you lot work of the devil, i can see it in ur face [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:13 PM
Subject: [MEDIA REQUESTS] i've seen you on the web and i think...
Mr Dogevoli sent a message using the contact form at
1: i love God he changed my life of the better...
2: you lot work for the devil.. i can see that in the face,of that female on face
off.. a good man will be able to see that evil
3: the devil is using the guy's (in face off on the bad side) need to help people against him and
ma-nippulating him into do the devils work... you are not helping any1 by
tell ppl God duz not exist (but your self and you grudge against God for
what ever reason you may be mad at him for only,God knows because he
is the greatest(God))
4: you where never a christian... your parents might have been but,where are not... and i feel sorry for your
parents.. a christian is a way of life you have to believe in jesus and God
with all ur heart tho the hard time and easy.. you were... i dont know jus
not cristians,lol
5: what is love? can you explain?
6: my dad told me when i was younger if you do someting against God by mistake...
with out knowing what you are doing then its ok God will forgive you...but
if you do it and you knowing what you are doing and the result ,then its on
your head.. and repent for your sin and tell every1 you spoke evil to that
it was WRONG and you are sorry and they too should repent
7: why support the devil it doze not care for you! and will let you burn in
8:maybe its too late for you but be a good guy and dont drag
the rest of the ppl to hell with you(just as tho the devil is
9: the olds religion hinduisum.. the bhava-geeta speaks of the
one and only GOD and beind no other god.. islam says only one God.. jews
one God... christians one God... but to ppl that dont knw god they might
even say superman is god and batman is god or there is no God..
10: tell me who made the "big bang " happen?
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srsly, Dogevoli. srsly
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I thought British people were supposed to be smart. Or at least have decent grammar skills. Unless uk in your email stands for Unga-boonga, Kansas.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no mo'
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Mr Dogevoli, you are the 'Devil of wrong thinking' , preaching a message of idol worship and separation from the "ONE" with the cosmos (father) , as story Jesus, (an atheist Jewish Buddha), tried to explain. The best Jesus, you claim to worship, would call you Satan and a hypocrite, as he scolded Peter ... But of course your Jesus was the other story Jesus, as is also found in the distorted Bible and preached at the church. Pick your Jesus ...... the jesus of talented Bible Paul is half nuts ...... as most of the Bible is nuts .....
Good luck with your studies, I AM glad you care .... the Christ is me, I am atheist .... RRS is "saving" and you are the "enemy to love" (to understand and heal) Stop killing my old buddy atheist Jesus/Buddha ..... must I come to your church temple and smash the place, as jesus did ? .....
The time has come to sue the Pope, for the sakes of peace and brother/sister hood, as we are one family , we are all god, as all is ONE. No more superstition .....
Read that Bible yourself, instead of being spoon fed religion dogma. Check out science. Jesus doesn't save, .... that Jesus message of zero superstition and "ONE" with the cosmos (god) "SAVES" ......
Thanks for your E-mail, now wise up and get to "saving" the religious, in the spirit of atheist Jesus, who shouted, "Ye are god(s), this is the "kingdom/heaven NOW, We are ONE with the ALL of whatever there is, was, and will ever be' ..... SIMPLE !
Please think a whole lot more on all this reality. Religion dogma is poison devil shit, and it's a huge problem on this planet.
Keep in touch, Mr. Dogevoli ..... keep the AWE, call it G awe d , if you like, but hell is the religion lie of separation and idol worship you preach ..... REPENT NOW !
Atheism Books.
You know, I had been sad that the you respond section hadn't gotten anything new for awhile. Now that I know people are still stupid, they can stop sending letters again.
10.what made the big bang happen?
We dont know.Doesn't mean it was god.What made god happen?
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
To quote Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder;
"And for those of us who speak English?"
Seriously, nothing is more annoying than seeing an atheist pose a question to theists and getting a big list of responses like "you suck, dude!" and "burn in hell atheist scum!" We're not doing much better here. We should try to rise above their behavior and answer questions more maturely.
1. In what ways did God change your life for the better? For me, atheism made my life better. It allowed me to see things more clearly. It allowed me to accept the world the way it is. Now I am more at peace with the world than ever before rather than tormenting myself with the "Why, God!?" questions all the time. Life just is the way it is. No reason, no higher purpose. Shit just happens. You deal with it and move on.
2. What happened to "Judge not lest ye be judged"? Or, don't judge a book by its cover. How can you determine this by a photo? Photos rarely look exactly like the person in real life, anyway.
