What our mailbox looks like... [YOU RESPOND]
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:07 AM
> sonny sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:41 AM
Subject: [General Question] Nice try!
> Gabe Taviano sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> I thought you did a terrible job on Nightline. Nice try. No proof there is
> no God? You foundation contains faith as well, lol. Big L for a loss in
> the debate, sorry.
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:46 AM
Subject: [General Question] Get angry at God
> Joe sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Christians are just the messengers. You can get angry and blame the
> Christians for the message, but you really need to get angry with God.
> Whether or not you accept it, everyone will die and then have to deal with
> reality. God is real, His word is truth. Get over your anger and get to
> know Jesus!
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:12 AM
Subject: [General Question] Nightline
> David sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Saw your "debate" with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort on Nightline. Kelly
> raised a point regarding the existence of the man, Jesus. She said there
> is no evidence that he existed. Actually, thousands of people witnessed
> his existence on earth, and many testified to his existence in the pages
> of the Bible. Naturally, all of them are dead, so you can't interview
> them. But why is it you can not find their written statements credible?
> I challenge you to prove to me conclusively that George Washington
> existed. Thousands of people witnessed his existence on earth, and many
> testified in letters and other manuscripts that he existed. We have no
> films or photographs of George Washington, and what conclusive proof do we
> have that what evidence we do have of him are not forgeries? We can't
> interview those who claimed to have seen him, because (you guessed it)
> they're dead.
> You see, Kelly and Brian, we can't prove scientifically that George
> Washington existed. And unlike Kirk and Ray, I don't believe man has found
> a purely scientifically method for proving God's existence, Jesus
> existence, or even George Washington's existence.
> What you were all siting as scientific evidence to support your cases, was
> not scientific at all. You were each relying on logical conclusions based
> on empirical evidence.
> Personally, I don't agree that you beat them at every point. You were
> correct in admitting that you made some blunders in your arguments - as
> did Kirk and Ray. But in reviewing the video (which I've posted on
> YouTube), there is a glaring difference in the attitude of the Christians
> in attendence, and the atheists. Kirk expressed his caring for you - and
> you called him "Numbnuts", no doubt a term of endearment. The atheists
> were shown to be intolerant, and given to rage and personal attacks. That
> in itself is evidence of the difference in life lived for God and life
> lived without God. And Kelly - the God you discribed in the program is not
> a God I would worship either. And that is NOT the God of the Bible. Our God
> is the embodiment of unconditional love. But he is also a God who has given
> us freewill to love Him, or reject/deny Him, as you have chosen to do. God
> will not force you to believe in Him, but don't expect that when you pass
> from this life that you will not get exactly what you have chosen -
> separation from God. He'll respect your decision and give you what you've
> willed here on earth. If that sounds like a tyrant to you, then you may
> want to study up on the attributes of God, as laid out in scripture. It's
> one thing to base your comments on what Christians really believe, rather
> than upon ungrounded assumptions.
> If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, and I'll answer them as
> best I can.
> David in California
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:53 AM
Subject: [General Question] regarding the tv debate
> daniel sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Hello
> I watched the TV debate and was sad at the display on both sides. I
> think the main issue is how does what your doing help? Does it make
> people feel better, happier, more confident, give them hope, etc... Some
> people need religion to help them along this path. Others need scientific
> explanation or fact to help them. Still othes need both. I think its not
> so much is there a God or not, its simply can one respect a choice someone
> else makes to help themselves and not interfear with that. Everyone has the
> right to express ones opinion but i feel that the excess that each group is
> taking it is harmful to themselves and others. This religious debate has
> been and always will be a heated subject. Its a shame that people with
> your power don't use you time and money for something constructive not
> destructive.
> Daniel
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:48 AM
Subject: [General Question] debate
> Steve Pugh sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> I was soooooo cool watching Kirk and Ray hand your butts to you in the
> debate. You were not only rude, you were irrational.
