Richard Dawkins joins the show in studio. Nov 2nd

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Richard Dawkins joins the show in studio. Nov 2nd

Richard Dawkins will be in studio with the Rational Response Squad around 5pm est on November 2nd. We'll allow you once again to witness the recording session of our prerecorded program via our stickam/webcam room and you'll be able to submit questions to Richard from anywhere on the planet as you watch the show live!

The show will then air at a later date on in an edited version. If you would like an opportunity to ask Richard Dawkins a question please feel free to post it in this thread, although we will be limited to no more than an hour and have no guarantee that we can get to your question. We're looking to ask questions that Richard isn't often asked.

Please support Professor Dawkins new foundation, RDF:

Additionally we are collecting a lump sum of money from our fans and supporters to be given to Richard when he visits the studio on one of those big fake checks in a fun photo opportunity and to show the world how we can unite under a common goal: the advancement of science. Please donate now as much as you can, think of all the tithes you've saved.




Text link for donations.


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Wow, look who's listed as an

Wow, look who's listed as an official tour stop:

Click through for further details.

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Awesome! Cool

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I have just one question for Prof. Dawkins, and it's one that, as far as I know, he hasn't heard too frequently:

The US appears to place a large amount of emphasis on the veracity of psychometric testing--John Maynard Smith called its most vocal proponents 'g junkies': What are your thoughts on psychometric testing in particular and biological determinism in general?

Thanks, guys. If you hadn't made a topic over at IIDB I would've never heard of you.


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These questions submitted by

These questions submitted by Stardusk on a different forum:

Yes well I have a question for professor Dawkins, which is basically the same as the one I asked of Harris, to which I never received an answer. My question is: 'what can educated laypeople and non-scientists (my background is mostly humanities based, in particular foreign languages)without the scope and influence of a Harris or Dawkins do to further secular ideas and principles?' I ask this in particular because I expatriated from the USA over 8 years ago and being abroad it is quite difficult to become involved in fine organisations such as yours, apart from posting here on the forum on occasion. Failing that question I have another question for Prof. Dawkins. As someone whose background is essentially based in humanities and social sciences whilst being both secular and atheist I often have wondered if people like Dawkins only think that natural sciences are valid fields of study because they are empirically verifiable and testable whereas a poem by Goethe is not, nor is any other discipline within the humanities subject to the same type of empirical testing that chemistry or physics is. Does that make them useless in his eyes? That is to say; does only the empirically verifiable have value?

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Well, hey, what can you say

Well, hey, what can you say when you get to meet one of your heroes in person. I always figured I'd get to talk to Dr. Dawkins at some point on our show, I never thought I'd get the chance to meet him in person and shake his hand.

I'm thrilled, to say the least. I'm also nervous. There's so much I've always wanted to ask him - how to narrow that down to a brief Q&A? There aren't many people who could "star strike" me - this is one.

Between Dawkins, Sagan and my high school chemistry teacher - they are responsible for getting me interested in science and biology and chemistry in particular.

I'm just thrilled, excited, happy.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins

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I'm curious what Dawkins

I'm curious what Dawkins thinks of the aqatic ape theory.

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This is the best piece of

This is the best piece of news I've heard in a while... I'm excited!

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I'm speechless. All I can

I'm speechless. All I can say is, way-to-go! Have fun with Dawkins.

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Mr. Dawkins, in your work

Mr. Dawkins, in your work which is aimed at religion, you state how you'd like to remove religion from this world. A goal, which I am confident, a numerous amount of we, atheists, also share.

We have many reasons for this. The religious who insist on ID being taught in schools, the exploitation of the child's vulnerable mind, the 'morals' which do not allow homosexual marriage, stem cell research, and abortion. The list goes on...

I'd be very interested if you could propose ways in which, we could remove religion.

We can all give reasons as to why, we want religion to be removed, though just as importantly, how could we do so?

I am aware that you, and many of us, wish to educate the public. Though, the already devout religious would seem not to be swayed by rational. And those who are uninterested in this truth, I doubt would pick up your fine work, and for ever remain theist

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Mr. Dawkins, If there was,

Mr. Dawkins,

If there was, hypothetically, a button you could press which would suddenly stop all people from believing in the God Delusion, and wake them up instantly, would you press it?

Wilson: "We were afraid that if you found out you solved a case with absolutely no medical evidence you'd think you were God." House: "God doesn't limp."

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A landmark for the RRS!

A landmark for the RRS! Congratulations guys! I will tune in. Laughing out loud

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I have a shitload of

I have a shitload of questions to ask Dawkins, i don't know if you will let me ask them.

