Pro-theist bias in the media
I saw a particularly vapid piece of infotainment a moment ago involving a child "blessed" by the pope. The child in question was involved in the recent crane collapse in New York. The story detailed the events, but spun them to emphasize the pope's supposed influence. My point is, with the supposed "left-wing bias" in the mainstream media, how is it that such (religious) right-wing bias gets a free pass?
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My best guess is that an overwhelming right-wing-friendly media has done a remarkably good job of propagating the myth of a left-bias.
This shit is so commonplace in the south that I hardly ever take notice of it anymore. You can't look at any news reports of a tragedy without being inundated with "Ain't Gawd so wunderful fer savin' mah little girl!!"
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
It helps when most of the audience agrees with the bias.
I always wonder why the Christian god always gets the credit - why not Vishnu, Zeus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Maybe the kids going to grow up to be a serial killer and it was Satan that saved him or her! Anyway, if they're going to put that shit next time there's some huge disaster wiith no survivors hte headling should read "God Really Fucked Up This Time!"
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Not to mention the possibility that god/Vishnu/Zeus was actually trying to kill the kid but failed.
Genius headline
, but sadly one not likely to be seen in the U.S. anytime soon.
Headline: "God tries to kill little girl. EPIC FAIL!"
ya, I wonder why it is always the christian god. It must have somethign to do with the people that beleive in a god will beleive anythign their told. So the people who are the main influences, media, government, etc. are always pushing teh christian religion rather than the others. hmm, i guess it could have to do with "the white man" who came to colonize north america was christian? i dunno, i'm just thinking out loud. and i just joined so i'm tryin to gain some points.