BGH's blog

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'Big Brains'... but little regard for the common man.

First off let me say, in my opinion intelligence is not measured by how much technical jargon one can use in a post. Rather, conveying your thoughts on a very complicated topic in an easy to understand manner with out ‘losing’ your reader, is a true measure of intelligence. There are some members on the forums who do this well and there are some who do not, I am not going to name names or point fingers.

I know the old saying, “opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one”, and that is why I said it was MY opinion. I do not need anyone to point out what IQ tests actually measure, I understand what those tests take into account and that is not what I am discussing.

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Just saving the original OP-ED and my published response for posterity.

The original OP-ED piece,

"Suppressing religion is not the key to world peace

Thursday, Jun. 07 2007

I recently returned from a cultural exchange program in Switzerland, where I
spent my days admiring alpine vistas, eating too many truffles and trying to
explain American religiosity to puzzled Europeans.

Gently — but persistently — my Swiss interlocutors pressed me for answers: Why
are Americans so religious? Why does faith play such an important role in
American debates? And why, in an age in which terrorists murder in God's name,
do Americans affirm the value of religion in public life?

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