Fisrt,I was wondering if there is a SEARCH function on this forum?if so,can somebody point at it for me?
Second, I'm kind of having a "friendly" debate and I would like to know if anybody can help me in answering this without deviating from the question:
"did you know that a lot of prophecies have been proven true within the Bible. what book can you tell me where there were prophecies that were make 1000 to 3000 years ago that are coming true now? there is none. Scientist do not have proof. it is all guesses and to tell you the truth is about as much blind faith as you claim christianity does. one false step or procedure in their theories can wrecked. it is a slippery slop. i would rather rely on faith then human knowledge."
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Hey Kike
To search the website and forums, click the link "Google SEARCH this site!" near the top of the left column of the page.
As for rebutting the argument, I would suggest not wasting your time. If someone thinks that forming conclusions based on evidence is the same as accepting things as true without reason, that person isn't to be reasoned with because it doesn't matter how much evidence is in your favor or how forcefully and persuasively you present your argument, they'll simply reassert their original claim, which they accepted as true without reason. The parents and educational system of that person has failed them and the person shows no inclination of wanting to climb out of that hole.
If you insist on continuing the "debate" you can use the gist of my last paragraph to rebut their anti-science position and you can ask them to list particular "prophecies" and then use the "Google SEARCH this site!" link to find rebuttals to them. But, as I said, it would be best to break off the debate and not waste your time.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
what specific prophesy are they referring to? i doubt they even know.
Wouldn't even bother with such a ridiculous argument. Maybe tell them they're a stupid asshat and tell them to shut the fuck up.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Did you know that a lot of prophecies came true within the Legend of Zelda? The story said that a hero would come to deliver the Hylians from the tyranny of Ganondorf, the king of evil, and restore the triforce to the light realm. And if you knew the story, you would know that Link really did that. Therefore, Zelda is real and probably hott.
Well, at least real.
Ask the person for a specific example. I can guarantee the kind of response you'll get is some ambiguous metaphorical shitpile that has been twisted to fit some modern circumstance. It's the same thinking used by people who actively believe in the accuracy of horoscopes. Don't let them baffle you with bullshit.
I can't remember the prophecy exactly, but I know one of the "prophecies" that is often cited is, I think, from David, and it's something about a statue divided into sections, with each section made out of some different kind of metal, and one by one the sections are destroyed, and through some impressive hoop jumping, the prophecy bullshitters will point out they stand for all the great empires and the only one still standing is either America or the EU or the yet-to-be-seen "new world order" blah blah.
Biblical prophecies have come true as much as Nostradamus prophecied the events of 9/11. (read: they haven't).
Ouch. There's one that hasn't been heard 10,000 times before. This isn't true at all. Faith is necessarily the believe in something without evidence. This is obvious since, if there were any evidence, no faith would need to be called upon!
Faith is baseless by definition, while science is the opposite: nothing is accepted that does not have some sort of basis. In science, if you have no basis, you can't say X is true! Similarly in science, if you have no basis, you can't say X is false!
It's a completely ludicrous assertion. And other than the fact that the argument is wrong, it's also hilarious, since it's basically saying: "Look! You're just as irrational as I am!"
I'm not even sure what that means.
You wouldn't even know such a thing as science existed without human knowledge, so there's no way that can be entirely true. Did your faith tell you about science?
When was the last time faith made a discovery? Faith is NOT a type of knowledge nor is it a source of knowledge, nor is it a mode of thinking. It is purely and simply the lack of thinking. It's the refusal to lift any brain cells. It's a convenient decision-maker that spares you any mental exercise, like flipping coin.
Is god real? Well... let me just flip my faith coin... heads I win, tails atheists lose...
Thanks, faith!
You don't have to be such a smartass about it. I'm just an asshole. =]
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
The Bible says a lot of stuff. I'm guessing the "prophesies" this person is referring to are vaguely worded and can be interpreted to describe any number of modern-day events. We have all the same shit today that people had back then - war, disease, natural, yeah, the person you're debating with is talking straight out of his or her ass.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
Hi Kike,
Welcome to the forums. Others are probably correct when they say that any arguments to submit to this person are probably going to be irgnored by them regardless of how good the arguments are. That said, these things are normally of more benefit to the silent observers anyway.
When I last had somebody throw a prophecy at me (in this case Ezekiel and the prediction of the fall of Tyre) I came up with what I thought were pretty reasonable conditions for the assessment of prophecy:
1) The prophecy must be made BEFORE the events it prophecises! For prophecies about a previous event or fact (i.e. intricate details of a past event), the propheciser must not be able to possibly know about the event or fact they are prophecising about through normal means. The reasons for this should be self-evident.
