This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots [YOU RESPOND]

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This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] This website is BULL

Sarah Palumbo sent a message using the contact form at

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots who have
nothing better to do than degrade what God made for them.  All of your
answers and responses to peoples questions and comments are just turning
around their question and giving them a not coorect answer.  I am a stront
full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead.  I came on here looking to see what you believe and
why, and you have nothing of the such.  Just bull saying christians are bad
people.  You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.


(seven spelling errors, and now Sarah is part of "this webiste" making her an uninformed idiot)

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Where are any of us saying

Where are any of us saying that Christians (besides specific examples) are bad people? Mostly we show that religion is a bunch of shit. I think her calling us uninformed idiots is like the pot calling the sun black.

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Sarah, you have reading

Sarah, you have reading comprehension problems, don't you?  Oh, nevermind my jest, unless I hit the nail on the head.  If you actually perused the site and are able to read you'll notice that what you've written is just plain wrong.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Sarah Palumbo wrote:From:

Sarah Palumbo wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] This website is BULL

 I am a stront full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead. 


That's one of probably many irrational beliefs you hold as a "stront full beliver" in Jeebus.

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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If Sarah spends some time

If Sarah spends some time actually reading threads and posts she will find there are very few instances of Christians being called bad, rather it's the religion which is called into question. I have many Christian friends and I do not consider any of them bad, only naive. I don't know how to brainwash, I only point out the problems with theology when considered in the real world. Anyone interested in atheism can find a wealth of information on the Internet and in bookstores since we don't seem to have a monopoly on the subject.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

  You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.



So um, what is indoctrinating young children who have no other means of finding knowledge? Any one old and intelligent enough to use a conputer and find this site can go find plenty of other info on whatever they want. No one is forced to come here, so I don't know how they get brainwashed. Joining is entirely voluntary, as is lurking and just reading. Unlike theists, I don't see atheists forcing their children to come post on atheist sites.

Also, point out where it has been said that christians are bad people, and in context. Sure, maybe someone said they are bad after reading about something they did. But it seems you're suggesting we sit around saying christians are bad for kicks. Proof?

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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Christianity is a disease

Christianity is a disease which one of is its symptoms is to make people do bad things. Of course some people are just bad anyway and some christians don't have that particular symptom

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Sarah, supposing you're a

Sarah, supposing you're a member of a church that has a quota system for conversion, you're going to be owing your church a few thousand years tithes for this one letter. It is safe to assume you haven't converted a single person here who wasn't converted already.

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MattShizzle wrote:Sarah

MattShizzle wrote:

Sarah Palumbo wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] This website is BULL

 I am a stront full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead. 


That's one of probably many irrational beliefs you hold as a "stront full beliver" in Jeebus.


Sarah said...

"All of your answers and responses to peoples questions and comments are just turning around their question and giving them a not coorect answer."



Yes Matt, but don't forget... be livers are always coorect.


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Quote:I am a strontfull

I am a stront
full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead.



Even if Jesus were a real person, people can't get back up after dying. And there are no such things as 'sins'.


"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
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We are uninformed

We are uninformed idiots...on opposite day.


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small comments plz

RationalResponseSquad wrote:


Sarah Palumbo sent a message using the contact form at

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots who have
nothing better to do than degrade what God made for them.  All of your
answers and responses to peoples questions and comments are just turning
around their question and giving them a not coorect answer.  I am a stront
full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead.  I came on here looking to see what you believe and
why, and you have nothing of the such.  Just bull saying christians are bad
people.  You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.


Good evening and I hope you are well.

I've been watching here a bit and I have not noted the 'uniformed idiots' aspect you claim.  I will note you made a claim here, btw.

You made the claim that God (presumably Bible-God) has made things for 'them', i.e. humans.  Small note: There is no evidence indicating that the universe, created or not, has us in mind.  Small note two: There is no evidence in the Bible that Bible-God created anything for any of His Creation other than for those He selected in advance.  I.e. The Bible contradicts Peter's claim that God is no respecter [of humans] with multiple examples (i.e. verse sets) showing that Bible-God has a predestination plan.  (God will save who He will save and Damn who He will Damn... according to the Book, and there is no changing that.)

Regarding incorrect answers, I can note and state with confidence that any post of your's with The Correct Answers will show up.  Plz do.

You Believe that Jesus died for your sins... kuhl.

You Believe that it is righteous to kill an innocent for your crimes then.  Eh?  I.e. You are apparently stating that you are guilty and in need of punishment, and that it is just fine that someone else gets punished in your stead.

Neat system.

BTW... imho there is cognitive difficulty to accepting that you came to a non-believer location to see what non-believers might believe.   It gets rather silly, eh?

Regarding forms of knowledge... your statement there need some work.  Especially backup on why insistence on evidence is somehow deceitful.

tq for your time.


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Tripper wrote:We are

Tripper wrote:

We are uninformed idiots...on opposite day.



In her defense, she sent it on April 30th.... National Opposite Day.  George Bush was a good president that day... and god existed.

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Sarah Palumbo wrote:I am a

Sarah Palumbo wrote:
I am a stront full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose again from the dead.
So what?

I have a neighbor who believes his 'soul' is from the Pleiades, and when 'his people' come for him he will be given the opportunity to use his Pleiadian powers to bring peace to Earth. His evidence for this belief is roughly the same as your evidence for your belief. Only he has this cool little square of metal he says is his communications device - it looks like oxidized titanium, opalescent and multi-hued. Cool, but far from convincing evidence.

What've you got?

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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JillSwift wrote:What've you

JillSwift wrote:

What've you got?


oooo ooo let me guess....


a graven image?  a cross maybe?

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Sapient wrote:oooo ooo let

Sapient wrote:
oooo ooo let me guess....


a graven image?  a cross maybe?

Naw; They has TEH BIBBLE! The innerrent werd uv gawd, which we know is the innerrant werd uv gawd becasue TEH BIBBLE says so - several times - and we can trust what TEH BIBBLE says because it's the inerrant werd uv gawd!

Oh my. Circular logic gets one dizzy. *faints*

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Reminds me of this video...

Reminds me of this video...

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Sapient wrote:Reminds me of

Sapient wrote:
Reminds me of this video...
I love Current's videos. Poe's law gets such a workout


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Sarah, Sarah...Sarah. We are

Sarah, Sarah...Sarah. We are not a handful of uninformed idiots, most of the members here are quite informed.  And, we're not idiots and our numbers are probably a little more than a "handful."  You, on the other hand, seem to be lacking much information or you have been misinformed by some of your compatriots. That's wrong and just plain deceitful! Don't act so surprised and indignant.  It happens daily among xtians, it's just that you don't realize it's happening.  It's not really your fault, they're brainwashing you and you just don't realize it. To be fair, I'm sure it happens amongst atheists and other believers as well.  But, I'd like to provide you with one bit of information: more than half the prisoners in state and federal prisons claim to be christians, only 2% claim to be atheists.  Atheists and Agnostics make up approximately 18% of the US population.

As to your belief, I'll stipulate to that.  Now I'd like to ask you a question.  Do you believe in Santa Claus?  I'm sure you don't.  Well, think of all the reasons why you do not believe that Santa Claus is real. Now, where you've thought "because Santa is a fairy tale" substitute Santa with god.  Where you said "the idea of Santa is just silly" substitute Santa with god.  Any reason you had for not believing in Santa, substitute Santa with god. By the way, that's

As for atheists, it's not what we believe, it's what we don't believe.  We don't believe in magic.  We don't believe in your god or any gods.  We don't believe in angels or devils, or faeries and elves.  Atheism is not about what we believe. I't not a lifestyle.  We simply don't believe in fantasies no matter how good they make us feel.  And, no one is saying christians are bad.  At least, most aren't.  You're all just misguided and brainwashed (see ¶1 above).

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Hey Sarah?!*waggles coffee

Hey Sarah?!

*waggles coffee cup and points to it*

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I started watching that

I started watching that Atheist delusion vid but once he called Hawking a freak, I took offense and turned it off. His videos aren't aimed at telling Atheists what they *are* .... his videos seem directed to help his christian audience feel a little more smug and a lot more arrogant. Like they really need more of that.

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Wonko wrote:

I started watching that Atheist delusion vid but once he called Hawking a freak, I took offense and turned it off. His videos aren't aimed at telling Atheists what they *are* .... his videos seem directed to help his christian audience feel a little more smug and a lot more arrogant. Like they really need more of that.


      Wonko it was satire,   watch it all the way through,   the closing credit is dedicated to Hawkins.  And have a good laugh.

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Jeffrick wrote:


      Wonko it was satire,   watch it all the way through,   the closing credit is dedicated to Hawkins.  And have a good laugh. bad. And thanks for letting me know. Though the closing credit is dedicated to Richard Dawkins, not Stephen Hawking.

First time I've heard of Current.

Go ahead, ask me which rock I've been living under.

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itlndancrgrl4evr wrote:This

itlndancrgrl4evr wrote:

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots.

Shows how much you know. We have tons of uninformed idiots. We can add one more.


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itlndancrgrl4evr, I have


 I have some kind healing jesus words for you,  FUCK YOU SATAN, and your temple/church of idol worshipers ..... repent.  


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EXC wrote:itlndancrgrl4evr

EXC wrote:

itlndancrgrl4evr wrote:

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots.

Shows how much you know. We have tons of uninformed idiots. We can add one more.




Hey ! I resemble that remark

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Well, lets get something straight here okay! you say we have nothing better to do??? Look at you, you had the nerve to get on this website and write your little nonsense comment!  Looks to me like YOU have no life! Your just trying to convince yourself that there is a god.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] This website is BULL

Sarah Palumbo sent a message using the contact form at

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots who have
nothing better to do than degrade what God made for them.  All of your
answers and responses to peoples questions and comments are just turning
around their question and giving them a not coorect answer.  I am a stront
full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead.  I came on here looking to see what you believe and
why, and you have nothing of the such.  Just bull saying christians are bad
people.  You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.


(seven spelling errors, and now Sarah is part of "this webiste" making her an uninformed idiot)


 The way you use the word "Brainwashing" would imply that we *Athiests*bring our children to, what can only be called, a zealot's castle, where they are constantly, and  repeatedly spoon-fed propoganda, stories, songs, ceremonies, and such, through most of their developmental years, so as to force them to believe in fear of everlasting torment. The truth is that there wouldn't be an argument if christians hadn't already done all the brainwashing.  

So you say you believe in Jesus? Well I know science. Sticking out tongue And Science's kung-fu is better than Jesus' kung-fu.

lolearthisthecenteroftheuniverse  Silly Christians.


What's next? Dinosaur bones are fake? ..........

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Sarah wrote:You are

Sarah wrote:

You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.

Sarah, you're wrong and being deceitful about your knowledge of brainwashing. It requires more control over someone than can be exerted or has been exerted by anyone here. Here's a list of a few things which are pretty much essential to the act of brainwashing ranked 1-n in order of importance:

1. A threat, usually of physical harm or endangerment to life.

2. Extreme Social Isolation

3. Control over the persons basic daily and most personal activities - you need to take control over when and how they respond to their most personal bodily urges, such as when they pee, how they eat, what they wear.

4. Systematic frequent assault on the persons most Basic sense of identity in order to replace it with a substitute sense of identity.


Omitting any of these essential parts is akin to not really brainwashing at all. For instance you can continuously assault a persons sense of identity, but if they can get away from you physically, mentally and emotionally then you can't brainwash them, you can only be an aggressive blip on their radar. To effectively brainwash you need all of these tools at your disposal.

You might notice also that your religion does have these tools, all of them. That's not to say religion necessarily brainwashes people, but it most certainly demonstrates that any religious group wanting to brainwash is well equipped to do so. The RRS web forum, OTOH, is ill-equipped and therefore really cannot brainwash anyone.



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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

This webiste is nothing but a handfull of uninformed idiots who have
nothing better to do than degrade what God made for them.  All of your
answers and responses to peoples questions and comments are just turning
around their question and giving them a not coorect answer.  I am a stront
full beliver in Jesus Christ, and I believe he died for my sins and rose
again from the dead.  I came on here looking to see what you believe and
why, and you have nothing of the such.  Just bull saying christians are bad
people.  You are brainwashing people who have no other form of knowledge on
this matter.  It is wrong and just plain decietful.

Well, I would only say that Brian Sapient and Rook Hawkins are the uninformed idiots. The RRS are trying. Maybe I can help them.


(seven spelling errors, and now Sarah is part of "this webiste" making her an uninformed idiot)

Actually, you guys put her email in "this website".  She had nothing to do with that.

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walter_asbury wrote:

Actually, you guys put her email in "this website".  She had nothing to do with that.

If by nothing to do with that, you mean taking the time to write the actual email and send it to a place where it says the emails might get posted on the idiotic site, then I agree she had nothing to do with that.

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