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:49 AM
Subject: [General Question] blasphemy challenge
> john huffman sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Why waste your time renouncing someone that doesnt exist? Why spend your
> days insulting a being that isnt there? I personally do not believe in
> U.F.O.'s. they actually take up little or none of my day. I dont find it
> necessary to assult them with a bearage of inflamatory insults. I really
> dont care about them one way or the other. Yet i do not find myself
> searching out others to affirm my belief. I dont need someone to agree
> with me. I watched your nightline debate and quit frankly you look like
> teenagers debating whether dad exists. I will concede though that other
> then the love of money, religion is one of the most destructive forces on
> the earth. along with psychology. I do commend you on your sensitivity
> towards your opponents, your concern actually reflects your true nature.
> sincerly, john
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:34 AM
Subject: [Defend my God!] what are you doing> john sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> ok let me get this you say that there is no GOD... and whaen we die thats
> it game over is that right.... but what i dont get is then if all we say
> is ponitless and none of this even matters why then do you fight so hard
> to disprove somthing that wont even matter in lets say 70 years.. they way
> you guys fight so hard to disprove God say something to his power... why
> fight to disprove something if all we say and do is never really going to
> mean anything when we die... why try to take hope away from people... that
> is what you are trying to do....if in your minds Jesus Christ is not real i
> feel sad you, but why try to fight what you all belive does not exsit...
> instead let people have hope in Jesus... I fight because he is real... See
> you can fight for what is real... You cant fight what does not exist....
> GOD BLESS please ask Jesus to forgive you
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:31 AM
Subject: [General Question] RRS is for suckers> Matt Hrdlick sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> This looks like a lame attempt at getting advertising dollars. Hey Rook,
> your very convincing explanation of why Jesus never existed will never
> change my faith. Hope you got the sarcasm. Your facial expressions alone
> make you seem like you don't really believe what your saying. You seem
> more like a pissy teenager rather than someone who's trying to change the
> world. Your organization is really the bottom of the barrel when it comes
> to class. I respect the Athiest point of view but I hate when it's shoved
> down my throat, very much like how you hate the Christian faith being
> forced on you. Fact is, you can't prove the non-existence of God,
> therefore your argument against God makes as much sense as the argument
> for God to an Athiest. What is wrong with someone of faith believing in a
> higher power? Is it such a bane to your existence? I'll finish with
> saying that we should agree to disagree but this really just looks like a
> lame attempt at cashing in. Get a real job. And some class.
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:46 PM
Subject: [General Question] I believe in Jesus; I have the Holy Spirit
> Will sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Hey,
> I was simply wondering how it seems right for you to attack someone else's
> belief and try to replace it with yours. That's all yours is; that's all
> mine is; a belief. No one can prove that God does not exist, and no one
> can prove he does. So all you do as you "[fight] to free humanity from
> the mind disorder known as atheism" you instill a new disorder known as
> atheism. You realize that all your beliefs are based on mine--on trying
> to prove me wrong. Fighting for my toys, eh? Childish.
> Furthermore, it is much more difficult to put faith in Christ and live a
> life of love. It's the law of entropy-- a scientific law but I don't know
> how much of that you know about.
> Thank you for taking time to read this.
> -Will
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:24 PM
Subject: [General Question] Thanks
> Steven sent a message using the contact form at
> http://www.rationalresponders.com/contact.
> Hello,
> I would first off like to thank you for strengthening my faith in Jesus
> Christ and the Holy Spirit. After going through your website I can’t
> help but feel better about being a follower of Jesus Christ.
> I am 18 years old and have been going to a Disciples of Christ Protestant
> church for my entire life. I have questioned my faith, just as I think
> every Christian should, but through my personal life experiences I have
> accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and have given my soul to him forever.
> However I sincerely commend all of you for the depth of research that you
> all conduct to come to your conclusions about God and atheism. Seriously I
> really believe that researching and educating oneself and finding out about
> what you believe in is awesome. You present yourselves as very well spoken,
> knowledgeable people… which leads me to my second point…
> At first this website made me mad, but then I watched the videos and read
> some things and realized that you all aren’t ignorant idiots, rather
> smart, bold, well spoken people. I accept that you all have different
> beliefs and opinions and through your website I do not hate you, rather I
> respect you. However I wish all atheists have researched their faith as
> much as you guys. But I wish there could be a mutual respect between
> atheists and Christians. And this leads me to my question for you. How do
> you, as atheists, see the relationship between Christians and atheists?
> Should there be hate, respect, or maybe even love? There isn’t a bible
> or a true set of beliefs for atheism (I think) so you guys seem to be the
> experts of atheism. How should, in your opinion, atheists and Christians
> get along? What is your reaction towards me, a Christian?
> Well…I just felt like I had to write you guys to thank you for
> strengthening my faith. I guess I hope that your website doesn’t convert
> anyone to atheism, yet I hope there is always someone who will step forward
> and question things like what you guys have done. Finally, I will pray for
> all of you. I hope that through all of your soul searching that you just
> might find Jesus Christ to be your savior…just maybe.
> -Steven
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
- Login to post comments
Theese posters are sofa king we tar did.
Child of a loving god.
There are no theists on operating tables.
Wow, they all must have felt very threatened by words, arguments and the exisitence of atheists.
Ah yes, here's some christ love for ya!!! Sonny, if there was a god he would be shaking his head in utter dismay that you are one of his followers. You are nothing but an ignorant little twatwaffle who clearly doesn't have enough brain power to formulate an original hate letter, much less be able to understand the complexities of science and sociology.
I personally think you are a little sissy and I will kick your ass and make you cry in front of all your friends. So please, put back on your petticoat and ruffles, little boy, and quit being such a stupid douchebag.
(MOD EDIT: Fixed quotation feature...I hope.)
If god takes life he's an indian giver
That's true, just as there's thousands of people who witnessed Harry Potter's existence on earth in the Harry Potter series of books.
The bible is not a history book. It may contain historical events and places, just as Harry Potter contains real places (no events come to mind unfortunately - though there are some in The Da Vinci Code and many other fiction books). The bible is the word of god through other mostly unknown/uncreditable authors (keep in mind that it being the word of god in itself is debateable, but not the point of this post), like Harry Potter is the word of J K Rowling. Those events and places contained in the bible that happen to be correct prove nothing, and the ones that aren't correct back up its fallability and lack of being a historical text.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: http://nocleanfeed.com/ | NZ: http://nzblackout.org/
Wow these people are unoriginal. You could pretty much cut and paste replies all day long! Everyone has their own way of dealing with theists, but if you are one of those who deal with these people on these posts I would suggest simply cutting and pasting replies from your own previous posts. It will save you precious time so that you can move on to the next question. Just a thought.
"Those who have stepped into the arena shall forever cherish a feeling the protected will never know."
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, maybe some you will decide to visit the forums and defend your posistions.
Oh boy, you really showed us.
This should be fun...
Fuck you too!
Says the guy who can't even spell fucking.
You do realize the caps lock button on your keyboard is generally turned off to avoid the poster looking like an idiot do you not? Oh you didn't? And you are an idiot, so it's a good reflection of who you are? Never mind then. Continue.
What does that even mean? Is english your first or fourtyith language?
lmfao. Listen kid, I didn't make the site. But any time you want to get your lights knocked out just say so. This is the kind of moment I wouldn't mind being able to reach through a monitor and slap the sense into a moron.
Yada yada yada. A real winner this one. IQ level of 33 perhaps? *sigh*
You must think Ray and Kirk made complete fools of themselves then.
No, I'm sorry. You obviously don't know enough about reality and the definition of terms like "faith" to recognize the complete fool you just made of yourself.
