Learn about John McCain before you vote!

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Learn about John McCain before you vote!

Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

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DudefromNorway wrote:  Let

DudefromNorway wrote:

  Let me just make one thing clear here:




 Just today I got a reminder mail, which invited me to come back to the forum. The first thing that meets me is that one of the forum's editors makes political claims about John McCain.


 First, and foremost I find it excluding to use this forum as a means to discuss the American elections. It really doesn't concern us Europeans as much as you might like to think - secondarily the political dicourse in America is so dirty and full of dubious claims that to tell who's telling the truth about what is at best a task that requires at least a couple of hours a day of research. So if this forum is meant to be a North American forum exclusively - please tell me.


 More important is the issue of being a politically unbiased webpage promoting atheism rather than any normative political stance. I understand the concern for you country's political future, but to bring the issue into this forum, which was supposed to be about beliefs and religion seems to me to undermine the very idea of the forum itself.


 There are a bunch of forums on the internet where you can discuss McCain and Obama - I have no interest in taking part in it, so until this election is over I'm just gonna stay away from this webpage.


 Sorry guys, but this was really really really disappointing

Ahem... I'm not American either, Dude.  Apparently, you don't care about this thread... or do you?  You care enough to post about how disappointed you are that people, apart from the RRS core members even, are advocating and supporting a political view and discussing it because they don't want the Religious Right ruling in their country.  A thing which is a rather obvious stance here considering the website does promote atheism and rationality. 

The scope of this thread includes religion.  Perhaps you are unaware, considering your disinterest and opinion on American politics, that John McCain is very religious and that the Right in America is extremely religious?  The upcoming election is not just a political issue, but a religious issue as well and it should come as no surprise to you that the RRS does not support, and in fact is vocally railing against, a candidate and party that are motivated by extreme religiosity.

Frankly, I find it difficult to believe that you are not aware of the issues surrounding this election ((it shows a serious, American (not the total population), lack of worldliness)) and that you think, considering the fact that the Right in America is so religious, that expressing political opinions here somehow undermines the point of the site.

Beside all that, anyone here is free to discuss, I believe, anything they want to at all.  You didn't have to post in this thread.  You don't have to read any threads about any politics, even the threads about the Canadian election, if you don't want.  Actually, you don't have to read any threads about evolution, or science, or the environment, or anything else that's not explicitly and only about religion.  In fact, you'd best not read this response either.

Edit: And let me add that the only thing dissapointing about this is you.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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I would be "REALLY

I would be "REALLY DISAPPOINTED" if we were not talking about this.

And, if you look around we also talk about Sharia (however it is spelled) courts in Britain, the pope's trip to France, marijuana laws in Canada, hurricanes, global warming and many other things...

There are literally hundreds of subjects and nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to participate in any particular type or any particular one.

I'm a member of several photography sites and you might be surprised how many threads are started saying "Please pray for my Aunt who is sick in the hospital" or some such thing and almost everyone jumps on the bandwagon with their "thoughts and prayers" but, although this has nothing to do with photography and excludes me as an atheist, do I whine about it? No. It is just some people talking about something else that interests them. It doesn't stop me from participating in the hundreds of other photography related threads.


OK, now, back to McCain, who I lost my last shred of respect for yesterday.


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DudefromNorway wrote: There

DudefromNorway wrote:

 There are a bunch of forums on the internet where you can discuss McCain and Obama - I have no interest in taking part in it, so until this election is over I'm just gonna stay away from this webpage. 

 Sorry guys, but this was really really really disappointing

This is one of those forums as indicated by the title of the discussion.  If you don't like it then what is the point in telling everyone how much you don't like it.  Perhaps next time people will decide to get your permission before starting a thread topic.

I'm not interested in discussions about the latest fall fashion in petticoats, that's why you don't see me looking for forums about petticoats and posting about my disapproval about the subject.  One would imagine that to be a huge waste of time.

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I dont appriciate it....

How can yo ucall yourself rational, when you attack another person. This is not Godly in any manner. O wait I forgot, you don't believe in God.

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But I am GOD

But I am GOD

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gotitgoing4god wrote:How can

gotitgoing4god wrote:

How can yo ucall yourself rational, when you attack another person. This is not Godly in any manner. O wait I forgot, you don't believe in God.

Did you have a point to make?  Where is anyone attacking anyone?

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Come again?



