Charlotte's Web part II

I get a little weary over the plethora of Christians and entirely too many Atheists who buy into the myth of the ‘Good and Perfect’ Jesus and his ‘earthshaking message’
I can understand that the writers of the Gospels probably wouldn’t report if Jesus had been banging two shekel, boy hookers by the dozen in the back room any more than I’d expect a friendly biographer of Bill Clinton to make a big deal of Monica’s little blue dress… I get it.
But the fact is in black and white that nothing in the Gospels points to an overly ‘good’ individual. He insulted people on a regular basis, expressing a cultural bigotry toward non Jews. He called a little old lady a dog… and ‘generously’ deigned to help her out only after she had shamed him into it.
He had no problem with his followers stealing for him; remember the colt he had them liberate without asking?
When criticized by some of his buddies for letting the hooker cover his feet with expensive oil that could have been sold to feed and clothe poor people, he said, essentially “Fuck the poor.”
He went on a violent rant in the temple courtyard, attacking people with a homemade whip… Let’s be clear… One could not offer a coin in the Temple that had the image of a man or an animal on it (graven image). Money changers were NECESSARY to the operation of the Temple. So too, were those folk who provided doves lambs and such for the required sacrifices… He simply went ape-shit crazy and attacked.
Did he teach anything new? No.
Love thy neighbor, The so called ‘golden rule’? LONG a staple of pagan Greek philosophy which he and most of the world at that time would be well acquainted. The populist ‘feel good’ crap? I suspect he was not the first and I know he wasn’t the last to tell the unwashed masses to just wait, they’d get their reward in the end…
The idiotic doctrine of ‘heaven and hell’. A time honored carrot and stick approach to getting converts, to this day, one of the favorite tactics of the would be fanatic is the threat of horrible punishment for failing to kiss the celestial ass cheeks.
Jesus said NOTHING of value, nothing that hadn’t been said before. He wasn’t a ‘revolutionary’… he simply had a talent for pissing people off. Bill O’Reilly in sandals and a prom dress.
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
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So many mindless people
I have had so many mindless people, skeptics and theists alike. That will tell me that Jesus was a message of pure love and had great teachings. Hmm, even one of my heros, Richard Dawkins stated in an interview that Jesus might have had some good messages.
I have to disagree. Jesus was an utter asshole and anyone that reads the New Testament in it's entirety should know that. I found nothing of value in his so called "Gospels".
The bible is full of shit, plain and simple.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Jesus BS
That temple is just that; a story. Think about it for a moment. The money changers were OUTSIDE of the temple, to keep the graven images OUT. When the [fictional] Jesus charactor upends the first table a muscle bound thug, hired for just such events, would have thrown J C to the ground and kicked the shit out of him; probably assisted by other nearby 'security' bouncers. To set an example for any other trubble makers. This was not our society, these were barbaric times compared to today. The money men would have hired street thugs and off-duty soldiers as securiety just like any other time in history, and they wouldn't put up with any BS from anybody. The arrest of Jesus was another unreal story. We are expected to believe that St.Peter cut off a Romans ear and nothing bad happened to him. BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!! I wont even discuss the shape of a Roman helmet which makes it impossible but I will point out that if Simon/Peter starts swinging at a soldiers head with a sword the other soldiers will draw their swords and HACK St.Peter into small pieces. Any soldier of any era will defend his buddy the same way, they're Roman soldiers of the first century Peter, J C and the others would have been sliced into dog meat, toot-sweet.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Good point. Jesus would have been lucky that they had not run a sword through him, in those times. Hell, going to a casino or a bar (especially some of the biker bars that I go to ) into TODAY'S world, act disruptive, and see what happens. Tossed out into the street on your ass if you are lucky. In those days, the thugs and the money changers would have beat him to death or sliced him in pieces.
Even if I had no security set up, if I was in the middle of conducting business, money was on the table and some asshole comes by shrieking and preaching and turns my table over, he is getting his ass kicked.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Louis_Cypher wrote: I get
The axiom "there is nothing new under the sun". Our myths and fantasies in our history are not truths. They are basically human imagination if we got what we wanted to do without dissent, if we were the alpha male. It is not to say that humans are never good. But that the word "morality" gets hijacked by our delusions in our evolution and we take a gap, fill it, and run with it, despite the harm to those who may not agree "the out group".
"be kind to your neighbor" our species has always had the capability of. But we are not kind to outsiders or the unfamiliar. That too has also always been part of our evolution.
Religion takes mundane human emotions and actions and turns it into a needless insidious comic book that distracts humanity from the fact that we have always been capable of doing BOTH harm and good. Jesus was just a character. But both the God of the bible and the Jesus character behave no different than if the claim was they were mere mortals. They display human characteristics because humans when the myth was invented by humans, were doing what all humans do when they invent gods, they were merely projecting their own desires on the world around them.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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