Which Biblical Character Would You Most Like to Meet?

If you had the chance, out of all the many characters, cameo's and appearances in the Bible, who would you like to meet?
Which one would you like to have pelted with a rock with your slingshot?
Reasons why for both are expected.
Again, just for fun.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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A most difficult choice ? Okay , "Gabriel" the Angel, cause I never met one ! Wait does the burning talking bush count .... ?
I don't own a sling shot , but I'd like to first give Paul a verbal bashing, then the whole lot of them .... Umm, if they could all be here today they would probably be begging for forgiveness and amending their stories.
Atheism Books.
I think I'd like to meet Jeremiah mostly to discover exactly what he actually wrote in the Bible. Did he write Deuteronomy as well as his own book? It would be interesting to learn. I'd also like to understand exactly what his relationship was with Nebuchadnezzar. Was it loyalty to the ultimate king or fear his people would be destroyed or was he just an agent of Babylon.
If I could lob rocks at any Biblical character it would clearly be Paul. Can I pelt him with 1 rock for each chapter of every book of crap that he wrote? Please?
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
My first thought is David. He experienced the whole spectrum. He killed for sex. He had a gay lover. He ruled the most powerful army around. He had to rely on his own skills in exile. He was damn Survivorman. Great character. He was the fulcrum on which the entire lineage of the Savior hinged.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Yeah, I'd have to agree. Second choice would be Joshua. Just to see what kind of a lunatic would slaughter entire cities because God told him to.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
I'd like to meet the talking snake from the garden of eden. Maybe he could convince me that Christianity isn't completely full of shit so I could experience the blissful ignorance of believing I'm immortal because an undead Jewish demigod was sent by himself to sacrifice himself to himself in order to change his own laws regarding sin which he himself created.
It may also be fun to meet Noah. I've always liked rain, but I rarely get to see any real downpours. All we get these days are some lame ass 5 inch per hour hurricanes and even those are rare. Noah got to see 11 feet per hour!!! Now that's something brag to the old people at church about!
"I've yet to witness circumstance successfully manipulated through the babbling of ritualistic nonsense to an imaginary deity." -- me (josh)
If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?
I would love to meet
He had to be one awesome hippy... what with all the drugs he took to pen Revelations.
I would stone baby jesus. What would the bible be with no new testament....no christians?? All jewish?
So fun to think about
Slowly building a blog at ~
Renee owns me ..... and I like it like that .....
Meet Satan
Pelt God
as if i even had to think about it
Maybe Eve, see if she was hot, hear the dirt on what a shit Adam is.
Wern't there dome really nice whores in the bible. Most of the characters were murdering assholes. Or just assholes.
Seriously, how many bible characters didn't kill anyone vs how many did?
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
That was the most amazing summary of Christianity I have ever seen. I'm going to keep that for future use if you don't mind. I also agree I would like to meet Satan he is the most fleshed out character in the bible next to jesus. He has the most back story so it would be an interesting conversation, I would ask him where exactly hell is located.
Meet Satan
Pelt God
Atheism Books.
Any real one ? Oh, there isn't many...
I would like to meet the sons of god while they were raping the daughters of men.
Hello Rook Hawkins my name is Justin and this is my First post and I am new to this site not sure how to take it all in. But the Bible Character that for me would seem good to meet is Melchizedek which can be found in Genesis Psalms Hebrews and maybe a couple of other books of the Bible. Well i am not sure why he is mentioned or exists considering he is suppose be a priest forever and it seems like he was a human. If he is human then tell me why their are verses like Romans 3:23 and 6:23 and by far the most overused verse in either Old or New Testament John 3:16. Well i guess he would be the character or person I would like to meet out of the Bible if I have to choose a Character from Old Testament it would be him and if i have to choose one out of the New Testanment then I would have to say i would want to Meet Jesus and ask him why he gave me a mind to think for myself then turns around and if I am not giving him glory he is a Jealous and Angry God well fun to imagine what that answer might be but Rook if you know anything on Melchizedek and why or what purpose he is mentioned then could you help me out since i noticed that you specialize in History.
I notice Rook that just like you study History that is my main major of a double Major in College my other major is Religion in Society which studies the effects that different religions have in societies. But hope I am not doing anything wrong I want a place where I am truely free to ask Questions and actually not have the question ducked. I also have a Learning Disability/ Mental Disorder that is Attention Defiecit Hyperactivity Disorder which moreover is an help in retaining knowledge over different subjects. so I hope that I will be welcomed here. I want the truth yet there is no way want to find out I have been decieved so I am searching for it and I liked this site when I stumbled across a snippet of the A.B.C. Debate the R.R.S. had with Ray confront and Kirk Cameron which I thought was pitiful how they came to a debate not ready to debate a topic. I said to myself this looks like hey im going to try to debate the R.R.S. and give a message at the same time "no matter if I said I would prove the existence of god without using Faith or the Bible" but that is my opinion that i deducted from that debate. I notice that you are writing a book or just finished in which case congratulations on the feat. I am here to learn and make my descion based on what is the truth and not just because someone of power says it so it must be true which does't work. so thanks for the topic which i would use first Melchizedek to find out basically what the hell are you in this book and why does most of the bible or scriptures of the bible which i mean to say is 66 books put together i think by Constanine and banned a lot of things that the Christian or So called Christian leaders saw would cause them trouble overall and they did their human nature and said we do not accept these because of dates or didn;t agree with their opinion and said we are better then these want to be followers so lets show their belief that they were better in knowledge and money wise then the Christians followers just trying to learn about the idea because not much else to do for the poor people in the Roman Empire. that is my opinion and i am not well versed in the banned books of the bible that were left out! but why Put Melchizedek in the Bible is it like a story to try to show how a Moral should be?
i looked at these sites so i did find a little but I saw you was a Historian so i wanted your thoughts Rook. http://bible.cc/hebrews/7-3.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melchizedek which i used wikipedia just for a outline because i get told by college professors that the site is not good academically. well thanks for letting me be able to question something and not have this fear used that if its not god's will then you are going to hell idea because people are different although the leaders want to keep the tradition of the past up! again thanks Rook and R.R.S for the website and chance to ask questions and not feel like an idiot or as an enemy
PS: anything on Melchizedek would help out a lot and hope your book does well. I wish I could stay on track for a Long period of time to write a book because i love History!
A question for any Christian that can answer without ducking or beating around it! Would You follow Christ based on his Principles if there was no promise of an Afterlife or does the afterlife for following him the only reason you believe in Christianity???
Thanks for posting General-Forrest. I suggest using more paragraphs in your writing, it makes it easier to read and review. Thanks for caring, lover of history. Me too, and what are we ????
Thanks for fixing.
Atheism Books.
i am real bad at writing because of i get sided track a lot of times. i will try to work on it. i will try to use more paragraph's and maybe it will help and people reading not get mad at me.
in answer to to "lover of history. me too, and what are we????" i would say someone that uses their brain for making choices. although i am not sure what to call it besides maybe historians or history buffs?
i forgot i want to add that i would love a date with Rachael Jacob's wife he loved the most. i want to see how pretty she was to make him love her and basically despise his other wife or i guess treat his first wife as if she was second class! but enough her.
and add Esther because she had to be pretty and smart for the king to accept her over the other candidates for his wife so what y'all think if you could meet them and they were the same as they were describe would you go on a date with either Ester or Rachael i am just wondering?
and the person i wish i could hit up side of the head would be the person that Honor thy mother and thy father and the other worded different saying Children obey your parents for this is right in god's eye and maybe a later time ill give the reason for this dislike for these two verses but it is a matter that is personal why i don't like these two verses.
Who would I want to meet?(pretending such a being existed|)
Why not stop at the top dog himself? I'd certainly like to kick him in his nuts for all the needless suffering that happens in the form of disease and genocide in human history, especially in the case of children.
God has to has all this violent drama in our lives so that we fear suffering to the point of gorifying him? What a self centered sicko.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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why if you are so good then why did you put me through a living hell for my childhood and on top of that give me A.D.H.D and allow me to want to treat everyone as not equal to me which i have to fight on a daily basis but thats what i would ask him then tell hey i want to cease to exist and not worry about anything forever and not worry about the idea of fear!
