Your reaction

So what is your reaction to this? Laughter? Depression? Anger? Personally I'm saddened by the way these people allow themselves to be herded. I think the music makes it funny but still think it is sad.
It is said the great ones catch teardrops in their hands.
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Benny Hin is amazing, he played a major role in curing me of a terrible illness of the mind that afflicted me as a child called, a disease called theism.
Catching his bullshit show on early morning television when I was 13 years old was the final step to me renouncing God. His bullshit made me an atheist!
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Obviously this is satire but videos like this do make a statement...
Many years ago I saw a non-satirical video of Islamic prayer rituals. There were probably close to one thousand people participating. It was watching this massive ritual that actually made it 'sink-in' to me as to how effective theism is as brainwashing.
Very sad.
My reaction was: to go to one such show, let the guy push me around, and instead of being cured, fake he hurt my neck and then sue his ass for assault.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
oh my Joy
.... "Obviously this is satire" //// NOT ! ( me just nit picking )
It is dead serious. That guy reeks of evil, like most all preachers. They need to be sued .....
Here's some satire,
'Those preachers know god , you need their religion, you were born dirty sinners and are hell bound .... shezzzzzz , only Jesus was perfect, on your knees you scum bags, pay up, and I'll show you the way to heaven. ' ----------
giggles to TEARS to INDIGNATION .... freaks me out ..... [ me jesus has a real beef with the church ..... ]
Atheism Books.
I hope Benny Hinn sides with Professor Xavier instead of Magneto in the coming war between mutants and normal humans.
lol, the music really made it funny. The way he was slapping some of those people around (especially the ones that kicked their feet up and threw themselves backwards) you could almost think he was passing himself off as some kind of Bruce Lee, instead of the embarrassment to humanity that he really is.
I've even read up a bit on that kind of thing - many of those people aren't even faking, or at least don't know they are. He's got them so convinced that they involuntarily do it to themselves, almost like flinching even though you know the blow won't land.
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
I would love to get up on that stage.
I agree with you.I've been in churches where the pastor is running around 'slaying people in the spirit' and everyone he touches falls down.And yes, I was one of those who were 'slain' once. Do I think the hand of god touched me?No..I think what happens is a combination of emotional music, adrenaline, a want to feel god,and peer pressure.Everyone else is falling and when you get touched you just do it. If it really was god touching me he obviously wasn't that impressive since I became a atheist a few months later.
And ya,Hinns a kook.My father loves him for some reason.Makes me sick.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
You see the same thing with stage hypnotist. They never actually hypnotize people; the people just want to be hypnotized so they allow themselves to think they are hypnotized. I use to think they were all paid performers but it’s really just a statement to the power of the human mind or maybe the weakness.
Benny Hinn is a low life; he exploits the hope of suffering people. I rarely say this about anybody but Benny Hinn is better off dead. He has probably got the death of many on his hands but he will continue exploiting and killing people for years to come.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Careful... Magneto might have spies here.
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was the funniest ruttin' thing I've ever seen!
"...your love is like BAD MED-I-SON! Bad medicine is what I need...WHOA-O-OOH..."