3. We are, indeed, helping people by telling them God is a myth. Realizing this will help mankind advance through scientifice research and education instead of leaving us stuck in a backwards superstitious rut.
4. I was a Christian at one time. But I finally realized it was time to abandon that sinking ship. I've been on both sides of the fence now. I've been where you are and, wow, I'm embarrassed by having stayed there as long as I did.
5. What is love? Biology, chemistry, evolution. Learn some science, dude. Education's awesome.
6. It's really hard to repent to a god I don't believe exists.
7. It's really hard to support a devil I don' t believe exists.
8. We have no desire to drag you into Hell (even if we did believe it existed), or even to make you believe as we do. We just want you to stop trying to cram your mythical beliefs down our throats and into our schools. Quit knocking on our doors and handing us stupid pamphlets full of your nonsense. Believe whatever fairy tales you want within your own homes and churches but keep your crap out of our government and public services. If you can do this then we'll all get along just fine.
9. Right, there is no god.
10. No one knows. But at least we can admit that, unlike you self-righteous arrogant snobs who claim you know for a fact when you have nothing whatsoever to back your claims.
"The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs" - Bill Maher
Good for you. We don't care.
Do you have any evidence for this assertion apart from vague claims of introspection?
Do you have any evidence for this assertion
EDIT: Never mind, I should have asked him to put it in English before asking that question.
Are you being stupid on purpose or were you merely dropped on your head as a child? Surely you must see that it is an internal contradiction for a person to be mad at and have a grudge against an entity which said person does not believe exists?
This is the first correct thing you have said (at least with respect to me). My parents were not Christian either. Nor my uncles or grandparents (or their parents). Atheism runs in the family. I am proud to say that.
Love is an emotion with a neurochemical basis that exists for the evolutionary reason of its beneficial function with respect to the propogation of genetic material. These powerful mating attractions are the basis of sex and hence . It is likely that the concomitant emotions that go along with lust are either by-products of this selection process or have benefits per se in the propogation of genetic material. More study is needed to address this hypothesis.
Unfortunately, your father's unsubstantiated assertion does not count as a rational argument, furthermore, it does not establish the existence of the being whose existence is under discussion (hence, you are begging the question). Shed your initial assumptions, then we can talk.
You obviously have a misunderstanding. The "devil" does not exist, nor does a realm which you will depart to post-mortem. These concepts are irrational and not based on evidence and have no epistemological rigor. Again, I put the question to you how a person can support an entity which said person does not believe exists.
Also, learn to fucking write in English.
Again, why attempt to frighten your interlocutor (by the way, you are commiting an irrelevant ad baculum fallacy) with a concept they don't believe in? I suspect you have absolutely no idea what your interlocutors believe. This being the case, what makes you think you can second-guess them?
This is not an argument, it is a disjointed set of assertions which have no cogency, coherency or meaning. Read a book on basic grammar and sentence formation, otherwise, don't post. Illiterates and keyboards clearly don't mix.
Well I very much doubt that the Big Bang resulted from a "who" since a "who" implies an agent, which implies requisites that in turn imply physical systems (hence the mere question is a stolen concept fallacy). At present we do not have the answer to this question. It is possible that we never will. Nonetheless, I utterly fail to see what relevance this has to anything whatsoever regarding whatever you were attempting to expand upon (I couldn't really discern since you are speaking gibberish). Thus far, you've concocted a set of syntactically incorrect, disjointed, poorly spelled, poorly argued, fallacious, meaningless, irrational assertions. When you have something of substance, you shall be welcomed. Until then, get back to primary school.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Pineapple ftw.
If a Xian can see evil in one's face, what would you see in this face?
"And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been lain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."(Revelation 5:6)
Great holy fuck!! Oddly enough, this is the only physical description I could find.
"I've yet to witness circumstance successfully manipulated through the babbling of ritualistic nonsense to an imaginary deity." -- me (josh)
If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?
Gosh, I wonder if he will respond to my email
I saw your post on Rational Responders forum regarding atheists are of the devils work.
Are you okay?
[edit] Then again... will it go to him or to the squad....?
Slowly building a blog at ~
It's a pity that god did not change his spelling for the better.
Good spelling is the work of evil atheist scientists,who want to draw people away from god by blocking their minds and hearts with grammar rules.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
What we are dealing with here is an inspired text, people!
I've already canceled my weekend plans to work out the Qabalistic sequences and correspondences that are only beginning to reveal themselves to me. Can't wait 'til I've transliterated that email into Hebrew, Greek and Arabic, since only then will the truly celestial nature of the text make sense.