Huh? Why would I get angry at an invisible person who's incapable of doing anything when I can get mad at the person who is directly making people hurt?
Yourself included. It's really too bad that by the time a theist figures out there's no god by dying, that there's nothing he or she can do to make it up to everyone they wronged along the way.
God is imaginary. Get over your delusion and check into the nearest psych ward.
And she was right when she said that.
Even more naturally, when looking to the bible to prove the bible, you're running in a massive circle of logic that will never end and never prove a single thing.
Because the bible is self contradictory and impossible. Nothing within it has any veracity whatsoever.
His grave is at Mount Verno I believe. There are contemporary accounts of his existance and deeds all over your country, Britain, and France. None of this exists for your jesus.
Not one person.
The abundance of the evidence and the lack of contradiction within it. Plus the fact that there's no reason not to believe he lived. He was just a man who did ordinary and mortal things like every other man. He never claimed to be the son of a fictional god.
Yes, we can. I just did.
So you don't believe in history at all. Amusing.
That is science. What do you think science is anyway?
The self deluded theist can see anything he wants to see.
I feel pretty safe calling you a bald faced liar at this point.
So you don't read the bible either.
If god exists, then he's the one who chose that seperation.
Scripture is incoherant and impossible. Belief in it makes you delusional.
Apparently we know your religion better than you do. So this is just plain dumb of you to say.
If you have any questions about reality, come to the site and learn.
Hello. Finally a theist who isn't angry and stupid with the first words. You get props from me for showing that not every theist is a complete ass.
I'm concerned less with making someone happy than stopping someone from making someone hurt, sad, and dead. One thing at a time.
It may be that this is true. And if it is, I'm not one to tell people what they can or cannot believe. Unless they try and tell me what I can or cannot believe. At which point it's open season on them. They've been trying to tell me what I can and cannot believe for 25 odd years. I have drawn the line, they crossed it. There's no turning back.
Some people don't need to put faith into anything to enjoy life. Many atheists are like that. No theist is.
Some people aren't given a choice as to what to believe. They are brainwashed from childhood to believe in something that isn't there. Until that changes, I'll be fighting theism.
I'm here specifically because theism went down that road. A loud idiot needs to be shouted down, not whispered down. He won't even hear a whisper over his shouting. So I shout louder.
I'm guessing you didn't notice the blood drive. Or the education being offered for free. Or a few other things. We are not just tearing down theism, we're offering a better alternative to it.
Are you living in some alternate dimension where Kirk and Ray are the rational atheists and Brian and Kelly are the irrational theists? If so, I'd love to know how you're communicating across the dimensional boundaries. And to know what else is different between our universes.
Because there are a few billion people who pretend it does exist, and negatively affect me and others in the process. If they stop, then I'll have no reason to renounce the invisible friends.
I don't. There's no point in insulting a fictional god. I stick to those that believe in the fictional god for insults. And I always let them cast the first stone.
We have something in common then.
Neither do I. But then, people who believe in UFO's are generally harmless individuals. People who believe in gods are capable of justifying the most cruel acts in the name of said gods.
Me either. But like I said above, I am not affected negatively by those who believe in said UFO's, so I have absolutely no reason to prove their beliefs are irrational. Even though they are.
Didn't see it, can't say otherwise except to point out the edit job ABC is said to have done. Not that it matters. I saw enough of the full debate to witness Kirk and Ray come up blank and concede the debate as a result of such less than 20 minutes in.
I'm glad that you see this too. Maybe if you consider how much of a danger I see it as being you will be unable to critique the fact that I critique religion.
Almost certainly.
Just because you are incapable of seeing a point to your life without a god doesn't mean we are also incapable of the same. My life has meaning, and it has nothing to do with fictional deities. It has to do with me, and those I communicate with. Nothing else.
How do you figure that? Saying that santa doesn't exist is giving santa power? How much acid have you dropped today anyway?
