Dirty Limericks
There once was a woman named Dot
who lived off of pig shit and snot
when she couldn't get these
she ate the green cheese
that she scraped off the sides of her twat.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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OK seriously do you not have ANYTHING better to do?
I am now 50 IQ points lower because I read that.
Your god's silence speaks loud and clear
I like it =) Definitely time well spent, Mr. Shizzle.
Oh Father, I have a confession.
I have this awful obsession.
The men-of-the-cloth'll
Soon open a brothel,
And I want the condom concession.
Thank God I'm an atheist.
Matt Ewww !!

Ehh...the best I can do is an old limerick from Dragon magazine, of many years ago. So, for the D&D players here:
She thought it true love she had found,
When the handsome young centaur came around
But one roll in the hay,
And he trotted away.
He had only been horsing around.
A randy marsupial named Reeves
Spent some time with the whores 'tween their knees
When they'd ask him for money
He'd say "Listen Honey
A Koala eats bush and leaves.
There once was a fellow named Dave
who kept a dead whore in a cave
I have to admit
She smelled like shit
but think of all the money he saved
There once was a man from Nantucket,
Had a dick so big he could suck it.
He walked down the street
Swingin' his meat,
And carryin' his balls in a bucket.
While debating Tacitus with Fathom
Rook was confused & bemused so I gathom
He decreed a temporary ban
At least that was his plan
Til Fathom sed fuckim & hadom!
I take a skeptical approach, but I am not sure whether that is correct!
There was a young man from the sticks,
who liked to compose limericks,
but he failed at his sport,
because they were too short.
There was an old man
from Peru, whose lim'ricks all
looked like Haiku. He
Said with a laugh, "I
cut them in half, the pay is
much better for two."
If I have gained anything by damning myself, it is that I no longer have anything to fear. - JP Sartre
Still referencing Tacitus wrongly,
improbable objected strongly
To Rook's long research
(it's not from a church)
And muddled rebuttals so longly
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Your meter is tripping and falling
And everywhere stopping and stalling
You've tried to debate
It comes out as hate
Your illiteracy is appalling
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
I got nothing nothing. I just wanted to say that your limerickal smackdown was tits.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
When Fathom attempted to thunder
And blow Rook Hawkins asunder
The "blast" he'd impart
Came out more like a fart
Now "Fathom" is six feet under!
One cannot rely on old Tacitus
His "sources" alas are absconditus
To claim he insisted
That Jesus existed
Is what Tacky himself once called irritus
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I knew a young lady named Claire,
Who possessed a magnificent pair.
Or that's what I thought,
Till I saw one get caught,
On a thorn and begin losing air.
Thank God I'm an atheist.
That one deserves applause. I'm applauding. You can't hear it, but I am.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Tis claimed he is an illogical dude
Banned on four boards because he is rude
Yet not at RnR
There Fathom's a star
On account of his bad attitude.
I take a skeptical approach, but I am not sure whether that is correct!
RnR is pretty much asshat central. I think you can't have an account there unless you're a complete asshole.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I agree completely, but then, improbable does not have an account there. Unlike you.
I take a skeptical approach, but I am not sure whether that is correct!
That isn't me. That's one of those dickheads stole my picture and made a fake account (could I have whoever did that prosecuted for identity theft?)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Matt just let it go. The fact that they actually have to come over here to flaunt it in your face shows they are interested in nothing but attention.
To be a dumbass and then show it
Or a high order prick and not know it
Is less of a crime
Than to torture a rhyme
And failure to scan as a poet.
But at least all your "verses" explain
The reason you're seen as a pain.
A mind like a sewer
Brim-filled with manure
You've mistakenly thought was your brain!
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
The vain profanities of a Nordy Man
Circumscribed his intellect span
In the gutter his mind
To pure thoughts he is blind
Yet lift them to decency he can!
I take a skeptical approach, but I am not sure whether that is correct!
I've never seen so much clatter
Since I just checked out RnR's chatter.
The format is weird;
To me it appeared
As nothing but spent teenage splatter
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
What the hell is RnR ?? Or maybe I don't want to know.
You don't. It stands for "Rants and Raves". It's another forum site. I checked it out a bit, but it looks like people entertaining themselves by annoying each other. Or being annoyed. Or some combination of both. Anyway, it's not my kind of fun.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Don't give up the day job, kid.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
While wiping his chin,
He said with a grin,
"If my ear were a cunt, I could have sex with it."
Ask improbable if there's a vacancy going on the day job. You might get along as workmates.
On the arm of a barmaid near Yale
were tattooed the prices of ale
and on her behind
for the sake of the blind
was the same information in braille
I'd also like to add if they let us argue/insult each other with limericks in school, as demonstrated on this thread, I'd know a lot less kids failing English. Pure awesome.
"We are the star things harvesting the star energy"
-Carl Sagan
"... a lot fewer kids failing English."
Couldn't resist.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence