Arguing (Some classic stuff here...)
The following is me arguing with thaprofessa3. I get a message from him asking me about a comment I left on someone else's video. They just sounded cures to me, but I guess was wrong. Its not like I'm having trouble though, but this guy can be a little frustrating forgetting about parts of my message...
i saw ur comment on Gisburne2000 God of the Bible is a loving God what's ur point?
The god in the bible is also unloving.
Deuteronomy 13, 21:18-21
Exodus 4:21
Numbers 15:32-56
First of all God is loving but hes not just one sided He is also Holy and Just he must punish sins.
I don't know if you think you are going to 'school' me or something, but look at what you say next.
"now God hardend his heart" God made him do something "because he wanted to show the people how he could deliver them from their adversary!" Adversary he created... "if God didnt hardned it there woulndt be any ten plauges." exactly.
Does punishing someone for something you made them do sound just?
Deutoronmy 13 the law back then was to kill those that inticed folks to idolotry that was the punishment back then. like i said the law back then was to kill those kind of folks deutoronmy 21 it was sin God HATES sin.
So is this part of the bible untrue?
yea in Numbers that dude wasnt suppose to do that on the sabbath so that was an offence to God so he commanded the people to kill him i know gatherin sticks seems like a small thing but remember we look at justice through an earthly and human perspective! God standards are way higher than ours!
You say god standards are way higher, but you forget according to the bible god set our standards. God would know we would work and not see what is so important about it not working, but made this law anyway. No murder, no stealing, good shit, but that doesn't make all the others great. If you want to chalk this up to they sinned and god knows best so be it we can focus on my other points. I was just giving you a few random points so you would see where I was coming from.
"i saw ur comment on Gisburne2000 God of the Bible is a loving God what's ur point?"
That doesn't sound like you want to debate so I didn't think about all the point of views of the verses. Honestly Numbers is a weak point if you assume there is a god and the commandments are perfect. The other two however I don't see how you can get around.
Maybe I can address your arguments better if I know where you are coming from. Are you evangelical? Catholic? Someone who just supports the bible?
I'm an agnostic atheist that believes faith is groundless is not proof. Agnostic because very few ideas can be disproven, but don't take that as a win because no proof doesn't just that, nothing. Some ideas of god can be disproven if clearly defined and can not logically exist. I am atheist because I lack the belief in all gods. I say faith is groundless because it is a belief someone just decided to pick up one day and is no better then me just deciding one day I can fly. I have looked into many religions and none of them have seemed for me. I have studied religions and the arguments for god, but have found none that are satisfactory. I continue to look into things, but still haven't seen anything that is anywhere close to proof.
I wonder why you dodge my questions on Deuteronomy and Exodus, but whatever.
u said some ideas of God can be disproven well give me some ideas! u said logically somethings about him that cant exist, well if u read the bible according to logic a lot of things r impossible!
I don't believe in a god so if you want me to disprove a god idea wouldn't make more sense to give me your idea? Remember like I said only some types can be and must be clearly defined and ends up sounding like something like a square circle. Also I would hope you know telling me there is something crazy in the bible isn't going to help your argument at all...
example God made an axe head or (iron) go contray to its nature what does iron do in water? logically thinking it sinks right? God made the axe head float with logic that's impossible.
I read the verses your talking about and it says, "But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water. Then he cried, and said, 'Alas, my master! For it was borrowed.' The man of God asked, 'Where did it fall?' He showed him the place. He cut down a stick, threw it in there, and made the iron float."
I guess you could take it as an absurd action, but the root words make it sound like Elisha fished it out of the water with a stick.
What do you think magic tricks are gods work?
God made a bush to burn but it wasnt burnt!
There are types of bushes that burn easily, but again telling me something absurd doesn't do anything for your case. Also if the story of Moses is going to have him talking to a bush is really too much to add in the bush magically doesn't burn up? I mean really I have heard better stories about people getting high.
ya see that' impossible logically, some things in the Bible u have to read and believe by FAITH! for it simply doesnt make since to the human mind. yes is strongly support the Bible!
1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
3. the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
4. reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.
1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
5. a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.
7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.: He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
8. Christian Theology. the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.
9. in faith, in truth; indeed: In faith, he is a fine lad.
Faith or the bible is not proof. BTW if you know it is so freaking illogical why do think I should accept it? Also does it make any sense to believe something just because you believe it?
u said u looked in other religons what exacly r u lookin for?
If I didn't look I'd be ignorant and people would say I'm just atheist because I haven't looked for it. I looked and found nothing. I keep looking to be aware and be able to take followers head on.
u do believe that the earth was created right?
If by created you mean that it was formed from matter already in existence through natural means, sure. I can debate this point, but that doesn't make my other points go away and the science behind it all is difficult to explain. It would be better if you looked for the information yourself as I am a bad teacher and don't have any degrees for it.
God defies human logic u cant confine him into a box!
So do fairy tales... Do you don't see people believing they are true? wait nvm...
Hebrews say without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God for those that come to him MUST BELIEVE that He is! (or exist)....... ya see?
Yes you want me to believe something without proof, that will never happen.
we dont live by that law in the OT! in levidicus its says whosever is caught in homosexual activity should be put to death, and as u can see the US contains many homos and openly proclaimed their life styles but are they put to death NO, cause we r not under the law of the OT!
Right we make own laws and don't rely on the bible at all. But really if this law is ok to break this law what is stopping other law from being broken?
remember that was a different time period.
So are you saying not everything in the bible is something to live by? If so what makes any of it good?
how can matter created somthin?
It isn't creating it is a rearrangement of things already in existence.
how can somthin that's dead produce life?
