Atheist vs. Theist

Twelve steps to recovery for Christians. You can do it!

I will be trying to book the author of these steps on the show, if any Christians would like to speak with him on the air, please send me a message.

Twelve Steps To Recovery

1.) "We have admitted we are powerless over Christianity - that our faith has become unmanageable."
The first step to recovery involves simple admission that Christianity controls you, that you no longer have the ability to think rationally. This is the key component to liberation from your religious chains. By falling victim to Christianity you must face up to the fact that you have allowed a cultic religion seize your powers of thought and of decision making. Once you can actually say to yourself - "Yes! I am a victim. I am powerless to this addiciton." - you can start looking to the second step. Firstly however, you absolutely must work this first step. Stand up and admit to yourself that you have allowed Christianity to overrun your life.

" atheists inside downward-spiraling airplanes...&

I just caught this review of "United 93" and the following line gave me a really good eye roll:

"...we see hijackers and passengers praying alike. Whether Islamic or Judeo-Christian, there are no atheists inside downward-spiraling airplanes -- and everyone on the flight, for one brief moment, is united by fear of death and pleas for salvation."

Why is it simply assumed that in times of crisis, everyone -- without exception -- defaults to some kind of religious belief? I find this incredibly annoying.
Although I've never been in a situation even close to experiencing a hijacking or immenent plane crash, I have experienced times of crisis and emergency. NOT ONCE during these times have I suddenly adopted religious beliefs that I previously rejected!!!

cbenard's picture

Ray Comfort is a HUGE douchebag

These videos shouldn't surprise me by now, and I don't know why I can't stop watching them. I really think that he is getting up there with Hovind in my hate-o-meter.

Does anyone else hate Ray Comfort as much as I do, or am I just being "irrational"? All he does is go around calling people lying, cheating, thieving, adulterous hearted blasphemers who will be sent to hell on the day of judgement or some shit like that. I REALLY HATE HIM.

Not only that, but he's a young earth creationist. You can't really get much worse..... except for Hovind.


Im in a debate, and Im bogged down.
with real life after death experiences

Please help me disprove the foolowing links.

Examples of obvious things showing earth is more than 6k y.

I'm doing a lot of work on my g/f, who is a literal, 6000 year old earth believer.

I'm also trying to come up with a list of Captain Obvious Grade items that prove the earth is more than 6000 years old. Please add to the list.

1. The speed of light is well understood and measured. We can look into the sky and see objects far enough away that it would take more than 6000 years for the light to travel to earth...

2. Static on a detuned TV is partially made of cosmic background radiation from the big bang, which also is too far away from earth for the light to get here in less than 6000 years.

LeftofLarry's picture

Just a quick not on women and xtianity

This was a section from
thread. I thought I'd share it here.

Left of Larry wrote:
Candi wrote:

What is difficult about understanding the phrase... "those of you without sin cast the first stone" said while protecting a female, a prostitute at that. He was fearless and strong. Not like what his true enemies (not you) would have you believe."Love thy neighbor as thyself" is completely non gender specific.

This caught my eye and just wanted to comment on it a little bit. It is true that Jesus, according to the bible said this to protect the stoning of a prostitute. But this, is a very small part of the bible in which is trying to protray a god who is more loving than teh god in the first testament.


I as well as many other atheists run into a bit of a brick wall when arguing with theists about god and religion. That brick wall is made from faith and feelings. By faith, I am referring to those things that "you just have to believe with out proof." By feelings, I am referring to those things that people claim, "you just have to feel." I have used a few methods at trying to combat this problem, but none seem very effective.

So my question is really about how to argue against those concepts. I am wondering how it is possible to explain to theists, in a way they can

BethG's picture

The Ex-Atheist of Woodstown

(Firstly, I wasn't sure where to stick this topic, so I'll leave it up to Sapient to move it some place else, if need be.)

The Ex-Atheist of Woodstown...

No, I'm not talking about me!!

Sitting in our local coffeeshop, here in Woodstown, I decided to take a look at our county's newspaper (which I haven't done in quite some time). There was an article in the Living section about a man named Ralph Muncaster, who is a native of Woodstown and an ex-atheist. He recently made an appearance at the nearby Presbyterian Church, seems to promote his new book called A Skeptics Search for God.

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