Atheist vs. Theist

A trichotomy: Please let me know if I'm correct in this assumption.

This question sort of developed out of other debate threads.. so here it goes:

Would the following categories of people be an accurate collection of all possible world views?

1.) To believe the universe was created.

2.) To believe the universe was not created. 

3.) To not care whether the universe was or was not created. 

Blasphemy challenge - challenge or satire?

The home page of this site says:

We are officially live with our blasphemy challenge! Thanks to everyone who has gotten involved! Do you have the cojones to show the world how sure you are that the Christian God doesn't exist?

The challenge page says:


You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like, but somewhere in your video you must say this phrase: "I deny the Holy Spirit."

Why? Because, according to Mark 3:29 in the Holy Bible, "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." Jesus will forgive you for just about anything, but he won't forgive you for denying the existence of the Holy Spirit. Ever. This is a one-way road you're taking here.

Questions 1-89: As challenged in the top Thread. My answers. Mr.Rage and Krehlic cannot apply: Reason for this continues inside

Because Mr.Rage and Krehlic.. as well as Vessel.. are already started in a debate over in the 1-43 thread. This is just.. a complete list.

List of questions about God, religion and the supernatural have been compiled by IG over the years as well as some interesting ones by readers.
I will try to reference the Bible as little as possible and just give possible answers.. since that is all that is required-- I'm not trying to prove my religion just disprove the claim that these questions have no answers. And if I understand the challenge correctly, would only require answers to all these questions be rational-- in the sense that they are not contradictory within the assumptions they make. Yes.. that is a definition of rational, excersize of reason, logic, basis or cause for an action or belief.. etc etc etc. My head hurts.. I need to stop editing this thing.

Original poster wimped out. (mod edit)

Hello all. Well, I know that atheists are pretty much bent on the theists to prove the existance of a god. Well, I think in all fairness, you may not think you have to prove anything but when you look just a little bit harder, you do have to prove one thing.


Atheism is based on the concept that there is no God or sentient being.

I think that it is safe to say then that an atheists view essentially boils down to there is nothing there.

So, my question to you is:


Does nothing exist?


Since this is the very foundation of your argument, can you prove that nothing exists?

Questions 1-43: Vessel and Krehlic.

List of questions about God, religion and the supernatural have been compiled by IG over the years as well as some interesting ones by readers.
I will try to reference the Bible as little as possible and just give possible answers.. since that is all that is required-- I'm not trying to prove my religion just disprove the claim that these questions have no answers and that they somehow show religious beliefs to be irrational.

I'm only half way through at the moment. I need to go to sleep.. got class in the morning. Oh. And rationality is the practice of reason. Reason is using, and holding, non-contradictory basis for a certain belief. I have my (what I believe to be) non-contradictory basis for my beliefs as well as you, yours. We are both rational. I am a member of the Rational Responders Squad. Eye-wink

Hambydammit's picture

Couldn't say it better myself

"There is another form of temptation, even more fraught with danger.  This is the disease of curiosity.  It is this which drives us to try and discover the secrets of nature, those secrets which are beyond our understanding, which can avail us nothing and which man should not wish to learn."

--St. Augustine


Even back in the day, theologians knew that science could be the end of god.  Damn shame they couldn't follow the logic one more step.


Atheist or Anti-Theist?? How is that not a religion itself!!

Wow, go ahead and put the Theist Spotting sticker on my name!! [mod edit: done, Mr. Irrational] After watching your nightline video, I am curious about a couple of things.


1. A-theism is believing in the absence of God. Total absence of God. You, instead of sitting back and laughing at all the "religious zealots" decide you should attack something that you claim doesn't exist.

I thougt you were against irrational thought!! If you saw somebody just punching at the air would you think him irrational?? That is what you are saying you are doing. You are attacking a God you say doesn't exist.

New religion is old again

There does not seem to be anything new under the sun with this website. Creation of your own religion only shows your ability to copy those who came before you. Why not create a truly unique belief system, rather than copying from established religions.
By the way, it took 4.34 minutes to get to this point on your website. Your server, or your software lacks the ability to handle any amount of traffic. I would love to debate issues with people, but spending such long wait times is boring (or is boring one of your mantras?)

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?

(Please disregard the smilely faces. They were not intended but I do not know how to make them go away.) 


I would imagine that most of you as atheists (who tend to be intelligent) know what the question I used as this thread's title is all about and thus have an idea as to where I am headed. But before we get all would up in the great religious debate, I would like to divulge a few facts about myself and my beliefs so as to make this conversation as open and clear as possible. Here they are:

1. I was raised as an atheist and was one until months not long passed.

spumoni's picture

Reason is a religion

Can you prove reason empirically? Isn't reason equally unproveable from the standpoint of irrefutable physical evidence?

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