 If you read my post again I make my specific point about one of the key figures of RRS using his forum to promote his/her political stance. If I can bring you a good analogy - its about as bad as using a sermon to promote Nike. I, of course, recognize the impact religion has had, and still has on America, but that does not in any way support Sapient´s posting of such materlal - if you claim to be a rational responder, just make a rational response!!  Very little of what´s been written in this thread has even remotely anything to do with religion. The war in Iraq and the economy seems to be the key issues (as they are in the rest of the American society).

 Claiming that the republicans and especially McCain is motivated by "extreme  religiosity" is just so off the mark, and just shows an extreme lack of willingness to take a balanced view on what he´s for/against - Do you think a guy that remarries a few times is motivated by his religion? Come on! 

 And for f´s sake - Obama doesn´t exactly stand out as an atheist himself. I understand your fear after what the neo-conservatives have done over the last eight years, but this is a "think-tank" of sorts - not a place to spread propaganda..

 If you don´t see the obvious symbolism and principally dubiousness of that then so be it, but I think that the RRS should stay at doing what it´s good at - make rational responses...


 That first video is not rational - its emotive. 


 And if you thought I wasn´t aware of this election then I will have to ask myself some serious questions about your ability to read the post. I said I wasn´t interested in it within this context, which I find should be more about developing sustainable arguments for atheism and developing a profound criticism against religion within the public sphere.....To just say "McCain is evil" doesn´t really impress anyone...

 So please feel free to continue debating this - I am not gonna stand in your way, but my honest opinion is that spending time on this issue is not gonna help promoting atheism as a personal belief system...

 And thanks for that last little edit you made.....

(edit: This is the way to scare people away from this webpage)




ake the life-lie away from the average man and straight away you take away his happiness.

- Henrik Ibsen

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But religion, and especially

But religion, and especially fundamentalism, is poison, and is all over politics. McCain fuels this retarded choir. Go Sapient.

McCain is another "War Pig" ....

Black Sabbath - War Pigs (set to political footage)


"I am god ..." is that rational and humble enough?    Sartre ... "we are condemned to be free" (gawed)

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As I said

 "Religion is poison" is not a rational response - its a slogan...





ake the life-lie away from the average man and straight away you take away his happiness.

- Henrik Ibsen

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DudefromNorway wrote: If you

DudefromNorway wrote:
If you read my post again I make my specific point about one of the key figures of RRS using his forum to promote his/her political stance. If I can bring you a good analogy - its about as bad as using a sermon to promote Nike.
And it's a bad thing for key figures of the RRS to use their public and open forum to promote a political stance?  Again, you don't have to agree and you didn't have to read the thread.

I, of course, recognize the impact religion has had, and still has on America, but that does not in any way support Sapient´s posting of such materlal - if you claim to be a rational responder, just make a rational response!!  Very little of what´s been written in this thread has even remotely anything to do with religion. The war in Iraq and the economy seems to be the key issues (as they are in the rest of the American society).
There is no reason anyone here, even Sapient, should speak solely about religion.  What does it matter is anything in a thread about John McCain has nothing to do with religion?  If you don't like it, don't read it.  It's not a very difficult concept to grasp, I should hope.

Claiming that the republicans and especially McCain is motivated by "extreme  religiosity" is just so off the mark, and just shows an extreme lack of willingness to take a balanced view on what he´s for/against - Do you think a guy that remarries a few times is motivated by his religion? Come on!
Baseless.  He is motivated by extreme religiosity, but that is not to say that he believes or practices or is a 'true believer'.  The people voting for him are motivated by extreme religiosity; they are extremely religious in a way I suspect you've never encountered.  I know very well the political stance of John McCain.  I also happen to disagree with it.  What, exactly, would be a balanced view on what he is 'for/agaionst' and how would recognizing the fact that he is motivated by the people voting for him detract from my ability to assess his politics?

And for f´s sake - Obama doesn´t exactly stand out as an atheist himself. I understand your fear after what the neo-conservatives have done over the last eight years, but this is a "think-tank" of sorts - not a place to spread propaganda..
I have not mentioned Obama.  I have never even mentioned support for Obama.  What makes you think that I believe Obama to be anything but what he is, which, admittedly, is religious (however moderate) and pandering for the same votes McCain has in much the same way?

If you don´t see the obvious symbolism and principally dubiousness of that then so be it, but I think that the RRS should stay at doing what it´s good at - make rational responses...
Care to rephrase that for clarity?