Why is the simple fact that there is no god strip your life of meaning? I think that's a far better question than the one you ask.
What hope? Fear of burning in hell? That's hope? I think not.
Because the people who believe in it are fighting to make us believe in it too. When they stop, we can stop. Not before.
Let us alone and we won't care what you believe in.
I fight because he isn't.
I do.
I have to. Because of people like you.
You should be asking for my forgiveness, not suggesting I need to be forgiven.
That was the blasphemy challenge. And in case you didn't notice, it worked beautifully. It cannot be a "lame attempt" as a result.
How unfortunate. At least you're honest enough admit you're insane though. Most theists don't even do that much.
Another idiot who thinks atheists don't exist, not ever realizing that it's really the theist that doesn't exist. You know deep in your heart that you're living a lie. Give up the bullshit and come into the real world. You know you want to.
Nice refutation of his arguments. Oops, that's just an ad hominem attack. Standard theist policy. No surprise there.
A leper calling a beauty pagent victor ugly eh?
Well maybe all you christians should shut the hell up so we can stop reminding you that you're delusional.
Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. There, I just disproved your god. Moving on...
See my responses to other emails in this post.
I'd like to agree to disagree, but assholes like you won't leave me alone. So I'll slap you each and every time.
I have one. I'm there right now actually. How about you?
Look in the mirror.
Because that's what the someone else is trying to do to us.
A common error. You believe. I disbelieve. There is a difference. Mine is the default position. Yours must be taught.
Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. I just disproved 99+% of all gods ever invented. The few I didn't I'll disprove or show as irrelevant to life on earth once they are defined.
You misquoted the title line of the site, replacing theism with atheism. And a default position is incapable of being disorderly.
Exactly. I find it amazing how few theists realize this. I must congratulate you on figuring it out. If you weren't there to say that there's a god, I wouldn't be there to say there isn't a god. I'd be off doing something else and never considering the idea of a god.
Sad how it flew above your head.
No it isn't. You can pretend you have an invisible angel on your shoulder and that you'll live forever. The rest comes naturally to everyone.
I know it quite well actually. It popped up in the first debate I had with a theist. It became clear to me that theists don't understand the way entropy works very quickly. Every theist I've talked to since has confirmed that lack of understanding. Yourself included, since entropy has absolutely nothing to do with a "life of love" or "faith in christ".
No problem.
Sorry for that. How exactly?
Oh? I wonder how that could be, since so many followers of jesus have been so bad.
They sure did a good job on you to make you convince yourself that random and circumstancial occurances were the act of a god.
Thanks. I think so too.
If only every theist who came here took the time to learn about us before cursing and swearing in all caps.
You seem to be one deserving of respect yourself.
Me too. But it's not faith, it's a lack of faith.
I wish christians and Atheists could get along too, unfortunately those pesky christians keep wanting us to pray in schools and so on and so forth.
Similar to the witch hunts of the 1800's, just without the burnings. Hopefully we'll change that.
I'd be satisfied with leaving each other alone.
Well an atheist is merely one who doesn't believe in a god or gods. It doesn't cover anything else.
I don't know that we can. Atheists have been persecuted by christians since christianity was invented. But any time the christians want to throw down their weapons I'll be happy to light up a BBQ to celebrate.
I usually react to people as the people they are, not regarding what they believe. You seem like a nice enough person. Twould be nice if all christians were.
Sapient and a couple other people have been saying something every time a theist suggests they will be prayed for that I'm going to be echoing, since it's both amusing and true. While you pray for me, I'll think for you.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This is either brilliant trolling or...
No, that doesn't even bear thinking about.
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
I am impressed!! I wish I could be just like you. I wish I could lose all my knowledge of the english language and all of my original thoughts. Then, I could be just like you. YOU RULE MAN!!!!
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Let's not get too personal, shall we? What, no one else's post offended you but mine did? Or is it because I'm girl? Anyway, you already emailed this to me, did you want to be sure I got your message.