And now to invoke my Holy Guardian Angel,
"'My dear,' Madame Delbene replied, 'the universe runs itself, and the eternal laws inherent in Nature suffice, without any first cause or prime mover, to produce all that is and all that we know; the perpetual movement of matter explains everything: why need we supply a motor to that which is ever in motion? The universe is an assemblage of unlike entities which act and react mutually and successively with and against each other; I discern no start, no finish, no fixed boundaries, this universe I see only as an incessant passing from one state into another, and within it only particular beings which forever change shape and form, but I acknowledge no universal cause behind and distinct from the universe and which gives it existence and which procures the modifications in the particular beings composing it... the absolute contrary holds... We need not fret if we find nothing to substitute for chimeras, and above all let us never accept as cause for what we do not comprehend something else we comprehend even less." - Marquis de Sade, Juliette, pg. 43.
...there's so much else to do:
1. Create an elaborate belief system which makes no logical sense. Of course, we'll have to sell it as "God's own truth," so that people will give us money.
2. Invent a system of morality which can be argued endlessly. Don't worry; I'll help with this part. I was raised Catholic, which means I know all about hair-splitting.
3. Let the identification and persecution of heretics begin! Oh wait...we need political power before we can get away with that. Okay...I guess it's time to start getting to know our politicians.
4. We'll need some sort of specialized language with which to analyze our insipid...oops...I mean, inspired...text. I suggest such words as "prophetic," "inerrant," and "infallible." Sure, they're already being used, but that's just that much less B.S. we have to invent ourselves.
5. Religious services...hmmm...I suggest we go Pentecostal on this one. There's nothing like an emotional high to get sheep...uh...I mean, do our bidding.
6. For added drama, we should have some sort of Machiavellian scheming going on in the background. Once again, the Vatican is our model.
That's all I can think of for now.
If your life changed for the better good for you, but why give the credit to a figment of your imagination? I have only your word to go on as to what constitutes "better" in your opinion, but if believing in the existence of a non-existent deity helped you turn the corner then just think how much more you might have achieved in that direction if you had placed more faith in something a little more pertinent - namely yourself.
The quote from you has been presented in a very disjointed manner but it seems you are of the delusion that only another non-existent being "the devil" has the authority or intelligence to challenge the existence of your own personal favourite figment. This is just an extension to the original delusion and is equally farcical when examined in the cold light of reason. For your own personal sanity I would advise you to address this problem of yours sooner rather than later. Questioning absurdity presented as fact is not evil, by the way. Without the capacity to do it we would all have died out long ago. It is a simple case of distinguishing fact from fiction and applying that skill when assessing the reality of your environment. You do it yourself every day when in crossing the road you accept the evidence of your eyes and desist (hopefully) from stepping out in front of oncoming traffic.
Another barely intelligible remark, seemingly based on a particularly bad Hollywood film from some years ago. But your last inference - that one can only state one's disbelief in a fanciful concept if one is motivated by a grudge against it - is itself symptomatic of where your "faith" has led you into a contempt for logic (one cannot have a grudge against something that does not exist). Watch out for that traffic!
Everything you say there is absolutely true. Except to a christian it seems "bad times" must now include times when their own particular delusion is challenged by ration and reason. When your faith pressures you into defending the indefensible against simple logic then maybe it's time for you too to re-evaluate your disposition to hold on to it. I'm really serious about that potential traffic problem by the way!
Yes, in so far as what it means to me personally and in so far as the dictionary defines it. Applying that love to a fictional character however is hardly a clever practise in terms of maintaining good mental health.
Your dad was giving you good advice about remorse and atonement for doing wrong. He phrased it badly however. Your debt is not to a fictional invisible deity but to the person - and by extension the society - you have wronged. Otherwise the distinction he drew between wrongs committed through ignorance and wilful malice is quite astute and correct.
If by "the devil" you are still referring to the fictional character in point 2 above then your statement means nothing to anyone who does not buy into the same simplistic delusion. If however you use "the devil" as an allegory for evil as expressed through human action then you can rest assured that I do not support it.
You have my word on it. Since neither eternal damnation nor "the devil" exists, I am quite unable to do it.
The last one.
No one.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I loved your itemized answers, everyone of them. The post from dogevoli reads like some one who doesn't speak English as a first language, or he is one of those who caught religion early and decided not to think again for the rest of his life.
By the way any dictionary will tell you we can be rational, or irrational or even talk of rationale. But ration is a way to allot resources food, gas,ammo etc.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?