Dealing with Christards
How do you do it? At least on here when a particularly idiotic one shows up we gang up on them and if they are particularly obnoxious they go to trollville, get the "asshat" avatar and are eventually banned. But how do you deal with them on other websites where a lot of people agree with them and they aren't dealt with. Sometimes I'm the only atheist and they ignore the real scientific evidence - I'm not a scientist myself but they are utterly ignorant of what an elementary school student should know of science. MOst people actually support them there! So is it better to just ignore them and let them wallow in their idiocy (as painful as it is to read and hard as it is to avoid making fun of them) or to bitch slap them and try to invite them to this site, even though they never have the guts to show up?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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Don't cast your pearls before swine.
I don't particularly appreciate when theists come here with a closed mind and inablity to relate to the community so I don't do the same to their communities.
I simply try to incite questions in a friendly manner that may or may not draw a range of reactions. I may state my opinion on subjects where I feel they are wrong, but I avoid long-drawn-out-arguments since they are not functional and do not benefit me in any way.
I've personally never witnessed an atheist convert a fanatic or vice versa. I don't even think I've ever seen them agree on any major issues. So why try? I just won't even deal with the arrogant righteous ass holes most of the time. They're hopeless. What I have a hard time dealing with is the theists who are, in fact, very nice people. I know a few who are some of the nicest, friendliest people in the world. They wouldn't hurt a fly or intentionally say or do anything mean. They argue with you with the most genuine desire to help you "see the light" and save you from eternal damnation. They really are concerned and care. They're just dumb as fence posts. I have no trouble being a bitch to ass hole theists but I just can't bring myself to be mean to people who are sincere but just uninformed. I'm not mean enough to be rude or insulting to them. I try to educate them with scientific facts but I'm met with the "conspiracy theory" reaction that scientists are just out to sway them, to test their faith, and they'll have none of it. How do you deal with people who are genuinely nice 99% of the time but just dumb, ignorant, and unwilling to learn?
"The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs" - Bill Maher
That is half the people I know .... My friends.... I just keep trying .... and the thing is, they say they love me for it ..... "I AM Jesus, and so are you", I often say .....
Well AM I not ???? What is not connected ? What is not gawed ? ummm, and what is that religion crap again ?
Atheism Books.
The thing is, I don't think most of them are plotting our distruction.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" is a great line.
A lot of these people sincerely, truly believe they are doing the best and kindest and most compassionate thing by trying to show us the error of our ways. They are largely operating out of ignorance and fear but they are, nevertheless, truly kind-hearted and caring. How do you deal with these people, especially if they are friends or family? it's a very difficult situation.
"The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs" - Bill Maher
... as my granny used to say (though she still packed a mean swipe with a wet dishcloth round the ears on occasion).
People believe all sorts of rubbish. Religion is just one very obvious delusion out there. Politics abounds with them, and the worlds of academia, arts and literature are no better sometimes. I won't even begin to go into the really wacky stuff like horoscopes, non-medical medicines, and voting for George W Bush.
But my philosophy starts out with the question "does it hurt me"? They can believe what on earth they like as long as they don't impinge on my right not to go along with them. "Hurt" therefore, in my book, is anything from actively trying to coerce me to buy into their fiction all the way down to simply arrogantly presuming that I've already done just that. When the presumptiveness leads to verbal or physical assault (which it has done on occasion in the past) or worse, is directed against my kids (or any kids who I care about), then I fight back.
And of course if I suspect that a bunch of delusionists are trying to control the society I live in so that it mirrors their own particular sickness then I go on the warpath.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
There's this really cool guy at my job like that. He's really smart and he's pursuing the same career path. But it seems like all the christians & him who actually know something are just learning science to refute the facts, instead of following the evidence to where ever it leads them. All they can really do is exploit all the tiny cracks on the wall of science and insert the god of the gaps argument. He's even one of those people who thinks evolution isn't really, LOL!!!!!!!
He's a Hot Christian Mess, but he's cool though...
Christians tend to develop a very strong faith in and understanding of scientific principles when you dangle them by the ankles from a window on the 50th floor.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
If they come to my door peddling crazy, I OWN their asses.
Once, down in Texas, I opened my door to see a freshly scrubbed, cute little guy around 9 years old clutching a fistful of pamphlets. Behind him, in suit and tie was his dad. The young fellow launched into a memorized spiel about gawd, salvation and his churches need to fix the roof or some such shit. His dad informed me he was taking the boy around to practice witnessing...
I crouched and looked the kid in the eyes and told him quietly but sincerly "There is no god, your father has lied to you..."
I then shut the door in their faces.
No regrets.
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
Yeah Lewis, I use to do that, but I eventually changed the line to , "You are god, everything is god ..... as cool story Jesus and Buddha suggested".
I try to open up the debate this way. Saving or healing those "looking for god" is my goal. I most always thank them for caring and say "I hope you will re-think your ideas and re-read your distorted holy book from an atheist Jesus perspective of ONE with the cosmos (father/mother) etc etc etc .... and come on back if you need some "god" help .... and from this moment on stop separating yourself from god, Jesus wouldn't approve of your idol worship ..... "
, gotta go now, the door bell's ringing, save the lost xains .....
Atheism Books.
That's awesome!
My fear would be that the kid's father, this kind, loving, peaceful follower of Jesus' ways, would then kick my door in and stick a shotgun in my face.
"The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs" - Bill Maher