Atheism denies God to justify degenerate life
Yes, another christian's fantasy about how people become atheists so we can have nonstop swinging sex. (That clearly hasn't worked in mmy case!)
Atheism denies God to justify degenerate life
Posted by Jackson Citizen Patriot March 02, 2008 08:00AM
Categories: Voice of the PeopleJACKSON — "A true opium of the people is a belief that nothingness after death -- the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders, we are not going to be judged."
Czeslaw Milosz said that when accepting the 1980 Nobel Prize in literature. Based on this, it appears Karl Marx and the Marxist doctrine needs to be revised. It is not religion that is the opiate of the people, but atheism that is the opiate of the morally corrupt.
If you want to live a degenerate life, God becomes your mortal enemy. He represents a lethal danger to your greed, selfishness and sexual immorality. It is in your interest to despise Him and do whatever you can to rid the universe of His presence. The atheist sees it is advantageous to get rid of moral judgment by getting rid of the judge.
The classical author Dostoyevsky said, "Anything is permissible if there is no God." We are born intuitively knowing there is a God as well as right and wrong. The atheist must lie to himself that there is no God until he believes his own lie.
— Brian Gardner
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Oh wow haven't heard that one before..not. It's so sickening how xtians can't imagine being moral without a god. And it's really scary when they say stuff like'without god would just kill people.' Just point out if atheists are so immoral,why do they make less than 1% of the US prison population. As for sexual immorality, I'm sure there are plenty of happily married, faithful atheists. This whole line of thought is ridicoulous.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Yeah, I deny god to be an evil bastard. Even though I'm faithful to my wife, and raise three daughters that for some reason I don't beat or molest. Nor do I do drugs, break the law, or any other perverted thing. I even manage to pay my taxes every year. How could I live so wickedly if I accepted ol' god as my daddy?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I've always wondered how people can actually believe this is a good argument. If I believed in God, and that God would punish all the evil deeds I supposedly want so baldy to do, how the fuck do I get rid of God?! I mean, it's God. I couldn't actually rid the universe of God! He's all powerfull, eternal, and all that. And plugging my ears and saying "na na na na" won't make God go away either. No, what I'd do is just accept Christ as my savior, and when I do all those bad things, I'd ask forgiveness, and God would forgive me.
I find the premise of this argument offensive. Suggesting that people who do not believe in God are morally corrupt trivializes the human race. It is as if he is saying mankind is incompetent and we need a God to tell us right from wrong.
The writer may consider himself a weak willed pawn but his suggestion that we all are infuriates me. I know instinctively that taking human life is wrong. I do not need a higher power to tell me murder is wrong. I especially do not need to be told about morals by a malevolent, sadist who spends his time torturing humans.
Christians are blind when it comes to reading the bible. The bible condones the murder of non-believers, the rape of women, and the keeping of slaves. The bible is as moral as a terrorists hand book, oh wait it fucking is the terrorists handbook.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
what the hell kind of father are you!? you monster!
What Would Kharn Do?
I must look like an unsuccessful or incompetent atheist to Brian Gardner. What happened to all that "degenerate" sex I supposedly had coming to me when I became an atheist over 30 years ago. If I became an atheist for that reason, I certainly got gypped.
More Christan bs in my opinion. They feel like in order to try and combat the firestorm of Atheist authors and debators,they have to discredit them in some sort of way. All the bs aside,they still can't touch the arguments. "Personal" attacks like these are what children do when they lose or feel hurt by someone's actions.
And what is wrong so with a degenerate lifestyle I ask?
Well disgraced ex-pastor Ted Haggard didn't need to reject his precious faith in God in order to illegally snort meth and let a gay prostitute slam his throbbing love-pole in and out of Ted's righteous, god-loving ass-hole.
He's still a practicing Christian ( and for all we know he's still a practicing bi-sexual, meth snorting ,manlover )
Yes, Pastor Ted's faith in Christ really did set him free. ( wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Praise God !!! fuck me in the ass you big hunk of hell-bound manliness but don't tell anybody !!!)
While we're on pictures I wanted to share this one.I think it's relevant and I love it!
Fucking epic Loc.... fucking epic
People who wish to live immoral lives can do so and still believe in God, all they have to do is deny the christian God, and worship a personal God who allows all the things they wish to take part in.. Or, alternatively, worship the christian God, and simply pray for forgivenesss immediately after every time they commit a heinous crime. After all, the christian doctrine allows for this. Jesus will always forgive one's sins, if one asks for forgiveness. That why he died on the cross, so sinners could repent.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
Notice how "christian civilization" has all those factories pumping out air pollution.
I'm not sure if that cartoon is pro-atheist, pro-christian, or apathetic.
We atheists have incredible sex, ;all the time
In fact, I'm having sex right now. With 3 women who all look like Shakira. They're all fundies' girlfriends. They all tell me they'll never do this stuff with their Jesus hugger boyfriends. Tough luck, fundies.
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
Violence is not a way of getting where you want to go, only more quickly. Its existence changes your destination. If you use it, you had better be prepared to find yourself in the kind of place it t
Seems pro-christian to me.Might help if we knew the context it was orignally made in.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I could never get the hang of seducing even one christian woman. If a god exists and he sends me to hell for "adultery" for all the women I've merely looked at lustfully without getting them out of their clothes, I will feel really, really cheated.
Denying God to justify denegrating life? More like justifying life by denegrating gods.
Some christians have gone out of their way to denigrate and deny allah, like that Lt. General Boykin who called the Muslims' god a "false idol." A Muslim apologist could assert that these christians want to live a degenerate life where they drink alcohol, gamble, eat pork, wear gold bling and fornicate.
Jesus huggers know one freethinker (Dawkins), We've got some bad news for you thumpers: there's more of us than you could possibly imagine.
I have yet to find a militant religion that doesn't lack one of humankind's best attributes (imagination). I don't think they lack the gene. They deliberately choose to maim themselves.
Kind of ironic that the people who base their lives on making shit up have no imaginations.
And without imagination, you might as well be dead.
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
Violence is not a way of getting where you want to go, only more quickly. Its existence changes your destination. If you use it, you had better be prepared to find yourself in the kind of place it t
how Jesus huggers know exactly one freethinker (Dawkins)
?I've got some bad news for you thumpers: there are more of us than you can possibly imagine.
Kind of ironic that people whose whole lives are based on making shit up have no imaginations.
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
Violence is not a way of getting where you want to go, only more quickly. Its existence changes your destination. If you use it, you had better be prepared to find yourself in the kind of place it t
Tag it and bag it:
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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