moses was high

Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher
Tue Mar 4, 7:02 AM ET
JERUSALEM (AFP) - High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week.
Such mind-altering substances formed an integral part of the religious rites of Israelites in biblical times, Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in the Time and Mind journal of philosophy.
"As far Moses on Mount Sinai is concerned, it was either a supernatural cosmic event, which I don't believe, or a legend, which I don't believe either, or finally, and this is very probable, an event that joined Moses and the people of Israel under the effect of narcotics," Shanon told Israeli public radio on Tuesday.
Moses was probably also on drugs when he saw the "burning bush," suggested Shanon, who said he himself has dabbled with such substances.
"The Bible says people see sounds, and that is a clasic phenomenon," he said citing the example of religious ceremonies in the Amazon in which drugs are used that induce people to "see music."
He mentioned his own experience when he used ayahuasca, a powerful psychotropic plant, during a religious ceremony in Brazil's Amazon forest in 1991. "I experienced visions that had spiritual-religious connotations," Shanon said.
He said the psychedelic effects of ayahuasca were comparable to those produced by concoctions based on bark of the acacia tree, that is frequently mentioned in the Bible.;_ylt=AlTD3X7mnuYYeLTAABvfQzQDW7oF "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
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I know what I'm doing for spring break. Does anyone know a good Brazillian travel agent?
Lots about all that religion and drugs on line, here's just a bit ,
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
3.5 hrs broken into 7 segments --- or full length
here's the 7 min trailer, cool music too ,
some quick reading, The psychedelic secrets of Santa Claus
Drinking Reindeer Piss ......
Wow , hi GOD 
Atheism Books.
This is funny. I was in the Intellectual Heritage lounge at school today, and a professor there asked me if I had seen this article. We had a good laugh over it.
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
You know there's an Amazonian tribe that makes you a living god if you survive a bout with the local Datura...
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
Like a bout to the death? If not I'm down.
any of several plants belonging to the genus Datura, of the nightshade family, including some species grown as ornamentals and usually having funnel-shaped flowers and prickly pods: the leaves and seeds are the source of hallucinogenic alkaloids.
Pity... i wanted to fight an animal... not eat a poisonous plant
What Would Kharn Do?
Eh, I don't like the way the scientist uncritically accepts Moses' historicity. The ancient Hebrews could have had shaman-like individuals who went on drug trips, described their experiences and provided the language which the Hebrews used to write about their tribal Binker.
Well god did give Moses two tablets.Maybe they were drugs? (ya I'm corny)
I don't need drugs to see music. I'm a synaesthete, I see it anyway.
Heh heh. Heard this on the radio this morning and laughed.
The only inspiration the bible writers had was that they were high,at least that is what i think.
This study doesn't suprise me at all,but i don't think Moses existed. Is there any record of his existence outside the damn bible?
This is just silly. (1) He assumes that Moses existed (2) that there was some exodus (a subject that has been severely argued against in modern scholarship) (3) he doesn't believe that it was a legend (although archaeological evidence points to just that) but instead will believe an insane idea that Moses was hallucinating when he delivered the ten commandments (sic!). Really? How does he even suggest that Moses delivered anything? This is just annoying...
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
I don't know about the drug thing, but if Moses had an Egyptian eduation, it's fairly likely that he spent most of those 40 days carving the ten commandments himself, don't you think? He was likely not high to do such a work, but when he came down and saw everyone having a good time, he threw them down and had to do the same thing all over again. Seems pretty obvious that when he penned the first 5 books of the Old Testament that he could write whatever he wanted to write, after all, who could read it and verify it?
i'm right with you. i found this article pretty amusing, but in all seriousness i would have to call foul on the notion that Moses was anything more than a fictional character. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
First of all, while I appreciate the thought processes taking place here, the Egyptians were notorious for using papyrus leaves and not tablets. Papyrus plants are abundant in Egypt, which is why there are so many sites in Egypt with "trash piles" of manuscripts and papyri fragments, such as the site at Oxyrhynchus. The tablets in the Exodus story reflect cultures more situated in the ancient Near East, specifically the Sumerian and Hittites cultures which utilized tablets (because of an abundance of clay). This further reflects the fictional aspect of the Exodus story, which was probably composed in the Persian period.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)