2) It must have a date or time limit attached to it. For a mere human making a prophecy I would probably be a bit more lenient on the accuracy level of the dating, but for a human channelling an omnipotent, omniscient propheciser, I think it is reasonable to expect a higher level of accuracy. The reason for requiring a date is twofold. It saves time in debating "Is this event what he meant? Is that event what he meant?". More importantly, it provides a key component of falsifiability. Prophecies with dates that have come and gone can be obviously written off as false. Prophecies with no date have too easy a "get out of jail free" card, and this makes them pretty weak in my opinion. Prophecies with future dates at least give us something to look forward to, though I suppose that if the prophet wants his distant-future prophecy to be remembered, he had better make some good predictions during his lifetime!
3) It must not be fulfilled by people who could have heard of the prophecy. It would be preferrable if people, who naturally have an interest in the prophecies, had nothing to do with it. An example would be "On the 3rd of June 2008 a pig will fly, under its own power, around the world visiting every major house of parliament and will be seen by millions." I prophecise that you will read the next condition in this list of requirements.
4) Ambiguity, vagueness, repetition, theatrics and poetry demonstrate a different purpose for a "prophecy", such as a Nostradamus style all-purpose prophecy, or intimidation purposes, or allegory.
5) It must be correct!
I also seem to recall that Richard Carrier brought up some good conditions in this discussion with Nadir Ahmed
The conditions being exegesis, ambiguity, borrowing, triviality and error.
Welcome to the forum!
Everyone has given great advice,I don't have much to add. I just want to say that it is hard to rationally debate someone like this. I was exactly the same. I believed that the bible was full of fulfilled prophecies simply because I was taught that. I doubt this person is being purposely difficult, it is what they have been brainwashed into.
When I was a hardcore fundy I had a deabte with an atheist once.I was no better than this gut, sprouting nonsence about science being false. I am an atheist now, though through no connection to that debate. But there's always hope!
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
That's probably the most important thing to remember, Kike: if the argument is rock solid and rational, it might be ignored. You should prepare yourself for that eventuality.
With that said, my reply to Captain Ass Weasel follows.
Oh mah gahd, sriusly?
I can't even think of books that were make 1000 to 3000 years ago.
No, wait: how about Plato? Or Sallust? Both had a pretty clear idea of how republics would run forever and ever, and it turns out they were right. Wow, that's pretty impressive. What did the bible come up with, something vague perhaps? Hold on, there were a couple of Greeks who predicted the motion of the stars - that's pretty impressive. Holy shit, there are lots of prophesies that came true!
Proof of what, you fucking ass weasel? Insulin? Penicillin? Scientists save your weasel ass every day, you ungrateful little shit. You have teeth in your shoe-size IQ head because a scientist figured out that topical application of fluouride preserves teeth!
It speaks volumes about our modern tolerance for ridiculous idiots that this guy isn't barred from hospitals. "Sorry, you're too stupid and ungrateful to participate in a health care system. Have you tried homeopathic medicine, you moron? It's just the thing for your broken arm."
Sometimes I encounter the slippery slop, but I don't find that it can wrecked anything.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Wow!! I just want to thank everybody for their opinion and warm welcome....although I do have to admit that I laughed pretty hard at some of the post(good/funny way).
Everytime I see this typo I imagine a pig slipping in some slop. There's an e at the end people.
Or is this some new theist argument? Like the swine that were possesed by demons..opening yourself to satan is a slippery slop.Look at the pigs?
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
It was the "it can wrecked" that weirded me out. I was trying to figure out some way to reconstruct the English lanuage so that it had deponent verbs, but it just doesn't worked. I haved too much hard time with it.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Yeah, that guys can talked a good england. Perhaps it isn't his first language though, so who knowed.
I'm going to go with Spanish as my guess, but that's really playing the odds. Hey kike*, see what the guy's first language is. That might make things more entertaining. Well, for me.
*That's weird to write, just so you know. I feel like it's roughly the equivalent of "ya fucking kike" from my early years of hanging out with homophobic anti-Semitic private school types. Is that even a Jewish reference?
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Funny that you ask about the kike thing...My first name is Enrique and the nick name for that would be Kike or Quique (both of them pronounced Kee-keh).
So no,not trying to insult anybody.
Quebecois, perhaps. At least I was right with a romance language. I was going to guess Italian, too - I don't know why I didn't think of French.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence