Neale Donald Walsch - Who is God
The very first post I made here on RRS was about this Neale dude. I still like and laugh with this guy ( who I hardly know ) All that worship should hear him. You ATHEISTS don't need him. ((((( Simple shit .... preaching to the idol worshipers to heal them .... go Neale ....
Neale Donald Walsch - "Who is God"
Here is another , same message,
"I am God" , 10 min, the one from Gisburne2000
What are we? , what is god?, what is wisdom?
Carl Sagan - "Pale Blue Dot"
"Wisdom of the Buddha"
there is nothing to debate
You are god as I
Why a leader , are you lazy ?
Why do I get so few votes?
Who invented this system
Who believes and surrenders to this present BS ?
Pantera Revolution is my name
so WTF we gone a do about it ?
me and rum , and gawed on my side
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George Carlin - Religion is Bullshit
IF it is an atheistic message, I am good with the method .... KILL IDOL WORSHIP , any way you can .... The IDOL is the ENEMY.
Atheism Books.
All life, material and non-material, is connected. It's all a part of one gigantic organism, which we can, for a lack of a better term, call God. This organism has all life forms as it's parts, just like tiny lives of our cells are our body together. And just as our body has very specific, diverse structure, this life of everything is structured too. This is very complicated and highly specialized knowledge, and it's natural that people doesn't understand it totally (not even me of course). It goes to such a details which reminds me of a new scientific hypotheses I had read somewhere. (the book is fortunately getting a bit easier though)
We can gradually overcome a separation between these parts of one life, either lower than us, equal, or higher, and realize an unity with them.
This is, what a "white magic" is, it's an endeavour to understand the inner laws of world and use them as an opportunity for development. The world has a certain tendencies, psychology, symbollics... (not antropomorphic) The development is taking an active responsibility for own development. But because everything is a part of this one big organism, all aspects of the world which have any form, are a manifestation of it. Specially, all efforts towards a better future of humanity. This is why an aware person should understand a value of politics, economy, art, humanitary/social effort, religion, philosophy, science, and so on, as co-working, allied efforts to the same goal - development. Many people does a mistake, that they approve only their one guru/politician/pope, or only their own "spiritual path", politic arrangement, or religion, as such, underestimating the other faces of development I mentioned.
There is so much types of people, races, personalities, nations, cultures, and so on, that it is impossible to have one standard view of the world - it would be only one it's aspect anyway. Instead every one of countless types of people sees something different about the world, and this is how we see more of it together. It is also good to have someone to maintain a continuity, who knows that this all is just a lot of various sentences on one large page of text. When we will read the whole page?
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I prefer the terms 'Bert' or perhaps 'Ernie'... or even simply Universe.
'God' may be too tainted to work any more, for me anyway.
Thanks for both of your caring replies. I got RUM power ....
My rants are geared at what I perceive as our problem of communication. Story Jesus, in the buddha sense, was one of both dividing the superstitious idol worshipers from the ones who knew the "christ" philosophical principal of being "ONE" , or of the force, or as it is called g-o-d. It is time, and now possible this simple message be made clear, we are g-o-d, as all in ONE. GO COMMUNICATION Evolution, and who would deny us, well the fucking FCC does ..... !
Obviously, that "g-o-d" word just isn't going to go away, anytime soon. I wish it would, but saying "NO God", while I completely agree as is meant by the western atheists, seems not the only, or best method to killing superstition religious dogma. I prefer to work at changing the world definition of g-o-d, especially eliminating the God of Abraham one.
Whatever this Neale guy is, atheist, pantheist ?, I agree with his approach and style of confronting and challenging the religious idol worshiping dogmists of separatism.
Here he is again, and maybe the only thing I disagree with here is at the end where he says, "what life is suppose to be", but that's just me nit picking .... I think Neale is a uniter and a healer, and a damn good clever communicator ....
I haven't seen much of his stuff, but so far pretty darn cool ....
What do you think Eloise? , and the rest of you caring RRS thinkers?
Neale Donald Walsch Discusses The Emotion Of Fear - 8 min.
Putting god to the Occam's Razor test ..... HEY, we are gawed !
Fuck Abraham's GOD
Atheism Books.
I don't mean Jahweh and his modifications. Jahweh maybe had set a standard protocol for a contact of human beings and the goddest, badassest God (as that thing says).
But a real idea of God is the unity of all life. The master-slave relationship is primitive. It might once lead to development for some period, (for unifying some scattered wild tribes whether they wanted it or not) but not anymore. In fact, nature tends to create complex, integrated systems instead. Christians, who mainly shaped the western notion of God, doesn't know much about nature, it's forms, structures, laws, and tendencies, hidden or outer, and according to that must be judged a worthiness of their God.
For practical purposes, it's useless to speak about "God", or the whole system under any other name, because it's so big that only our nearest vicinity (which is huge and complicated anyway) is relevant for us. Only a few first steps on a cosmic ladder. Beyond that, it's not mapped and not expressible in human terms. It's better to focus mainly on the nearest aspects of our evolution, even to a level of everyday life.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
"It's better to focus mainly on the nearest aspects of our evolution, even to a level of everyday life." ~ Luminon
Much like the simple wisdom of a famous buddha, who laughed when asked about god, and said let's focus on this life NOW .... let us work to end self induced, unnecessary suffering .... God will be just fine, with or without us .....
We are one,
Buddha consciousness - 'I am in the father and the father in me'. DIRT SIMPLE !
Atheism Books.
I agree. It seems so obvious to me that it is all one big ocean and we have to drift with its currents and tides. It is Being. How can anybody think that non-being isn't possible. We should live in gratitude for the gift of Being. Being is everything there is. We are part of Being.
The Newtonian laws of thermodyanmics require that Being always was. Being always was and always will be.
Since wee are conscious beings, we know that the nature of Being is that, among many other things, it can and will act in such a way as to cause consciousness of itself, at a minimum through us. Consciousness of being is going to happen here and there throughout all of Being. How do I know, because I'm conscious of Being. That's pretty cool.
I don't know why all serious minded people aren't intered in this topic.
Easy - because it is all so vague and subjective and does NOT accord with the experience of most 'serious-minded' people who have more REAL knowledge of and insight into the nature of mind and the universe.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
I'm trying to contribute to this process by presenting some ideas which will lead to a discovery of new forms of matter, energy, and life. For example, the existence of nadis, how they can be measured and what huge improvement in medicine will this discovery bring. Fortunately it's not all up to me, otherwise I could get a serious case of Cassandra's syndrome
As for those, who already have their fair share of ESP, or have an idea of what it's about, or can meditate without getting all disgusted by irrationality of that act, it's because they already practiced these things in their past lives and now they rediscover what they already achieved, so then they can start to discover something new. Sometimes this may take decades of life, this getting known with yourself. For some people, it seems that they're enlightened in their 20's, but the greatest fun may start after their 40's. Who of scientists will explain that to people, who doesn't know what's happening with them?
Believe it or not, the hidden nature of the world is so extensive, that it is often absolutely justified to cut a topic in the middle and say that "this is too complicated for people of such and such level of development." Behind this all is an unified, objective truth about the world, which is equal to omniscience, but we can accept only a small bits of the truth per time, by discovering them, seeing them in practice, having a time to master them, to prove it in the trials of life and reaching the goals of life. There are very remarkable milestones, or degrees on this journey, and also important decimals of these degrees, and every degree means a person of a certain control over environment, life goals, tendencies, and so on. This development can be speeded up only by our own effort and it is most wise to take a responsibility for it, for getting known with who you are, where do you come from and where are you going. These informations are more available in last century than they ever were for all the history of humankind. This of course means that there's also a lot of crap swarming around, but these half-truths and lies aren't infinitely acceptable, not when the seeker uses the same rational thinking as this forum and radio show here propagates.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Being is not vague and subjective. It is all that exists. It is right in front of our eyes, and is the stuff of science. I thought it was the "God" word that was upsetting to atheists. not the wonder of Being.
