The Great Divide
I just want to point out a few conclusions that I have come to in dealing with religious nuts. There is no dealing with these people whatsoever. Don't bother. Rationality does not work, observable science does not work, reason holds no weight. My wife and her whole family are religious fanatics. I get on these sites like this just to argue and maybe listen to some reasonable people who think like I do, but make no mistake about it, these religious people are insane, even the seemingly mild-mannered ones. Just go ahead and tell a Catholic about the Malleus Malleificarum and Hitlers Pope (WW2) and how a fetus isn't really a human until it has a brain and central nervous system--you are talking to a wall, if not a loaded gun. And we, as atheists and admirers of science are just as stubborn as they are, you are not going to convert them anymore than they are going to convert you short of kidnapping and brainwashing. The ones who are going to go to one side or the other are going to do that anyway. You should read some of the letters my wifes sister and dad write to her. They are genuinely concerned about the eternal souls of our children, they beg her to leave me so that our children don't grow up to be atheists and spend eternity in hell. Her sister even said, "Your children are really beautiful, but their conception was not ordained by god. There is still time for them to sit at the feet of Jesus and be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, but that will never happen as long as you are with (my name)". that is an exact quote.
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Some people are too far gone to ever help.That is simply the way it is. They have been so welll indoctrinated and fear hell so much,it is unlikely anthing could budge their belief. My ex-friend was like this. We're talking about someone who believed he saw god make his leg grow, that the sun revolves around the earth, that he'd seen demons,that god spoke to him. Clearly, he's nuts.And nothing will change that.
I'm sorry avout your situation with your family.That's disgusting but sadly, not that uncommon. When religious marry non-religious,the family will always be concerned for the 'eternal welfare' of the children. All you can do is tell them you'll rasie them as you see fit. Brainwashing them into this madness would be a fate far worse fate than 'hell.'
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Yeah, my wife was not religious, at least superficially, when we met. My wife and I are seperated and she takes our kids to church, but I tell them every chance I get that all that stuff is just make-believe like Nuarto and Scooby-Doo and SpongeBob. It doesn't really help to try to explain science to them, I am just glad that they have an intense interest in dinosaurs and animals in general, which allows me to explain things to them in a way that they are interested in, such as the similarity between bird scales and reptile scales and the interconnectedness of species. You can only tell kids so much, and the same goes for adults who have been programmed by churches their whole lives. All you can really do is what you want to do, whether that is showing them a documentary like "A Brief History of Disbelief" or giving them a copy of "the god delusion" or punching them in the face. I think most people are going to make their own conclusions, and these conclusions are based on what they are told as children. The ones who break away from that teaching and come up with their own ideas are the ones who can really make a difference. This religious madness really makes me sick, that people believe this nonsense, and unlike a lot of people, it affects me personally, I have children who I am trying to teach and every Sunday I have a nut trying to tell them that Jesus loves them and God created the earth in seven days.
you is rocking kaab ,
break up your text message with some spaces to make it eaiser for me to capture and re-locate your details. Paragraphs ....
Yeah to echo YOU .....
"This religious madness really makes me sick, that people believe this nonsense, and unlike a lot of people, it affects me personally, I have children who I am trying to teach and every Sunday I have a nut trying to tell them that Jesus loves them and God created the earth in seven days."
AMEN ! Bro
Atheism Books.
Maybe something meaningful would be substantial on your part, I have never written a text msg in my life.
spicoli really does rule...
spicoli really does rule...
spicoli really does rule...
wait a minute, thats too wide spaced out kaab, for my little complex brain
Gezzz dude , keeping track of favorite points in paragraphs of more than 10 lines is hard for many us poor readers. Sorry, me is way stupid ..... me bad
Atheism Books.
I realize you are pulling my leg, and that you are a serious Ninja and possibly a samurai, but if you deny the truth, you know theres no stoppin it, but maybe you are hearing a different song than I am listening to.
I really feel for you man. It looks like your in a situation that you can't win, with your BM and her family teaming up on you. I've also hit a wall when it comes to debating or trying to speak facts to theist. It's almost like they see the whole debate as a game that their trying to win, no matter what strong arguments you have. You'll say something that should make them stop and question agenda, but what ever you say just goes through one ear and right out the other. Soon after they'll say something crazy and off the wall, and the cycle just seems to continues...
So true Slimm, One story guy got so pissed at the church of hypocrites he started smashing the place, so they killed him, then the killers perverted his simple message of peace, all is one, for power and control. Christians today are like the same fucking stupid hypocrites that killed the "we are one" message of big J philosophy they claim to follow. Go figure ......
Anyway, keep trying to heal them Christians, so love, as to understand them nuts !
Keep debating .....
Ancient people were so superstitious that when a child died from fever, they thought it was a curse from whatever , so the church had the advantage to play on the scientific ignorance of that time. Why people today still give the church and religion authority is a bit different , but still a fucking crime. Sue the church cult I say .....
.... peacefully and rationally ..... do it for cool J ..... and lucky Buddha too ......
Atheism Books.