Jesus. Hopefully it would clear up a few debates--either way.
well i wont say i am 100% sure a human was a live during that time that could of been a good person and then when he died the people decided to make the legend up to explain him. but if i met him in a debate i would ask why did you allow while in heaven allow the roman catholic church to get rid of anything that was not their belief by burning it i learned from a class called faith reason and imagination and also got remind by someone off you tube.
also why did he allow exodus be exxagarated to try to make the belief stronger on astromorphiac explain and to decieve people to believe the hebrews were slaves and built the pryamids which i have found out from a teacher in ancient world that specializes in study of egypt history. let me tell you nothing like saying to the teacher why does the bible say this and explained 400 years of hebrew slavery. and she said there was no way slaves built the pryamids. and she told said they were built by paid workers to give tribute to the pharohs.
and tell me again why he had to die if he gave man a free will to decide on god or not to accept him. and then when they didnt choose him then he decided that if you dont choose to believe in him then you are going to hell. i would ask what was the point of man if he could not accept the notion if humans did not accept him and follow him and glorify him to all ends. and also install into humans that don't do this to worship him but reject him("has to be a him because no woman could or would ever fuck things this up bad as a supreme being aka god" George Carlin from his religion is bullshit speech) and have a nice place of fire and smoke to send just because he could not let humans choose for themselves from best of my knowledge because some how man needs an afterlife heaven or hell. this leads to beg the question why not just leave humans alone and let them live then let them cease to exist and of their time on earth!
but he would win debates i doubt it because he like a lot of people needs to be superior to something and the inferior do his becking call! i think i like george carlin when he gives 3 little pigs and little red riding hood as other sorces outside of the bible to look for morals. also i would add the boy that cried wolf. but i dont think god could debate anyone if real based on his character without a real upperhand like making the person debating him lose all his memory.
but yea jesus has done alot since saul to stop regilous perscution hasnt he! wait thats right jesus might have been a good human but no real historical proof that he died and rose on the third day so i doubt he did that supernatural and i doubt he is still alive like what a muslim told me so i dont know why you hope for him to comeback unless you want to see more people give in to the idea they are superior to someone.
Everyone is equal and sooner as a human race we stop this petty belief then we could be well on out way to world peace! a great song that i like is if everyone cared by nickelback! so bring him here to debate if the bible and christian theology is right jesus is also god right christians and is also a thing spirit called the holy spirit and all are a godhead and equal! well if thats the case someone explain in jesus of going to the desert to face temptations he was lead into the desert by the holy spirit or he prayed to the father before he was arrested. it is not adding up to a very knowing or powerful god but more less a being that its parents gave power of a planet so they didnt have to worry about him and let him make his own rules no mater how inhumane they are in conquering land and also attacking other groups!. so tell me one thing that should convince me that this himan/god could win a debate on anything but having power to do good but sits and allows evil to happen and also use his power to rid evil by a flood and then fire to burn the inhabitants of sodom and gommarah so i dont see jesus winning debates at all if they are fair!!!!!
King David! He is my answer for both. David was a very cruel man even by biblical laws of the old testament he should have been stoned, and from my perspective any man who killed to cover up adultery deserves some sort of punishment. Its ridiculous that a man from a book millions claim to derive their morals from is so immoral. Therefor David is my answer to both, because I'd like to meet him so I could stone him.
As we look at the wonders in this world man ponders where did they come from, and when knowledge of that is gained man ponders what set the processes into motion.
Its easy to see how god was a quick solution to both these problems. But now as we gain more knowledge and come closer still to answering the unknown let us look to science, and cast off childish beliefs in a creator. For if everything needs a creator who created him.
Sorry this is such a short response but I have a lot going on currently. I would recommend a trip to the library, or if you have the money, and pick up a copy of the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, which I believe does have an article on Melchizedek. You will probably find information in the bibliographical information on this subject.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Paul... so I could change my pitch up, smack my bitch up.