That first video is not rational - its emotive.
So be it.  I haven't watched it.  I don't intend to.  Do you know why?  I don't want to; I'm not interested.

And if you thought I wasn´t aware of this election then I will have to ask myself some serious questions about your ability to read the post. I said I wasn´t interested in it within this context, which I find should be more about developing sustainable arguments for atheism and developing a profound criticism against religion within the public sphere.....To just say "McCain is evil" doesn´t really impress anyone...
I suspect it doesn't... or wouldn't.  McCain isn't evil though.  Did you think I thought he was?

So please feel free to continue debating this - I am not gonna stand in your way, but my honest opinion is that spending time on this issue is not gonna help promoting atheism as a personal belief system...
Atheism isn't a 'personal belief system' as such and this single thread is not detracting from the goal of the RRS.

And thanks for that last little edit you made.....
Ah. You are welcomed, then and still dissapointing.

(edit: This is the way to scare people away from this webpage)
Really?  I think shouting 'Boo!' would be more effective.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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 How can McCain win now that he has nominated a complete whack job for the VP slot? 

Perhaps if McCain is elected we can all have an old fashioned witch hunt! Maybe burn some people!

Palin scare the crap out of me ... is it really ok to be that stupid and be in the arguably second most powerful position in the world? Oh ... wait .... the country did elect Bush.

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McCain fudges his Navy

McCain fudges his Navy record

The Pinocchio Test

 McCain's claim that he crashed into Corpus Christi Bay in December 1960 after his "engine quit" is a considerable stretch. U.S. Navy Safety records make clear that the plane crashed because his power setting was too low and he was failing to pay sufficient attention to his landing pattern.


People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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 i don't think the world

 i don't think the world doesn't love america anymore. I think the rest of the world changed its standards and see things differently. But i really really hope you guys wont vote for that evangelical-taliban racist homophobic gaybasher deseased son of a mozzarella cheese ( ..and that palinistic alaskan witch written with B instead of W... oh my... are they serious? the two look like a circus couple during a strike for a pay rise. Was she really cured from witchcraft? How about some exorcism...) Not that i love obama tho... kinda populisticopulis for me. Racism will end when people will stop considering black either bad or COOL) He is just another guy who desperately wants power. And if he starts talking about jesus while interviewed by jurnalists... wow... talk about preaching and singing to your own choire. bohf

heydoh... hope next president will be smarter than bush. now thats what the rest of the world doesnt like about america.



Empirical Infidel
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I dont know if this has

I dont know if this has already been said but everyone should read the article in Rolling Stone about McCain. He's more slimey than I thought. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/23316912/makebelieve_maverick/print. Also I googled Citizens Against Government Waste that McCain has mentioned at both debates. It's a right wing shill for big business. You should google it yourselves

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Empirical Infidel    Yep,

Empirical Infidel 

  Yep, and thanks for posting. McCain is a hot headed war pig imperialist greedy separatist capitalist liar fear monger retard non hero, a non maverick socialist for the rich only cannibal rich fucks, eating on the poor.

It is way past time to understanding the slogan  "Eat the Rich" , as meaning no more to a super rich class. Peaceful revolution, to no super rich, no super poor, as all for one, all for cooperation, to a better world of no monetary competition. Yes , I AM a Dreamer, a socialist as all is one. I am jesus, I aspire to buddha, I am god, as ALL is ONE. The Golden Rule, long before the famous buddha then jesus, then we.  


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Funny Links:




Typical McCain supporter




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That train one was cool....

That train one was cool.... I forwarded it on to a few

engineers I know....

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Thanks Matt for the giggles

Thanks Matt for the giggles ....

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Thanks Matt for the giggles

Thanks Matt for the giggles .... now I wll cry again. 

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Thomathy wrote:

gotitgoing4god wrote:

How can yo ucall yourself rational, when you attack another person. This is not Godly in any manner. O wait I forgot, you don't believe in God.

Did you have a point to make?  Where is anyone attacking anyone?


I will delurk and point out that pointing out the truth isn't an attack. Shouting out for a presidential candidate to be assasinated numerous times, now THAT is an attack. There is ample evidence that McCain supporters are attacking Obama, and none that Obama supporters are attacking McCain. There is even further evidence that McCain and Palin are at the minimum condoning their supporters actions. Where's your god in all that, gotitgoing4god? It seems to me you're the one calling a spade a diamond in this case, but far be it from me to judge; I'll let your nervous system do that.

Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back

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