New Age Spirituality

Just wondering, how do people feel about new age spirituality? I personally can't stand it. Its all part of this culture in which people talk about it to make themselves seem more interesting.
When I say new age spirituality I mean all this stuff to do with positive energy, karma, yoga, most relaxation techniques and past life regression.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true"
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
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Just couldn't stay away!
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Here is a family reunion video : Renee Family reunion
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Absolutely the only reasonable way to look at the topic. We should make sure that we are seperating fantasy from reality before we call it all "bullshit". We have the ability to be reasonable people and we should find benefit in thinking about a set of practices/ideas before we cast them into the realm of idiocy without knowing what we are talking about.
This idea of transendance is much about breathing, bloodflow, and controlling our thoughts. Attributing these feelings of outer body and moments of revalation to some mystical force is, of course, complete twaddle. We should recognize though that we do have a degree of control over how we feel and think. How we breath, stretch, and what thoughts we try to focus on can have a fantastic amount of positive effect on our lives in general.
As to the value of the spiritual and mystical aspect of these practices. If this nonsense is the worst of the religious ideologies then I would be happy to have it. If centering energy and thinking that our bad deeds can come back to haunt us is the most dangerous of concepts these religious fools practice...I welcome it. The thing these new age religions have in common is that there is no dogma supporting mass murder, intolerance, or slavery. We could be so lucky to have these silly new age religions dominating the beliefs and practices of those daft enough to believe that sort of thing.
Glad to see you around again!
I meditate too, and I must say, it has certainly a beneficial effect on me. Less straying thoughts, more everyday attention.
I'm only a beginner, but this meditation I perform is so sophisticated, that the results are significant even so early.
What kind of meditation do you perform, how often, how long? Just a curiosity
However, as in everything serious, there is a risk in meditation. Many people found themselves in problems, after they started to meditateg. Some most frequently meditating people are also reat neurotics. Whatever state they're in, meditation has the effect, that it upsets this balance and whatever they're prone to, may happen. This is a result of incorrect understanding of whatever the meditation is. Theory is extensive, but can be summarized into one basic observation.
Meditation does something with personality, that it causes a need to serve, to be helpful and beneficial to others. Selfish interests goes aside, while the person feels more need to help those, who needs it. It looses an importance of the self, and the newly freed activity of a person must be focused on the outer world.
Most of the problems I mentioned, are simply a result of the selfishness, when a person meditates, but doesn't want to give a service to the world. This creates a conflict against the very nature of any meditation, and thus mental or physical problems. Whoever meditates more seriously, must make sure that he/she does something good for others. It doesn't have to be anything big, but it should be done. Some people does it automatically, which is very good, but some not and it can really mess up the life.
This is a rational observation and shouldn't be taken lightly. (of course I make sure to behave according to it too)
If meditation is combined with service, it's a natural part of human life and potentizes every other activity the person is doing when not meditating.
(one of my favorite bands, an appeal to popularity, huh
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
For me the biggest thing about meditation is relaxation, attention and focus. An 'emptying of the mind' sort of thing. I want to get to a point where I can then contemplate thoughts and feelings but...that is far off as I am fairly new to it (about 18 months or so) Good luck! Everyone finds their own way of the meditation process...
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