Why are you a Rational Responder or an atheist?

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Why are you a Rational Responder or an atheist?

We haven't had nearly enough submissions in our essay contest. Please help us by taking some time to formulate your thoughts in a short story or essay on either of the following two topics, we need your help. Posts can be as short as two paragraphs, and as long as several pages. We are awarding tons of prizes in the contest so participate in some manner please! Submissions have been slim and your chances for reward are high. The following two essay types are important to us, please help:

  1. Write an essay entitled "I am the Rational Response Squad" Do you remember the Tiger Woods commercials "I am Tiger Woods?" This essay and the "I am every atheist" essay are based loosely on that ideal. The notion that everyone is Tiger Woods is obviously absurd, however there are certain shared qualities and principles that embody a young golfer who strives for perfection, qualities that Tiger Woods has. In the same regard, there are certain similarities amongst people who speak up about the dangers or problems of religion. There are certain things we have in common, even though as atheists, the only thing we must have in common is lack of belief in a god, there are often many shared principles and ideals. You should write a paper of any length but preferably of about 1 page as to why you are the Rational Response Squad. Your piece should start and end with the same sentence "I am the Rational Response Squad." If you prefer to express yourself through poetry, please feel free to do so. Here is a list of some irrationalities the Rational Response Squad speaks out against. Keep in mind that being a Rational Responder simply means we are capable of responding responding rationally, and specifically to the irrationalities listed here. Essays can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as several pages. Submissions go here.
  2. Write an essay entitled "I am every atheist" Special thanks to Jake for this idea. As Jake puts it, "The idea is to show commonalities between atheists. To show that even though people may be diverse, we still have some basic things in common." These essays are much like the "I am the Rational Response Squad" essays, however they are better suited for the atheist that doesn't subscribe to the same sort of activism that RRS engages in. You may submit two essays (one for each category) that are similar, and use one to help compile the other. Like the RRS essay, please start and end with the sentence "I am every atheist." Articles can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as several pages. Submissions go here.