Learn about John McCain before you vote!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Which one of the Bush boy's were responsible for the S&L scandal. I only remember that daddy Bush bailed out his son with our tax $$.
I think Neil Bush (the same Bush who had child prostitutes in Thailand). John McCain was one of the Keating Five. Charles Keating is the one who started McCain's political career. McCain wasn't terribly popular but Keating backed him with a lot of finances and connections. All Keating wanted in return was deregulation of the S&L industry so he could screw some people out of their life savings.
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I have to admit I am a little surprised on the clear Obama preference from the folks here on RR. I personally am still undecided, but I feel obliged to point something out.
As an atheist, I clearly cannot stand the religious right. Which puts me squarely in the corner of Democrats as the lesser of two evils. But what I can't stand about the Democrats is their idea that the US and it's military should mind it's own business and let other countries live their own lives. Haven't prominent Atheist authors such a Hitchens and Ayaan Hirsi Ali taught us the exact opposite? Theocratic regimes that oppress their people are not different but equal as free societies. A free society is clearly better and is the goal of all Atheists.
I don't see Obama confronting the regimes of the Middle East. He will bend over backwards to avoid conflict. I think a leader like this only gets elected in the time of an unpopular war ran by a imbocile like Bush. In any other election he would lose much like the way Dukakis lost, because he is seen as weak.
The sad part is that no matter what candidate gets elected their will still be honor killings, apostasy killings, genital mutilation and all the other shit that Muslim countries get away with because the Western world respects other "cultures".
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McCain got a bashing on a Brit satirical current-events/quiz show called Mock the Week. Aired on Thursday 31st July. Am keeping an eye on YouTube in the hope that it turns up there , but in the meantime it is on BBC's iPlayer service which due to DRM issues isn't available to people with a US IP address. Not a lot of real political intensity, but still funny as hell.
If anyone else would like to keep eyes out, you're looking for season/series 6, episode 4.
Be warned that a lot of the piss-taking is based on the arm-raising thing so if you're likely to take offence to that, you don't have to watch it.
Stop that... It's silly.
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I have to admit I am a little surprised on the clear Obama preference from the folks here on RR. I personally am still undecided, but I feel obliged to point something out.
As an atheist, I clearly cannot stand the religious right. Which puts me squarely in the corner of Democrats as the lesser of two evils. But what I can't stand about the Democrats is their idea that the US and it's military should mind it's own business and let other countries live their own lives. Haven't prominent Atheist authors such a Hitchens and Ayaan Hirsi Ali taught us the exact opposite? Theocratic regimes that oppress their people are not different but equal as free societies. A free society is clearly better and is the goal of all Atheists.
I don't see Obama confronting the regimes of the Middle East. He will bend over backwards to avoid conflict. I think a leader like this only gets elected in the time of an unpopular war ran by a imbocile like Bush. In any other election he would lose much like the way Dukakis lost, because he is seen as weak.
The sad part is that no matter what candidate gets elected their will still be honor killings, apostasy killings, genital mutilation and all the other shit that Muslim countries get away with because the Western world respects other "cultures".
... and who made the U.S. the world police.
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The sad part is that no matter what candidate gets elected their will still be honor killings, apostasy killings, genital mutilation and all the other shit that Muslim countries get away with because the Western world respects other "cultures".
So your solution is to invade another secular Muslim country and turn it into a theocracy in order to justify a religious war?
I can see why you posted anonymously, you're probably one of those cowards who insist others die so you can sit safely at home and thump your chest and brag about how great America is.
But tell me wise one, how do you figure spending trillions of dollars on wars will win a war against ideology? Did your Crusades and Inquisitions work that well in the past? Was it a failure because the body count wasn't high enough?
Now I might as well add your apparent ignorance about American empire and the creation of brutal dictatorships. Iran was a secular, pro-Western country until England and America overthrew the democratically elected President and installed the Shah at the bequest of oil companies. Now it's a theocracy. The American military protects the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia in exchange for an oil trade agreement. Iraq was a secular country until America toppled that government. On the other hand nations like Turkey become secular through legislation. When America topples a government for the purpose of ideology or oil it strengthens the anti-American sentiment and unifies the public under Islamic extremists as organized religion is best suited to fill a power vacuum. So in your effort to purpose religious extremism you actually encourage it.
We have seen the results of your efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Americans intervened in both countries and the result was religious extremists gaining more power. We simply had to throw out the Commies from secular Afghanistan and leave the Taliban to take over. We simply had to throw out secular Hussein and let the Islamic factions battle for power. What's your next great plan? Your hero McCain wants to invade Iran and destroy the strong secular movement and limited democracy in that country, and replace it with what, McDonald's and Disney theme parks?
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I thought this one was interesting:
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McCain got a bashing on a Brit satirical current-events/quiz show called Mock the Week. Aired on Thursday 31st July. Am keeping an eye on YouTube in the hope that it turns up there , but in the meantime it is on BBC's iPlayer service which due to DRM issues isn't available to people with a US IP address. Not a lot of real political intensity, but still funny as hell.
If anyone else would like to keep eyes out, you're looking for season/series 6, episode 4.
Be warned that a lot of the piss-taking is based on the arm-raising thing so if you're likely to take offence to that, you don't have to watch it.
Is this it?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
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But what I can't stand about the Democrats is their idea that the US and it's military should mind it's own business and let other countries live their own lives. Haven't prominent Atheist authors such a Hitchens and Ayaan Hirsi Ali taught us the exact opposite? Theocratic regimes that oppress their people are not different but equal as free societies. A free society is clearly better and is the goal of all Atheists.
I don't see Obama confronting the regimes of the Middle East. He will bend over backwards to avoid conflict.
Hitchens is pretty much an asshat on everything except atheism and Ali is severely misguided. I think Bush's imperialism is one of his worst attributes as president and McCain is almost as bad. Only a completely deluded right wing lunatic would consider the war in Iraq to have been a good idea. We should let other countries run their own lives - yeah it would be better for their people if they were free, but it's not our fucking business.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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I have to admit I am a little surprised on the clear Obama preference from the folks here on RR.
I prefer if you refer to us as anti-McCain.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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But both candidates wont tell you that MUSLIM SENATOR KEITH ELLESON swore in on a copy of the Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.
That's because it's not true.
No religious text of any sort is used during the actual swearing in. Bibles (or in Ellison's case, the Koran) appear after the swearing in, posed for pictures.
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Why won't this thing let me go to the second page?
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I liked Obama up until the whole Reverand Wright bullshit, and from then on he just started to piss me off. I don't think Obama is much better. Did you all see when he went to a temple and declared his Jewish name? Give me a break. The media is definitely left-winged with their constant Obama coverage. I'm not liberal or conservative but even I noticed this.
I hate to say it, but I sort of miss Hilary.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
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is what he claims.
McCain might be McBush, but Obama is an out and out fraud. He has repeatedly dog-whistled right-wing talking points. (Social security is NOT in crisis. School vouchers are NOT a solution to the problems in our public schools. Women do NOT need the advice of husbands, fathers or priests to choose what to do with their own bodies. The list is much longer than I've written, but these examples should be enough to get my point across.)
Obama has surrounded himself with sycophantic followers who have discarded all pretense of rationality. He has thrown progressive principles, and many of the people who support them, under the bus to suit his own agenda. To vote for that charlatan is to endorse the race-baiting, sexism and misogny on which his entire campaign has been based.
We've been given the choice between two media-ordained, wholely-owned subsidiaries of the MIC. Don't buy into it.
Whatever you do, do not give legitimacy to Obama's abandonment of the long-standing base of the Democratic Party by rewarding him with a vote.
Vote third party or leave the presidential vote blank.
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I liked Obama up until the whole Reverand Wright bullshit, and from then on he just started to piss me off. I don't think Obama is much better. Did you all see when he went to a temple and declared his Jewish name? Give me a break. The media is definitely left-winged with their constant Obama coverage. I'm not liberal or conservative but even I noticed this.
I hate to say it, but I sort of miss Hilary.
Actually a study was done on the subject of media bias. The corporate media has been much more favorable towards McCain than Obama.
I gave up on corporate media ever since the piss poor job they did over the Iraqi occupation and the previous election. I'll turn on CNN or ABC the moment I need more coverage on dead Playboy models, guys Obama met at a busstop 20 years ago, and what color our terror alert is today. This about says it all about how much the media loves McCain:
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is what he claims.
McCain might be McBush, but Obama is an out and out fraud. He has repeatedly dog-whistled right-wing talking points. (Social security is NOT in crisis. School vouchers are NOT a solution to the problems in our public schools. Women do NOT need the advice of husbands, fathers or priests to choose what to do with their own bodies. The list is much longer than I've written, but these examples should be enough to get my point across.)
Obama has surrounded himself with sycophantic followers who have discarded all pretense of rationality. He has thrown progressive principles, and many of the people who support them, under the bus to suit his own agenda. To vote for that charlatan is to endorse the race-baiting, sexism and misogny on which his entire campaign has been based.
We've been given the choice between two media-ordained, wholely-owned subsidiaries of the MIC. Don't buy into it.
Whatever you do, do not give legitimacy to Obama's abandonment of the long-standing base of the Democratic Party by rewarding him with a vote.
Vote third party or leave the presidential vote blank.
Yeah Obama's full of it.
McCain won't win. Obama will. The Republicans fucked up their image with the Bush administration and now the democrats are taking over. It's just the way it goes.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
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Only if the voting system was improved to include a "2nd"choice, would voting for a 3rd party candidate be helpful. Bush beat Gore because people voted 3rd party. Voting 3rd party gives support to the candidate you most oppose.
The liberal majority (and poor), lose most all elections because of not voting and voting 3rd party. Bummer .....
All we can hope for is that a political stooge will rebel against the corporate rulers. Of course this invites / begs assassination, and demands extreme courage. (or craziness etc)
There will never be anything close to a "free society", or world, while the mega rich are allowed to exist. The only solution has an old and true slogan .... "EAT THE RICH".
This is the same problem of why the tolerant moderates allow for the Fundamentalist religious loons ..... as RRS Author Hambydammit has written.
"Wake up the neighbors" .....
"No Appeasement of any Dogma" .....
It is the devil of wrong thinking that says, "don't talk about politics and religion" ....
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Bush beat Gore because people voted 3rd party.
Bush didn't beat Gore. Bush was selected and likely received help from corrupt hackers/diebold employees. And if Obama isn't leading in the polls by more than 20 points, McCain will likely receive the same fraudulent treatment in his favor as well.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Good points, Obviously we agree Brian.
Indeed Gore won .... yet Bush became president. Had people not voted 3rd party (which is always my favorite) , Bush would not have been given the opportunity to have been selected.
Why don't we fix the system ? ...... > (the current TV media betrays the people) <
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Wouldn't it be best if people didn't have to depend on government or an insurance company for their birth control? The problem is that people aren't free to choose their own health care options. I against the government mandating what any business should do. If people don't like that a health care provider doesn't provide birth control, find another company. We don't need the government deciding what service people should have. I don't want to live in a nanny state.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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Wouldn't it be best if people didn't have to depend on government or an insurance company for their birth control? The problem is that people aren't free to choose their own health care options. I against the government mandating what any business should do. If people don't like that a health care provider doesn't provide birth control, find another company. We don't need the government deciding what service people should have. I don't want to live in a nanny state.
So what if someone can't afford it? THAT's the problem. I'm think the government should be involved millions of times more in business than it is.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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Fresh story from this morning...Obama building "map" lead.
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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:Bush beat Gore because people voted 3rd party.
Bush didn't beat Gore. Bush was selected and likely received help from corrupt hackers/diebold employees. And if Obama isn't leading in the polls by more than 20 points, McCain will likely receive the same fraudulent treatment in his favor as well.
Wow. Of all people. You're sounding like a conspiracy freak. Where's the evidence?
Isn't your belief in this conspiracy guided by what you wish for? Kind of like religious belief????
Clinton beat Bush in '92 cause people voted 3rd party, it works both ways. There is no grand conspiracy, this is an irrational belief.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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Sapient wrote:I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:Bush beat Gore because people voted 3rd party.
Bush didn't beat Gore. Bush was selected and likely received help from corrupt hackers/diebold employees. And if Obama isn't leading in the polls by more than 20 points, McCain will likely receive the same fraudulent treatment in his favor as well.
Wow. Of all people. You're sounding like a conspiracy freak. Where's the evidence?
Isn't your belief in this conspiracy guided by what you wish for? Kind of like religious belief????
Clinton beat Bush in '92 cause people voted 3rd party, it works both ways. There is no grand conspiracy, this is an irrational belief.
with all due respect, EXC, what rock were you under in 1999-2000 when the media was covering the voting irregularities in Florida and the SCOTUS ending up appointing Bush?
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
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Good news Wanko .... Please not McCain.
Any hoot I am no conspiracy fan nut, BUT I think it is basically true to the say the whole world bank, the USA being a top dog, is a self perpetuating conspiracy fueled by "stupidity" of the rich and poor alike. World "ethic logic" education is the only way to break this "hell" spell. One earth. We are all earth citizens. Surely we can we agree on a few things .....
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Wow. Of all people. You're sounding like a conspiracy freak.
I really don't like the demonization of the word conspiracy. 19 men conspiring together to commit a crime is a conspiracy. Are you a conspiracy freak if you buy into the official 9-11 story? After all it was a conspiracy.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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with all due respect, EXC, what rock were you under in 1999-2000 when the media was covering the voting irregularities in Florida and the SCOTUS ending up appointing Bush?
Where's the evidence? There is no evidence that there was a conspiracy to rig Florida in Bush's favor. There are voting irregularities in every election. They use imperfect people and imperfect technology.
People can do often as much or more damage through incompetency than deliberate sabotage. Look a Chernobyl, caused by a safety office doing a safety check.
We don't know if the voting irregularities actually worked in Gore's favor and made the election closer than it should have been. There could have been people sabotaging the election in favor of Gore as well. But, it was ridiculous how the Gore supporters were fine with a recount only in the democratic counties, then tell us that the process was unfair.
The election was only unfair to those that lost. It would have been fair had Gore won. Sounds like Sore-Loserman.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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So what if someone can't afford it? THAT's the problem. I'm think the government should be involved millions of times more in business than it is.
So fix the education system so people become self-sufficient and don't need to rely on government for their BC.
If someone can't afford BC, then they probably have a hard time affording food, houseing, etc... The government needs to step in and put these people into effective job training programs so they don't have to depend on govenrment the rest of their lives.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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I really don't like the demonization of the word conspiracy. 19 men conspiring together to commit a crime is a conspiracy. Are you a conspiracy freak if you buy into the official 9-11 story? After all it was a conspiracy.
It's not a matter of 'buying into' anything. The best evidence we have is that the conspiracy didn't go beyond a group of a few dozen Islamic religious freaks. So why jump to conclusions without evidence? The only conspiracy that there may have been in the government is to cover up incompetence.
I think you may be letting your hatred of Bush and his fundy supporters turn you into an irrational thinker in this area. You see bad things, so you demonize even more these people. You become like them. You can become what you hate.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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There's simply never going to be enough jobs for everyone - and plenty of jobs that don't pay enough to get by - at least as long as we have way too little regulation of how businesses are run and how they pay employees.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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Thanks Brian.
Yeah people, PLEASE don't vote for that old school dangerous war man. Ask yourselves and research why the world has fallen out of love with the USA. McCain is not progress, he is part of the problem.
Atheism Books.
Unfortunatly we are voting for the lesser of the two evils. Although I am voting for Obama because I think it will quell the worldwide rage over the Bush Coloninalistic attitude republicans seem to have.
We must not forget that BOTH canidates suck up to Christians. I am a fan of no Religious test and constitutionally speaking I think it is great that that law document has allowed people other than Christians hold pulbic office such as Joe Lebierman and Keith Elleson and Pete Stark.
But, BOTH parties and both Candidates are doing nothing to stay out of the pulpits. When have you seen McCain or Obama in a house of worship that did not have a cross in front of it?
People don't seem to get it. Some think that "secularists" want to outlaw any religious person holding office. THAT WOULD BE IMPRACTICAL AND IMPOSSIBLE in such a diverse country. What we "secularists" who can be people of faith, want to promote, is that the top priority in voting is not faith, but common problem solving. High fuel costs, health care, cost of living.
But both candidates wont tell you that MUSLIM SENATOR KEITH ELLESON swore in on a copy of the Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson.
It has never, for me at least, been about denying rights. It should be about getting politics out of religion and religion out of politics. If we don't have to focus on what divides us, we can focus on what unites us. I don't know about you, but I would like to bitch slap and tar and feather the CEO's of Exxon.
Any issues that we have as citizens regarding our clubs as far as whims, should be best left up to a debate over a beer and a football or baseball game. Lots of trash talk where no one gets hurt.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
I swapped out the second video on the homepage on John McCain not signing the GI Bill as he tours the country espousing how he supports the troops because he was a troop.
Here is the What ABC won't ask McBush video that was originally there....
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
If you think about the former leaders of the Soviet Union, who comes to mind?
Lenin? Stalin? Khrushchev? Brezhnev? Gorbachev?
If you believe that this list is chronologically complete you've forgotten two that are necessary to understand the fall of the Soviet Union:
Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko
That is because Yuri Andropov was just 15 months in power and Chernenko just 13 months. They didn't get killed by anyone or removed by force from their office. They simply died of old age while being in office. This at the beginning of the 80s of the last century augmented the problems the Russian economy was already experiencing and gave in the end way for the reformer Gorbachev to become head of the USSR, with all the consequences to that country that we now find written in the books of history.
The decline of the Soviet Empire isn't understandable without also looking at this era of political turmoil at the top of the Soviet state.
Andropov was 68 when he got into office and Chernenko 72 - Just as John McCain will be of age when he gets into office if he is elected President of the United states.
Just in some fairness: Andropov and Chernenko were already sick when they got into office. But anyone should also know that the workload and the stress that comes with leading a superpower isn't healthy for an old man.
And it gets even worse. Andropov when he was head of the Soviet State knew that he wouldn't lead this country for a long time and built to some point Gorbachev up as his successor. John McCain on the other hand seems to believe that he is immortal and that his health is unshakable. His age wouldn't really be of great matter if he would deal clearly and honestly with it - telling the public what his plans and concepts are for the case that he dies while being in office or gets sick to a point that he can't fulfill his office anymore.
The last thing America would need at the verge of an economic crisis, would be a president in coma who can't continue his office anymore and who didn't care for the legacy of it.
Who asks me inappropiate questions also has to live with the answers I may give.
Although I'm not real familiar with any of the issues, just to see Obama in the oval office would be such a thrill. I can't wait to see the expressions on my co-workers faces.
What you fools don't understand is that McCain crashed five planes. Five planes! How many did Obama crash? Zero. Therefore Obama is unfit to lead. I want a leader with experience and Obama has no experience in crashing airplanes.
McCain finished at the bottom of his class. Obama, on the other hand, graduated from Harvard and headed the Harvard Law Review. That just proves Obama is an elitist. Do you want an educated elitist running your country or do you want a guy who knows how to party and knows there is some things more important in life than knowledge?
McCain is a man with a plan. While Obama never thought ahead to be born to a rich family, McCain had the plan. While Obama went to school and had to pay back student loans and work for a living McCain had the foresight to go to school on the public dime and marry a rich beer heiress to make his millions. Do you want some poor sap like Obama who recently paid off his student loans or do you want an economic maverick like McCain who knows how to make a quick buck in this society?
Vote McCain, he'll get you a rich wife and you don't need to study in no books for money.
Now this is the kind of information I needed to make an informed decision, thanks so much. Where can I find this info for myself. I have to run off to work now, don't forget to fill the gas tank again. Thanks
There is something about McCain that really irritates me and until two days last week when I heard him talking on two different occasions, I was having a hard time pinning it down.
Lately, he panders, in a negative way and so very subtly as to be nearly imperceptible, to the national guilt trip over the Vietnam war. It's not like there aren't thousands of other, more pressing issues that should be served up for discussion, especially when addressing the American people. No, McCain seems bent on reminding everyone about his duty in that war and his prisoner status... he doesn't say it, but he does : "vote for me, cause you owe me, America".
I have no doubt some of his actions back then were heroic, but when we look in the rear view mirror, the make love, not war days are very far in the past and his fish out of water routine on Iraq (our current war turned occupation) should be enough for anyone to vote for that other guy.
Then again, the popular vote might not have anything to do with it. That, in itself, is another source of irritation.
</end rant>
Cripes, I forgot to lock my caps.
Don't forget he took initiative in the U.S.S. Forestal incident, and probably knows how to survive being POW with fewer wounds than his comrades. Survival is top PRIORITY with John Sidney McCain III.
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
The two John McCain videos that were on the homepage yesterday and have been swapped out and placed below...
See more John McCain expose videos here.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
What's the matter with the threads that the posts aren't in order?
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
It's very hard to follow this way.
Regarding post sequence: This isn't the only thread that has an issue like this...
Slowly building a blog at ~
hard it is to this way follow.
Yoda a head ache would get by reading these posts
An Irish speaker it would confuse in this order to read posts.
okay, that's it from me. now back to regular programming...
and no, I didn't do this mixing up of posts. I just made fun of the fact they were mixed up.
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
I also noticed now you can't post comments without previewing them.
To keep on topic, John McCain is an asshat but he'd still be better than Bush (which is kind of like saying I'd rather have a bowling pin shoved up my ass than a spear.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Those skills served him well when he managed to dodge charges in his role in the S&L Scandal. Help cause a problem and then run to save your own ass. Kinda like his 100% voting record with Bush.
not quite 100%, but yeah. I suspect something in regards to his time in Vietnam; namely what did he do, aside from being a commander's son, to gain such a comfortable bed?
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Not just a commander but an Admiral with a Mitscher class destroyer named after him. Not only did McCain get a comfy bed, avoid an investigation into his causing the deaths of 130 fellow shipmen, but he probably got a discount on Vietnamese hookers.
McCain is like Bush, living in the shadow of a father with great accomplishments. Like Bush Jr., McCain Jr. is a fuckup who got through life with the aid of his family name. Junior probably resents that he was a screw up in the military and that reflects in his disdain towards those serving in the military now. He regretted that not enough Americans died in Vietnam, wants to fight a third war with Iran, and continually votes against benefits for veterans (like the GI Bill which he campaigned against but gladly took credit for).
We certainly don't need another four years of someone suffering from, as Freud would put it, castration anxiety and an inferiority complex.
man, I'm glad someone knows more about McCain than I do. I don't know enough, but what I do know I don't like.
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Those skills served him well when he managed to dodge charges in his role in the S&L Scandal. Help cause a problem and then run to save your own ass. Kinda like his 100% voting record with Bush.
Which one of the Bush boy's were responsible for the S&L scandal. I only remember that daddy Bush bailed out his son with our tax $$.