my job

I've been working for this food company called Gordon Food Service (GFS) for about two years now. To you who are not familiar with them, it's a bulk food store (5lbs of mayo type deal). Now before I started I heard it was very christian, I didn't think anything of it, it's not like they can shove their believes down my throat. My first year there wasn't anything too out of the ordinary, until the xmas dinner. They played this video from the gordon family and they said "the main reason for the season our lord jesus christ" kinda freaked me out a little but I shook it off. Then not a month later, in the break room I noticed a new poster, so I read it, mostly it was about or goal for customers and other bullshit until i got to the end. I wish the picture came out but my camera phone sucks. But on the bottom it says, "Most of all we must accept jesus christ as our lord and savior." I was fucking shocked. I didn't think you could post things like that. Worst of all now they're playing christian music over the radio.
Ahh what is an atheist to do?
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face
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I'd get artful with a Sharpie on that poster.
Perhaps a little childish but it's important to stay young at heart.
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
You could contact OSHA and find out what they have to say. i know i just recently had to go through that yearly training session and for the first time ever they stayed on the topic of Religion for about 20 minutes. They talked about how Religion should stay out of the workplace Period, and that having a lack of belief still means that you still shouldn't talk about it. They also said that if someone gets offended even once they need to talk to either there boss or contact OSHA. i say OSHA because boss is liable to just brush it off.
Man up and deal with it.
Why does everybody feel that they have the right not to be discomforted? Is it just me that thinks it is crazy that we live in a world in which being offended warrants a call to OSHA?
It is a job, you are there 8 hours per day (maybe more). I am guessing you need your job so deal with the Christianity.Telling them you are an atheist or filing a complaint is only going to lead to trouble.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
OSHA isn't the right place - that's for safety. File an anonymous complaint with the EEOC. You could also start a bonfire!
Last poster - wrong. With that attitude slavery would still be around and women still couldn't vote.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
How on Earth can you compare this guy’s story with slavery and women’s rights?
I am not suggesting that fighting against major social injustices isn’t noble and isn’t the right thing to do. This is not a major social injustice though; this is a guy who goes that gets uncomfortable hearing Christian music.
Today when somebody gets offended they run to a government overseer for help. It is ridiculous that people think they have the right to feel comfortable everywhere they go. It is even more ridiculous that people need to run to a judge to be told who’s comfort is more important in that situation.
Fighting social injustices like slavery and women’s rights is productive, getting caught up on the little things that make you slightly uncomfortable isn't.
The fact is that he applied for employment to a company he knew was strongly Christian. He is now bitching about them playing Christian music. They are not doing anything wrong, they can play Christian music and they can announce their love for Jesus on the fine print of their posters. If they force him to go to a prayer meeting, bible studies or church I would agree they are wrong.
If you apply for employment with a Christian business you do not complain when they worship their God. He put himself in this situation, he should take responsibility, he shouldn’t run to the government for help.
Am I alone when in hating the idea of a judge telling a business they cannot play Christian music because it makes an atheist uncomfortable? I am an atheist and the idea pisses me off.
P.S. Last time I check slaves did not force themselves into slavery and then complain about it. Nor did women deny themselves the right to vote and the complain about it.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
I didn't put myself in this situation, if you would have read I found out after the fact, for me to sit back and take it is just completely against who i am. It is not right at all for a job to talk about their religion. It's extremely bad business for anyone who has taken a business class you would know that. I'm not bitching about the fact that they believe, I have absolutely no problem with that what so ever. The problem I have is that at first it was ok but now I really feel uncomfortable, and sure quiting would be the easy route but I live in Michigan and this state is dying quickly.
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face
Gordon Food Service states that it is a privately owned company So they can plaster jesus all over their walls if they want to. As to it being a bad business practice that's their concern and their business.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I did read your post carefully and you clearly said you heard before that it was a very Christian company. It is your responsibility to exercise some due diligence and research the company before applying for employment. You heard the company was Christian, you did not bother to look into it, you took a job, and now after two years you want them to change to suit you. What cry baby bullshit. They are playing the music they like, some of the lyrics mention Jesus, you have no right to ask them to turn it off. You took a job in a place you knew to be Christian. After two years you decide they are too Christian and you want to lead an anti-Christianity crusade against them.
For you to sit back and take it is against who you are? So you are the type of guy who takes a Nun on a date and then complains when she doesn’t sleep with you? You willingly take employment with a company you know to be Christian, then you say they are too Christian for you.
I have taken many business classes; I am a 21 year old self-made millionaire with several businesses and many employees. I talk about science and my lack of belief in God with employees all the time. I talk about it with Christians, Muslims, and Jews. My businesses are thriving in very harsh conditions and are growing fast. When I happen to accidently employ self-righteous assholes who are an impediment to my business I find an excuse to fire them. It sounds like the company you work for is doing very well, even with Christian music and posters.
People complaining every time they feel the least bit uncomfortable is bullshit.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
That whole attitude is what's wrong with the US. Unfortunately, business isn't regulated anywhere close to what it should be. People often don't "choose" where they want to work - they take what they can get. Religious messages in the workplace are a violation of a person's rights.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
What is wrong with the U.S. (and also Australia) is that the U.S. is a litigious society full of little girls that cry over spilt milk. More regulations do not make for a healthier society. All the U.S. needs is more government regulations; it is already on the fast track to becoming a police nation.
I cannot believe anybody would want the government to tell business owners how to run their businesses. They are not forcing religion upon him they are playing Christian music and putting a sentence at the bottom of a poster. If they forced employees to attend some kind of religious meeting I would be the first to say that they are wrong.
This is all so fucking ridiculous. How far does it have to go before people stop having laws created to prevent them slight discomfort. Santa Clause cannot say ‘ho, ho, ho’ anymore because it sounds like the word ‘hoe’. Fuck it, I am going to move to Europe so I can live in a sane society. I want to hear Santa say 'ho', I want business owners to be able to run their business however they choose too. I do not want tedious and ridiculous rule impeding my enjoyment of life just so a few pretentious assholes can live their lives in a comfort bubble.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
You sound like a communist. Telling someone that they can not spread a message of any kind in their personally owned business is a violation of that person's rights.
It's like you requesting to be a guest in my home and then getting pissed at what I am watching on TV. If you don't like it, get the fuck out of my house.
You have the right to leave my property. Not the right to tell me what I can do on my property.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I'm actually a socialist - leaning toward communist. If I had the choice between getting rid of Capitalism or religion from the world it would be a very difficult choice for me. I personally think CEO's/Business owners who mistreat/exploit their employees should either be executed or sent to prison for life and all their property confiscated. Not a normal prison either - one where they are in their cell 24/7 and if they make one sound the guards beat the shit out of them with their batons.
Not regulating business is insane. The government lets business "run the way it wants" way too much. I'd rather have the government tell businesses exactly how to run. You definitely don't want to move to Europe. European countries don't kiss corporate ass anywhere close to how they do in the US. At the very least I'd like to see businesses that violate regulations in a VASTLY less pro-business government be taken over by the government with no compensation to the owners.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
You ask: "what is an atheist to do?"
I say unless you are planning some sort of war against this company's christian practices , which from what I see is a private company so good luck with that, you should suck it up and do your job.... or find another one. Now if you were working for say...UPS or McDonalds or Apple those types of messages to its employees would be an issue.
Do you have fun at that job? Does it pay well? It may be something you just have to put up with.
Slowly building a blog at ~
Who is being mistreated/exploited? I'll tell you what, Matt. I'm going to sit in your house 40 hours a week. If you do anything that offends me you are going to get all of your property confiscated, you will get thrown in jail, and ass raped by the guards everyday.
Welcome to your socialist paradise!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Big difference. My house isn't a business and I don't make money off your back.
Watch a man being executed and then make that statement. I do not mean watch some shitty video of a terrorist killing a guy I mean watch a guy beg for is life before being killed. See the fear and desperation in his eyes, watch him lose control of his bladder and bowel functions.
You sound more like a Nazi than a socialist.
A business owner playing Christian music in no way constitutes mistreatment.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Godwin Fallacy.
Nazis tend to support the rich exploiting the poor. I personally think they deserve torture to death, but wouldn't actually go that far. It is mistreatment subjecting someone to that, unless it's something obviously Christian - like a church. Before anyone brings up the ridiculous assertion that anyone can be succesful by working hard, please. That's one of the stupidest things I ever heard. The jobs where people work the hardest pay next to nothing, and the ones that pay the most are ones where people sit on their ass and tell everyone else what to do, doing pretty much nothing themselves. Capitalism is the worst things humans ever invented. 90% of the rich should be put against a wall and shot.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
It is a mutally benifical realationship, the employee is paid to do a job and the job he does makes money for the business owner.
Nobody is being mistreated the guy is crying because of their choice in music. If anybody should be jailed it is you and him for displaying extreme ignorance.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
What's the difference between employing a housekeeper to clean my house and hiring a janitor to clean a warehouse for my privately owned company?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Oh. Ok, throw the word Nazi in there and you make a completely valid point. What an idiotic thing to say.
The Soviet Union died and the Capitalist America thrived. Your idea on social order FAILED, Matt.
I agree you don't get successful by working hard. You get successful by working intelligently. If you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself then just make the world a communist planet and then everyone can be dirt poor together.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
So I should be shot because I make more money than you?
In other words you lead a shitty life, you feel that your contribution to the world is meaningless and you just have an overall feeling of inadequacy. The problem with people like you is that they cannot accept that their life is what they make it. People like you blame their inadequacies on everyone but themselves.
I worked my ass off to get where I am. Soon when I open my new business I will be working 12 hours per day 7 days per week in a foreign country for at least 9 months. I do not need some deluded asshole like you telling me I should be shot because I have money. I sacrificed a lot to get to the point at which i can call myself rich.
You want to persecute people because they are more efficient than you at making money? You want to execute people because they worked hard to make money?
Maybe if you get of your fucking ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself you can make some money too. If you really think money is that important (it isn’t) do something about it, something besides executing the rich.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
The Soviet Union didn't follow Marx at all - I want a government control of business but total social freedom. I have a degree (3.0 average, 140's IQ) , but since I don't know the "right" people, have the "right" opinions - plus being disabled physically and not an extrovert I'm at the bottom of the economic scale. Face it, the system in the US keeps the rich rich and keeps the poor poor.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Man, fuck you you capitalist elistist piece of shit. How much did you get from being born to privildge? You should be executed for your attitude. We seriously need to redistribute wealth. Life isn't what people make, it's what the people with power allow them to make. 99% of what happens to those without power is completely out of their control. I really wish the poor would revolt and start taking from the rich and killing them. Just take from what the stores have and kill whoever gets in their way. Then overthrow the asshat right wing government and put in place a Socialist government. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen. The best I can hope for is a Democratic majority in Congress and Obama in the White house.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Posting gpa's and IQs is evidence of someone trying to defend an idiotic viewpoint. I don't give two shits over your 3.0 average and 140's IQ (Like a single number could accurately say anything about a persons intelligence). If you think that shit is so hot then I can truthfully retaliate that I also have a degree (3.85 average, 140's IQ). So the fuck what? My gpa and IQ doesn't help me defend my opinion.
I had a college buddy that got out of college, started trading bonds over the internet, made millions, and retired at the age of 25. He lives in Hawaii. He wasn't priviledged and he didn't know any "right" people. And he could have done it in a wheelchair. He did it all sitting at his desk in his house on his computer.
Your opinion on this is pisspoor.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Fuck YOU you bitter little shit. You want to sit there and whine that you can't do anything about your situation in life? You've got to be shitting me! How many billionaires started out in this country running a business out of their garage?
I really despise whiney little bitches that refuse to take responsibility over their life. YOU should be executed for your attitude.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
So he got lucky. That's no more of a defense for Capitalism than someone winning the lottery is. You do know that Testimonials are worthless? Look how bad the gap between rich and poor in this asshat country is compared to other western countries. Almost as bad as the 3rd world. I fucking hate Capitalism more than religion.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Now I can't read much because of the bottom post cutoff.
People get down and hold themselves down. No one said life is easy but if you work your ass off you can get ahead. That's the nature of the beast. Capitalism isn't a perfect system, and it does have bad effects from a cultural perspective of keeping the poor poor and rich rich. That is not a case for the individual. Many individuals make the jump from poor to rich or at least poor to middle-class without a problem. The problem lies in that the majority of people don't try or are too willing to "give up" when they face adversity and blame on the system rather than blame it on themselves.
The problem with the system is that it tends to produce people who do resign themselves to their classification and put people in a system where it sometimes seems easier to take the 'easy way out' by doing something that is not productive to progress.
But I can't state enough that just because the system has problems, that is not an excuse for the individual. I think a lot of things should be socialized, but I don't think the work force should be. I hate unions as it is much less a full country of unionization and lack of control over what you do and your rate of progression.
Individuals decide their fate, not the system.
Keep being deluded by those born rich and those who got very lucky, asshat. Most people have no control over how their life goes. The less money you are born with, the less control you have over your life.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
You apparently have 0 clue as to the simple fact that many people who own stores are not in the slightest bit rich.
If you are born in the "wrong" circumstances you have absolutely no control over your life. The government definitely needs to counter the extreme power of business. The US is so asshatish we let money run everything.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I disagree totally with your first statement, and agree with the last statement.
I agree with your premise that the system is broken, but your ideological standards of killing people due to their wealth is simply fucking asshat crazy. Punish people because they had more fortunes than you? That's fucked dude.
Your I.Q. doesn't make you rich, it is more about ingenuity than intelligence.
I was not born rich, I was born into a middle class family and I became rich, there are plenty of self made millionaires and billionaires around. Just because you cannot make money it does not give you the right to say that rich people should be lined up and shot.
How would you react if I said disabled people should be lined up and shot because they drain government resources?
Two years ago I found this list of common attributes of rich people I cannot remember the source but I did not write this.
Does that sound like you? From what I have seen of your personality it certainly doesn't.
The top 3 richest people on Earth are self-made billionaires and I can give you a list a mile long of self-made billionaires. Here is just a sample:
Richard Branson
Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
George Soros (he was a child of the depression)
They must have just got lucky right? If I remember correctly more than 50% of Forbes to 400 rich people are self-made. They must all be lucky...... you make your own fucking luck.
Just because you do not have what it takes to achieve your goals it does not mean you should persecute those who do. You are a Nazi, Hitler and other Nazis were jealous of the Jews because a lot of them were successful (rich). They persecuted Jews because of that jealousy and by your own words you want for the same thing. Lucky for us you do not have the power to make your sick, sadistic, genocidal ideas reality.
Note: To anybody offended by the disabled people comment please understand I am saying it only to prove a point not because that is what I think. In fact I would probable knock out anybody who said that (and meant it) in front of me.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
You're the one who is deluded, shitstain. You have just as much ability to start a business and succeed or fail as anyone else. The last company I worked for was started in the 70's by a man working out of his garage. He is a multi billionaire.
"Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit. They were hand-built by Steve Wozniak in the living room of Jobs' parents' home, and the Apple I was first shown to the public at the Homebrew Computer Club."
My father had an alcoholic one armed carpenter for a father and a extremely depressed mother. When he was a child he had no shoes. He would get kicked out of school for having his hair unkempt. He had to beg his grandparents and neighbors for food.
In the 80's he employed 50 people in a construction company that he made for himself. He owns over a thousand acres of land and 400 cattle. He is a self-made millionare.
You are SERIOUSLY fucked in the head.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Oh sorry did I offend you when I said you consider your life meanignless? Maybe you offended me when you suggested I should be killed because I worked hard to make money. You are a psychopath, you think I should be executed because I get offended when a bitter, low-life, poor excuse for a human tells me I should be dead because I made money.
Born into privilege? I was not born into privilege, I had $14 in my bank account when I first started my business.
You are a Nazi, it is that simple.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Amfk, I would just chill, try to bear the xianity as long as you can, and try to look for some different job on which to fall if you get too sick of it all. But keep tabs on the stuff just in case they find out you don't believe in their ever-present, overbearing know-it-all.
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
whoa whoa! i never said i wanted to "bring down the beast" or anything like that. i was simply just saying the changes i've been noticing as of late. it's not like i am the only one either. there are people there who have been there 5+ years and they are saying the same stuff i am. this stuff i've said has just popped up. so all i was saying is i am worried that they may get worse. that's all. sorry for being a "cry baby bitch" (real mature guy, run to europe.)
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face
if it is indeed a privately owned business you're not in a position to demand or force a change, but you do have a right to decline participation in events or activities of a religious nature. i doubt it's in your job description that you're required to engage in group prayer or wear xian t-shirts, etc. so you have every right to refuse to do so without consequence. but as far making the owners remove religious references from company documents, that's beyond your control.
my advice, simply ignore the xian propaganda and do your job. and if the day comes when they ask you, as part of your employment, to do or say something of a religious nature, just say no. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
I agree this got out of hand and most of the references made to government were not directed at you they were directed at the psychopath Nazi.
Also, what has going to Europe going to Europe got anything to do with maturity?
Norway for example:
1. Is mostly Atheist
2. It is the most peaceful country on Earth. In other words people do not get s
3. Has a murder rate less than one quarter that of America’s. I think two people are murdered every hour in the U.S.
4. Rape rate is around 1/3 that of the United States and 1/7th that of Australia.
5. Has an assault rate 1/3 that of the United States.
7. Burglary rate is about 1/7 that of the United States rate.
They also have great history, culture and a very high standard of living (higher than that of the U.S.).
Life expectancy is also higher and not surprisingly health care is much better. Obesity rate is 1/4 that of the United States. Add to that the women are incredibly gorgeous.
So it is not so much running away as it is moving to a country with lower crime, friendlier people, better health care and a higher standard of living. Throw in the fact that the people are mostly Atheist I think that Norway is a much better option than Australia or America.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Hi amfk,
If leaving them is not an option, how about milking them for all they are worth? For example, do they offer tuition reimbursement? If they do, take advantage of that, get a degree, and as soon as you've paid off your end of the deal, go to another company, or start your own. The important thing is to plan what you want to do, and then execute that plan. Believe me, the time goes by quickly, so before you know it, you will have graduated.
For example, I'm currently in a similar situation, except I'm not working for a christian company; I'm just in a dead end job. Right now, I'm having them pay for my second college degree, and at the same time I'm developing a game that I intend to release sometime next year. Also, as soon as I graduate, I'm going to start sending my resume out to as many game studios as I can find. If I can find a good fit someplace, I'm going to work for them to essentially learn the ropes of running a game development studio. Otherwise, I will concentrate on the game I'm developing myself and see where that leads.
The point is that you really can make the best of a bad situation. Don't ever feel that you have to somehow stay in a bad situation forever. Instead, look at your options, make a plan, and carry it out. I won't say that it will be easy, my own personal experience proves it, but in the end it really does work.
nah man, i saw i was being attacked and acted out primitively and for that i apologize my friend. but as far as my europe comment goes. being that i am born from there (nurnberg, bavaria, germany and no i don't speak it yet) i am all for it man. go! go as fast as you can. before this country topples itself.
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face
"religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich" napoleon bonaparte.
being from detroit i can some what sympathize with you. i know what it is like to be dirt poor and going to grosse pointe and robbing and killing some rich white man. but i just don't care about money that much. besides a wise man (well at least i think he's wise) henry rollins once said "if you hate your parents, the man, or the establishment, don't show the up by getting wasted and wrapping your car around a tree. if you really wanna rebel, out learn them out live them, and know more than they do" and to me that means more to me than any kind of money.
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face