Nothing will surprise me ever again...

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Nothing will surprise me ever again...


The Truth is Out There


Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of humans that are just out-n-out insane.  

If I have gained anything by damning myself, it is that I no longer have anything to fear. - JP Sartre

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Yeah, they're either idiots

Yeah, they're either idiots or insane.

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o.o!All right, now I have my


All right, now I have my own ideas about certain things that some would label impossible or irrational.  But at least my ideas don't have any concrete proof going against them x.x; [Lol, no, I'm not a Theist.  If you want to hear my ideas, I'll share them only under the condition that I not be ridiculed...]

These people are just denying the truth for the hell of denying the truth!

Tickling Sakura's Funnybone

thingy wrote:

David wrote:
Actually, thousands of people witnessed his existence on earth, and many testified to his existence in the pages of the Bible.

That's true, just as there's thousands of people who witnessed Harry Potter's existence on earth in the Harry Potter series of books.

mrjonno wrote:
I will drink to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and hope his appendages touch you in the most pleasurable of ways

HisWillness wrote:
Keep it in Your pants, saviour boy.

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MattShizzle wrote:Yeah,

MattShizzle wrote:

Yeah, they're either idiots or insane.


Well, that's a bit harsh.  A lot of hatred in that statement.  Couldn't they simply be confused or misled?


Sakura. wrote:
If you want to hear my ideas, I'll share them only under the condition that I not be ridiculed..


A statement like that demands response.  I would love to hear your beliefs.  I have irrational beliefs myself, though they aren't exotic or interesting.  

If I have gained anything by damning myself, it is that I no longer have anything to fear. - JP Sartre

atheistRational VIP!
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Sakura. wrote: If you want

Sakura. wrote:
 If you want to hear my ideas, I'll share them only under the condition that I not be ridiculed...

No guarantees here, I'm afraid. If you come out with "Cookie Monster is totally a real monster" there's no way I'm not making fun of you.

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence