Atheist vs. Theist

BenfromCanada's picture

My conversion challenge to Godtube

This is my challenge to GodTube. (Yes, I know I'm ugly and awkward, and my hair was messy. Shut up!)

Any theists on here can sign up and join the challenge.

irrational claims on genesis

so, recently i've asked christians, how is it that humans were created only a couple days after the dinosaurs? and many other similar questions about the biblical creation story.

i would get the answer "it doesn't mean literal days, it can mean billions of years"

why does god need more than a second to create something? is he really not that powerful?

Susan's picture

Fight Over Baby's Life Support Divides Ethicists


What do forum members think of this controversy?

The oddest thing I see is that the mother is fighting to keep the baby on the ventilator, allowing him to die "naturally, the way God intended." I don't think keeping the baby on a ventilator is "natural" by any stretch of the imagination and I can't imagine her religion would even agree with her on that point.

It's my feeling that this is very sad.  However, it's also another situation like Teri Schivo, omly this time there's terrible suffering involved.


GlamourKat's picture

Christian Forum

So I am a member of this forum. They actually allow atheists to post, and have a HUGE archive of threads.

I havent been on in ages, and mostly use it to PM ppl I see while lurking, as I haven't wanted to bluster into a thread acting inadvertently "threatening" to the theists. I dislike conflict, and it's their place, and it's not really a debate forum.

So I happened to look up the RRS. And found THIS.

I go to reply.

Josh1337 wrote:

The RRS is a very blunt, very rude and very disturbed group of people.

"That's not very nice....
I'm a member and I try to be very un-rude, and I don't consider myself disturbed....
Bluntness isn't neccessarily bad, if I say, wanted an opinion from someone I would want a blunt answer usually. Do you have an account there? If so, we may have chatted. If so, then hello!"

Arletta's picture

What it all boils down to

In just about any atheist/theist debate, weather about evolution/creationism or what have you, it all comes down to one core debate.  And that is speculation.  Both sides are arguing that the other is just speculating to come to their conclusions.  The truth is, both sides are right in that respect.  Theists claim that non-theists are basing their assumptions on data that is not 100% guaranteed, that they have to take some liberties to come to their conclusions, and of course everyone knows this is true to an extent.  Scientist sometimes really have to.  Scientists can show fossils

Dave_G's picture

BOM on sex

  1. "The Lord will discover their secret parts." 13:17


  2. "The Lord [will] shave with a razor ... the head and hair of the feet." "Hair" and "feet" are biblical euphemisms for pubic hair and male sexual organs, respectively. 17:20


  3. Isaiah has sex with a prophetess who conceives and bears a son. 18:3



Susan's picture

Catholic Discrimiation or Is It Just Hypocricy?


Roman Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke didn't attend a fundraiser in St. Louis for the Bob Costas Cancer Center at Cardinal Glennon Medical Center headlined by singer Sheryl Crow this weekend because he disagrees with her support of abortion rights and embryonic stem cell research.

A prime example of "I don't want to be the the same room" even though it was for an excellent cause.

Pfft!  Yeah, he abandoned the medical center's fundraiser because he doesn't agree someone who was trying to help.  What a jerk and what a great example of xian values. He should be a bigger man than that.

Teaching the bible to children should be criminal

People are wondering why the government tortures people and why these preachers are sleeping with little boys and the Bush adminstration is involved with and covering up sex rings with young boys in jail. Why do they run around the woods naked in California? Is it Satanic they ask?

It is not Satanic it is Christian. That is what people have GOT to get into their heads. Listen the Christian Church has ALWAYS been a group of sexual devients financing and profitting from war. (ps there is no devil without the religion, because it's their character. Other religions dont even have a devil making it impossible to worship one.)

Avecrien's picture

Play muse to a preacher

I've  got an open  spot either next week or the  one after for what  I want  to  talk  about  in a sermon I'm giving. I  like outside  perspectives.  PLEASE, don't bother with appeals  for  me to  tell  them  to abandon their  faith  and  such.  I'm asking now for thoughts on what some of you would like to see  christians do  or be told to  do  if  we accept  the situation  of  their faith.

Your  displayed volunteer work/fund raising  is a good example.  "Preach: Stop being hypocrites and  show the love Jesus told you  to. Where  is  the fruit  of your belief?" Would be a good response to this post.

Avecrien's picture

Carbon dating

I wind up talking about evolution a  lot with other  christians and  try to be a safe source for introducing them to at least the elements they can reconcile. Evolution is fact,  admittedly, but I lack sufficient knowledge to show  specific evolutionary paths to my satisfaction. Microevolution is cake.

Moving on, in  my  conversations  I'm usually told by the higher tier christian apologists that carbon  dating is  the  culprit  for  the  abomination  of evolution  and  only natural selection can be reasonably represented. When  I  ask  for  why carbon dating is unreliable, as I'm  told,  I  don't tend to  get solid answers. I'm  also not personally equipped to  demonstrate it simply-and-solidly enough to relieve their  distrust.

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