New Age Spirituality
Just wondering, how do people feel about new age spirituality? I personally can't stand it. Its all part of this culture in which people talk about it to make themselves seem more interesting.
When I say new age spirituality I mean all this stuff to do with positive energy, karma, yoga, most relaxation techniques and past life regression.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true"
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
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I personally laugh at the idea of karma and would prefer to just help people just to be nice, selflessly, not in the hope that it will benefit me in return. Not that I am always 100% nice all the time...
And as far as yoga, the physical exercises can benefit your body, but I can do without all that energy crap they talk about while you are doing it. Drop the nonsense, work out and have fun doing it.
As far as past life regression goes, I really don't see how that is possible. I disagree with the idea of a soul and the thought of reincarnation, so I personally think it is probably all nonsense. Your post did make me curious, I will have to look it up and see what people who supposedly experience it say.
So I guess overall, I can't stand any of it either, at least not anymore. I used to be wiccan, and put a lot of energy into complete nonsense and am embarrassed to admit it. I am curious about what other people here think as well.
It's garbage. Every single last piece. None of the 'new age' voodoo has proven to have any more effect than old-school voodoo (...I should say that with some caution, though, as some old school voodoo really DID work; using puffer fish to turn people into zombies, for example).
I suppose it does have the merit of being less invasive than orthodox religion, but I find that to be a weak excuse for allowing it to persist.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I'm of two minds on "New Age" stuff.
First; It's the same old claptrap with a new jacket. Oodles of woo and pseudoscience and general bullshittery.
Second: My father was a rock-hound and amateur mineralogist. Over my childhood and teen years he and I went on untold rock-hounding trips and collected hundreds of high-quality specimens of all sorts of minerals, mostly crystals.
When the New Age crystal silliness swung into action in the late 80s my father was able to sell off that collection for many times the value it had on the collectors market. MANY times. The New Age movement is the reason my father is enjoying such a well-funded retirement.
So, what can I say. I'm torn. =^_^=
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
I especially hate it when they start using pseudoscience
The only thing I like about it is that it is an indication that they are turning away from organised religion. I think they realise their old religion is crap and are looking for something to fill the spot.
We were talking about dodgy business at work and a colleague said that karma would get them. I inquired when karma would kick in for us good folks and he admitted that it doesn't.
It's all crap.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
"I'm not religious, but I am spiritual"
People that say that deserve meningitis
Evolution is a slow process .... the tower of babel is still tall. Go communication science.
It's utter bullshit. And yes, it's annoying.
I'm a rockhound! I'm so jealous!
I despise that hippy crap about metaphysical properties of rocks and minerals, with a FREAKING PASSION!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
It's utter bullshit. I really dislike new age movements. Yoga and Relaxation techniques can be helpful in a number of ways, but to attribute to them anything but their direct physiological repurcussions is just silly. Yoga helps me to stretch like I need to and want to, so I practice it.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I practice yoga and I love it, but I know it's because it's exercise and exercise is good for the body.
I think a lot of it is bullshit, but the mind is a powerful thing. You can convince yourself you're healthy and speak positively to yourself and feel much better. The fact that the mind can, in some ways, help us feel better is the foundation for a lot of these "spiritual" movements. They just take it to a whole new level.
But it's way better than religious dogma...I'd rather hear people taking about meditation than Jesus.
Oh and karma? Complete lies.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
Yeah. That's like saying "I don't believe in wizards, just magic."
These people need to find something concrete to fill the yawning void in their husk of a life. They should try beer. Or wine; I'm no fundamentalist, unless you're talking about martinis. I have very firm ideas about What is Right and Proper when it comes to a martini.
I would have loved to ask some of my stupid-woo acquaintances from my past to please define the difference between their belief in karma/"energy" made sense, but an Abrahamic soul/hell idea was bullshit. They latch onto this shit for the same reasons they deride people clinging to "organized religion".
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
Ahh Gezz KARMA: Like most all "religious/spiritual thinking" this stuff obviously gets way nuts.
Sure add it all up, all religious ideas, and YES, you can't stamp "Truth" on it. All we can do is dissect it, which if done rationally, can be educational. Throwing all the religious books into the trash heap would be counter productive, as we would not have them to correct / dismantle / learn from. Without this evolutionary communication process we cannot improve as a whole connected world community.
Karma obviously in it's totality is "false". We effecting past lives is fantasy. But who would argue that we are NOT living the Karma of our ancestors? We are the Karma of the "Founding Fathers", religions, scientists, philosophers, etc. We are the living Evolution of all that came before us. Our living Karma will effect the future.
This is why I often say, "changing the very definition of G-O-D is our number one world community goal". Recognizing the errors of religion are important to our learning process.
"Science leads in the study of gawed, Philosophy summarizes, Religion spins." ~ me
RRS is living and creating Karma, of the positive and negative past. RRS is the positive reactor/transformer to the past Karma. Ahh, something like that ....
Atheism Books.
There is no "new age".
Every point in the present is temporally different from that which went before, but that's as far as it goes and therefore implies nothing, at least when it comes to woolly thinking. THAT seems to be a perennial.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I think it is just as dangerous to clear thinking as Creationism and Intelligent Design. It has absolutely no scientific merit, and yet even people with a college education buy into this shit. I mean, if I wanted to manipulate people for political ends, I'd be a so-called psychic (exploitation artist) too.
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
Daniel Tosh does a bit on that in his stand-ups. He says (paraphrased), "Don't you hate people that are like 'I'm not religious, I'm spiritual.' I always say, 'Well, I'm not honest, but you're really interesting.'"
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
.... )))) "well I'm a spiritual person regarding all that, what are you?"
Reply - "Well I AM GOD, and both glad and sorry to hear that. You could step up a notch ya know?"
)))) "You are GOD ! ???"
Reply - Yep, 100% .... wanna run some tests! ....
Atheism Books.
I mean really, I am torn. It is purile bullshit to think these pretty little rocks (and it was always the pretty ones, I wonder why the ugly lump minerals were never part of the gag?) have any sort of magical properties. Such woo and pseudo-science has its dangers and is just plain untrue.
But the sheep sheared so well. I guess it's just a bit of hubris on my part that I got such joy out of selling these baubles to folks as if they were truly precious stones.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
New Age is like a jungle of delusions, everyone finds there what feels good to them, and then they by time realize it's a delusion, so they go and find something else. People can search there for the greatest truth for decades. Superficial look shows you only a heap of garbage, to find something valuable you need insight. It's not like you read a few books and suddenly you're a spiritual guru in half a year. Of course, many will eventually find it, but it takes a lot of time and effort. I'm lucky that my parents pretty much managed it, so I already don't have to repeat the searching from the beginning and I can start where they managed to get.
Here, New Age isn't so rotten as in USA, separation in communistic regime made it something people valued (and smuggled here) and it's not yet all engulfed by commerce and scam.
New Age is another form of spirituality. Spirituality is innate to all human beings and everyone should find a form of spirituality which fits them. If it's for some New Age, so be it. Of course, here it's a headquarters of another form of spirituality, atheism, which has many good properties, but a tolerance isn't necessarily among them.
Because, past life regression is primarily for going to these past lives of people, when they died by so violent, bizarre or unpleasant death, that it has physical or mental effects on them even in this life. The regression helps to seal these feelings in that past life, so they don't get restimulated in this life.
It's usually about violent dying, it's not a pleasant kind of therapy at all, and people wants to have it finally done as soon as possible, and not to make things up by their own imagination.
The reason, why it's called Aquarius age and not Taurus age is not so scientific but based on historical traditions. In Taurus age there was cult of Egyptian bull Apis and a golden calf, in Aries age there was cult of God's sacrificial lamb, in Pisces age there was Christianic cult with a symbol of fish, and now it's gonna be a free movement having a symbol of a man, who pours a water from a jug, symbolizing some blessings or a water of life, given for free to everyone, or something like that. This is a history.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
That is neither history nor good astronomy. It is, however, bullshit and since you seem to believe that crap I suggest the website create a new "label" for people such as yourself to go over your picture. "Superstitious fool" might fit the bill, or "believer in astrology" (same thing really).
The IAU, as long ago as 1929, set limits to the correct parameters which must apply in order for a group of stars to be called a constellation. Aquarius, strictly speaking is not one since the visual manifestation as seen from earth includes elements from other real constellations. Since then it has become standard practise to refer to Aquarius as an astrological constellation - in other words astronomers should be careful when they use the term, while charlatans, superstitious fools such as yourself, and the generally ignorant can carry on applying all sorts of gobbledygook to it if they want, as long as they don't claim to be talking astronomy.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I also wonder what would piss you off more, if I would start to insult you as well, or if I'd stay calm
You don't really know what I am. You think you do, but if you would really know, you would agree with me.
