Blame the women
Several times previously I've seen this issue and while I don't know all the details, rape is rape.
Yet, in the Middle East, if you are a woman and you are raped, it must be your fault.
It really baffles me that a woman is to blame, even if she was drinking. Time and time again I hear of stories that "the men were seduced".
WTF? Get a hold of your fucking hormones and thinking like a educated human. This, "it was her fault" is a bullshit cop-out.
I imagine rapists must love Dubai. No jail time for them. If they rape a woman they go free on the "she was too hot" plea.
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I don't understand why
I don't understand why people (women especially) travel to these countries. Noone can be faulted for being raped, but you can be certainly be faulted for deciding to travel to or live in a country that has no adequate protection against rape in the laws, and has a history of human rights abuses in its justice and political systems. Getting mad after the fact is pretty stupid.
Noone should be imprisoned for being a victim, but that's a Western philosophy that the world at large doesn't necessarily agree with. If you go to one of these countries you're setting yourself up for something like this.
The solution is very simple.
Do not go to the Middle East.
Do not go to Africa either.
Especially if you are female.
It isn't fair or right, but life is rarely fair.
I hope that the pressure put on the UAE by Western powers is sufficient to secure her release, but I won't be shocked if it isn't.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
"I imagine rapists must love
"I imagine rapists must love Dubai. No jail time for them. If they rape a woman they go free on the "she was too hot" plea."
This is not factual. The whole thing may be laughable by our standards, but the rapist WAS sentenced to prison.
Edit, update:
"A Norwegian woman at the centre of a Dubai rape case dispute has been pardoned and is free to leave Dubai,"
Awesome. Glad she's getting the hell out of there too. The best way to change some of these countries is to stay out of them. They depend on foreign investment, tourism, and workers. If noone is willing to go there, they'll have to change or they'll collapse.
Unfortunately this next bit shows why that's what needs to happen:
"The man she accused of raping her - a colleague - has also been pardoned, a Norwegian official has said."
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I agree with Vastet
I agree with Vastet completely on this one. It is pretty stupid to go to Dubai, especially if you are a woman, but even as a man. Their laws are batshit crazy and I certainly wouldn't want my future put in the hands of their justice system.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Beyond my understanding
It is an insult to the men in their culture. A two year old running into a candy store and grabbing everything they can reach. Don't their men have more self-control than that or are they just a bunch of uncontrolled babies?
These kinds of laws - and the dress codes - just perpetuate the apparent immaturity of the men. Whether it is actual lack of self-control, rationalization for acting out of control, or just the impression of lack of control, it is insulting the men. No matter how a woman dresses, she is never "modest" enough to prevent some ass-hole from acting like one.
I'm with everyone - stay out, don't buy their products, economic boycott. Yes, the local women need help - but they aren't going to get it if the helpers are in jail for being female and foreign and easy targets.
(I'm not saying they are easy because of their actions - though I think you could argue that - but easy for being recognizable as not having an inconvenient extended family of pissed off male relatives.)
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
I'm of the opinion that the
I'm of the opinion that the more you cover a woman up the more you fantasize about what is underneath.
I see so much nudity that I'm pretty much oblivious of it. Tits are tits. Curves are curves.
I agree. Their society is fucked up and backwards.
=^.^= .. egne ønsker og fornøyelser til side og bære korset.
Sa han til dem, må han sette sine egne ønsker og fornøyelser til side og bære korset.
Rough English translation ::
He said to them, "he must put his own desires and pleasures aside and carry up the cross".
>> See Image part of comment ::
Do you placate the
Do you placate the insecurities of asshole superstitions by pulling the "you should know where you are" crap? How about teaching humanity's men not to be fucking assholes?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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FYI India also has a "blame
FYI India also has a "blame the woman" rape problem too.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at