A statement about my faith.
I am a Christian.
(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
When I saw this website I had some strong feelings....much in the same way many of you would to see a religious one.
I just felt like writing this....
a few statements.
My wish is simply that you will understand it.
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
Why you ask?
It's something you would quite surely call "Irrational"......
My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.
I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
It is quite like that.
This faith is more than 20 dollar words explaining a deep theological argument....
It is more than convincing someone of creationism or even the existence of God....
It's more even than debating the truth of the word of God....
It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.
Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?
This is also based on love.
I'm sure you will say "so are our arguments - we want to lovingly free you from your beliefs"
Free us to what end??
Ask any true believer and they will tell you they are completely, and fully happy with their religious standing.
You would call us "brainwashed", "God robots"
I'm not sure what to call it....
I could comically put it... "lovestoned"
Do I sound stupid? high? ok, well I'm admittedly high on Christ.
in all the blatantly joking beliefs used as examples for theism to show believers' stupidity... (bigfoot etc.) something is left out...
(bigfoot etc.) is not a loving savior. (bigfoot etc.) doesn't freely give you eternal life.
Having Jesus in your life is something one has to experience to understand.
You can't "test drive" Jesus. You can commit your life fully, or not.
I'm sure that sounds some sort of life sentence to some, right?
Well I can test out the great experiences of life without God any day. All these "great" things are still at my fingertips and easy to disprove as a true source of pleasure: when I return to God's love and find it infinitely greater.
When Christians attempt to convert others, it is not, as I said, "freeing them to no end" It is sharing their overwhelming happiness that comes from christ, and freeing them from hell.
You don't believe in hell?
Well that's too bad, cause you'll be there soon anyway. Sorry, that sounds quite harsh. A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death. Not to bring up the obviously overused "where will you go when you die?" question... but who of you has faith that you will live eternally?? In my opinion, deep thinking aside, that prospect has sounded quite grand to all throughout history, hasn't it?
Well this statement has gone quite long...
Maybe to sum it up:
The big question is less, Why believe in God?? but more, why SHOULD one NOT?? What are the advantages of this??
Me convincing you of the correct meaning of a scripture passage will not bring you any closer to God, just as little as you convincing me of the falsity of the same will pull me farther from Him. You listing answers to my above question and so on will not bring us closer to an agreement, So I am most likely not going to respond to any answers to this.
I have experienced the world's thinking and I have experienced God's love.
Now go ahead and pick my admittedly badly written statement apart.
I have made my choice.
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I am a Christian.
(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
When I saw this website I had some strong feelings....much in the same way many of you would to see a religious one.
I just felt like writing this....
a few statements.
My wish is simply that you will understand it.
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
Why you ask?
It's something you would quite surely call "Irrational"......
My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.
I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
It is quite like that.
This faith is more than 20 dollar words explaining a deep theological argument....
It is more than convincing someone of creationism or even the existence of God....
It's more even than debating the truth of the word of God....
It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.
Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?
This is also based on love.
I'm sure you will say "so are our arguments - we want to lovingly free you from your beliefs"
Free us to what end??
Ask any true believer and they will tell you they are completely, and fully happy with their religious standing.
You would call us "brainwashed", "God robots"
I'm not sure what to call it....
I could comically put it... "lovestoned"
Do I sound stupid? high? ok, well I'm admittedly high on Christ.
in all the blatantly joking beliefs used as examples for theism to show believers' stupidity... (bigfoot etc.) something is left out...
(bigfoot etc.) is not a loving savior. (bigfoot etc.) doesn't freely give you eternal life.
Having Jesus in your life is something one has to experience to understand.
You can't "test drive" Jesus. You can commit your life fully, or not.
I'm sure that sounds some sort of life sentence to some, right?
Well I can test out the great experiences of life without God any day. All these "great" things are still at my fingertips and easy to disprove as a true source of pleasure: when I return to God's love and find it infinitely greater.
When Christians attempt to convert others, it is not, as I said, "freeing them to no end" It is sharing their overwhelming happiness that comes from christ, and freeing them from hell.
You don't believe in hell?
Well that's too bad, cause you'll be there soon anyway. Sorry, that sounds quite harsh. A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death. Not to bring up the obviously overused "where will you go when you die?" question... but who of you has faith that you will live eternally?? In my opinion, deep thinking aside, that prospect has sounded quite grand to all throughout history, hasn't it?
Well this statement has gone quite long...
Maybe to sum it up:
The big question is less, Why believe in God?? but more, why SHOULD one NOT?? What are the advantages of this??
Me convincing you of the correct meaning of a scripture passage will not bring you any closer to God, just as little as you convincing me of the falsity of the same will pull me farther from Him. You listing answers to my above question and so on will not bring us closer to an agreement, So I am most likely not going to respond to any answers to this.
I have experienced the world's thinking and I have experienced God's love.
Now go ahead and pick my admittedly badly written statement apart.
I have made my choice.
Your love for 'jesus' is just a love for your own mind. You aren't truly asking jesus for guidance when something goes wrong, you are looking into your own mind to find the right life experience that you can apply a solution to. If you don't have one you open a bible and find one to help you. Ultimate self help.
Slowly building a blog at ~
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Having Jesus in your life is something one has to experience to understand.
You can't "test drive" Jesus. You can commit your life fully, or not.
Let me rephrase this for you: You can only believe if you believe.
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I am a Christian.(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
So. This is likely to go really well, then.
Surely you will now cast aside the veil so long thwarting human eyes from seeing the evidence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that we can finally bask in His glory and leave our foolish, sinful notions of 'logic' behind...
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.Why you ask?
Yes, yes... Here it COMES! The final moment of truth and clarity I've been waiting for!
Hold your tongue no longer, sir!
It's something you would quite surely call "Irrational"......My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.
...I really shouldn't get my hopes all built-up like that.
While, to be fair, you did state that this was a statement (rather than an argument), this post is just so much fire-and-brimstone preaching and largely a waste of space.
If you don't like evidence, and demands for it to support claims, fine.
Unfortunately for you, however - you're the one going to Hell. That's right. You.
And if my mood hasn't improved by the end of the day, I might condemn your family there to keep you company for your eternity of torture (because I love you).
Yep. You guessed it. I'm God. Your whole life up to this point has been an elaborate ploy to get bring you into communication with Me, right here, at this junction. And you failed My test.
What test?
It's part of My greater, mysterious plan for the universe, I'm afraid - so you can never know it. Suffice it to say that you didn't pass, and that was your entry requirement for ascending into My Kingdom once your time on Earth has ended.
Better luck next eternity.
"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
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I am a Christian.
(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
Again, congratulations, many of us here used to be too.
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
We aren't here to de-convert anyone, just to tell you your belief in god is as rational as belief in the tooth fairy.
Why you ask?
nope, not really interested because you offer nothing new to discuss.
It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.
Must be a newbie christian, those feelings will soon pass
Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?
Because you're supposed to, we know. We've heard it 100 times today alone.
You don't believe in hell?
Well that's too bad, cause you'll be there soon anyway. Sorry, that sounds quite harsh. A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death. Not to bring up the obviously overused "where will you go when you die?" question... but who of you has faith that you will live eternally?? In my opinion, deep thinking aside, that prospect has sounded quite grand to all throughout history, hasn't it?
I thought this was a threat at first. Sorry you are so afraid of death that you have lost all sense of reason. If you aren't afraid to die, I wonder if you are unafraid to kill for your god as well.
Me convincing you of the correct meaning of a scripture passage will not bring you any closer to God, just as little as you convincing me of the falsity of the same will pull me farther from Him. You listing answers to my above question and so on will not bring us closer to an agreement, So I am most likely not going to respond to any answers to this.
What is the proper way to interpret scripture? If stars will fall to Earth in the last days, is this a metaphor or a literal interpretation of a verse in revelations? Sounds like some dumbass ancient didn't know what a star is. Don't care to respond, I understand. If you wanna preach go stand on the street corner and stop wasting bandwidth. Hate to say it, but what a pussy. No wonder men only make up a third of the church congregation nowadays.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
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I agree with goddess Renee, "Jesus Philosophy" is not the Christian one of "self separation" from the "God concept of ONE". I AM JESUS AS YOU ..... why is that so hard to understand ??? Yeah So many "liers" for so many reasons .....
Forgive them, for they do not know what they do .... they really don't get it
In the glorious name of the true "Jesus Christ" message, heal the enemy, those confused Christians and all "god of abe" fans ....
To be a Christian is to be against the "GOD" teachings of Jesus .... Clever Devil Saul/Paul etc etc etc have done a bang up job of distortion conspiracy.
The religious are the Devil's fools ..... Wake Up !
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I am a Christian.
(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
Since your letter is of a personal nature, I'll also answer it with personal convictions. It doesn't matter to me what denomination of theism you claim or presume, what matters is just how strongly you hold on to it, and whether you depend on it. By your own admission, you are high on Jesus, so you not only depend on it, it would seem your VMAT2 gene is acting out.
I saw this website I had some strong feelings....much in the same way many of you would to see a religious one.
I don't give a damn to see a religious website, so long as it doesn't promote hate mongering (godhatesfags), nor does it enforces self delusion (preach and enforce are different things).
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
Then you are willfully lost, and you like it that way too. And "convert or die" has been a primordial tool for many religions. Just for fun, look up the spanish inquisition, and if you want a bigger laugh, look up Jacques Fournier, better known as Pope Benedict XII, and his debate with Rabbi Baruch in 1320, or as I like to call it: "The christian guideline to debate other beliefs".
My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
It is quite like that.
Not really. While love can and often is irrational, you love a real person, and hopefully that person loves you back. Love for Jesus is loving an idea, a construct. You don't know him, you know what you have been told about him, or more precisely, you know the abstraction you make of what people told you about him, which in turn is another abstraction, which by the way is based on a book that is not only based upon hearsay, it has been more handpicked and manipulated than the whore of babylon (and she was a busy woman).
So you love an abstraction of an abstraction of a book that has been manipulated, censored and arbitrarily corrected over 2000 years, which was based on hearsay. Yeah, your love is well placed.
It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.
Again, not really. a "relationship" by definition involves two persons. Here we have you, and an idea. There's not much giving and receiving, but rather you constantly giving and receiving to and from yourself.
I could comically put it... "lovestoned"Do I sound stupid? high? ok, well I'm admittedly high on Christ.
in all the blatantly joking beliefs used as examples for theism to show believers' stupidity... (bigfoot etc.) something is left out...
(bigfoot etc.) is not a loving savior. (bigfoot etc.) doesn't freely give you eternal life.
Lenore can grant you the secret to perpetual undeath, she came back from the grave twice (eat you earth out, jesus), and she's cute too, but you don't see me worshiping her. And besides, she can slice and dice jesus' skinny ass any day.
I have experienced the world's thinking and I have experienced God's love.Now go ahead and pick my admittedly badly written statement apart.
I have made my choice.
I have experienced Lenore's wicked love, and saw it was very good. I have also made my choice, I will like Lenore as the cute and twisted cartoon she is, and live my life free of the chains of belief. So go ahead and get high on Jesus, I'll go ahead and get high on something tangible. Now where's my bong?....
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
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Yeah Doomed, torture the fucker, stick The Pear up his ass:
He and obviously any xtian who tries to preach *their* abstraction of Jesus paid but lip service if any at all to Matthew 6:5-6.
Then... i suggest you be abstinent, dont breed... ever... we'll see how strong your gods true pleasure really is ;-p (oral counts, as well as touching! hehe)
Now that truly is the afterlife from hell. I wouldn't trade a good laid or even a cold beer in exchange of all the religious teachings of the world.
Now seriously, where's my bong?
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
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Replace the words ‘Jesus and/or Christ’ and ‘God’ with ‘Thor’, ‘Zeus’, ‘Apollo’, ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ or ‘invisible friend’ and read over what you have just wasted your time typing. If you do this you may realise how silly and delusional you appear to rational human beings.
I’m glad you are happy but I pity you a lot more. Similar to the feelings I have for people who spend their pitiful lives in asylums believing they actually are Jesus Christ who are happy too.
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I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
It is quite like that.
Kind of like a couple in love, that swear they will be together no matter what. I've seen a quite of few of them at each others throats a few years later. You will give everything to Jesus and get nothing in return(cause he never existed). That will get old eventually. Try staying in love with someone that you never see, hear or touch. You're in love with a fantacy.
Just like people who are married to someone that shows no devotion or affection in return. Eventually, you will either go to church and go through the motions of "beliving"(humans are creatures of habit), or you will see the light of reality and the real truth will set you free.
Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?
This is also based on love.
No, it's cause so called Christians don't even follow their own bibles. They use political power and the police to force their values on the rest of soceity. This violates the teachings of the NT, but Christians don't care about the truth they have another agenda.
Free us to what end??
To be who you really are. Religion is the ultimate form of Blasphemy because it causes you to continually lie to yourself. If you tell a lie enough, eventually it becomes the truth. That's why in your church you just keep repeating songs about "I believe" over an over until they become the truth in your mind, but not in reality. But I still think deep inside you a part of you that knows it's all BS.
Ask any true believer and they will tell you they are completely, and fully happy with their religious standing.
Then ask would you be willing to take a lie detector test to prove this is true and to prove that have no doubt.
I think we know what the results would be. Would you be willing to do this? No, you only have lame excuses cause you know your "faith" is all about lying to yourself.
A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death.
I doubt that very much. Do you drink deadly poison and pick up snakes as the Gospel of Mark says true believers would do? No, cause you don't really believe and you are very much afraid of death. You pick and choose what is appropriate for you to "believe". Go ahead now make a lame exuse as to why these verses don't apply to your life.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??It is quite like that.
Except it's really not. You're more of a fan of Jesus. Jesus doesn't kiss you goodnight or ask you about your day.
Actually, it's more like stalking. You believe that you're destined to be together, and ... holy shit, it's exactly like stalking.
I'm sorry, I'm stunned by the force of this revelation. Talk amongst yourselves.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
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Straitblade wrote:I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??It is quite like that.
Except it's really not. You're more of a fan of Jesus. Jesus doesn't kiss you goodnight or ask you about your day.
Actually, it's more like stalking. You believe that you're destined to be together, and ... holy shit, it's exactly like stalking.
I'm sorry, I'm stunned by the force of this revelation. Talk amongst yourselves.
That is quite revelation. Christians assume jesus will feel the same way about them,constantly send love messages, obsess over his every word..jesus needs a restraining order!
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
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That is quite revelation. Christians assume jesus will feel the same way about them,constantly send love messages, obsess over his every word..jesus needs a restraining order!
This is why it's such a revelation! Jesus (via God) HAS a restraining order: it's called "reality".
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
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You don't need to start a new paragraph with every sentence.
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"I believe it because it is absurd." This about sums up what you're saying.
"There is no higher appeal to a court above that of reason." -Sigmund Freud This about refutes everything you said.
You need to at least examine your beliefs in the light of reason. But from the sounds of it, you're not going to. In case you do, check out "The Future of an Illusion" and see what Freud meant for yourself. But, you're not going to, so why waste my time, right?
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Okay, we know how much you love Jesus and everything now, sorry you gotta go, come back soon, thanks for sharing...( PDW slams door, shaking head in disbelief )
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You don't need to start a new paragraph with every sentence.
I would take that over a brick wall post though =P
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I thought I had posted here but apparently I mashed two introduction posts together and got confused.
Anyways, I was wondering why you believe that by saying you're with Jesus you're going to heaven while others who don't believe are going to hell. Do you consider yourself morally superior or something just because you say you're a Jesus freak?
What about the knowledge of ethics as well? I'm sure there are atheists here who are better students of ethics than you are.
Where do you get off judging others is mostly what I am wondering. Jesus himself said not to judge others lest ye be judged.
I'm calling you out.. You're falsely prophesying like most all religious people do.
It is said the great ones catch teardrops in their hands.
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I am a Christian.
(born again, protestant.. etc. if you must be picky)
When I saw this website I had some strong feelings....much in the same way many of you would to see a religious one.
I just felt like writing this....
a few statements.
My wish is simply that you will understand it.
I will have my Faith no matter what I hear or see, and would not be "deconverted" upon pain of death.
Why you ask?
It's something you would quite surely call "Irrational"......
My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.
I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
It is quite like that.
This faith is more than 20 dollar words explaining a deep theological argument....
It is more than convincing someone of creationism or even the existence of God....
It's more even than debating the truth of the word of God....
It is truly a loving relationship. Something words can hardly describe - another place where a metaphor of love for a person comes through.
Why are christians so set on "forcing their beliefs" (as you would put it) on others?
This is also based on love.
I'm sure you will say "so are our arguments - we want to lovingly free you from your beliefs"
Free us to what end??
Ask any true believer and they will tell you they are completely, and fully happy with their religious standing.
You would call us "brainwashed", "God robots"
I'm not sure what to call it....
I could comically put it... "lovestoned"
Do I sound stupid? high? ok, well I'm admittedly high on Christ.
in all the blatantly joking beliefs used as examples for theism to show believers' stupidity... (bigfoot etc.) something is left out...
(bigfoot etc.) is not a loving savior. (bigfoot etc.) doesn't freely give you eternal life.
Having Jesus in your life is something one has to experience to understand.
You can't "test drive" Jesus. You can commit your life fully, or not.
I'm sure that sounds some sort of life sentence to some, right?
Well I can test out the great experiences of life without God any day. All these "great" things are still at my fingertips and easy to disprove as a true source of pleasure: when I return to God's love and find it infinitely greater.
When Christians attempt to convert others, it is not, as I said, "freeing them to no end" It is sharing their overwhelming happiness that comes from christ, and freeing them from hell.
You don't believe in hell?
Well that's too bad, cause you'll be there soon anyway. Sorry, that sounds quite harsh. A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death. Not to bring up the obviously overused "where will you go when you die?" question... but who of you has faith that you will live eternally?? In my opinion, deep thinking aside, that prospect has sounded quite grand to all throughout history, hasn't it?
Well this statement has gone quite long...
Maybe to sum it up:
The big question is less, Why believe in God?? but more, why SHOULD one NOT?? What are the advantages of this??
Me convincing you of the correct meaning of a scripture passage will not bring you any closer to God, just as little as you convincing me of the falsity of the same will pull me farther from Him. You listing answers to my above question and so on will not bring us closer to an agreement, So I am most likely not going to respond to any answers to this.
I have experienced the world's thinking and I have experienced God's love.
Now go ahead and pick my admittedly badly written statement apart.
I have made my choice.
1) Being an arrogant prick and forcing your beliefs on other people is NOT love. That is just thinking that you are better than everyone else, which you are probably not. By saying that "I am better than you, let me show you the right way since you are too much of an imbecile." is just patronizing the person and the farthest thing from love.
2) Also can you prove to me that Christianity is the right way of life... without emotions and the bible. I'm talking about hard cold evidence. I don't go by the whole "God loves everyone and makes me feel down right perky!" argument. That's great for you, but does squat for me.
"My mind is my own church." - Thomas Paine
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I don't have anything to add about this post, other than to point out how incredibly obnoxious it is. It's a heroic level of comfort with one's own tunnel vision that motivates one to share with others the most insipid, unimaginative, uninteresting kind of bland sloganeering displayed here. It's just -- what kind of barren mind could entertain this incoherent garbage?
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... I AM so confused, I must go find a religion !
Love ya magilum, I got an endless supply of ammo ..... shoot it up , That goes for all you "blessed, saved " atheists ..... kill that "God of Abe" ...... this is the real WAR ! ..... God is on our side ! WE are GOD ! ..... love god ! Fuck that abe shit god .....
KILL HIM ......
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Now go ahead and pick my admittedly badly written statement apart.
I'm not going to 'pick it apart' looking for any kind of little technical crap to scream 'gotcha' over... I'm actually going to ask you some very simple questions.
First, to point out the relative bits.:
My Faith is a love for Jesus Christ.
I'm sure you have heard or can understand a metaphor here of falling in love with a person, and behaving irrationally with love for them??
When Christians attempt to convert others, it is not, as I said, "freeing them to no end" It is sharing their overwhelming happiness that comes from christ, and freeing them from hell.
You don't believe in hell?
Well that's too bad, cause you'll be there soon anyway. Sorry, that sounds quite harsh. A better way would be to say how I am unafraid of death. Not to bring up the obviously overused "where will you go when you die?" question... but who of you has faith that you will live eternally?? In my opinion, deep thinking aside, that prospect has sounded quite grand to all throughout history, hasn't it?
and finally,
The big question is less, Why believe in God?? but more, why SHOULD one NOT?? What are the advantages of this??
So, here are my questions:
If you believe in God purely out of a deep, all-consuming love for Jesus Christ, why are you looking for what the 'advantages' of belief or non-belief are?
Why do you care if you'll live eternally? Why does a fear of death factor into your love at all?
If anything, the fact that you seem to think eternal life and avoiding the fires of hell is at all significant would seem to me to indicate that you do fear death, be it eternal torment or simple nonexistence. Moreover, that your belief appears to be strongly influenced by a desire to seek the 'advantage' of living forever indicates to me that your actions aren't completely irrational at all. Instead, you very much seem to be pursuing a 'what's in it for ME?' goal.
Me, I'm happy that I've had a good life on this Earth for the past 36 years. I may not make 37. I accept that. I'd like to think I've lived my life well... but I can look at it honestly enough to say there's a lot of room for improvement. And if there is a divine entity, and I'm called to stand before them for judgement, I'll thank them for the time I was given, and not ask for anything else. Really, it seems to me that if the Christian God exists, then the majority of Christians are, probably without meaning to be, obnoxious ingrates. God gives you a world, and lifetime to enjoy it, and your response is... to demand more time, in an even better place? That's just rude.
I don't believe God exists. I don't know with any certainty what will happen when I die. If God does exist, and I get sent to hell for all eternity... oh well.
Consider this:
Tomorrow, you could be hit by a car and horribly crippled. You could spend years incapacitated, lose everything you have, everything you hope for. What's more, you know that's a possibility. It's always a possibility.
But knowing that doesn't change how you live at this moment, does it? You do the best you can with the moment you have, and don't worry about the things you can't predict, can't change, can't prevent.
So why is death any different?
If you're praising Jesus and telling yourself how wonderfully you love him, all to escape death... that's not virtue. That's bribery, that's corruption, that's the very essence of vice.
Fuck heaven. Fuck eternal life. Do good without expectation of reward. Good deeds done with an expectation of reward are not good deeds... they're prostitution. Just another business transaction.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
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I doubt that very much. Do you drink deadly poison and pick up snakes as the Gospel of Mark says true believers would do? No, cause you don't really believe and you are very much afraid of death. You pick and choose what is appropriate for you to "believe". Go ahead now make a lame exuse as to why these verses don't apply to your life.
And there are folks who do this, down in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Those folks, irrational or not, do not fear death, and willingly do place their lives into the hands of their God.
And some of them die.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
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yeah BMcD .... he's got the wrong Jesus , sick Paul etc etc lied .....
..... to the OP, Worship is slavery, Respect is quite differnent .... So welcome to the "AWE" , now what ? ....and btw , the best Jesus was atheist .... "No God before me , we and the father are ONE" ..... did say .....
Read your bible again, and as you do, separate Jesus and the Devil in them words. Read the gnostic books of the same era, not included in the bible book, because it was edited by the devil's helpers, of wrong thinking. Good / Bad , oh yes , it's every where, and in that bible of mostly bad bad bad ..... My "Jesus" is indignate regarding the bibles ..... God of Abe is the Devil , check it out, in the BI-BULL , of twin books of mostly B.S. and horror .... mixed with a "but I love you, so I kill" .....
Be Jesus ..... Revolt ! Reject that book ...... my Jesus would insist .... Even one lie is not acceptable, let alone all the blood sacrifice crap ..... We are One, We are Gawd is the simple truth. So why all the religion of "separation" crap ???? And spilled BLOOD ?
I know partly , do you ? .... keep caring ..... but stop lying for the clever devil of separation .....
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So...your point here is "Why are christians so irrational? Love! Why do christians force their beliefs on others? Love!" There is a bit of truth in this. The witch and heretic burnings were meant well, at least form the perspective of those doing the torturing and killing. They saw what they did as an act of mercy. If mangling and killing a body saves the spirit then it is a bargan. So the take home message is, christians torture, burn, kill, and force their beliefs out of love!
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."
-James Madison-
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I don't understand the purpose of your post, other than to be a passive-aggressive pussy. How convinced you are of your position doesn't determine whether or not it's delusional. Specific, testable, repeatable, falsifiable, phenomenological hypotheses would bring the ideas you're talking about out of the shadowy and disreputable realm your religious rhetoric shares with every other religion, cult and unsubstantiated superstition. But you've already said you're not interested in that; you just like feeling smug because you have these incredibly vague, shapeless, unhelpful "answers" that you spackle over life's complex questions. So all that leaves us is your stagnant obstinance, and cowardly spite-mongering. Do I care what your religion says about people who don't acquiese to its many threats? I take it as seriously as you do the threat of the giant wolf Fenris rising from the ocean to devour the earth. Between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, you've had millennia of billions of believers with the motive to substantiate their position, and the best you can come up with is, "Dude, ur goin to hell!!!!!" Your position is, given the proportion of interest it's received versus substance it's produced, incredibly feeble and pathetic. But nothing can shake your magical Jesus-boner, so who cares? Right? Why bother having this conversation?
Why not believe in God?
Well because some of us care about the truth. Also religion is extremely destructive to society and individuals.
Wow really? Well I feel sorry for the 4.5 billion people that are going to hell because they were born on the wrong side of the Earth. I feel especially sorry for the poor and starving of India. They already have pretty screwed up lives between starvation and lack of medical care. They are forced into such shitty lives on Earth and when they die at 40 they are forced into a shitty afterlife too. All this because they do not worship the same God as you. One would think a God that created the universe would sort of be universal. Maybe he just hates Indian people......
Personally I think those poor people had suffered enough with the whole not eating for days on end and living in squalor thing. God doesn’t think so though, to God those first 40 years of torture was just the beginning. He loves humans so much he is going to send a minimum of 70% of them to hell.
I applaud you for spreading God's words to these sick and evil atheists, God bless you, well as long as you:
- Are born in the right part of the world
- Sacrifice your intelligence
- Sacrifice your freedom
- Blindly worship a God who 1k years ago went into hiding and stopped proving himself. Even though he loved showing us how big of a man he was before that time.
- Spread hate, fear and intolerance.
- Go against just about every single natural desire you have that God ironically gave you.
- Torture yourself
- Talk to God to make all your problems go away instead of doing something about it yourself (also known as praying)
- Stone to death any non-believers
- Ignore everything that humankind knows about the Earth and believe in the supernatural instead.
- Delude yourself
- Sacrifice animals to God
If you do all this and much, much more crazy shit, God bless you.... otherwise burn in hell heathen scum
This just says it all, to you those other pleasures are unattainable so you pretend that God's love is all you need.
Personally I have experienced God's love. I have also experienced an expensive hotel room, a $3k bottle of Cognac and two gorgeous models. I have to say the models were a lot more fun than God. Oh no premarital sex I will burn in hell for all eternity because I gave into the desires God supposedly gave me.
Each to his own though, If Jesus gets you off who am I to judge.
Oh fuckit, I'll judge, you’re a nut.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
So you believe, among other things, that every animal species that has ever existed in some way, shape or form in the past 5000 years, all once lived within walking distance of Noah's house. Penguins living in Israel. Dogs and cats living together. Right.
And why the "pain of death" part? None of us are telling you "de-convert or we'll kill you to death."
So... um... you've... gone... gay... for... Jesus. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. And I know the irony of making this statement with the avatar that I'm using, so don't bother pointing that out. )
But when people fall in love with other people, the person involved usually exists (any couple chosen at random) , or at least the second person exists in the context of the existence of the first person involved (Romeo and Juliet, Ted Stryker and Elaine, etc. )
So it goes something like this:
We "recommend" that you practice our religion, and we're telling you this because we love you.
Quick question - why is it okay for Christianss to "lovingly" convert nonbeleivers but not okay for atheists to "lovingly" deconvert believers?
And to answer your question - to free you to the point of being able to think for yourself without fearing the disssapproval of the all-powerful creator of the universe and all that exists therein.
Ask any true Scotsman and they will tell you they are completely and fully happy with their sugar-free porridge.
Bigfoot left behind footprints in the ground. Granted, they turned out to be counterfeit, but that's still a set of footprints more than what Jesus left.
So it's something only "True Believers™" can understand.
"Love Jesus or roast forever in the pit of fire and torture and pain and agony."
If I'm not mistaken, it's the self-preservation instinct which causes fear of death, mostly because we DON'T believe we'll live eternally. There's no reason for me to think I'm going to survive the death of my body. The billions of people over the course of human history have, to date, been unable (or unwilling) to disclose whether or not humans are able to survive the deaths of their bodies.
As for the part about millions of people throughout history believing that there exists some sort of life after death, it's called an ad populum arguement. Just because lots of people believe something is true doesn't mean it's true - to use an example you used, lots of people believe Bigfoot exists. Also, there are millions thousands of people who believe Bush is doing a good job; nearly a billion who believe that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammed is his prophet; quite a few who believe that the NFL needs to do the last part of the Super Bowl over; and some who believe that Bridget is a girl.
Yes, it has.
Protip: what you're using here is called "Pascal's Wager," named after the French mathematician who figured that one has everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing, but nothing to gain and everything to lose by not believing.
It fails because it presupposes only two options: Christianity (in Pascal's case, Roman Catholicism) and atheism. Suppose the Muslims are right? You and I both will end up in Islamic Hell.
What if the ancient Egyptians got it right?
The Vikings?
What if the South Park guys got it right, and "Mormon" is the correct choice? Where the hell are we gonna go then, Detroit?
What if Hubbard was righHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!1!1!one!
Sorry. I couldn't type that last one with a straight face
Anyway, I think my point has been made - Pascal's Wager has a false dichtomy.
Feel free to change your mind at any time.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
Im not in the mood to actually nit pick through the arguements, and supply rebuttles, i'll leave that to a person who enjoys such whole some activities.
BUT! i shall do my best to provide comic relief... even if i am dead serious on some point >.>
You know, I've ALWAYS wanted to put this one to the test, any takers? who wants to further their gods cause? "Upon Pain of Death" if you have not converted to something other then your present religion, then I will convert to yours... scared of die'ing? i SUPPOSE i could stop at the torture... ya! lets to do that instead, that way you may live to revel in your "victory"
Shall i see you Thursday? i have an opening around 1pm
->Gobots<- hehehe
You are neither high nor stupid... you just suffer from an extreme chemical imbalance ;-p
Im sure that the church of bigfoot, and monster truck challenge producers would beg to differ
Then... i suggest you be abstinent, dont breed... ever... we'll see how strong your gods true pleasure really is ;-p (oral counts, as well as touching! hehe)
Buddy... your heaven IS my hell... doesnt matter whether im good or evil (yay baby!) i will still go to the same place (if it exists >.> ).... (and if you arent following, thats heaven... damn i would preffer good ole fire and brimstone over christdom any day... or eternity)
What Would Kharn Do?
sorry about that
How do you know what I feel.I've seen several religious sites.I mostly feel sorry for them
No true Scotman Fallacy..Are you god?Can you judge who is a 'true christian" and not?I was exactly like you.In fact,I could have written this very post. I was willing,even eager, to die for jesus.Know what though?These beliefs aren't infallible.People can and do recover from them.Just gota think.You are high on a set of beliefs that make you feel good and were likely instilled at an early age. You are high on the belief you will be immortal.What you are not high on is a 2milennia old zombie.
I,along with many others here,was a christian. We have experienced it .I know the "high" you speak of. However,when you can look at it objectively, you realise it's nothing more than your own emotion and imagination. Furthermore,how can you judge us on what our 'relationship' with jesus was. I no longer have anything to do with christianity,but I don't care for you saying I was doing it wrong. I commited m whole life,and unsurprisingly it ultimately availed me nought.
Guess what.Atheists can have overwhelming happiness. I'm positive every apostate here will tell you they're happier now. I know many xtians.Alot of them can be downright depressed. Guess they aren't True Christians
Since you ask, no .
Is this a threat?
Nobody here is afraid of death either.I'm certainly not. Yes, it has sounded quite grand throughout history,which is why religion thrives by preying on people who don't want to die.
Pascal's Wager..no need to answer. Interesting..it seems your admitting scripture is false but that won't deter you.Blind faith indeed.Aw stuff...another hit and run..
Only because you offered..
Did you think first?
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.