The Ides of March
We experienced much win this gloomy Saturday in Hollywood. The CoS at Sunset and L. Ron Hubbard Way (we gotta get that street name changed) was flanked with fags and retards of all stripes, chanting for the revocation of the monstrous cult and domestic terrorist organization's tax-exempt status. The decentralized protest experience is an impressive one, and very relevant to the atheist. Some were concerned about their free-loading on our tax dollars, others about their deranged medical practices, their typical cult tactics of breaking up families and isolating and alienating people from their friends, their infiltration of the federal government, their attacks on the field of study they owe their whole auditing process to -- psychiatry -- their aggressive suppression of critics through lawsuits, their intimidation tactics, their slavery-like exploitation of members, their quasi-military fleet, and their aggressive investigation and slander of any and all critics. Whatever your specific concern, whether you've personally experienced the horrors of the organization or not, you may align yourself with your peers on the view which you share: that the CoS must be criticized, that their crimes must be exposed and publicized, and that we must clamp down on their grandiose and perverted ambitions with the dormant force of our society itself. I took no orders, saw no leaders, but we worked together dynamically. If a centralized top-down system is like a folder on your computer, this "group" is like a web search for a keyword. We are not a group, but we are related.
There was an incredible variety of people, with varying degrees of experience with the organization. Some were just there for the lulz. As was I, until I walked alone to my car and was physically assaulted by a middle aged Sci-cunt. She immediately and specifically tried to goad me into hitting her, which I explicitly refused to do. What witnesses saw was a crazy old bint attacking a non-violent protester. So, oops, LOL.
We were accosted by many maggot-like cretins in polo shirts -- our "handlers" -- assigned the shit task of taking photos of us for use in their slimy investigations. Hordes of passers-by honked their horns in enthusiastic support of our efforts. The protest was completely non-violent on our parts, and the police interacted with us only to warn us about the traffic. The atmosphere was festive and the people were friendly. Good job, people.
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Dame I missed that South Park episode, because of Tom Cruise
That's amazing. Well done. I hope the event just keeps getting bigger.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence