This is your brain on religion...

Someone wrote a "retaliation" blog to me basically about how true mormonism is and how fantastic it's view of religion and science is. So I retaliated. I've never really said anything like this to a mormon before ( because I'm surrounded by them ) and I never thought I would to this person (because I know her...) but I did. I guess I'm just up to my eyes with being quiet about stupidity. So, here's my middle finger directed at silence.
As for what I said....:
This is stupid. There are so many things I want to say but I'm not sure how to say any of it. I, first and quite honestly, can't believe that someone as intelligent as you actually believes this fairy tale bullshit that is being fed to you. What have people throughout the ages said? Religion is one of the best ways to control people, religion is a tool used for gain. Joseph Smith was sent to jail with his father for being a fraud before he 'founded' the book of mormon. There is NO historical proof that says that the book of mormon comes anywhere close to being true. Let's forget, for a moment, that it was supposedly "founded" during a huge religious reformation of sorts in New York which didn't actually happen until about 7 years AFTER the book of mormon was "founded". Let's also forget for a moment that the story of how the church started was re-written TWICE by Joseph Smith, and both stories conflicted, and both have also been found. Let's also set aside the fact that good ol' Joe's family contradicted him on MAJOR facts of the times, as well as historians from both then and now. Let's forget all that. Oh, and how about those "plates" that were discovered in the 1900's which actually turned out to be the Egyptian Book of the Dead? Oh, and how about all the third parties that did evaluations on Smith and found him to be mentally questionable. No, none of that is important in the least.
Let's get to the more important things: there is absolutely no DNA evidence that shows any tie, whatsoever, with natives of the Americas to anyone who lived anywhere on, near or around the middle east. Oh no, their ties are more closely related to Asia than the middle east... wait, I forget, none of that matters because science "faith" is... well arbitrary... and I have, of course, been completely deluded by what hundreds of people have said, proved and pointed out since good ol' Joe dreamed up his grand vision to get lots of women to screw and lots of money in his pocket.
The invisible evil superpower sure has incredible ways to make people stray.
That's not even important. What is important is that we all accept and recognize what Brigham young said for absolute truth, and incredible wisdom. The details of Young aren't important either. Overlook the fact that he had multipul wives, and side step the fact that he was GIVEN Smith's wives (yes, like property) upon Smith's death and Young accepted them. Let's overlook that because God said that was okay at the time. It's not okay now (everyone knows God changes his mind every now and again...) but it was okay then. So that doesn't count. Let's also overlook the fact that Young obviously knows about as much about science as a rocket scientist would know about crocheting. He's "important" so what he says matters, only as long as you overlook the questionable moral compass, and his obvious and historically documented lack of scientific knowledge.. The quote stated above is so ridiculous it's laughable.
It's like a massive fairy tale. It's this incredibly stupidly weaved story that you believe in because its cultural to you. If you lived in India you'd be professing Hinduism. If you lived in China you'd be nothing, or some form of Buddhist. If you lived in Italy you'd be Catholic. It has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with cultural indoctrination and comfort. It's comfortable to believe in some super wizard who has infinite powers and absolute control. A believer will do anything to justify their belief, including make ridiculous claims which boarder on insane and quote people who should have been thrown in jail or shot a lot earlier for being home wreckers and profiteers off of ignorance.
Hey, if it makes you fuzzy inside, that's cool. I guess all that really matters is that you make it to the temple so you can learn your "special name" and that "awesome handshake" so you can get into heaven. Everyone knows that God thinks handshakes are important enough to bank your life on. Wow, that's cool.. it's like this secret club or something. And it sounds so damn logical I can't understand why I didn't see it earlier.
Handshakes.. it's so simple. Handshakes are so much more important than the findings of our educated in todays day and age about the world that surrounds us. It's all about God's handshakes!
I could go on for days about this crap but I won't I'll refrain.
Hey, if you want to believe in an all powerful sky daddy who is constantly changing his mind (hey, blacks are EVIL until the 1970's when we got a spontaneously convenient revelation saying that blacks were okay because the church was about to have their asses sued by more organizations than I care to list off...) and an all powerful super-evil wizard who's sole purpose for all of eternity is to SNATCH you then fine. Go for it... but posting stuff like this entry is doing nothing but advertizing your ignorance and making me upset that someone who is as smart as you is selling out your intillect for a feeling based on sex, indigestion and comfort.
That isn't the holy ghost you feel. It's the feeling of unquestioning obedience and stunted intellect.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
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