The violent extremely hateful emails. [YOU RESPOND]

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The violent extremely hateful emails. [YOU RESPOND]


From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:46 AM

Larry sent a message using the contact form at

You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Satanist BASTERD!!!!!

None of your fucking Buisness!!!!! sent a message using the contact form at

You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!

BLASPHEmy Challene!!?!?!?!?!!? ARRe you that desperate LOL get a life
dipshit not even the atheists like you so go burn in hell.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:43 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] we will see


i cant wait to see when u are all rotting in hell... i do not understand you people... you think that you have this power of conversion... such as saying "believe in God, We can fix that"... wtf is wrong with you you scum bags... your most likely thinking that im stupid for believing in Christ, but  if u  only saw what us catholics do for this world, compared to you atheists, who sit around on your  lazy fat asses  and run this site... look into the miracles that still happen to those who are faithful to GOD... and when the day comes, i will have no mercy for you

i am mike carter

i am 16 y/o

I am firm believer in Christ and a proud Catholic

Please reply with your side of this fight... u pussy


This guy used a fake email addy...

you are stupid sent a message using the contact form at

 You were completly disrespectful to your oponents Ray Comfort and the
other guy. They were two dummies, exactly as you. And you will NEVER EVER
be able to finish with religion, because you are not smart enough. The
only way you are getting attention is with add hominem, and provoking
stuff as the blasphemy challenge. Not because of your intelligence.


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In the words of Mr. GAWN,

In the words of Mr. GAWN, "Galactic."

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My, my.  Look at the peace

My, my.  Look at the peace loving christians spewing hate filled threats of hell and physical violence.  I'm so glad that I'm an atheist with people like this around.

To the christians:

One of these days when you all grow up to be big and strong like mommy and daddy and after you've learned really tough things like how to spell you might have the courage to ask yourself questions about your religion.  And if you are reeeeaaaallly honest with yourself, and you think reeeeaaaallly hard, maybe you will understand what we now understand about your religion.

Most of us were christians once.  I was for a long time.  Then I grew up.  Now here's some candy.  Stay out of trouble and brush your teeth, ok?

"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci

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Is there some reason that

Is there some reason that using proper spelling and grammar is considered a sin?  What about logic? Do any of the threatening ones ever get reported to anyone?

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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MattShizzle wrote:Is there

MattShizzle wrote:

Is there some reason that using proper spelling and grammar is considered a sin?  What about logic? Do any of the threatening ones ever get reported to anyone?

Matt, you ask too much of the reptilian brain.


"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Pheal teh luv!

Pheal teh luv!

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From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:46 AM

Larry sent a message using the contact form at
"You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity."


Hey buddy, Why must you mess with the "good guys"? Is your vicinity near to us or far far away? By all means, please do let us know, won't you ? 







From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Satanist BASTERD!!!!!

None of your fucking Buisness!!!!! sent a message using the contact form at
"You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!"


Well, won't speak for all Atheists, but I for one have been known to suck. There are certain female body parts, e.g., lips, toes, and more personal areas,  that I find pleasing to my palate and tongue.

I don't worship Charles Darwin but he has written down many things and ideas that everyone should read. There is no reason to be afraid of Darwin.

What is the "fucking creation netword"... is that a special password that will help me find Jesus or something ? Please don't bother answering, I found a new way....



Wonko the Magic Elf, lord and creator of the universe loves you. Yes, even you, you pathetic boob. Wonko loves everyone. Wonko loves you so much he wants to make you an offer you can't refuse. Wonko says "BELIEVE IN ME OR I WILL TORTURE YOU FOREVER".

There, you heard it. Isn't that a wonderful offer? I am here to preach the GOOD NEWS of the death and resurrection of Wonko.

You have been made the offer of a lifetime. If you refuse, Wonko will send you to WONKO'S POOL HALL when you die. You scoff, you miserable unbeliever, but it is true. How do I know it is the TRUTH? Because Wonko says it is!

Verse 1567, line 42 of the Revealed Holy Wisdom of Wonko: "YOU CAN BELIEVE ME BECAUSE I ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH".
See, Wonko would never lie to you. You have no excuses anymore. Accept Wonko right here and now as your personal savior and lord, OR BURN FOREVER IN WONKO'S POOL HALL!!

And, Wonko's Pool Hall is no ordinary pool hall. Nosirree Bob! Not a chance. Wonko promises you this: The flames are ten times hotter than hell. The demons are ten times nastier, and THE ETERNITY IS TEN TIMES LONGER!
Wonko will never let you go. Wonko loves you, but he is a deranged sadist who will torture you ten times worse than any dead Jew on a stick could even dream of in his worst nightmares if you refuse him.

Wonko would kill anyone daring to recreate his image, but this is an approximation of what he looks like.
Behold Wonko. Love him.
...or else.
Lord Wonko wants to make a bet with you. A kind of wager. Dare you refuse?

You can go on believing in your imaginary, impotent, powerless dead Jew, or you can accept Wonko. Wonko could never be crucified. He's too damn MEAN AND ORNERY TO EVEN LET YOU TRY! Wonko would have rammed that cross up Pilate's ass the microsecond he started waving it around. Put that in your empty sepulcher and smoke it, Christ boy!

Just think, is it too much to ask to BELIEVE? And look at the consequences if you are wrong. INFINITE TORTURE FOR TEN ETERNITIES IN A PIT OF FIRE SO AWFUL EVEN DANTE COULDN'T BEGIN TO IMAGINE IT! How dare you refuse?

Are you man enough to accept the loving kindness of the living Wonko into your heart? Or will you walk away into the dark night of the absence of Wonko? It is UP TO YOU. Wonko has given you free will just so you have no excuse for refusing him, in the full knowledge of what a pitiful slave and puppet you really are.

Remember, this is no ordinary Wonko. I am here to tell you this is THE NECESSARY WONKO! The one and only infinite being who set the universe in motion.

Wonko also performs BETTER MIRACLES THAN JESUS. Wonko laughs at wine. Wonko can turn water into SINGLE MALT SCOTCH. Wonko doesn't just walk on water. WONKO JOGS OVER THE ENTIRE PACIFIC OCEAN EVERY SINGLE DAY. Wonko didn't rise from the dead once. WONKO RISES FROM THE DEAD EVERY SINGLE MORNING, with a skull splitting hangover that makes Hiroshima look like a wet fire cracker, so you better just watch your ass around Wonko. Can Jesus do that? Wonko picks Jesus out of his nose.

Beware of false Wonkos. There is only one true dead and resurrected living Wonko the son of Wonko. In the name of Wonko the Father, Wonko the Son and Wonko the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Wonko bless you. Kyrie Eleiawonko.

I beg you to think. Any day, even today, you could be walking along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, a careening out of control, giant 18 wheel semi, with a passed out alcoholic driver could come screaming out of nowhere and leave you lying in the road with your guts spread all over to hell and gone, without even a chance to beg Wonko for forgiveness. And BOOM, there you are, right in the middle of Wonko's pool hall, being doused with KC masterpiece barbecue sauce by Wonko's giggling, sadistic minions and roasted over a fire that makes the heart of a main sequence blue-white giant feel like a cool breeze.

Take the Wonko pledge today. Tomorrow may be too late.

I am a miserable pathetic lousy little boob of a sinner. I am completely incapable of taking responsibility for my own life. I have no hope, no future and no brain. I pledge to let Wonko be my lord and master forever and ever.

(sign here if you know how to write)


 Thanks and have a nice day


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WTF is an astheist anyway?

WTF is an astheist anyway? did you forget an s and mean "asstheist?" I assure you I do not and never have considered an ass to be god - though I do consider the God character you believe in to be a complete ass. As to the ones who are threatening you do realize several members on her either have martial arts training or are armed?

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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MattShizzle wrote:As to the

MattShizzle wrote:
As to the ones who are threatening you do realize several members on her either have martial arts training or are armed?
That's right, Matt! Puff up! Puff up! They hate that!



"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Haha wow!! Nice to see the

Haha wow!! Nice to see the strong arm tactics of the crusades and inquisition are alive and well.

I'm by no means 'big and bad' but, threats of violence have never scared me. So threat on you spelling challenged delusionals, threat on...

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:


From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:46 AM

Larry sent a message using the contact form at

You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Satanist BASTERD!!!!!

None of your fucking Buisness!!!!! sent a message using the contact form at

You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!

BLASPHEmy Challene!!?!?!?!?!!? ARRe you that desperate LOL get a life
dipshit not even the atheists like you so go burn in hell.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:43 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] we will see


i cant wait to see when u are all rotting in hell... i do not understand you people... you think that you have this power of conversion... such as saying "believe in God, We can fix that"... wtf is wrong with you you scum bags... your most likely thinking that im stupid for believing in Christ, but  if u  only saw what us catholics do for this world, compared to you atheists, who sit around on your  lazy fat asses  and run this site... look into the miracles that still happen to those who are faithful to GOD... and when the day comes, i will have no mercy for you

i am mike carter

i am 16 y/o

I am firm believer in Christ and a proud Catholic

Please reply with your side of this fight... u pussy


This guy used a fake email addy...

you are stupid sent a message using the contact form at

 You were completly disrespectful to your oponents Ray Comfort and the
other guy. They were two dummies, exactly as you. And you will NEVER EVER
be able to finish with religion, because you are not smart enough. The
only way you are getting attention is with add hominem, and provoking
stuff as the blasphemy challenge. Not because of your intelligence.


Way to bring a knife to an intellectual gunfight! Kudos, you are in the same ranks as "I'm rubber you're glue, what bounces off me sticks to you."

Get back to us when you learn what Pascal's Wager is and why it is a fallacy. Learn what a "fallacy" is. Learn what "infinite regress is". Look up Bentrand Russard's Teapot argument. Learn what "circular reasoning" is. FOR STARTERS!

If all you have is, "You love satan and BBQ kittens" you are no fucking different than "You're evil because you aint white like me".

And I guess the most important guy who gave you the right to spew this garbage would be a satanist too:

"Question with boldness even the existence of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson.

Since you seem to display the tirade of a 3rd grader, I will explain that quote for you.

"It is ok to question. It is better to face the unknown and accept when one is wrong, than to wallow in a lie".

So when you are done acting like a child at the candy isle who cant have the Hersey bar, get back to us when you have an argument better than WWE threats.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Got a pen? Sticking out tongue

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Here is the other thing this

Here is the other thing this dumb ass probably wont consider. Compared to the wealth of information that others have on this website, I am a total retard. People like Bob Spence, Rook and tons of others, I have a fraction of information in my head they do.

But even I can spot an emotional reaction after all the labotomies I've had.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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LOL, Wonko sounds like the

LOL, Wonko sounds like the worst abusive alcoholic father imaginable. (Actually, Wonko's much worse! All praise be to Wonko!)

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And they wonder why we don't

And they wonder why we don't like religion.

Kay Cat
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ronin-dog wrote:And they

ronin-dog wrote:

And they wonder why we don't like religion.


not to mention they can't figure out why church attendance is dropping amongst moderates and doubters.

Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back

Boon Docks
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King James = crap


        The crap coming from these poor people sounds a lot like the stories in the King James version.  Maybe they have studied it a little, after all, they want to hurt or kill people that would oppose them, or that think differently.  But that's OK because their babble told them so.



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1)  "You are another

1)  "You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity."

What are you going to do?  This is the United States.  Emigrate to Iran if you want to live in a theist society.

2)  How do you worship Darwin?  I've never heard of anyone doing that.  Satan worship is at least interesting, but Darwin? 

3) Mike, you're young.  Give yourself time to experience some of what life is before thinking you definitely have all the answers.  Also, I would suggest you look into the history of the catholic church before you start trying to claim they are a wondrous organization.  Persecution has kinds been a big deal since the Council of Nicaea.

4) Ray and Kirk did not bring the proof they promised.  They were called out for this. 

I don't know what others think, but I don't think religion will ever totally disappear as I doubt the human capacity for rational thought.  It would be good to see it diminish in importance though.



"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:


From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:46 AM

Larry sent a message using the contact form at

You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Satanist BASTERD!!!!!

None of your fucking Buisness!!!!! sent a message using the contact form at

You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!

BLASPHEmy Challene!!?!?!?!?!!? ARRe you that desperate LOL get a life
dipshit not even the atheists like you so go burn in hell.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:43 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] we will see


i cant wait to see when u are all rotting in hell... i do not understand you people... you think that you have this power of conversion... such as saying "believe in God, We can fix that"... wtf is wrong with you you scum bags... your most likely thinking that im stupid for believing in Christ, but  if u  only saw what us catholics do for this world, compared to you atheists, who sit around on your  lazy fat asses  and run this site... look into the miracles that still happen to those who are faithful to GOD... and when the day comes, i will have no mercy for you

i am mike carter

i am 16 y/o

I am firm believer in Christ and a proud Catholic

Please reply with your side of this fight... u pussy


This guy used a fake email addy...

you are stupid sent a message using the contact form at

 You were completly disrespectful to your oponents Ray Comfort and the
other guy. They were two dummies, exactly as you. And you will NEVER EVER
be able to finish with religion, because you are not smart enough. The
only way you are getting attention is with add hominem, and provoking
stuff as the blasphemy challenge. Not because of your intelligence.


1. Wow, I bet you're big and bad asshat. Christians like you give christians a bad name. I hope you are just a joke because you sound just fucking pathetic. As for the threat puleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

2. Guilty I do suck..... titties and beer bottles. Nanny Nanny Poo Poo. Honestly though, I have looked at both sides of the arguement and have found your's wanting.

So in what way do atheists worship Darwin. Perhaps you don't realize that Charles Darwin wasn't the first to notice that life changes over time, but was the first to theorize a mechanism for how evolution might happen. Worshipping Darwin is just silly............ silly theist. I have watched some of Ham's videos and felt my IQ drop a few points. Peace. BTW u mAye wanta 2 leern how 2 spel and getta gooder grammerrrrr errr.

3. Mike, wow little guy..... what's with all the hate? You're too young to want to see people burn in hell. I remember how much I wanted that as well to see unbelievers burn just so I could say. "I told you so". Now I no longer believe in a god so I deeply regret those feelings, but unchecked hatred of others is just wrong. Atheists do not normally hate christians and it hurts to see this misconception. However, if you come in spewing hate expect to get what you get in return. Just because I think your belief in god is a delusion doesn't mean we hate you.

p.s. pussy? OMFG are you serious? Do you realize that there is a special place in hell for hypocrits? Well if you believe that non-sense anyways. I was always taught that catholics burn in hell for idol worship anyways so see you there Holmes.

4. Yesssss Kirk Cameron is an idiot. I'll give you a gold star for that. Silly theist religion is for kids.

"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS

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Condom—word to your

Condom—word to your mother.

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Ichamm wrote:FUCQ YOU AND

Ichamm wrote:



You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity. 


*golf clap* like a dog, he marks his territory with piss. 

I feel bad for you guys having to put up with this kind of crap.


david wrote:

Satanist BASTERD!!!!!


You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!

Ignore the evidence against evolution?  should be easy, there's not that much to ignore.

Watch the creation network? I read their magazine once, that was bad enough I paid way too much for so much useless information and would like my money back.

Watch Ken Ham videos? No thanks, done that, would rather pluck my eyeballs with a fork to spare my brain the agony.


mikeCarter wrote:


i cant wait to see when u are all rotting in hell...

Ke? You don't think you sound just a teensy weensy little bit psychotic saying that?


MikeCarter wrote:

i do not understand you people... you think that you have this power of conversion... such as saying "believe in God, We can fix that"...

power of conversion? It's advertising Mike, where's your sense of humour?


MikeCarter wrote:

wtf is wrong with you you scum bags... your most likely thinking that im stupid for believing in Christ, but  if u  only saw what us catholics do for this world,

there are many things catholics do and have done in this world, I doubt you've seen it all.

I wouldn't call you stupid for believing in christ, and the atheists here would at most suggest that you have been misguided, they wouldn't call you stupid either especially not at 16 years old.




 You were completly disrespectful to your oponents Ray Comfort and the
other guy.

They started it.

No, seriously, Ray brought out the bible disrespecting a prior agreement between the two parties that they wouldn't. If Brian and Kelly were seen to be disrespectful of arguments from the bible it's only fair as they weren't supposed to be dealing with them at all.

Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist

Boon Docks
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You too !

Eloise wrote:

Ichamm wrote:



You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity. 


*golf clap* like a dog, he marks his territory with piss. 

I feel bad for you guys having to put up with this kind of crap.



    You are a part of this group also.  You have a member since ??  You may have your theist hat on but under it is more than just a brain.



there are many things catholics do and have done in this world, I doubt you've seen it all.

I wouldn't call you stupid for believing in christ, and the atheists here would at most suggest that you have been misguided, they wouldn't call you stupid either especially not at 16 years old.



   How many members are under 18 here ?  Quite a few I'm thinking.



Otchabotch (not verified)
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Haha, I love the hate.

Haha, I love the hate. Welcome to the club people, your going to "hell" too now!

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Their god would be ashamed.

These people claim to be followers of Jesus Christ and his teachings, but their actions are very unChrist-like.

Brian37's picture
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RationalResponseSquad wrote:


From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:46 AM

Larry sent a message using the contact form at

You are another ignorant atheistic, clueless group.  Just don't make the
mistake of spreading your filth within my visual/physical vicinity.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Satanist BASTERD!!!!!

None of your fucking Buisness!!!!! sent a message using the contact form at

You astheists suck I bet you dont even look at both sides of the arguements
u just worship darwin so you blindl ignore the evidence against evolution
watch the fucking creation netword and  some ken ham videos!!!

BLASPHEmy Challene!!?!?!?!?!!? ARRe you that desperate LOL get a life
dipshit not even the atheists like you so go burn in hell.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:43 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] we will see


i cant wait to see when u are all rotting in hell... i do not understand you people... you think that you have this power of conversion... such as saying "believe in God, We can fix that"... wtf is wrong with you you scum bags... your most likely thinking that im stupid for believing in Christ, but  if u  only saw what us catholics do for this world, compared to you atheists, who sit around on your  lazy fat asses  and run this site... look into the miracles that still happen to those who are faithful to GOD... and when the day comes, i will have no mercy for you

i am mike carter

i am 16 y/o

I am firm believer in Christ and a proud Catholic

Please reply with your side of this fight... u pussy


This guy used a fake email addy...

you are stupid sent a message using the contact form at

 You were completly disrespectful to your oponents Ray Comfort and the
other guy. They were two dummies, exactly as you. And you will NEVER EVER
be able to finish with religion, because you are not smart enough. The
only way you are getting attention is with add hominem, and provoking
stuff as the blasphemy challenge. Not because of your intelligence.



Thats what you sound like asshole!

You fart, I fart and someday we will both push up daisies. I'd like to think that between the time I am born and the time I die, the worst I wish on my neighbor is a wedgie.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:"YOU JEWS ARE

Brian37 wrote:


Ooooooh, snap!