable.
8:21 Big bang crotches somehow give Christians doubt that science should be taken seriously:
First of all you already do take science seriously. If you didn't you'd probably be bed ridden or some such. Every single piece of technology you utilize in the world today is a result of science. Every single medical advancement you receive today is a result of science (unless of course you're using those quack doctors, and in your case I'd imagine you're susceptible to falling prey to that nonsense.)
If you don't think you already take science seriously then what are you doing holding a video camera made through scientific advancement, uploading the video to the internet on a site developed through scientific testing?
This reminds me. I think we're at the point now, where if you don't support stem cell research, you should have to sign off on a form forfeiting your rights to allow it to extend your life or increase your lifestyle later.
8:54 the point was too stupid to follow. "think think think" was the end of the point. I guess this was another projection of her own flaws?
8:55 "this is an irrational emergency" I know I know. It's ok. Like I said, come to the safe side, alcohol and Christian strippers.
The rest of the video was accurate, we have an irrational emergency and I wish I would have thought of the idea myself for a video. Mind if we use it?
Operation Spread Eagle, Kent Hovind, Creation Science, Evangelism Ministries, Eric Hovind, Jo Hovind, Liar, Evolution, Copyright, Fraud,Youtube, Fair Use Law, EFF.
This thread published on Richard Dawkins website here.
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I stopped about 2 min. in it was just to, um stupid i guess is the word? I have a low tolerence for stupid, espcially when i'm kinda tired.
Um yeah, like didn't she use some copyrighted material and slice and dice it to defame Atheists I some reason she spent half the time obsessing about Rapidape's crotch. I've never seen RA's crotch but I think it left a big impression on her.
Is this Wanker Falton's sister/girlfriend? It sounds like someone needs a more productive hobby rather than just searching youtube for guys dancing in their underwear.
Big impression! Ha!
If she can't accept this nation was founded by atheism she can just get out!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
That was...interesting?
OK, I feel like enough of an idiot by now. How the hell do I download this video? Somehow, the last time I tried it it worked because there was a direct download link, but I can't find that now. I'd love to repost it but I'm clearly technologically challenged. Can anyone help?
Here's a link to the video
it gives me a 404 error
any other way?
I fixed the link try again.
Dunno why, but it seems to work if you just copy/paste the url, so copy and paste it I guess, don't know why clickin it leads to the 404
thx for fixin it bgh
It worked, thanks! Video now uploaded to my account in response to Ms. Gump sablechicken (what the hell kind of name is that, anyway?)
Lynx,if you use Firefox Mozilla...then you can download a tool called 'Downloadhelper'--one word
Then you can download any video of any site you want...I mainly downloaded it because I want too share RRS videos[that get released to public sharing] on my channel![Eye-wink Eye-wink](/modules/smileys/examples/002.gif)
I was the guy she used in her video to say i was hypnotized or whatever. I was not on any medicaiton or anything like that. It was the first youtube video i did and i was a bit nervous. That was from 6 months ago, i recently reuploaded it on another channel and she saw it because it was one of the latest ones. Just clearing the record.
Her goon squad gives some amusing comment feedback:
Yokeup (8 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam I'm here for you sablechicken, where do I go to kick some butt? You go sister... I got your back... let's go.... these guys are nothing....actually, God will do all the butt kicking for us... we just need to keep feeding these "sheep" with His word.... God bless you sister. AwokenSpiritI don't get it... Are these guys trying to promote their music? They must be having financial problems... Ahhh I get it... there is button on their site where you can donate money... GEERUP WOW Sable you Got Pwned With a Rap Call to arms ...IT"S War on Sable OH NO Run From the Christain Run Run INComeing runNNNNNNNNNNNN..... Will Any one Stand with Sable? count me in...She's dumb (and has a highly annoying voice, BTW), but her supporters are just as bad. My personal favorites:
Ah the American spirit of freedom of speech! Parody is bad, only GOOD messages must be allowed! And then they have the GALL to call US sheep! They're the ones who are all about "the shepherd and his flock"!