Of course, if you would be rational and logical, as always. To stay rational when everything is normal, is very easy, the real virtue is the same rationality in non-standard circumstances. One minute, or maybe just ten seconds of my everyday experience would show you, that there are still things you can't imagine nor comprehend. Neither can I, but at least I'm trying.
Anyway, this taught me, how different people's experiences can be. Never judge a person without walking a few miles in his boots...
The astronomical definition of constellation is slightly different, however. A group of stars that can be connected to form a figure or a picture is called an asterism, while a constellation is an area on the sky. (Wikipedia)
So, Aquarius seems to be asterism, as you say, but also a constellation. Aquarius is one of eldest recognized constellations. Any decision, your or IAU's, won't make the Aquarius disappear. Yes, it may share some elements with constellations around, but it doesn't matter how do we call it, the fact that our ecliptics enters the area of Aquarius constellation, is measurable.
I have one or two crystals at home. We use them for decoration.
New Age movement is really broad. Majority of it can be easily deceived. That majority probably resides in USA.
There are about two intelligent uses for crystals in N.A.M. I know about, but they're either for skilled professional healers (never saw it in practice), or for a construction of certain device which enhances an effect of meditation. But crystals are the cheapest thing on it. If your crystals would be suitable and wouldn't be too expensive (compared to other sellers inlands), and our group would really decide to build that device to enhance our meditation sessions, I'll let you know.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Exactly. I start to get annoyed when someone tells me I'm doing anything but stretching, though. Oh yeah, stretching and breathing. Y'know, because you can just stop breathing and it'll be fine. Sigh.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
*wipes tears from eyes*. Yes, the breathing part always gets me. It's such a special kind of breathing -as opposed to breathing, you're breathing. My soul certainly feels healthier after breathing, unlike after breathing.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
The finger second from my thumb on my left hand (which also shares elements with fingers around it) is measurable when extended. Feel free to draw any cosmic conclusion you like from my extending it.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
You guys are killing me. I have to leave the computer because my face hurts from laughing.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
That breathing relaxation technique never worked for me - it always ended up pissing me off because of it's being utter mumbo-jumbo.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Like others before me I have decided not to waste time communicating with you Luminom. You are dishonest with yourself and therefore dishonest with everyone else. You espouse delusional theory and have the cheek to introduce it repeatedly in an area of the site that is supposedly reserved for rationality. That is disrespectful to the other site users, and further proof of your dishonesty and disrespect should you choose to defend it.
At this point you should take the hint, apologise, and shut up. But then Im not a site administrator, and nor am I a grass. I will leave it up to you to recognise the right action to take, though I seriously doubt that you would even begin to know how to recognise it, let alone take it.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
All are in awe, and some call gawed , GOD , and think it knows what it's doing. Whatever, no big problem, until the dogmatic idol worship separation thing shows up. The only thing that is one, is ONE, and that is what we are part of.
Seeing bits of the parts of the one, as we are, changes nothing of what is eternal connected reality. Religion, dogma, idol worship are worse than just not healthy.
I would like to read Luminom's ideas on dogma.
i am gawed as you are .... more or less .... obviously. Now what ?
Atheism Books.
I'm just a mirror to you. You think judge me, but you judge only a reflection of your beliefs and problems. You can not really see me, until you see only things you have a problem with. Don't blame the mirror, if you don't like what you see in it.
I seem delusional to those, who think that their way of thinking is the only right one.
It's ancient model of behavior, the fallacy of being (among) the most righteous. I can't stop showing a mirror to anyone, who repeats the same mistake as generations before him. Sun rotates around Earth. There are no stones in the sky. All what could be invented, was already invented. Luminon is deluded. (yeah, there really is 'n' letter in the end of my nickname) This is not really about me, this is about your problems you see exposed in reflection on me. I of course have my problems, but you didn't get to them yet, so far, you see only your own.
What you should really look for, is an answer for question, what qualities can I teach you. I'm not your enemy, or anyone's enemy, I'm your opportunity to improve your character. There are people who doesn't already or yet need such lesson, there are no their issues I could reflect at this moment, so we get along. You're just not one of them.
Conflict is a way to resolve differences and estabilish a harmony, not to bestow trollship, theismship or ban.
To my best knowledge, I'm honest with everything I perceive by my senses and extrasensorically. Thinking and perceiving within norms of majority doesn't lead to a development. Standards aren't pushed by themselves, but by a people who are outside of them. Stepping out of norms like I do here requires a courage. You think I don't know, how alien is my worldview to you, or to anyone who never ever saw anything beyond norms? You're right, but I'm trying to understand it.
What are you afraid of, that different people are dangerous, so you must make everyone like you, under control of one way of thinking? I'm much more afraid of stagnation, which would that bring.
What if my lesson is to stop being a scapegoat for crowd, to show even more courage than I already did and tell YOU to shut the fuck up and go f...find yourself?
Last lesson was about finding our individuality and differences. We indeed found them, but we now ended with a world shattered to dualities and separation. We've got now a merciful God, cruel Satan, intelligent but dehumanized science, mystic but cloud-minded mysticism. Our politics offers us freedom, but can't guarantee justice, others promises justice, but tells us to forget about freedom.
This sense of bipolarity now became too old.
A new lesson is building up among us, and it's power is increasing every day. It's a lesson, when we will use our individualities for cooperation in brotherhood. It's a great lesson indeed and it will take about as long as the last one, two millenia.
Dogma shows up, when the old fights against the new. It was always like that, but now is the time, when the new is about equally powerful as the old. It creates an impression of stalemate, of a situation which can't be resolved and this crisis gets the world maybe on the edge of destruction.
Let's realize, that the old values of separation and competition can't go on anymore, they ruled for 2000 years! Trying to hold them is putting a great strain on everyone. Let's rather support the new ways of unity in diversity, so this diffcult time of changes will pass more quickly.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Luminon, I AM a fan , thanks .... Nice fire we got going here, hanging with you, Eloise, and Nordmann under the stars, in awe ..... pondering , "what is that god !"
as we laugh , as buddha's do ....
Atheism Books.
"A new lesson is building up among us, and it's power is increasing every day. It's a lesson, when we will use our individualities for cooperation in brotherhood." ~ Luminon
Indeed .... evolution of human consciousness.
[ Warning: Stay clear of "New Age Dogma" ]
Atheism Books.
Nordmann and Luminon, I sense alot of unfinished business.
I just sense extreme fatigue from talking to a looper.
I've decided, based on the fact that I can see the left hand of Sagittarius sliding over the right tit of Andromeda from my bedroom window (if I stand on the wardrobe) that the universe is entering a new age in which all the world's loopers will be given a role in life more suited to their talents - doorstops, human traffic cones, that kind of thing. The first sign that we have ridden the cusp and entered this cosmicological radiance is when the Rational Response Squad site administrators, in line with keeping theists away from an area of the site reserved for those who wish to rationally explore life's big questions, will extend the edict to include all other delusional fools as well.
Of course I could be dead wrong and what I'm seeing as Andromeda's mammaries might well be Aquarius's butt. I haven't washed that window in ages (old or new).
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Like everybody else, I think it's all bullshit. My mother is into all this feng shui shit. No matter what I say, she still won't believe me when I tell her that no matter how she orients her furniture in the room, it has no effect on any "energies". It's the same kinda bullshit as horoscopes. Giant balls of dirt floating out in space billions of miles away have no effect on people's day to day lives.... gah!
It will certainly have effect on those energies, which your mother consists of. I'm not sure to what degree Feng Shui makes the home comfortable, often it's better to rely on the good old intuition. If Feng Shui makes the house more pleasant for living (that's important, not some energies you can't even perceive) then why not. I also think that administrative buildings and even whole urban cities would look much better if they would be rebuild in the style coherent with laws of Feng Shui. They're so ugly, that anything would improve them, no matter if scientific or not.
These are the big balls. But have you heard about pendular clock? When you put two of them to the same room, their pendulums (pendula? dunno) may swing entirely differently, but by time, they will synchronize. So I had heard. Did anyone here had a clock workshop to observe this fabulous effect, is it really true?
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Yeah, I got a friend who had her dining/living rooms feng shuied. Bleccccchhh.
And she loves horrorscopes too
Goofy, unsubstantiated crapola to me.
I slightly disagree with you though i know exactly what you mean. The word spiritual translates to "breath of life," I think spiritual is a bad term to describe a profound experience. I don't know if you guys have seen Sam Harris talk about spirituality from the atheist perspective, but to summarize my position I agree with him, google it and check it out. But I agree in the sense that usually people who say that they are "spiritual," are talking about some bullshit like when they felt god while doing something exciting. New age shit in my opinion is getting worse than religion. If I hear one more person talk about The Secret, David Icke, or Zacharia Sitchin im going to strangle them. I have some friends that are into this bullshit, you would swear they where part of the heavens gate cult if you talked to them. They are waiting for a fictional planet called Nibiru to offset the earths gravitational pull in the year 2012, which will cause us to ascend into the 4th dimension, where we will be safe from shape shifting reptilian interdimensional beings who supposedly control earth. They told me I must "wake up," to the reality of universal transcendence. Fucking bullshit.
I surely know Zecharia Sitchin, and some his remarks to Biblic texts are interesting (specially the true version of legend about Sodom and Gomorah) but the rest of this bullshit about reptilians and a shift to fourth dimension, this doesn't give a sense.
What the hell is fourth dimension? Time? Sure, we move in time. As for shape-shifting reptilian aliens, I really dislike them. I once had read a certain document about them and it was so scary, that I regretted for the first time that I learned English language. The best thing I can do to return that strike, is to joyfully ignore them, and be very skepic about their existence. If they would abduct me, they're supposed to feed on on fear, so I'll radiate an aura of unconditional love, that should give them a serious diarrhoea
The most reliable source I know about, was asked about Nibiru. He said only:
It was diverted.
Hooray, that's another problem we don't have to worry about. You can tell it to your friends.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Whatever the name of, or the age, the very word "spirituality" has been polluted by dogma. "Consciousness" is not a gift, nor is it special. It is simply a bit of a mystery for the time being. The bigger mystery is "Time and Eternity" and may never be understood.
"Awe" will surely never cease, therefore "GAWED" will always be. Kill GOD and dog-ma, keep gawed and awe-ma.
Atheism Books.
Our difference in opinion is interesting: what I got from reading The End of Faith was that Harris saw various spiritual practices (meditation, specifically) as valuable tools to illuminate the concept of human consciousness, but that he placed absolutely no weight on any of the spiritual/mystical beliefs associated with those practices. In that, I agree with him. Yes, mediation, etc., can make your brain do some really bitchin' tricks, but that doesn't imply the soul/karma/nirvana exists. He wants to research what consciousness is and how it works with these tools, along with purely materialistic approaches like MRIs and EEGs.
I still see "spirituality" as the refuge of people who reject the concept of gods, but don't want to lose the comfort they find in believing there is an "unseen reality". They don't like where the chain of logic that lead them to reject religion (usually the one of their parents) leads, so they simply stop following it to avoid the hard work of becoming consistent.
I had a couple acquaintances who were into The Secret and loved What the Bleep Do We Know?. I studiously avoided talking about this with them because I felt it wouldn't have been much of a conversation; they would have just chalked up my inability to accept it as being "blocked" or something.
One of my favourite authors made a rather excellent observation once: "It's amazing what people will do for money, but not nearly so amazing as what they'll do for free." It always amuses me when people believe demonstrably crazy things of their own volition.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
Yeah I saw Sam Harris's speeches on youtube and read the book. He is probably my favorite of the popular atheist authors, particularly because he actually does research on the brain and how it reacts to so called "spritual experiences."
It's just another way to easily separate morons form their money... a new spin on the same old invisible bullshit. Fuck, I am in the wrong racket.
The Reptoids...yes, I have read of these beings.
The Royal Family and GW are supposedly Reptoids. Reptoids keep humanity constantly in military conflicts around the planet so they can harvest the fresh corpses for food.
Bow down to your reptilian masters, swine!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Btw, are such things, you know, not necessarily theistic, but New-Ageish, discussed in RRS radio shows? If yes, can you please mention in which and what approximately? Just a professional interest, nothing more All of this movement needs a discerning anyway, the question is, if it's better from within or from the outside of it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I totally agree with you peppermint. Our thoughts tend to dictate our emotions and many find that to be the 'spiritual' piece of their persona. Personally exercise, yoga and meditation....all lend to a healthier body and mind for me. I do however see it as my mind and not 'my spirit'
Slowly building a blog at ~
It's an easy way to make money, and some of the artwork is pretty, but substance wise, it has none.
Renee! You're posting again! Yay! =^_^=
Renee , oh yeah .... the million dollar offer still stands when I get the money !
All tickles and giggles for our Renee .... did ya know she is wild !
It's in the family tree !
Atheism Books.