(Someone banned me from the chat room because he/she didn't like what i had to say)

Guess the truth hurts sometimes.

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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ALMALHAMAH wrote:I have a

I have a shitload of questions to ask Dawkins, i don't know if you will let me ask them.

(Someone banned me from the chat room because he/she didn't like what i had to say)

Guess the truth hurts sometimes.

LMAO, was that you with the "REPENT OR BURN" comments?

If so, you were banned by SilkyShrew, and it was because you were told three times in a row to stop using caps lock or you would be kicked, and you ignored the warning three times in a row.

For the record, RRS doesn't control that chatroom, it's a much larger network of atheists that are involved.

Please present your best three questions for Dawkins here, and I'll show the boys, we'll consider asking one.

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Sapient wrote:LMAO, was that

Sapient wrote:
LMAO, was that you with the "REPENT OR BURN" comments?

No, but i did say America is facing a Moral and Ethical collapse due to the influence of atheist groups and assosiations.

I presented evidence of why i think this is so, attributing it to rape, drugs, teenage pregnancy, and other issues.

If so, you were banned by SilkyShrew, and it was because you were told three times in a row to stop using caps lock or you would be kicked, and you ignored the warning three times in a row.

No, i was banned by some name like power or something.

I didn't get banned by her definitly.

For the record, RRS doesn't control that chatroom, it's a much larger network of atheists that are involved.

But is that the same chat room you will use for your Dawkins webcast?

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: But is


But is that the same chat room you will use for your Dawkins webcast?

No, however here are a few points you should know:

1. If you're actually interested in asking Dawkins a question, submit it now, it's likely we wont be able to address questions in the chatroom on the fly.

2. That room "Stickam" may get server overload from the event and end up shutting down.

3. The room you got kicked from "Chat Room" link up top, will likely ALSO be in use for the show.

4. If you spam the room, you'll get kicked, however I have seen NOTHING out of you so far that would warrant a kick in one of my rooms. We'd disagree, but at least you seem to try and have a dialogue based on what you believe to be true, and you aren't a jerk about it. I've seen some guys cut and paste messages in caps and just keep entering the same message over and over nonstop.

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: No, but i


No, but i did say America is facing a Moral and Ethical collapse due to the influence of atheist groups and assosiations.

I presented evidence of why i think this is so, attributing it to rape, drugs, teenage pregnancy, and other issues.

I would like to point out a couple of things here. You are saying that rape, drugs and teenage pregnancy are a direct correlation with the moral breakdown due to atheism? I think you are completely out of touch with reality. Ironically it is those states that are so morally embedded with religion where, drugs and teenage pregnancy are at higher rates.

And let me just go ahead and throw out there that RAPE is a prefectly acceptable form of punishment in the areas in the middle east run by tribal leaders...whom are guess what??? MUSLIM. So don't get on a moral high horse here buddy. Your stats are convoluted and distorted....

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I might have to buy a copy

I might have to buy a copy of this one guys Laughing out loud

As for questions I really need to think about it. I really don't want to ask him questions he has already gotten. When where you guys going to go through the questions? I'll try to get them in before then.

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Quote:I would like to point

I would like to point out a couple of things here. You are saying that rape, drugs and teenage pregnancy are a direct correlation with the moral breakdown due to atheism? I think you are completely out of touch with reality. Ironically it is those states that are so morally embedded with religion where, drugs and teenage pregnancy are at higher rates.

Religion other than Islamic Sharia.

And let me just go ahead and throw out there that RAPE is a prefectly acceptable form of punishment in the areas in the middle east run by tribal leaders...

You are free to show me where in the Quran or hadith or Sharia Law does it justify Rape as a punishment for any crime.

whom are guess what??? MUSLIM. So don't get on a moral high horse here buddy. Your stats are convoluted and distorted....

Our religion forbids premarital sex, so how would it make sense to condone rape?

My stats are not convoluted or distorted, america has the highest rape rate amoung the world.

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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Voiderest wrote:I might have

Voiderest wrote:
I might have to buy a copy of this one guys :D

We'll make this one free. Thanks to the people who do pay though, we are able to do this and not be bothered by the lost revenue.

As for questions I really need to think about it. I really don't want to ask him questions he has already gotten. When where you guys going to go through the questions? I'll try to get them in before then.

Like now.

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: My stats


My stats are not convoluted or distorted, america has the highest rape rate amoung the world.

With a very high rate of theism. Go figure.

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Dearest Prof. Dawkins, I

Dearest Prof. Dawkins,
I love your work and your presence on the planet. You rule!! So anyway, the question that has been on my mind lately is: how could I go about starting some kind of freethinking group here in this small town in Oregon? I don't know of any other atheists in my town but that's probably because they don't unite like Christians. I feel like there is only one voice that is heard around here-the Bush/Religious Right supporters. This is small town and we have 6 churches in a 7 mile radius. There's even a drive-thru for prayer. I am scared to speak out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and most likely heeded. Many thanks, Lori Frank Heart

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Richard Dawkins,How come

Richard Dawkins,

1.) How come since there are millions of species thriving to this day, there have not been an abundance of fossils of intermediary beings?

The logic is implied that if there were millions of species that each origionated from one living organism, there must have been billions of intermediary fossils found on the earth's crust.

2.) What is the scientific approach or view to the origin of the first living organism and How it came about from no life?

3.) In my opinion, it is absurd to think that the earth has been established at such a perfect distance from the sun, and with all its defensive mechanisms (Van Allen Belt, Ozone Layer, Magnetic fields.. etc.), to allow life to continue to exist on earth all to come about as a matter of chance.

What is your opinion on why was the earth set up so specifically for life?

4.) Also, if you are an athiest isn't it true that you don't have a set of rules or guidelines to follow? The only rules you obey are those set by governments and enforced by force.

Look forward to geting my questions answered.

[and If I am in school can someone tell me if he responded to any of the questions, thanks]

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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ALMALHAMAH wrote:Richard

Richard Dawkins,

1.) How come since there are millions of species thriving to this day, there have not been an abundance of fossils of intermediary beings?

The logic is implied that if there were millions of species that each origionated from one living organism, there must have been billions of intermediary fossils found on the earth's crust.

2.) What is the scientific approach or view to the origin of the first living organism and How it came about from no life?

3.) In my opinion, it is absurd to think that the earth has been established at such a perfect distance from the sun, and with all its defensive mechanisms (Van Allen Belt, Ozone Layer, Magnetic fields.. etc.), to allow life to continue to exist on earth all to come about as a matter of chance.

What is your opinion on why was the earth set up so specifically for life?

4.) Also, if you are an athiest isn't it true that you don't have a set of rules or guidelines to follow? The only rules you obey are those set by governments and enforced by force.

Look forward to geting my questions answered.

[and If I am in school can someone tell me if he responded to any of the questions, thanks]

You look scary

The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...

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Quote:You look scary LOL.

You look scary

LOL. don't judge a book by its cover.

I'm a nice guy (once you get to know me)

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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Alright here are a few that

Alright here are a few that might be interesting to the convo. Take them as you will I really don't have many pressing questions for the man.

Light Questions:

Do you like long walks on the beach? (yes this is a joke please laugh)

Any funny experiences on your book tour so far?

Normal Questions:

Why do you think theist try to use the same arguments over and over again?

What would you say is the biggest danger of religion?

Do you think you'll have to write your own "Letter to a Christian Nation"?

How big of an impact do you think your book will have?

Have any future plans for books or movies you could tell us a bit about?

How have your friends reacted to your atheism?

Where would you draw the line in activism?

“Sit of Heat” Questions:

How big is the danger of us Atheists becoming hypocritical? Of course this would depend on each atheist, what they are saying, and what they are claiming because there is really only one thing we all agree on and people even disagree on the degrees of that.

What would you say is the best argument for god and where is the hole in their logic?

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: Look


Look forward to geting my questions answered.

Almah, I'll make you two promises.

1. I'll try to have ONE question worked into the Dawkins show

2. The Squad will make sure that ALL questions are answered, as we now plan to do a show in which we answer questions that have been posed of our guests (like Dawkins) but have gone unanswered.

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Sapient wrote:Almah, I'll

Sapient wrote:
Almah, I'll make you two promises.

1. I'll try to have ONE question worked into the Dawkins show

2. The Squad will make sure that ALL questions are answered, as we now plan to do a show in which we answer questions that have been posed of our guests (like Dawkins) but have gone unanswered.

Thanks Sapient, good luck with the show.

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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ALMALHAMAH, I am quite sure

ALMALHAMAH, I am quite sure I can answer most of your questions competently.

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Insidium, debating with you

Insidium, debating with you gets nowhere, fast.

I want to see what Dawkins has to say about this.

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Gee, I wonder why.

Gee, I wonder why. Eye-wink

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ALMALHAMAH wrote:Insidium,

Insidium, debating with you gets nowhere, fast.

I want to see what Dawkins has to say about this.

Honestly those questions are almost classic in this debate. I would answer them, but this isn't the place for it. Also Dawkins may have already answerd such questions in one of his writtings or films.

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Voiderest wrote:Honestly

Voiderest wrote:
Honestly those questions are almost classic in this debate. I would answer them, but this isn't the place for it. Also Dawkins may have already answerd such questions in one of his writtings or films.

I can tell you right now, I'd simply be embarrased to ask this one:
"How come since there are millions of species thriving to this day, there have not been an abundance of fossils of intermediary beings?"

There are literally millions of intermediary fossils. We'll answer this question on one of our shows though.

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Quote:There are literally

There are literally millions of intermediary fossils. We'll answer this question on one of our shows though.

Also, the ones ive seen between apes and humans only displayed the skulls. Where are the rest of the body?

Also evolutionists claim that Australopithecus are the most primitive ancestors of modern men. Having conducted detailed anatomical research on Australopithecus fossils in the mid-1970s, Charles E. Oxnard likened the skeletal structure of Australopithecus to that of modern orang-utans:

An important part of today's conventional wisdom about human evolution is based on studies of teeth, jaws and skull fragments of australopithecine fossils. These all indicate that the close relation of the australopithecine to the human lineage may not be true. All these fossils are different from gorillas, chimpanzees and men. Studied as a group, the australopithecine seems more like the orang-utan.

Charles E. Oxnard, The Place of Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Grounds for Doubt, Nature, No. 258, p. 389.

Not to mention some of the forgeries we have already encountered.

Also, Don't ask the question if you feel it stupid, ask the most difficult one so you can get a good perspective.

The Future of the World and the United States can be summed up in one verse:

Quran 61:9
{ He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religio

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: Also,


Also, Don't ask the question if you feel it stupid, ask the most difficult one so you can get a good perspective.

I added this question to the list:

"What is the scientific approach or view to the origin of the first living organism and How it came about from no life?"

However Mike (Yellow5) is controlling the content of the Dawkins show as he's our most well versed in science and has read virtually every book from Dawkins. He's got the final say on what makes the show in a pre-arranged list. We'll address it privately on our own show if we don't ask Dawkins.

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yes that is an interesting

yes that is an interesting one to ask.

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I think #2 might be good; 3

I think #2 might be good; 3 and 4 are loaded. Maybe if you guys do a "sit of heat" you could ask one of those Eye-wink

Haven't you guys done 3 already?

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Voiderest wrote:I think #2

Voiderest wrote:
I think #2 might be good; 3 and 4 are loaded. Maybe if you guys do a "sit of heat" you could ask one of those Eye-wink

Haven't you guys done 3 already?

In some form we've covered all of em although I'm not sure if they made it into shows.

Here is the question list as it stands before my partners get a hold of it:

How far off base if at all do you think we are equating theistic belief with a mind disorder?

Can theism ever be rational? For example one might argue that you can arrive at theism through the faculty of reason (albeit faulty reason) which they would define as rational.

If there was, hypothetically, a button you could press which would suddenly stop all people from believing in the God Delusion, and wake them up instantly, would you press it? – Nick Poling

What is the scientific approach or view to the origin of the first living organism and how it came about from no life? – Almahamah (muslim member)

What would you say is the biggest danger of religion? – Voiderest

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Sapient wrote:Voiderest

Sapient wrote:
Voiderest wrote:
I think #2 might be good; 3 and 4 are loaded. Maybe if you guys do a "sit of heat" you could ask one of those Eye-wink

Haven't you guys done 3 already?

In some form we've covered all of em although I'm not sure if they made it into shows.

Here is the question list as it stands before my partners get a hold of it:

How far off base if at all do you think we are equating theistic belief with a mind disorder?

Can theism ever be rational? For example one might argue that you can arrive at theism through the faculty of reason (albeit faulty reason) which they would define as rational.

If there was, hypothetically, a button you could press which would suddenly stop all people from believing in the God Delusion, and wake them up instantly, would you press it? – Nick Poling

What is the scientific approach or view to the origin of the first living organism and how it came about from no life? – Almahamah (muslim member)

What would you say is the biggest danger of religion? – Voiderest

I see. I'm embarassed. I guess I shouldn't have asked my question. Sorry. But I would still like to know how one would advise starting some kind of movement in a town where virtually nothing like this exists. You guys are lucky in PA to have such a nice support group.

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MarthaSplatterhead wrote:

MarthaSplatterhead wrote:

I see. I'm embarassed.

Oh jeez, please don't be.

I guess I shouldn't have asked my question. Sorry. But I would still like to know how one would advise starting some kind of movement in a town where virtually nothing like this exists. You guys are lucky in PA to have such a nice support group.

I'm glad you asked your question. Please understand we have such a limited time with Dawkins and we want to make a show that theists can download and hear reasons as to why they shouldn't believe, and yet at the same time is informative as to our positions (ie is theism rational) and that has educational value. We'll try to cover some basic evolutionary science as well which is where Mike will be working to contrive the best questions.

We've decided based on this thread to go back and compile long lists of questions that have been asked of guests but that never got asked on shows, and will look to be answering those questions ourselves. Considering our expertise in establishing atheistic groups, I actually think we're more qualified to answer the question than Professor Dawkins. We intend on answering your question in one of these "RRS answers your questions" episodes.

I'm still getting used to the whole asking questions in which you know the answers to routine.

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Have you heard about that

Have you heard about that Meet-Up site Martha? That might be the place to start.

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Voiderest, I never heard of

Voiderest, I never heard of a Meet-up site before. I'll try to check it out. Thanks.
And thanks to Sapient for the thoughtful response. I do appreciate that. Laughing out loud I was only sorry and embarrassed because I don't want to waste anyone's time. Thanks again for everything. I will definetly be tuned in to this show. clapping

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Sapient wrote:Wow, look

Sapient wrote:
Wow, look who's listed as an official tour stop:

Click through for further details.

Gee, wonder if RRS meets Wikipedias notability standards now? *smirk*

Anyway, my questions:

Do you ever worry about your life being put in danger by religious fanatics? Do you ever consider giving up your activism when pondering this risk?

I ask because I know I am not brave enough to speak out so loudly and I respect Richard Dawkins SO much for having the courage to speak the truth.

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Just got my copy of the god

Just got my copy of the god delusion from Laughing out loud My question for mr. Dawkins: What do you think is the future of atheism and rational thinking? Atheism rates seem to be on the rise in developed countries (mostly Europe and Japan), yet declining in Asia and other parts of the world. With the current political turmoil, one can only wonder what the outcome will be. Will humans succumb to mindless faith or enlighten their lives with reason? I'm (mildly) optimistic!

Saying there can't be morality without God,
is like saying there can't be presents without Santa Claus!

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ALMALHAMAH wrote: You are

This comment has been moved here.

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The Goldilocks Enigma

I'd like to ask Professor Dawkins what mechanism he thinks controls his "anti-chance process" if interpretations of scientists like Paul Davies' are correct?

In this case, isn't natural selection guided by the practicality of environmental enablement and constraint, per the weak anthropic principle, which restricts the physics to require gradual uphill slopes, "sites" where life can arrise and evolve"?

I didn't ask for reasons not to believe phyisicsts, like Davies, I'd like his opinion on exactly where the link between evolutionary theory and the forces of nature would be, if Davies is right about purpose in nature, without god?

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Your an idiot

Lets not waste Richard's time. I'll answer them:

1. Fossils biodegrade, we are luck we have millions of fossils and DNA evidence we have now.

2. What is you point? It’s on going investigation. Anyone who claims they know “the answer to universe” and “why we are here”, that is an idiot. Especially some stupid Muslim priest with a 3rd grade education.

3. There are billions of stars in universe (maybe more), with planets revolving around them The fact that a perfect situation happened is not only possible it is practical. In fact, there are probable millions of planets exactly like ours.

I can claim aliens created the universe, does that make aliens real?

4. Everyone is different, everyone has there own believes. As it should be.

Now go bomb a building, or sacrifice a goat in the name of your fake/evil god.

“There is no such thing as religion over-riding morality. Man, for instance, cannot be untruthful, cruel or incontinent and claim to have God on his side.” A quote by Gandhi.

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Tree of knowledge

Hi everyone,

You talked on the show about the tree of knowledge (tok). Do you have more info on the project (web site)? Or a least the list of books which are planned to be hanged on the tree?


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ddofborg wrote: Do you have

ddofborg wrote:

Do you have more info on the project (web site)? Or a least the list of books which are planned to be hanged on the tree?

FSGP is the organization working on that project, their homepage still has info about the October 13th party, so it seems they don't update the site too often:

If any info comes out, it'll be there.

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It's a pitty I can't find

It's a pitty I can't find anything on the subject on their web site. Maybe I'll send them an e-mail.

If any info comes out, it'll be there.

Great, let me know when you know more.

Welcome aboard our site.

Thanks for having me? Sticking out tongue I like the idea of your project. We should have something like this in Europe. Well, I think we don't need it as much as you do in the States, but still.

I'll be whatching you Smiling.