Google adds? Random bots or religious propaganda?

More often than not, on any given page the top banner AT THIS SITE is about something to do with christainity. The two I see most is a t-shirt company and a dating service. I have seen car adds too, but not as frequently and certainly if google was out to make money, the banners I would expect to see the most would deal with Dawkins and Hitchens and Harris and things like "Evolve Fish".
So why is it on an atheist site, the bot is belting out Christian banners the most? Is it a computer glitch? Or is it google has an agenda like Chick Fil A?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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There are several factors that are working to put these ads on the site, and we are unable to control all of them.
First, google picks the ads, not us. They only allow us to ban 200 ads, and those have all been used up on other xtian sites. in fact, if the site owners didn't use that feature, the ads would be ridden with xtian ads.
Second, google is just like any other faceless corporation: money hungry. They don't care who buys ads (as long as it isn't illegal) and will place the higher paying ads more than the regular ads.
Third, google ads work by examining the content of the page and delivering "targeted" ads based on that content. There aren't nearly as many non-religious websites that have assloads of money to spend on advertising as there are religious sites. These places have a serious advertising budget. This site happens to center around religion (or the lack thereof), therefore you get religious ads.
All in all it would be nice if we had more that 200 bans we could use. That would effectively solve the problem.
Oh, I like to use smileys:

Your god's silence speaks loud and clear
Would it be possible to put the Google ads at the bottom of the page and place the ad for RRS Wear, the Amazon ad for all those books that credits RRS and perhaps that Evolvefish ad at the top of the page? That way the christians looking for singles and the people looking for a soul or whether they're going to hell could look at the bottom of the page for their info and RRS still gets credit for having that crap on the RRS site.
Is it really that profitable to have the Google ads on the site?
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
I find it ironic myself. Their ads are helping the RSS pay its server fees. I'll click on a couple if it means some cash for the cause. Besides, if a chick believes in YHWH, there's no telling what else you can convince them of!
Remember how you figured out there is no Santa? Well, their god is just like Santa. They just haven’t figured out he’s not real yet.
i just saw an ad about indian food recipes... so somethings changing >.>
Those ads do get rather annoying.
I'm assuming there has been research regarding other advertising services. I would suggest Project Wonderful, but I don't know how many people on the internet would really bid on an atheist site, despite the number of visits it gets.
Mutual Glomp (my art gallery, currently being updated) | DevArt | Dead Like Us | Nothing Special comic
Google simply doesn't understand a market like RRS. They have a limit of 200 advertisers that you can put on a permanent block list. That list filled up with Christian bullshit in about 20 minutes, leaving only 9,743,558 Christian advertisers left.
Though we have tried to communicate with google that we don't get clicks to Christian sites, and more blocks would be more effective for them, they are, in the end, a corporate megalomonster that doesn't particularly care about our tiny (relatively speaking) volume of clicks.
They're also the best thing going.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
So the ads are based on the content of the site, right? Well, what if we all started posting our favorite curry recipes? Maybe we could get some cool ads for Indian restaurants!
(and mebbe I'll get some more awesome curry recipes
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
Good luck with that. I'll be posting about my love for free porn sites.