PWOT: A popular forum that is passive-aggressively Christian
This is my first post, and I'm sorry if this seems presumptuous of me, but I heard on another atheist forum that this was another atheist forum geared towards conversion, so I figured that I must, must come here.
I'm sure that more than a few of you have seen Cracked. It's an excellent site with REALLY good writing and videos, and it seems to be quite popular.
What not all of you may know is that it recently bought a site called Pointless Waste of Time from a writer who called himself David Wong. He's now the assistant editor and his forums were merged with Cracked's, which he now administrates. While he was just a wee little webmaster, he ran the Christian FAQ, which he says was ripped from a book by C.S. Lewis. It's down now; I assume it's because the guys who own Cracked didn't want his fundie shit polluting everyone's perceptions of him. He has since backpedaled a bit in a recent thread bitching about a site blog post that made fun of religion; the owners probably thought the blogger was more valuable than "David Wong," which I agree with. There are a LOT of Christians on that forum. But he still locks down every fucking thread that criticizes Christianity. His moderation is more fascistic than Something Awful's, and even they let the offending posts stay in the threads. It's the difference between medieval executioners and Stalin's secret police.
I suggest we all register and raid. Not like 4chan, where we post gore and gay porn all over their boards. All I say is that we represent. We need to skew their pointer back the other way. Don't be rude; David Wong (Jason Pargin) likes to imagine himself as some kind of dragon on a mountain that all of us must be polite to in order to gain his favor. Having his own site has obviously gotten to his head, and it's time we gave him a life-saving bloodletting straight from the jugular.
So yeah. Register at Cracked's forums and start threads about atheism, because they are BADLY needed. Be a LITTLE more polite than you are here, but don't pull your punches. He persists in being a christiofascist because by deleting every fucking thread that criticizes him, he creates the illusion that his detractors are few and far between.
I can has shattered delusions of grandeur?
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TBH,this is the only forum that's ever interested me. Maybe if some of the guys were interested we could go over,since debating is always fun.(Hay Kevin sound fun?) I also wouldn't want to reflect badly on the RRS either.
Anyway,hope you'll stick around here for abit and enjoy.I'm sure you'll find it a lot better than that place
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Thank you. I knew there had to be an atheist megachurch around. I always looked down on mass crowd shit like megachurches, but your response has made me see why they exist. That was just so... so friendly.
And a show of hands: who's going to join this?
I don't have time to do much else besides writing and being a mod here, but I'm definitely behind a little mixing and mingling with the theists. Obviously, I don't have any control over what anyone does on another website, but I would ask that anyone who goes to another site as an RRS member, please always abide by our forum rules, no matter what's allowed on the other site. Keep it calm. Keep it rational. No name calling. Represent well!
We're perceived as a bunch of angry kids, which is ironic, since we're probably older than 90% of the people running theist sites. Even so, it's really important that regardless of how much we get censored or flamed, we need to keep the high ground. If they're going to say we're assholes, I want it to be a baseless accusation.
Thanks in advance for helping us keep our image squeaky clean!
Have fun whipping the theists' asses. (Politely!)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
If you're joining this e-march, then post your PWOT Cracked usernames in this thread.
My name is Hotpocky.
I want to know who has my back.
Register here.
Looking at those threads you linked they didn't actually seem all that bad. The only thing I disliked really was him putting in his own final reply after he had already locked one of the threads.
I see the cracked article "10 things christians and atheists must agree on" is one of his. That article was full of presuppositions and strawmen, it was rediculous and very bigoted. I've never really found much of interest in cracked's articles, blogs or forums. I generally only visit for the caption thing, that's all that has appeal to me.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
He always needs the final word on things. The mods there function through a combination of wanton deletion and masturbation. Just look at what he posted in the "Why Was My Post Deleted" thread: This is not an appeal process. I have chosen the moderators I have for a reason. This is only to help clarify the forum rules for those of you who legitimately don't understand what got your post deleted.
In other words, I rule these forums, and I will always take the sides of the old-timers, because this is a COMMUNITY that MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL COSTS SO THAT I DON'T FEEL LIKE A SELLOUT
If you read ANY thread in that forum, every 5th post is by a mod. It's a fucking police state over there.
That guy's a total fascist fuckwad. The best part of him ran down his mom's leg.
Do I have your sword?
I won't bother signing up - he'd just ban me and delete everything I posted once I blasted him with masterworks of pimp profanity. Anyway Cracked was a good magazine until the early 1990s when it tried to be more of a skater magazine than a humor magazine. Never really was as good as MAD. Is it even still around as a magazine? I read it since the early '80s until then and know it was around since the '60s at least.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Well I always like to be friendly.Glad you got a good impresion of us.I would ask though that you don't call us a megachurch..makes me feel..dirty![](/sites/
Anyway,I might sign up in 4 days when I'm finished my exams.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Sounds like a blast.
Polite, but straightforward and honest (inspired by Brian's drug store story). We'll see how it goes.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
You did it wrong. Your thread got deleted.
Do something more along the lines of "Prove to me that God exists," and maybe it'll stick.
UPDATE: I'm in as MaceWindu88 (I was going for generic; hope it works) and I'm satirizing their propensity for gang raping people they don't like. MaceWindu88 isn't there to represent; he's there to stir shit up.
I think it's a great illustration of the extent of their Christian bias that a flame war that I started didn't get deleted, while a new thread about how God doesn't exist did, Dontchathink?
I disagree. If the mod team who runs that forum instinctively deletes any topic that states the obvious in a polite manner, without bothering to try and argue, they're the ones doing it wrong.
I'm afraid I don't have much time for those kinds of people.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Well I did sign up but never received the confirmation email.Doesn't sound like I missed much.
Confirmation e-mail?
I never had to go through that.
I was told to expect a confirmation email,just like every other forum I've ever joined.
However,I just tried and was able to log on anyway.
EDIT-actually I can't do anything until I get the email.I tried.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Yeah, I'm being kind of like Seinfeld from the Soup Nazi episode, where he starts criticizing George for his conduct with the Soup Nazi. He complains that he didn't get bread like everyone else, and then gets his soup taken away. Then George calls him out on it, and Jerry tells him, "Sorry. That's what happens when you live inside a fascist regime."
So yeah. You're George, I'm Jerry, and he's the Soup Nazi.
And do you have your post saved? And what's your username? And are you still in on this, or have you decided that you just don't have time for them?
I've signed up as Xeshim.
I'll start a thread and do a cut & paste of this (with a link to the source at the bottom so they cant accuse me of plagiarizing). I assume the place to start a topic is in the "We Saved Hitler's Brain" forum.
any threads I should know about to help with backup?
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
...Y'know, I think you can tell a lot about someone by what they use as their internet avatar and the contents of their sig.
David Wong's more or less says it all. 'Lost Cause'.
Gentlemen, I think that's the wrong tree to be barking up. It doesn't seem terribly stable.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
posts made by theists in the "Freethinking Anonymous" forum will be DELETED
I started one as MaceWindu88, but they fucking closed it down. You're better off starting your own. And make it very impersonal; the one I started said "Prove to me there is no God" and it was locked down be cause "it made me the focus of the thread." Just goes to show how many excuses they're prone to making.
I've posted the topic here and made somewhat explicit requests that it doesn't involve atheism VS theism or creationism VS evolution, only dealing with the evidence people have for 'intelligent design', though with the forum rules, they will most likely use the "don't post loaded topics" rule as a scapegoat for deleting it (even though its not a loaded topic, just a request for evidence for creationism without the whole 'evolution says we came from monkeys, I don't like that therefor goddidit' ). I tried to put in a bit of text as the bottom in white (so you have to highlight it to read it) saying 'how long till this gets deleted', but I don't now the right tags for font colour with BB code (I'm used to HTML)
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
Archbishop, which part of this don't you understand?
You will notice that you have a nice "Troll" label now. That's because you don't read the rules and you're making the moderators lives difficult for no good reason.
There are lots of great forums where you can post. If you want to talk about something in FreeThinking Anonymous..... START A NEW THREAD IN A FORUM WHERE THEISTS CAN POST.
Is that sufficiently clear? If you continue to post in FTA, you will be banned.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
never mind. its gone already. apparently you cant even ask for evidence.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
I'm engaged in a debate with him right now. However, it is on a different forum. I followed the link to the site and sent an email. I then invited him to the site I frequent, and he decided to accept the invitation. Here is a link:
I'm Knight there as well. You can comment on it here if you'd like. His name is Sye there.
You can also comment on it there, or you can post it here and I can post it there for you.
It's interesting...kind of. I really wonder what is response will be to my last two replies. Probably "prove it."
Actually that's not the guy from this thread it's the guy from the "absurd website" thread - actually it would be a good idea to invite either one here - though not in these threads obviously as they're in Freethinking Anonymous.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Debating under the control of fascist moderators is an act of futility; the greatest accomplishment achievable is dragging them into the mud, but only by eating a mud-pie of your own.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
Oops, sorry! I should have read more carefully. This was the guy from the site that asked 8 stupid questions (well, 7...the 8th "proof" was a conclusion that did not follow the premises) before it allowed you onto the site.
I'd invite him here, but we kind of don't get along that well as it is. However, maybe I (or someone else) can email the guy from THIS thread to this forum (the theist debate section, of course). I'll do it when I have more time.
Fuck, got banned. I'll be more insidious.
I'm undermining their pride in a sneakier way. You can find me if you look hard enough.