Donald and The Stroke

I agree with Howard Stern. Trump is sucking giant cock right now. He misses his old life and being President isn't fun. Why?
It's because Trump is a self centered egotistical piece of shit. He isn't a servant to any one or a civil servant to the public. Even if he pawns off most of his responsibilities to henchmen/women he still has an entire world to deal with 24/7.
I laugh because this is a good example of the ego's stupidity that gets people in trouble every day.
Donald won't need to be fired, impeached or be shot. He'll have a stroke or heart attack before he finishes his only term. If by some miracle this fuck makes it four years, the moron will have learned his lesson and he'll be a one term President.
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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Why are you worried about
Why are you worried about DT making it to the end of his first term ? Aren't you the former marine stud who morphed into a middle-aged, morbidly obese, arthritic, domestic wage slave ?
I predict that you'll be dead before DT.
I am quite sure, in
I am quite sure, in reality, or to say, it should not surprise anyone, because of the way his dad emotionally bullied him, if not physically abused him thinking it would "toughen him up", combined with his hyper compettive "no prisoner" attitude, Trump probably had no clue that the type of stress he was used to coping with, is now completely different. I agree, I don't think is is fit for this job, and it should not surprise anyone if he developes stress related health problems.
Trump has had too much time never being told no, most of the time, and is used to bullying people and now he is in a job where he cant simply boss people arround. I don't wish anyone death, but at the same time, if he were to kick over because of stress, considering what a vile bombastic asshole he has been for the past 5 years, I also wont lose any sleep. He does not understand the difference between a private citizen and the roll of a politician. He does not understand the difference between legal and moral.
Pence is horrible on social and economic issues too, but I fear him far less than Trump.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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ProzacDeathWish wrote: Why
Your fallacy shows your ignorance.
Brian37 wrote:Trump probably
Trump is not fit at all, mentally or physically. He wants his old life back. He has realized he made a mistake. If he could go back to the day when he announced he was going to run for office, I believe he would go back in time to that very moment, then not take up the charge of running for office.
Digital, believe me, I AM WITH YOU AND COMPLETELY AGREE. But outside a civil war, which I think most people don't want, the best we can hope for is that those arround him keep him on a leash and contain the damage, or he simply jumps a shark not even his supporters can ignore.
I not seen this level of incompetence since Nixon. Bush Jr would be as bad, but at least he asked for permission to fuck things up. Trump is Bush and Nixon on meth. I'd elect either Nixon or Bush Jr before I would elect Trump. He scares the shit out of me.
The fact that he has been to FLA so many times in this period is astounding. No president has taken that many vacations in such a short period of time, NOBODY. Not Bush not Obama not Clinton or Reagan. The problem is that this fucker has an ego, and damn it, he will fuck things up trying.
He decided to run when Obama made fun of him at the press confrence dinner. I agree, he never really wanted the job.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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