By the way, this is called trolling.
I like woody wood pecker, thanks!
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Or at least I hope those emails are a poor representation of Christian apologetics. If the best they can do is make threats and scream profanity, then their movement is done.
I live in a part of the country that is overrun by hardcore Christians and a significant number of them aren't much more sophisticated in their theological arguments. Half of those (particularly the all-caps ones) could well have been written by coworkers of mine. This makes me sad.
Baby Jesus saw you write that
Grammar: F
Spelling: F
Logic : F
Intelligence: F
Idiocy: A+
This poster is very good at being an idiot and it shows.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Of course we were expecting the uneducated and unintelligent that love the 'f' word.
However, Steven's message was well spoken, pleasant and took some thought.
Steven - if you come back to see if there are any replies, we'd love to welcome a theist that states things well. Please, join the forums and give us another well-spoken theist in our discussions and debates!!!
[MOD EDIT - fixed gobble-de-gook which made width of display funky]
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Content of post is removed.
This user has been banned.
Content of post has been removed.
So you don't have an argument.
And would rather run around going.
First of all....you do realize Ray and Kirk initiated this debate right? You realize that they are the ones that said that they could prove there is a god without using faith or the Bible right? You realize that the RSS was just there to dispute them, not prove there is no God right? You do realize that Ray and Kirk failed miserably right?
That being said....outside of the Bible there is no historical record of Jesus. There are tons of historical records of George Washington. Kelly was right though about there being historical records of HUNDREDS of messiah types in this same time period. They were everywhere....look it up. Jesus wasn't even the only one to claim to be the son of god and to have died and risen 3 days later. You should really do some research.
There is also no historical record, what so ever, of the Jews ever being in Egypt, much less being slaves of the Egyptians. None. Find me one historical record of either of these events....I dare you. Please prove me wrong.
"Offensive or not, sacred or not - religion and superstition – Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Scientology and so on - must be open to all forms of criticism and ridicule." - Maryam Namazie
Nobody ever claimed George Washington walked on water or was born of a virgin - though the stories about the cherry tree and throwing the coin across the river, while not supernatural, are probably false. There were contemporary writings about him, documents he himself signed still exist, etc.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Only the last one is even worth the time to bother replying to
While my first reaction was to email each one of them, I'm not sure posting their emails here is a good idea. I'm not sure there's a Privacy Policy link on the Contact Form, so we might be violating their privacy.
PS: I'm no lawyer and don't really know if there's an issue here by posting their emails here.
{Edited for mental incapacity}
{Edit - Post removed because lack of character}
Good thing I'm not a theist.
Immoral , hateful, like this idiot.
{Edit - post removed due to lack of a spine}
MOD EDIT {Deleted for antagonism, ad hominid, general lack of sanity and grammer, and lack of clarity due to evidently broken shift key}
MOD EDIT {Deleted for antagonism, ad hominid, illegal threat of physical violence, general harm to IQ of reader, and inability to fix the shift key}
MOD EDIT {Deleted for what is essentially mindless spam and a general toxicity of tone, not to mention a crude and vulgar grasp of the English language, and because I am genuinely concerned about the spammer's blood pressure, not to mention my IQ and the IQ of my fellow readers}
Rofl. Should have a page of shame for people like this guy.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
*ahem* Grammer is an actor's last name. Grammar is what you were trying to say.
I kinda want to see what that guy wrote, but the mod edits are funny enough.
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
Hello Fool...
I'm taking orders for my modified computer Keyboards and I think one could really help you to express yourself better
The Magnum extreme PC Keyboard.. NO CAPS LOCK Edition... $ FREE to dickheads!
I do like the "twatwaffle" remark. My co-worker will love that one. I dont know if she has heard that one before.
HOWEVER, as understandable it is to react to dipwads like this, no one on either side of this issue need threaten violence, not us or them. Words are just that, words. Atheists have been called much worse.
