Tony Blair is a religious nutjob
So, it turns out that the former Prime Minister of this small island nation I call home is actually a religious fuckwit. It was his government which famously said: "We don't do God" but well clearly something has gone wrong. Mr Blair was in New York this weak founding the Tony Blair Faith Foundation which supposedly has the answer to all the world's problems, yes err... that's right, praying to sky-daddies, is the answer. While some of the ideas of unity between faiths are quite nice and pleasant and bring to mind images of bunnies and foxes dancing round a Maypole, while birds and bees frolic through the trees, I don't really see what this can actually achieve when it comes to fundies. They might get along for a bit when they realise that the other person also believes in an omnipotent creator being, but as soon as one of them says "I believe that my sky-daddy's son died on the cross for your sins" and the other one says "No, he sent a prophet to teach us the scriptures of the Qu'ran" then the whole "my sky-daddy is better than yours" argument starts again.
I have been aware for years that Mr Blair has had a soft-spot for religion. It was his government that set up the Academy schemes which basically sells new state schools to anyone who has the money for 1/10th of what the government puts into it, and lets these people set the ethos and curriculum for the school, even if they are Christian wackoes who teach kids Creationism. This is highlighted in Dawkins' God Delusion. Blair defended this as being part of a "diverse" education system, and people buy it because "diverse" is one of those buzz words like "eco" or "community" which everyone likes. It was also Blairs government that brought in laws that all school pupils had to have some form of worship so many times a week. And of course it isn't unconstitutional to do so, since in any true sense of the word we don't have a constitution.
There were also reports towards the end of his premiership that he'd converted to Catholicism supposedly because his wife Cherie is Catholic, because of course Catholicism isn't one of the great scourges on humanity but a friendly faith which can cure the world's problems. *SNORT*.
There are two things I can say with pride about this. a) I never voted for him, either directly or indirectly and b) He's bound to fail with this new crackpot scheme.
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It's the only logical explanation for why Blair followed Bush into Iraq.
I agree that Tone is a nutjob however I am hoping that he will do something for the cause of sanity. Part of the remit of his recently created 'faith foundation' is to educate religious people about other religions. Whilst I recognise that there will remain a hardcore of staunch 'my religion is right' crowd, I hope that less dimwitted religious folk will start to realise how contentious all religions are. And he is doing this all under the heading of 'faith foundation', a term that is clearly faithful friendly, and has a clear similarity to 'faith based initiative' in sound. I think that it will resonate well in the US, which is of course where it is being launched. It would be quite concerned if he were doing this in the UK as it would mean a step backwards for the UK.
And to think..... (pause)
I used to actually respect him... (pause)
He was quite a good... (pause)
public speaker... (pause)
It is always good to announce you are a christian nutter just before you start your new job making peace between Muslims and Jews...
Still, at least he is all encompasing when he is talking about extremists. Wonder if he realizes that his mate George W. is in that catagory.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
The guy is now what he has always been, a politician. In the interview on the BBC World Service he pointedly avoided answering any question that specifically asked in what way his "foundation's" alleged principles could be translated into action. Or better said, when asked he answered a different question entirely, and then with non-specific nonsense (religious organisations are better at providing disaster relief because they are).
The man was vacuous and vain as a parliamentarian. He is still.
And he was never a convincing public speaker in my opinion. Even when he occasionally did try to impart a point that was based on sound and justifiable reasoning (normally someone else's) he managed to make it sound like a spin job. Yet other agencies still persevered in telling us to deny the evidence of our eyes and ears and believe that he was eloquent, intelligent and properly briefed. It is no wonder at all to me therefore that he is gravitating more and more towards religion in his chosen public persona, it has traditionally proved a refuge for just such cant and vain hypocrites in the past, and it is of course founded on the principle of denying evidence, a central plank upon which his political career was built.
And of course its ambiguities dressed up as certitudes is quite a nice environment for inveterate liars too. Blair's problem, I imagine however, will not be that he will necessarily be found out in his new role (he is proof that sufficient numbers of people have no strong objection to being hoodwinked), but his inability to arrest his own progress down the path he has chosen before he declares himself to be god.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
There is an article on Tony B. in this weeks Time magazine. One part I found interesting was when his aids, during his foreign trips as PM, had to go out and find a church for him to attend on Sundays, WITHOUT the news media finding out. Would that North American politicians were embarreased by their church attendence.
Imagine the U.S. primaries without invovlment of preachers and bible wavers.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Yeah, this is the first time I've really followed the American primaries, and the role that religion plays in it is incredible. The candidates would probably never admit to being non-religious because it means losing votes. In this country politicians, particularly leaders will rarely talk about religion "We don't do God" is still pretty much the government's stance on religion. There are several politicians who call themselves religious, but it is a private matter and it barely has any effect on anything (except the recent votes on embryology and stem cell bills which are contentious for Catholic MPs).
In any official sense we're still way off being a secular state. We still have a monarch who is head of the state and head of the state's institutionalised religion. Even if we are a culturally progressive nation we still have backward state institutions, the remnants of a feudal monarchy and aristocracy, a state religion, a parliament which is more like a battelfeild than a civilised policy-making legislature. I can't wait for the day when Britain is declared a secular socialist republic.
Atheist Books
Having just read into this, I can only conclude the following:
Tony Blair is stone cold fucking crazy. I'm not sure if this was always the case, but it certainly is now.
Effectively, the Prime Minister's opinion is that globalization can only be achieved through religious dogma. Convert everyone to Christianity, by whatever means necessary, and the world will be a better place.
Sound familiar to anyone?
Between him, Stephen Harper, John McCain and every religious nutcase in the middle east, I wonder if it's time I started planning a bomb shelter.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940