The fact of the matter is that scientists who subscribe to the standard model overtly recognize the inter-relatedness of everything, from the Big Bang 14 to 18 Billion years ago right up to the present moment. "The First Three Minutes" by Steven Weinberg is written for the layman (science-wise), but is considered one of the better books on Cosmology around today. It is a great read for those who want to understand how the farthest galaxy and my cat are kin, permanently bound to one another in the cosmic dance. I personally wonder what is going to come out of the Large Hadron Collider research that is just about to begin in Europe.
Mind is a slippery idea, very vague and hard to define, and has been the subject of endless debate between and among philosophers. But consciousness of Being is the common experience of everyone. It is true that the level of cosmology that Stephen Hawking or Steven Weinberg write about is not in accord with the experience of the average person, but it certainly is serious minded.
I not only wonder at Being, I wonder that Being's processes lead to clumps of matter and energy that are conscious of Being (that would be us). Does this procession of events seem remarkable to anyone else? According to most Cosmologists, it has probably happened on many millions, perhaps billions of other planets.
The laws of thermodynamics were developed and formalized 150 years after Newton's death. The word "Newtonian" implies a description of a Newtonian physical system. The laws of thermodynamics apply to all physical systems. The definition of a physical system is as follows: A complete description of any physical system of particles can be described by a multivector set (a linear combination of vector basis, just like the standard unit vectors i,j...n under R^n) under quantum mechanics, except that the multivectors are generalized in Hilbert Space, not R3.
We prefer to study things which can be communicated by data, methodology, and rigor, that can be repeated irrespective of the people trading the ideas, in short, those things which are impersonal.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
The laws of thermodynamics were developed and formalized 150 years after Newton's death. The word "Newtonian" implies a description of a Newtonian physical system. The laws of thermodynamics apply to all physical systems. The definition of a physical system is as follows: A complete description of any physical system of particles can be described by a multivector set (a linear combination of vector basis, just like the standard unit vectors i,j...n under R^n) under quantum mechanics, except that the multivectors are generalized in Hilbert Space, not R3
I have always thought of "Newtonian Physics" as the the science developed in the era between the arrival of Newton's Principia in the late 1600s and the Special Theory advanced by AE in 1905. Since the laws of thermodynamics were developed in their final form during this era, I think of them as "newtonian". I've seen the term used to describe that period and the science of that era many times, but I didn't mean to confuse anyone. After the Special theory arrived in 1905, the general theory in 1909, and the development of Quantum mechanics in the early part of the 20th century, the "Newtonian" era came to an end (in my mind), and physics was radically transformed. Ive heard this new era described as "einsteinian" "modern" and "quantum" but so what. We just need to define our terms and make sure we are using the same definitions. I bet we agree that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed in a closed system.
But this is a digression from my main point in this "Who is God" forum. I think we can agree that our universe is a closed system, as far as mainstream science is concerned. Visualize the first 30 seconds or so after the big bang. A very hot, very describable bunch of matter and energy (I come back to Weinberg's book), rapidly expanding. Within that expanding ball o' fire is everything we know, including all the atheists and theists that have been and will be. As the stuff expands, mixes and remixes (in a scientifically describable manner) it follows certain rules, (the laws of science) and eventually, in at least one place, has led to forms (us) that are conscious of itself. We can definitely say that Being (all of the stuff emanating from the big bang) is of a nature such that it eventually becomes conscious of itself. I am personally in awe of this.
Me too, I am in awe 24/7 ! The details and dates of our science knowledge I am up not on, but the very ability to be conscious and to be scientific is like wow.
I must say again it is a safe statement and a helpful one to say we are god, and fuck all idol worship, as is traditional religion. How would one dance around the fire pit correctly?
I am g-awe-d and so is everyone ! LOL
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