Baptists Begin By Bashing

I was all ready to head to work. I begin my walk quickly, heading out the main doors and toward Jarvis Street. I cross the road if I can or continue down to Carlton Street where the lights change faster. I always get to the West side of Jarvis before I reach Gerrard Street East because on the East side of Jarvis below Carlton is a park where so many smelly homeless rest, followed by a Baptist Seminary and a Baptist Church at Gerrard and Carlton.
Today was not to be just another mindless exercise in haughty and swift walking, my head held arrogantly high and my sunglass covered eyes gazing aimlessly over the thin masses while my lungs struggled with the extremely humid and smog filled air. No, today I was abruptly taken out of my trance when I noticed something out of place. At first it was just one giant placard covered with gore. Then I noticed the woman seated on a collapsible chair behind it and my gaze flowed down Jarvis to the corner at Gerrard and along the way I saw several other placards similarly splattered, all with people holding them. Up the street on the East side and back to the first placard I noticed were more placards held by other early risers.
My pace changed; I was walking slower. I came close enough to the first placard to see it in detail. The gory mess was an apparently aborted foetus, but strangely it resembled no foetus I'd ever seen. Printed across the bottom of the bloody scene was something I would have been able to read when I first noticed the placard were I not so shocked at being so abruptly taken out of my routine, '' At the top of the placard was printed, 'Abortion,' and directly below was a description of the age of the foetus.
My face contorted. I was amused, disgusted, angry and dumbfounded all at the same time. Overridingly, I was annoyed. I returned to my normal pace and adopted a haughtier walk, a sneer spread across my face. Like an accident, I looked at the placards as I passed though I thought better of it. My anger was only piqued as I read, '21 Weeks.' above a photograph that was a horrible, an actually horrible, lie. I was coming so close to the corner now. Mere seconds and in front of me would be the ordinarily bleak stretch of Jarvis and I would feel no compulsion to turn my head back to look; it disturbs my careful appearance.
I suppose what followed in the next second was inevitable; someone had to have pamphlets. Passers by could not be left alone, they had to have a tangible reminder of what they had just been practically forced to witness! How else could they recall the website address and if they never visited it the information in the pamphlet was surely enough to win their support? A man, the only one on my side of the street, reached his hand out. He seemed almost timid, hiding behind his placard, his arm not fully extended. I was clearly too far away to grab it from him. Did he expect me to approach and take it? Could he not see my face? Or perhaps it was because my glaring eyes were invisible to him? I growled. I growled at the man, turned my head forward and continued on.
Even now I'm pissed off. The innocent people blocks away who would pass that scene by, the young children their parents in hand; who else would have to witness this flagrant display of nonsense, of lies and untruth? What misguided passion stirred these people to get up in the morning and setup road side near their church and seminary to harass the senses, not only the intangible ones, of people innocent of their insanity? God!?
Oh, divine creator and mirror to myself, how do I know your thoughts so well when I profess to not? Divine creator, answer my riddle, how the contradictions abound. Divine creator, as you exist, how righteous is my path?
Annoying. So very, very annoying. I begin to think I should rather practice another walk, for I can never hold my head as arrogantly as a believer.
Anyone else have another similar story, or wish to comment on the absurdities of these anti-abortion protests? Please, do.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
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Fucktards. Abortion protestors should have a katana shoved up their ass and "Fucktard" branded on their forehead. Also cut their dicks off and make them eat them. Pro-lifers piss me off more than anyone else.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Then again I was at the Eaton Centre, but it's funny in ontario you cannot have an abortion at 21 weeks, the eariliest is 4 weeks (usually when they find out the they are pregnant) up to 20 weeks, anything beyond that isn't allowed in Ontario and it varies throughout the country but for the most part it's between 4 to 20 weeks. Now the question would be what religious beliefs do these people have? If catholic, I say we should make a massive protest to the church, with placards of babies, children, teenagers and adults all in the final stages of the AIDS virus in the WORST possible condition of coure, and remind the church that due to their stance regarding birth control and condoms they allow MILLIONS to die every year due to AIDS. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Why should babies be born with aids only to die shortly after or to have a shorter life span than normal? this is far far more cruel than abortion, at least abortion, the fetus doesn't experiene pain, as it doesn't have that capability yet, unlike say letting a baby to be born with AIDS and then suffer for the rest of it's life because the CHURCH decided that condoms are evil. Fucking wankers.
there should be a law against public displays of such material that would be deemed at (at least) 16+ age rating if it were in a movie or video game. here's an idea: why not go around with large poster size boards holding enlarged photos of people genitals with various STD's with a warning on them about unprotected sex, but do it right next to these people and see who gets in shit first.
can you think of the shitstorm that would ensue from if a company promoting something used half as much gore as is described in those abortion placards. As latincanuck said, we should make similar placards emblazoned with not just aids and other diseases preventable with condoms, but all manner of birth defects and other tragedies that could have been prevented with an abortion (and have fliers containing stories of how women have dies from not being able to get an abortion as the pregnancy put their life in great danger).
If that was me walking the streets and seeing such bullshit, (if I were feeling particularly pissed of) I would rush home and find as much spare paint that I could carry and would have put an end to as many of those placards as possible.
one way you could piss these assholes off is by holding signs with pictures that imply masturbation (while not actually having any pornographic pictures) with a subtext of 'why abort babies one at a time? Have a wank and kill a million. Much more efficient that way' (or something to that effect).
edit: strange that while typing this out, I was listening to Womb by :wumpscut: and earlier when I was readin a thread by peppermint about abortion again, I was listening to embryodead by :wumpscut: and now its playing stillbirth as I edit this. (wtf, am I listening to the abortion soundtrack or something?)
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
Yeah, they're probably Baptist as they were around a Baptist church.
I don't really want to counter protest them, I just don't want to see that ever again. They weren't there this morning.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Now c'mon Matt, tell us how you really feel! Lol!
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
There are religious crazy guys there? Really?? Since I go to do service jobs, I just park directly in the Eaton Centre so I don't bother walking around there.....unless I have to go to Solie tanning right infront of the Eaton Centre and even then I usually park right behind the Canon theater. So I kinda avoid that area generally speaking. However if anyone is in Toronto and wants to see some sights, friday nights around the carlton and church area, it's always lively there, never know what your gonna see
But in all seriousness there are crazy religious people there? Man now I am going to make a scene
A similar group came to my campus a few months ago, they were there for two days. October 30th and 31st. Yes, Halloween. An agnostic student friend of mine in religious studies (I'm Bio-Anthro, we have some interesting conversations) was dressed as Jesus Christ. He arrogantly walked by their disgusting display and refused to take their lit, and proceeded to join- yes- the counter-protest organized by my school's LGBTQ and Feminist Groups, the latter of which I'm an active member, and held up a sign that said "May the fetus you save turn out to be gay."
They were called Genocide Awareness Project, or GAP, and they delighted in showing the fake pictures of aborted fetuses taken from fringe textbooks next to giant displays of lynchings and mass murder, to equate abortion with genocide.
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
Oh SNAP I want to make one of these signs!
GAPs in their brains!
Do like I do when I encounter asshats like them. I tell them I support abortion, especially the retro-active abortion of christians. I don't, of course, but they don't know that. Get some damned funny looks out of them.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
Yes, there are. I can't believe you drive downtown... I can't believe you drive. The Muslims hand out pamphlets and ask inane question about your knowledge of Islam, which in everyone but other Muslims would appear to be very lacking. The Black history folk are the least annoying in that they don't push at you, they just keep their arms extended and if they speak I haven't heard them. The crazy guy on the North-West corner is by far the funniest. I think he might actually be mentally ill... it would explain the twitches and random calling out. The last time I passed him I was with my partner and I observed how beautiful it was when the holy spirit took him. My partner replied that If god existed he'd strike down someone like that claiming to support him.
I live at at Wellesley and Jarvis. There is no better neighbourhood than the Gaybourhood. Tranny hookers rock my world, only I think they shouldn't get so loud and angry at Johns that piss 'em off, 'cause I usually like being asleep at 3am and if I can hear them 15 floors up they're too loud. Seriously, though, I've never noticed anything out of place happening at or around Carlton and Church... perhaps I'm just used to it?
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Too funny. I bet that caused a few of them to implode.
...[/sarcasm] But do you think I could have carried that further and still sounded like a genuine Christian, or did I ruin it at 'baby jesus'? Or was it when I used 'veritably'?
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
At 3 AM drunk on a saturday night you see the funniest things at carlton and church, after eating at the golden griddle and then just people watch there, it's is the funniest shit, between the johns that are drunk, high or just regulars, and the hookers, which at that corner I swear it's like that gathering of them all, gays, trannys, ugly as hell, and of course the odd cute looking one. It could be because I am drunk but fuck you can die of laughter some nights.
I do remember some muslims one time at the corner of Dundas and Yonge, but it was some holy day for them so I just assumed that is why they where peddling their religion. As for the driving part, yeah I hate going downtown in the truck, but it's hard to carry a truck load of equipment on the subway/bus as well
. But I swear people can't drive downtown, too slow, too stupid or just cutting people off (I hate the Taxi drivers for this one which is why I never let them in or allow them to do their illegal 15 point turns).
As for the gay neighborhoods, always have a good time there when I visit friends of mine there, I got a lesbian friend with which I hit Goodhandy's on richmond and church, awesome little club.....fucked up at times, but awesome.
Goodhandy's scares me so much that I have never been. Too much nakedness goes on there for me to consider it clean enough to drink in. Why, didn't they do something with a porn star there over Pride? Filiming or some naked party or other. Scarey!
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I was there because my friend was in the Mr Goodhandy contest (girls acting out as guys....too bad she's fucking hot as a female) it was fine no nudity or anything.....however they were advertising the orgy party (all women and trannys free, straight and gay men 10 bucks......and bang whatever you want
) Anytime that I have been there, yeah there are people making out but I haven't seen full out nudity per se. I have been to a few other places because of bachelor parties or bachelorlett parites (yes in canada men can marry men and girls marry girls
) Usually I am the only straight guy but I don't care I have a fun time drinking and causing shit. Which reminds me....we should get a bunch of RRS folks up here in the GTA and have a RRS beer night 
you are so right.