I think I have seen it all...

So a Chicago area man has decided to change his name. HERE IS THE STORY
He isn't changing it to Santa Claus or Zeus...no he is changing it to : In God We Trust that is first name 'In God' last name 'We trust'
Apparently he is an amateur artist and to be able to sign his artwork with his full name will enable him to spread the word. I think he needs to really look into the true reason he is changing his name...to make money.
That isn't very god-like now is it?
Or wait, maybe money IS what it is all about?
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why didnt i come up with this idea make my name we trust in god and use it as true money making tool. man i have to start thinking of dumbass things that will make money. maybe i need to start going around and say i am a preacher and i need money and i will tell you what you want to hear in return wait bet someone took that name binny hinn huh? what can be done to make money? i am trying to think of stupid things that make money that shouldn't!!! well this guy got his money ticket to the money lol
The judge should have denied it and forced him to change his name to "Stupid Fucktard."
just think how many buy his paintings just because it says in god we trust not because the painting is good lmao
Now that I think about it maybe "Fucktard Asshat" would be better.
to make himself famous artist. can't blame the guy for attempting to make money off people because he thinks in god we trust name will help him. but you got a point he does believe so those ought to be attributes of his name mattshizzle
I'd actually be tempted to buy a painting that was signed by "Fucktard Asshat."
...Was the judge busy wiping white powder off of his sniffer when he made his decision?
Why would a federal judge possibly grant such a ludicrous request? Aren't these kind of things typically denied?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I think I'll change my name to God Damn.
This message got it even to local news. Yeah, that's quite a dumbass. Now God's name shalt spoken be in vain, every time someone calls on him.
But honestly, that's not the only case. Among us walks people with very similar names.
Most of our civilization is influenced by Bible, and thus we give our children names, which in the ancient languages, like Hebrew, means pretty much the same thing we're having fun of right now.
It's just in different language, so it doesn't really mean anything to us, thanks God, but back in the old times in Palestina, people might be more aware of the meaning of names. Common names today means things like "God is merciful" or "Yahweh is the only god" and so on. I don't remember the meaning of any particular names, but they're typical to more known Biblical characters, like, for example, apostles. So, are any of you here named by some apostle? I am. Except of Judas, Peter, and maybe a few others, there's a chance we have just as religionally oriented name like that guy. It's just not in English.
Well, I'm not quite used to an american tradition (probably taken from native americans) of naming children after things in english language, in some cases it sounds quite weirdly. But, still better than it was here, until recently, I hope. Some woman wrote a catalogue of names, which are acceptable for a child of this nation, any exception not in this catalogue would have to be discussed by some cultural experts. This is pretty much what was going on, when the Esmeralda soap opera was in TV
But after all, here's traditionally a lot of ancient names literally meaning a celebrating something, if it's a spring, peace, homeland, well being, flowers (not very used one), goodness, God, victory, faith, self
, pains, saintness, and a lot of other things, which would require an expert on the old-slavonic language to decipher.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I am.
By the way, couldn't that be considered blasphemous? I know some Christians have a problem with that being on the money - not because of separation of church & state - but because they think it's blasphemous to put it on money.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
>.< can you imagine the art/history classes children would have to sit through if he was actually GOOD?
Oh to be a 16yr old in the 22nd century ^_^
Granted... by then those words might not even have the same grammatical context -_-
What Would Kharn Do?
I wonder if they'd explain the story - ie that he was a religious nut (hopefully by then that will be seen as really weird) and the Judge got so mad he gave him a different name than what he wanted - hey lots of famous artists were nearly insane. Imagine having to go to the drivers license center, and how if he had kids what they'd go through at school (unless they took the woman's last name.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
And another one bites the dust.
In one of the other local newspaper articles it reads:
" He says the new name symbolises the help God gave him during tough times and says he can't wait to begin signing his artwork with the new moniker."
I wonder if there is anyone out there that is signing artwork with "jack daniels" or "betty ford"
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maybe mickey mouse or buggs bunny maybe we need superman lol
It is really sad to think that people can do crap like this with their government stimulus check! It definitely seems like just a money-making scheme and a way to try to get himself out there; looks like it is working. :/