It stands to reason that someone who believes in talking snakes and men living in whales thinks that saying someone is irrational makes it so.
Somehow you would think that this level of stupidity would also not allow for them being able to type. Go figure.
Dalbert342 thanks for the tip and x71isnwor, don't lower yourself by explaining your actions to that idiot. She took advantage of your less than smooth video and used it to ridicule you and imply that you are mentally ill. It makes her a bitch and a hypocrite (not too Christian of her) in addition to stupid. Forget her, outside the trailer-park she will have no influence in your life.
Well, I watched the entire video. What I see is a lonely, emotionally disturbed, middle aged woman who is desperately trying to contact the outside world. I think I could see the photos handing on her wall, and they were all of cats. I suspect that this 45 year old personal assistant comes home to 15 felines each day, sits in the fumes of many litter boxes and watches Little House on the Prarie DVD's.
I use observation and deduction to determine these facts. First, she is clearly alone in the world. Anyone with someone to spend time with would not be so concerned about crotchshots. Further, she is doing this in the dark, and no one else is to be heard.
Second, she is a personal assistant because she has the same wheedling, irritating voice that most secretaries develop. "Is it really an emergency? Really?" can be replaced with "Can I take an extra 20 minutes for lunch? Just twenty minutes?" Further, her clothing indicates that it was purchased at WalMart, and her hairstyle was popular during the Carter Administration.
Third, this woman will never have any form of physical intimacy with anyone with an IQ over 100. For proof, please see one and two.
Finally, I suspect this woman is a hippie. You could almost smell the bong water and incense through the screen.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
wow you finished the thing. More then i could stomach.
Also, i know a few hippies, i consider my self pretty hippesque, so to call her a hippy is offensive to hippies everywhere.
Well,dont read too much into it...remember the saying 'dog that barks dosent bite'
And another thing I am wondering while this whole thing is going on is...are these theist jerks getting louder or dumber?
Hippies don't have a right to be offended. The fact that they breathe is offensive in its own right. This woman is a hippie. She smells bad, looks like she is stoned, whines, and expresses views that no one else wants to hear. That pretty much sums it up.
If you're a hippie, I'd advise you to take a bath, cut your hair, buy some clothing that fits, wash your hands, shave, and quit being a drain on society.
I'm sure someone will answer; so, know that everyone will be chanting "HIPPIE" as they read your sanctimonious whining drivel.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
not a hippie,work for the goverment,hate short hair..and certainly dont do drugs lol
I am ban on Youtube. How feel it to be banish on Youtube, it feel unbelievble that most escape from reality , so be not more welcome on Youtube, forbidden there and block by my Ip adress. So in Eye of Google and Youtube i do illegal thinks and be stalker or post spam, but them look only to left see me, not look right are more evil BDSM, i am done with Goolge and Youtube, can better say goodby to Google destroy Youtube, Google do not make friends!
If you not can say what you want on Youtube write comments can better life in China there have Censorship ,
I'm sorry that have violation Terms , don't read it on YouTube,
I hated censorship , remmeber that YouTube be little corporation , how more succes YouTube have more great corporation how more do on censorship and remove accounts other YouTubers . I have spand a much time on youtube all is now waste time, to entertainment me !
Dhr. Jeroen Roland
Blast from the past.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
That broad is about as unfuckable as it gets...
I usually don't appreciate bumped threads very much but to you sir I give a gold star. I had no idea about this and it's very eye opening to say the least.
Great, nay EXCELLENT job Brian Sapient with collecting the evidence and its application, and so on. (You also get a gold star. hehe) I haven't totally read all the material here, but that said it's quite unnerving to see. I'll have to look at it all later for sure, and I'm going to start a blog soon and I'll have to use this as a jumping point for other things.
Also I'm still quite the newbie to all of this but I have gathered than Brian is a bit of a celebrity seeing as how he appeared on Nightline and stuff. That's pretty cool man, I usually have advice to give to people but I will just say to chug along brother.
I never thought there were corners in my mind until I was told to stand in one.
I have learned so much, thanks for keeping it real RRS.