State Senator Chambers (Neb) and his case against god

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State Senator Chambers (Neb) and his case against god

Senator Ernie Chambers had a bit of bad luck in his lawsuit against God.  Seeking an injunction against God who has been blamed for numerous natural disasters causing billions of dollars in damage and numerous deaths, Chambers has been unable to serve God with the necessary documents.  Chambers tried leaving them on an empty table and searched other places looking for God but he is nowhere to be found.

As a result of God's continued ability to hide from everyone the court may dismiss the case.  Like Karl Rove, God must have a lot to hide from.

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 That dude is my hero.

 That dude is my hero.  SOmeone should send him a commendation on behalf of thinking people everywhere.

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D-cubed wrote:Senator Ernie

D-cubed wrote:

Senator Ernie Chambers had a bit of bad luck in his lawsuit against God.  Seeking an injunction against God who has been blamed for numerous natural disasters causing billions of dollars in damage and numerous deaths, Chambers has been unable to serve God with the necessary documents.  Chambers tried leaving them on an empty table and searched other places looking for God but he is nowhere to be found.

As a result of God's continued ability to hide from everyone the court may dismiss the case.  Like Karl Rove, God must have a lot to hide from.


that guy has some serious cojones. I'm glad someone has the fortitude to stand up to insane belief and show it for what it is. Way to go, Senator Chambers!!!

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Great photo work! Makes a

Great photo work! Makes a fan look like a halo:

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love this man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jumps up & down on couch)

      Can we get Ernie on the live broadcast for next show  6hrs  43mins,   at this point.  this guy is great!!!!!

    Edit:  Ernie's office   phone number  1 402 471 2612

.   Call in and tell our good friend Mr.Chambers what we realy think of such a hero.

   An earlier posting had the wrong number, double check 1 402 471 2612.

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Haha! this fucking awesome,

Haha! this fucking awesome, I wonder what's going to happen.