Hi guys,
I wanted to talk to you all a little about Islam, as Islam is one of the most misunderstood religion. And not many people try to objectively critercise it.
1.) Islam means "submission" in Arabic, and it taken from the root word "Salam" which means "peace" so Islam can be understood to mean "peace" or "submission" both words can be used interchangeably however, its more correct to say Islam means "submission to god".
2.) Muslim means someone who submits to the will of "Allah" (god).
3.) Allah does not mean "moon god" as the Evangelical Christian will want you to believe. The word used for "moon" in Arabic is "Qumar" in the word "Allah" we do not find this word... In fact Allah in Arabic is such a word that nothing can be attached to it... Its a neutral world. In fact the word Christians use for "god" did not exist until 1066. Christian Arabs refer to "god" as "Allah" in the Semitic tongue.
4.) Muslims do not worship Mohamed (Prophet or founder of Islam) they worship Allah.
5.) Jihad does not mean "Holy War" it means "struggle" there are to forms of Jihad in Islam. Internal Jihad which is known as the "bigger Jihad" this means to fight against your own carnal desires and to better one's self, everyone of us at some point in our life's have done jihad. The second form of Jihad is external jihad which is known as "lesser jihad" this jihad is only ever allowed in self defense its to go to war to protect your people and interests.
6.) There are approximately, 1.5 billion Muslims world wide, the overwhelming majority of them are moderates extremist elements in Islam do not even make 2% of the world Muslim population. And terrorist Muslims do not even make 1 % of the Muslim population. Most Muslims do not live in the middle east - most Muslims live in Asia.
If anyone has any questions then ask me...
P.S, Islam is another religion with has no evidence of its claims of divinity... Its actually a copy or Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism.
Kindest Regards,
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Is there any group of Muslims in the world that don't "believe" out of fear and intimidation? I think the answer is no. So to me nothing else matters about this religion. It is wrong and the world would be much better off without any form of it.
If it's not terrorist threatening to kill infidels, then it's religious police threatening to punish any behavior that is unIslamic. It is families and friends threatening to disown people who don't go along with the religion. It's also passed along by religious indoctrination of children.
It is a religion enforced by bullies and control freaks. It is a tool used to repress women and not give them a choice over their lives and sexuality. Very few of the 1.5 billion Muslims have any choice in "believing".
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
What is your opinion on the creation of pakistan, and the ongoing conflict in Kashmir?
I have spent time in some muslim countries and I find your post spot on with the truth. Many jews and christians are not tolerant of this religion because they fear the competition based on the large population of the world that holds to this belief. The media often fails to show the fact that most muslims are not all violent radicals because it serves an agenda to demonize them for political/economic reasons. The ignorance we have in islam is based almost entirely on a failed media culture. The complexity of the current political situation in the middle east is beyond the grasp of the average american because so many rely on soundbytes from the media who have an agenda pushing our current brand of American nationalism.
My opinion is biased somewhat I admit, but I have good reason to believer this. A group of parishners in my father in laws church recently returned from a mission trip in England. They complained that the growing majority in Europe as a whole is muslim, so the purpose of their trip was to convert muslims to christianity. Evangalism breeds zealotry and I question whether or not the son of man would approve of bashing people on the head with a bible. If more people were forced to follow the actions, vice the teachings from the pulpit, of the mythical jesus there would much fewer christians in the United States. On a side note, a good friend of mine lived with many muslims in Mendinao in the Phillipines and has more exposure to their culture than anyone else I know. We have talked to great lengths about the islamic faith and in most instances, they are very moderate if not very liberal.
The opinion of a minority of christians today is that evangelicalism is not a concept that jesus would have taught. I have just started exploring this idea so I am unconvinced that this is true. The brand of christianity I was taught is incompatible with this concept. The underlying premise is that those that would be saved would seek out salvation. It is a false postulate that the purpose of christianity is to "save" mankind on behalf of jesus. Supposedly this is a an affront to freewill and self-determination. I have justed started exploring this concept, but if anyone has an opinion on this I would love to hear it.
p.s. You are right about the lack of evidence for all the "revealed" religions and I guess the others as well. The trend seems to indicate that most religions are built upon the borrowing of other cultures. I have even heard some christians state flat out that the Hebrews were influenced by the cultures they were exposed to during their captivity in Babylon and Egypt. Of course it is almost always followed with, but god punished them for doing so.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
2% of 1.5 billion is 30 million people. So that's approximately 30 million extremists with approximately 15 million of them terrorists. That's scary. It's also more than enough to show that Islam needs to die just like Christianity.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
The term terrorist IMO is too open-ended. If it is meant to relate a group of people who would kill to force a religious agenda on another group I would agree that the number is too high. The definition of terrorism is too vague to demonize an entire group. Religion is just a tool that the muslims use to recruit members. In the Middle-East the number of available women to marry is very small. Many of the more influential men practice polygamy which decreases the number of women available to the common man. The thought of martyring oneself to allah may have some rationale if hey I can get 72 virgins in heaven. The theocratic governments of the world that we support give us a good reason to keep faith from the school system here, yet most fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge this point of view.
This doesn't necessarily mean that islam needs to die as a religion. It just means that the fundamentalist wing of islam needs to die. I think religion can offer some good to the world, but the extremists within all religions are the problem. This just shows the complexity of the problems we face in a global community. I don't want to bring up politics here because that is not the intent of this site. However, religion is just a small part of the "Middle-East" problem and I'll leave it at that.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
As long as we have religions we will have religious extremists. Period. I know we can't actually stamp it out completely...but say making religious people about 10% of the world's population would suite me just fine.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I was thinking, isnt it about time we do a blasphemy challenge 2?
I think Islam would be a nice target ^_^
I wouldnt mind trying my hand at drawing some Mohammad cartoon >.>
What Would Kharn Do?
I will admit that I just started reading Sam Harris' book Letter to a Christian Nation today. Only half way through it but the things I have read so far I may soon change my mind and side with you 100%. If religion, all religion died out tomorrow it would be none too soon. I never really thought of the damage done to society even by moderates until Harris pointed a few of them out. Religion gives too many people a reason to kill and die.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS