Atheist kings ?

Did some of the kings/princes and nobility in the middle age’s disbelieve in god (atheists) ? If they opposed the pope sometimes where they secretly atheistic ?
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I don't have an answer but when I did a Google search for 'Atheist kings or queens' the 17th hit was something from this site, although totally unrelated to your question.
I think it would have been virtually impossible to be openly atheistic during the time you are asking about but I'm not certain.
Hey, I did find this book though!
Atheism in the Medieval, Islamic, & European World
Thanks however I don’t think I can purchase that book (I think amazon is not shipping into my country). Well openly it would be impossible to be openly atheistic however henry 8
is one example of a king giving zero about the church and hijacking religion for his own ends.
I think I remember a saying that religion is only for the non Nobel serves. We can hypothesize if Henry 8 really didn’t believe in god.
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I have read the bible, not that it matters much, but it is clear to me, as I have read this mess of words, that the only message of wisdom of a Jesus is atheistic ..... Paul and his kind of idol worshipers are fools and liers .... as all idol worshipers are lost .... they are enemy to lovingly heal .....
Atheism Books.
I am of the mind that although no world leaders will ever admit this...I think most of them are aware of the fact that there is no such thing as god.
Napoleon had many quotes suggesting that he used people's "faith" (fear) against them so it would be easier to keep the masses from revolting...(good job, shorty)...How can George Bush claim to beleive in god, and then do what he does?...Hell, his business practices alone are utterly amoral....let alone the way he runs the free world. Hitler used to say he was acting in acoordance with the will of the almighty...hilarious. What better way to get the uneducated & unwashed to follow your plan?
They know...they *all* know...its a game they play to keep the stupid masses focus away from what really matters.
Well I have to admit George Bush haze potential if you look At the facts to realy be a atheist .
Remember the ID nonsense ? Bush spoke for ID however did he do a dame thing about it ? In America you have this demy god emperor president unrestrained unlike in other countries ( premier/prime_minister gets a some power to restrain the president) and the most powerful man isn’t moving a finger for ID.
Well if theist posses some intelligence they would connect the dots “This men is incompetent” , “He is not doing what he is promising” however if theists would poses some limited intelligence they wouldn’t be theists
. And if they question their undying loyalty to the president and their blind faith in him who knows maybe they star questioning their blind acceptance of the bible and god O.O !!!
And I don’t think someone who devotes his live to obedience and blind acceptance is going to be a leader in the first please. So yes I totally agree religion is only the tool to control the voters and have mindless drones.
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Politicians believe they are god. It's nearly the same mind-trick as the huddled masses do but is a slight reversal of the process and has the added bonus of giving them the chutzpah to legislate over us.
In fact, when you think about it, belief in fairy tale gods has a lot to do with disillusionment in our own mortal leaders and a desire on the part of a huge majority to have the intractable questions answered for them without having to admit that they're slaves to being led (even though in reality they're led - by the nose - by manipulative humans).
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II was, if not an outright unbeliever, a recorded skeptic of the Bible and rejected the authority of the Pope to such a great extent that he fought wars with the Papal States frequently and was excommunicated twice. He also employed Muslim bodyguards in the hope that he could more easily trust men who couldn't be influenced by Rome.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
WOW just WOW.
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