I have to ask...is censorship practiced here?

Not that I post much anyone would find worthy of censorship....
I also post on another website. Another forum member took umbrage to my post (subject isn't really relevant). The other forum member didn't even address the topic of my post but became somewhat ascerbic and accused me of trolling i.e., posting the topic just to agravate, provoke.
Anyway, I copied the thread http// etc and asked the moderators on that site to review the thread and determine if I was trolling (I would accept their decision) or if my post was within 'the rules'. I also asked if the other member was in violation of the non-trolling rule, as I had suggested in a response, because s/he hadn't responded to my post but simply began castigating me for my anti-whatever stance.
I hadn't received a reply from the moderator(s) to my PM. (I didn't accuse the other member of trolling at all...just pointed out that s/he hadn't responded to my post but rather had only offered offeensive remarks. There is a separate 'forum' for reporting those who 'troll' or 'spam' or post 'porn'. I didn't go there. I wanted to be discrete, hence the PM to the moderators.
When I came back to the site...I still have no response from the moderators, but the thread has been censored...without even asking me if that's what I wanted!!!
On another occassion when I had made a post and some f'ing idiot jumped on and started 'ranting' off toic, I did complain to the moderators. The moderators did NOTHING.
I know I'm not the most brilliant or prolific of posters...but this treatment just doesn't seem right to me or to the other forum member whose posts were deleted making the thread a little less coherent.
Hence my question about censorship. RSVP pretty pretty, please with sugar on top.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
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Yes. I keep posting undeniable proof of God, but they keep deleting it because they want to keep living in their fantasy world.
On another note, are you talking about the mods here or the other site? I've never seen a case of 'censorship'.
Censorship, defined as removing material based on content we don't like, is absolutely not practiced here. We reserve the right to alter or remove any content if it is determined to be potentially illegal, or if it incites violence, violates copyright law, or otherwise gets us into questionable legal territory. We typically edit out any personal information, such as real names of members, addresses, or other such material.
Very occasionally, we will delete a post that is purely trolling or spamming, but typically, we want idiots to be seen in all their idiocy.
When a thread has gone so far awry that it is making life difficult for mods, we will sometimes lock the thread, but we do not delete it.
Typically, useless threads go to trollville.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I'm asking if the moderators or administrators (whatever) on this site RRS ever censor threads...if an example such as I described were to occur...
e.g., I post a thread on a fairly general topic for others to express their opinions. Instead of responding to the topic of my post or to any opinions I might have expressed, one person starts posting more or less insulting remarks about me personally.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not generally 'thin skinned'. However, on this other site 'trolling' is a bannable offense. So, I ask for a ruling from the moderator(s). Instead of giving me a ruling, they censored the thread...cutting out /deleting the posts not in response to the original post which now makes the thread appear incoherent.
I never considered myself to be a vain person, but I'm offended by the blatant censorship without even consulting me. I would have much preferred that the other person's posts be left as witness to his/her insensitivity and violation of that forums 'rules'.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
Exactly!!! If I had reported this person as troll, s/he might have earned a warning. According to that forums' rules...if you aren't responding to the thread but only making denegrating remarks about the 'author' or any other responder, you are a troll and can be banned. Usually that's a temporary ban, but some people learn to moderate themselves. (others are a waste of space and deserve permanent ban).
And, yes...if the post is especially agregious.(porn/spam) not only is the post deleted, but the 'author' is immediately banned from the site. Otherwise...an inflamatory thread is put in the 'garbage' forum and sometimes 'locked' so that everyone can see and read, but not comment. That way the 'author' is supposed to be humiliated. That website has one 'author' who has every post dumped in the garbage and he counts it as a 'badge of honor' (white supremacist type).
I don't even know if I want to go back to that site. I am feeling ashamed...and I don't even see the other forum member getting a 'warning' from the mods, which they also post for other members to see.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
I got accused of being a racist and a sexist in two seperate threads and I get pissed on all the time. If I asked for a mod to intervene they probably would tell me to fuck off. So I think you're good in that department.
The only thread I saw deleted was when the guy was being a total prick and called me a 'cock munching faggot' ( it was a PM though.) and was being a total douche to responses to his posts.
Those type of topics get deleted
Why do you edit out names? Both first and last?
That's just it Capt. P...I wasn't asking for intervention. In most instances, I believe I can handle myself against a petulent catholic. And I do know how to ignor others who are attempting to 'derail' a topic.
I try to play on these websites 'by the rules' and I don't generally go running to the moderators/administrators for anything. I figure...if someone is monitoring and they think a situation is getting out of hand and that person has the power and inclination to intercede...so be it. Not much I could do about that.
I actually left that website once because I did find that I was being somewhat of a jerk. When I went back, I would read but I wouldn't post anything. I 'self-moderated' and (I hope) I'm a better forum member for my effort.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
Well of course. By deleting it it is being denied therefore it isn't undeniable evidence. Simply by deleting your posts we prove you wrong.
Cpt_pineapple's real name is xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.
question answered?
Obviously they don't edit out both first and last names or I wouldn't have had the screen name I've had for the last 2 years plus (note a few of us have our first name in our screen name.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
That's why I asked.
Matt, Kelly, Jacob, Kevin, Brian, Shelly, Thomothy. Jill
And I'm sure some (Kevin, Jacob..) use their real last names too.
But that's their choice, and completely under their control. If I were to announce your name, Cpt (which I don't know), that wouldn't be fair, since you have no control over me announcing it. Things like phone numbers and email addresses being announced on the internet would be worse, and for the same reason. Imagine if that guy who decided to harass you by private message thought he should give you a call and tell you what he really thought of you. That's not just inconvenient, that's scary.
Now, I've made it obvious that my name is Will and I have a picture of myself as my avatar, but that's my choice, and anyone who wants to harass me can bring it. Technically, I think telemarketers are already doing just that, so it probably wouldn't be much of a change of pace. But you should have the right to anonymity.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
most all call me mark , but my real name is god, just as you.
I don't think RRS is afraid of any posters, and instead invites the enemy dogmists. Censorship is not the RRS philosophy, nor productive. "Bring them on", is the rally call. Let the religious god idol worshipers be exposed !!!
But yes, deleting insincere wasteful word pollution, is a no brainer ....
Atheism Books.
...I feel more or less the same way.
Must be a Canadian thing.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Yeah this is the internet age. People can find out plenty given your name, especially your last.
It's ShellEy.
Yes, but echoing what Will just said... how would you feel if I were to post your last name and phone number on this public forum? Creepy...
I think it can be spelled both ways.
I'm sure it can, but my Mommy chose to go with two E's.
KInd of like Upgraydde - spelled with 2 d's for a double dose of his pimpin'.
And out of respect for each other I think we should stick to the correct spelling !!
Even if some of you are theists, I think you can still show some respect.
I think I recognise your user-name.
Are you a poster on Faith Freedom International?
Internet forums without some sort of moderation are a complete waste of time, they just turn into spam. Of course over moderation shouldnt be encouraged either.
If we didnt have any moderation every 2nd post would be about Kelly's breasts
We get much more spam for gambling and dick enhancement. Those posts never make the cut, so yes, we censor.
Do we censor people for simply disagreeing? No.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
What is Mr Sapient doing up at this time its 10:30 UK time with me off sick with an evil evolved cold virus, but by US time it must be 4:30am go to bed!!!
The midnight shift is cool too ....
To the best of my knowledge, those aren't censored. So what you're seeing already is the maximum, anarchy-level posting rate regarding Kelly's breasts. I think we're safe.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Only Christian web sites censor people that don't agree with them. So much for the truth setting people free.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
On occassion, yes. I remember, the Supreme Court / Gitmo thread. I see you like to 'surf' too. It's nice to be able to have access to people with diverse opinions.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
I figured out what happened (after putting my foot firmly in my mouth).
But the mod did also finally explain. When someone posts a response, but not to the topic, just to yank the author's chain...the mods can 'split' the thread and move the objectionable portion (snip snip) to the garbage bin.
I was a little upset because the other person was accusing me of 'trolling' but by not responding to the thread but just trying to yank my chain...she was trolling (pot calling the kettle black). I hadn't wanted the thread to be split...but some zealous mod decided that was best. Oh well. Live and learn.
Once I realized what had happened, I apologized to the mod for any offense. I've been doing that alot this week. Perhaps I am the one who needs an 'attitude adjustment'.
"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
Respectfully, Lyz
if the rules of a forum aren't clear, I just leave. Same goes for when the rules are clear, but partiality is evident in the moderators attitudes towards people.
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