I'd take Paul on a forced tour of ancient Roman provinces the likes of which they would write about more often than they copied each other's works. I'd teach that codgy old fucker what S.L.A.P.W.E.G. really is. And I would SOOOOO put it to Thecla that she would have a wholly different tune to be singing to the village women.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Fuck a slingshot, I'd rather mow the vast majority of them down with an AK - especially Jesus, Paul, God , Moses and Gideon.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Jezebel of course.
Actually, Elijah.
Yeah he was a loon but I admire anyone who stands up to authority.
Meet: Salome. I heard her dancing was so sexy, you could lose your head.
Actually, I'm ok with jesus having his 15 shekels of fame and rotting away ... if ever there was a jesus. You'd have to take out Paul to take care of christianity.
But my personal vote is for abraham. Then civilization might not have the 3-pronged pitchfork of theistic stupidity plunged into its bosom.
There are no theists on operating tables.
You know, I'm surprised that so many of the dudes want to meet Biblical guys. We have a book brimming with women of ill repute and y'all want to meet the guys? Admittedly Rahab and the rest would need a good bit of scrubbing and a dose of antibiotics...
Shit. Yeah, I think I'd probably like to meet Lot. So I could throw him out into the street to get gang-raped by his neighbors. Come to think of it, his horny ass daughters were virgins, so definitely Lot.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
I would like to meet Cain's wife. Just so I could ask her if Cain was a real Mother Fucker.
After that, I would love to find Lot with my cross bow so that I could deal with the whole "No, rape my two virgin daughters instead" thing.
As I've said before - technically the God of the Bible is a mother fucker:
1. Jesus and God are the same according to most Christians
2. Mary was Jesus's mother
3. God impregnated Mary
4. The only way to get pregnant prior to the 1970s was through "fucking."
5. All the events in the bible happened long before the 1970's
6. Threfeore, God was/is a "motherfucker. "
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
The only problem with this logic is:
1-Just microseconds before Mary became impregnated that is while she was being fucked by God she was not the mother of Jesus.
2-When Mary's egg was made fertilized the resultant embryo would have had DNA from both Mary and God. One can assume that God had pulled out of her by then.
3-Therefore Jesus was only half god just as Hercules when Zeus fucked Alcmene.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
Meet Satan
Pelt Jehovah
Oh, on that note, I've recently discovered that the story in Judges is even more interesting.
"While thy were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."
The owner of the house went outside and said to them, "No, my friends, don't be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don't do this disgraceful thing. Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don't do such a disgraceful thing."
But the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.
When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, "Get up; let's go." But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.
When he reached home, he took a knife and cut up his concubine, limb by limb, into twelve parts and sent the into all areas of Israel. Everyone who saw it said, "Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Think about it! Consider it! Tell us what to do!"" Judges 19:22-30
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Virgin Mary was a delight, after all, I am god ... I made her especially for me !!! ... such godly organism's .... sacred lust, oh yeah ... heavenly screams of pleasure, so divine !!!
See what a good god I am fellas? !!! ... such girls for you too.
Seems I goofed as I gave free will to all ... seems in hind sight I should have granted it just to the girls as they make better masters of lust .... Well maybe I'll fix that eventually, but I am not all powerful, as I'm over whelmed with other things you wouldn't understand .... keeping the cosmos working is very time consuming .... I went and out done my egotistic self. Please forgive my inadequacies and get along. Use them brains I gave you .... Be the eyes of me god, YOU.
Bloodhound Gang - Along Comes Mary
Same song , Must be 18 for this one ???? How silly, the naked body is a shame ??????? Evil crotch .... ??? Sorry, obviously me god under estimated Lucifer.
The Burning Bush !!! YUM ....
Girls montage
Atheism Books.
My choice to meet, though, is Jehonodab. Here's a man who so loved the Lord, and who set such a good example in faith for his family, that even 250 years later all of his descendants remained loyal to God at a time when most of Jerusalem was not. That's a man from whom we could all learn a powerful lesson in the power of simple faith, yet we know very little about him.
I'd shoot my slingshot at Herod, for (a) trying to kill Jesus and (b) killing the babies of Bethlehem in the process. Real class act, that one.
Once an athiest, now a believer, and always ready to debate issues respectfully.