So let the pathetic loser say what he wants, but lets not threaten violence. M-kay. It is satisfaction enough to me that his panties are in a bunch that he cant force us to sumit to him. Idiots like him think freedom is something where Christians sit at the front of the bus and all other passangers ride in the back and shut up.
"Question with boldness even the existance of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson. That quote really gets under fundy skin.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
OK... but... they did say she looked like A FUCKEN WOODY WOODY PECKER
How many times?
Some of these dont even deserve a response. There would be no use to reply to someone who is on an infereor level than the rest of us, for example corner a rat, no matter how big you are it will still his and bite, all thats left for us to do is step on it. As follows the posts i felt deserved a respond to and corrections.
"Listen up. I'm about to say something incredible. How can you credit ONE peace of literature for the soul foundation for evidence of your Saviour? Did you know they had paint back then? Did you know there has been very famous artist that painted pictures of a man in a beard wearing a white robe? Doesn't mean it was this person Jesus but if you are trying to prove something take hold of the facts that serve in your favor. This just means your all powerful, all knowing, all loving son of god had enough time to pose for a painting in his busy life healing and saving people all the while running from the Jews. The reason why i do not trust the Bible is we do have evidence to discredit this peace of paper. One reason is where you find one version of your bible there are hundreds of other versions telling the story the way they want. Another reason is we found Noah's arch, shit but it was not as big as this Bible said it was and the evidence came with it was a short river of a flood and we all know that if every peace of ice melted on earth it would still not cover half of this land. So your bible has the tendency to stretch the truth."
"Look at the 1 dollor bill who do you see? you just lost your challange. Not enough evidence? Type in Washington, George youll get a biography from several different people meaning someone else did the intervewing for us and o shit put it on paper, no matter the possiblity that george is even his name the man still existed. Next time give an example that helps your credibility out alittle more."
"As i just proved George existed and now i will prove god does not exist ether. The evidence we rely on has spent hundreds of years under construction, scientists prove it over an over again with thousands of documents and videos about evolution and geology discrediting any story you have about creation. Now in our Court of law if you lie about one thing you are know for lien about everything so technically your guilty. Now saying that I'm dealing with the creators of your religion and bible because someone had to write this down, yes by an old man all by him self, hearing voices in his head in the middle of the desert. Modern science has documented this condition its called dehydration and hysteria or even worse he could of been mentally insane and we have places for those people. Really he knew exactly what he was doing, he didn't like what was going at the time, he knew he could control people so he came up with 10 rules that you haft to follow or when you die you go to a dark bad scary place, when fear is a great control back then with death so close you know with food and plague around. Then again your religion is based on this a old man talking to himself in a desert. It was easy to control you back then and its easy now also. Its just you dont like the science when it goes against something you want, you dont ague over gravity, the apple drops down no matter what its called, you dont question numbers no matter how many objects are the they are still there no matter name it has. So why must you question evolution."
" Although the things Kelly and sapient said in the debate wasn't quite up to standers the real reason is they dont have enough experience on camera in explaining this phenomenon as the Christan pair has in their own department. If in fact God does exist and he loves you and all that happy horse shit why is there a hell? Think about if the ideas of good and evil never existed were would we be as a society today? Ill tell you we would be alot better off without dick heads getting into everyones personal business worried about what we consume, what we do and say."
"Freedom of religion, means freedom of religion"
"Because in 70 years we will be celebrating with the aliens for liberating the world from the religious right."
"We fight to let people know that they have been lied to their entire life. Why have false hope and live a life of obedience just to have wasted the time you were here. We are not taking anything away from you we are giving you a brain its up to you to understand whats in front of you or just put the shit goggles back on"
"Freedom of religion, means freedom of religion"
"Freedom of religion, means freedom of religion"
"I'm sorry but that was kinda gay, giving another man control of your body. Your not nearly old enough or well educated to know anything else besides what your being taught in the church of god. So please when you get some experience in the real world come back and talk."
"Dude dont kiss our ass just because we look scary and are bigger than you."
"Hold up, Atheism is not a faith. Atheism is based on the collection of scientifically proven facts but I also wish all of the atheists were as well educated as us."
"As an Atheist my view of you Christan is much like a man would treat a fly. What you dont realize is we are here to fight for our rights as people, not as cattle, which is what your church views the American people as. This country was founded by a bunch of uptight slave owners that preached this is the land of freedom, I seek to change this out look of get married, have kids, be a good little person, dont do these set of rules, and keep our economy going so that the future family's have churches to go to."
"Freedom of religion, means freedom of religion"
lol I like you but to be fair little infant Jesus not only saw them write these lovely comments but he KNEW they'd write them 0_o oh snap.
---George Carlin---
Actually, PariahJane looks pretty "fucken" hot.
Why, thank you. (blushes)
I did think the woody woodpecker comment was rather funny, I have to honest. I've been called a lot of things, but never that!!
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I wonder are these letter writers like 5 years old, or is 5 their average IQ?
*makes another flirtatious comment involving smart, red-headed cuties *
Seriously, I think English is as foreign to that moronic caveman as tableware.
* looks over shoulder for indignant, car insurance peddling cavemen *
His exhibit-A vitriol is strong evidence of how "atheist" has become synonymous with "evil". I'm constantly amazed at how successful religion has been at brainwashing our society.
It seems interesting to me that people who say with absolute assurance (in their own minds at least), "There is no God", would waste the amount of time you do trying to convince others of this "fact".
<>I'm also not surprised in the least to see you publicly post people's email addresses when they did not give you permission. Very tacky --- sort of like that get-up Kelly had on during the debate.
It appears, from looking at your website and watching your representatives' debate on television, that a whole lot of energy is being spent denying this God you say doesn't exist. If there were no God, you would no doubt go on your way and chuckle every time you heard a Christian discussing Him, not spend every waking moment "preaching" to others to convert them to your way of thinking. Instead you are filled with irrational anger (yes, IRRATIONAL). It's very clear to anyone with half a brain that you not only know in your heart there IS a God, but you hate Him. You resent the authority that He has, and the power that He has, and in your anger and rebelliousness, you delude yourself and seek to delude others.
It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not --- there is a God. Unlike some, when you meet Him face to face, you will probably not regret your unbelief, but will instead be glad you will spend eternity without Him --- at least until you realize hell is not some big party with all the "cool people" there. But rest assured, you will one day bend the knee to this God, no doubt right before you enter hell, which was your decision. I just pray that you don't drag too many foolish souls there with you.
Hello AngelaTX... Great to have you. I hope you stick around and chat.
I agree. Whilst it would only be fair to let those people say what they want I think you will find many Atheists would claim they don't really know for sure but all evidence suggests there isn't a supernatural being. Personally, if irrefutable proof was presented that shows there is indeed a god, I would rethink my position.
On the sites contact page it clearly states "All communications with The Rational Response Squad can be used in any way we see fit. In other words, if you choose to debate us, it might become public record." So I guess that's why you are not suprised.
Also I don't think personal attacks on peoples appearance is productive or particularly nice.
Well observed. If we sold sausages then a lot of energy would go into making, promoting and selling sausages, assuming they existed.
No... because your premise was "If there were no God" then there would be no christians and we would just all go on our way
Ohh.. your getting angry now. How can I hate something I can't prove even exists? That would be IRRATIONAL!... Do you understand the different purposes of your heart and brain?
This seems like your trying to scare me into submission. I don't really like that. You state "there is a God" but I don't believe it. This seems like bully tactics simialr to what you've accused me/us of earlier. Can you give me all the reasons you believe what you've just said?
You pray for me and I'll think about you.
cheers G
[edit} to remove formatting to try to display in IE.. I hate Firefox and bad HTML...