There are many theories, but we have created the building blocks of life out of 'dead' matter. Like I said you shouldn't ask me about the science behind it I am not qualified to teach you.
name any creature on earth that came from somthin that was dead!
Humans in a round about way, everything 'alive' really.
You still haven’t answered a lot of my questions.
1. Does punishing someone for something you made them do sound just? (Exodus 4:21)
2. So is this part of the bible untrue? (Deuteronomy 13)
3. If the story of Moses is going to have him talking to a bush is really too much to add in the bush magically doesn't burn up?
4. If you know it is so freaking illogical why do think I should accept it?
5. Does it make any sense to believe something just because you believe it?
the Lord was not making Pharaoh do evil, the Lord was allowing him to do evil. there's a difference ya see.
It says god hardened his heart, meaning god made him not let his people go, you even say so yourself.
"now God hardend his heart because he wanted to show the people how he could deliver them from their adversary! if God didnt hardned it there woulndt be any ten plauges."
I don’t really see how you don’t see how messed up it is to just toy with a group of people just to be their hero. That is what this story is and you admit it, I don’t know how you can cope with that...
Pharaoh (as is all of mankind) was by nature desperately wicked. That is what normally proceeds from the heart of man since the fall of Adam. Hard and obstinate is the normal condition of the heart.
Well that’s just silly. God creates all this stuff tells man not to do something then is surprised they did and who told them to. God knows everything right? If so he should have known we would have done it... So he had no mercy and let it happen or didn’t know it would happen. Besides if god created everything he created evil as well.
ALL of the Bible is true!
So christians should go around killing people?
If the OT doesn’t count how about Matthew 10:34?
Moses was talkin to God, God used that to get Moses' attention!
I thought it says Moses was talking to an angle, although the bible also talks about god possesing animals to talk.
He doesnt use magic He uses his power!
How would you describe his ‘power’?
1. Of, relating to, or invoking the supernatural: “stubborn unlaid ghost/That breaks his magic chains at curfew time” (John Milton).
2. Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.
Sounds like magic to me...
because a God that awesome is worth the praise yes u should accet it its a testiment to the greatness of God.
Um should a worship super man then?
ah yea... that's kinda of a weird question i believe that Michael Jordan was the best Basketball player i believe that so does that not make sence to u?
That’s what you say when you talk about believing through faith or understanding after believing...
What about the rest of my message? Also why did you start this debate?
i dont know i just like debatin about the Bible and stuff ya know
You forgot about the rest of the message.
what else do u want to know just give it to me! hit me with it!
um how about all the stuff you avoided...
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Earth Creatures (aka Man)
name any creature on earth that came from somthin that was dead!
Was this a quote from thaprofessa3?
If I read this right, isn't there a story in the Babble about a god forming a man from the dust of the Earth?
I could be wrong but I would consider dust quite dead.
Yeah I was going to point
Yeah I was going to point out what the bible says, but I am trying to focus on the issue that started it all. Like I was telling him I don't have a degree in this stuff and if I told him that he would probably ask me where I think it came from. Then I have to explain existance...
Also more of it:
If you know it is so freaking illogical how do you expect me accept it?
"now God hardend his heart because he wanted to show the people how he could deliver them from their adversary! if God didnt hardned it there woulndt be any ten plauges."
I don’t really see how you don’t see how messed up it is to just toy with a group of people just to be their hero. That is what this story is and you admit it, I don’t know how you can cope with that...
Well that’s just silly. God creates all this stuff tells man not to do something then is surprised they did and who told them to. God knows everything right? If so he should have known we would have done it... So he had no mercy and let it happen or didn’t know it would happen. Besides if god created everything he created evil as well.
"He doesnt use magic He uses his power!"
How would you describe his ‘power’?
(Deuteronomy 13) So christians should go around killing people? Are you saying not everything in the bible is something to live by? If so what makes any of it good? BTW it doesn't sound historical it sounds like a rule...
If the OT doesn’t count how about Matthew 10:34?
Interesting don’t think about it... Um can you explain this idea of faith?
Again you’re saying don’t think about...
You basically just said his power is all powerful. That’s like me telling you the sun’s brightness is the brightest.
This are “the statutes and the ordinances” from Yahweh or in the land of Yahweh. Yahweh is the same god where the ten commandments come from although the chapters talk about sacrifice (note this changes a lot) and some of those commandments are broken most of the time anyway. So maybe religions pick and choose what laws to follow
Romans 1:29-32 lists a bunch of things “worthy of death” and Matthew 5:17 talks about how Jesus came to fulfil the law so I don’t think your argument that you don’t have to follow OT law is very strong.
Also the idea of idol worship could be used to kill any religious figure or followers including Jesus...
Really? How much historical evidence do we have for a globe flood or plagues in Egypt along with jewish slaves?
(article on the issue)
I didn't respond to this part as he said he'll find something and if I said something if might come across as pushy or suggestive.
I just work through your message to make sure I don't forget any part of it and give you a full response to all of your message.
That site is picking which laws to keep and which laws to throw away. That abandonment of old testament law "includes the Sabbath and Ten Commands" so that whole no killing thing isn't that big of a deal either way you go.
The only verse that talks about killing in a negative sense is 1 Peter 4:15, but from the context it sounds like Peter was just saying don't worry about being called christian because it is a good thing.
Things to Address:
- what is faith?
- about how god made the Pharaoh not do something then punish a lot of people for it (not the general problem of evil)
- evidence for a global flood, jewish slaves escaping in egypt, 10 plagues, or other biblical accounts of history
- Matt 10:34
ok the dude blocked after sending me this....
I do have a response though mainly over what he didn't talk about.