There is such a thing as making "atheism look bad" [hate-mailer]

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There is such a thing as making "atheism look bad" [hate-mailer]

I searched for the other threads on this issue and couldn't find them.  Anyone want to place a link for dirtynihilist?



dirtynihilist sent a message using the contact form at

Visiting a certain website recently, I couldn't help but noticing an
advertisement for your organization featuring the text "Believe in God? We
can fix that." and a picture of a scantly dressed girl in a seductive

There really is such a thing as "making atheism look bad" and it's very
real. Please put some effort into making your future advertisements have
some bare minimum of seriousness, which is mutually exclusive to this male
teen oversexed shit.

Love / dirtynihilist


If you're an atheist, I contend that the content of your e-mail just made "atheism look bad" (metaphorically speaking).

At least form proper sentences, and if you're trying to make a point to counter someone using satire and parody you should probably save the sarcasm to increase the clarity of your point.  For if I were to take your advice, you just asked us to make sure that our level of seriousness was at a bare minimum.

Wanna clarify this portion specifically?  "Please put some effort into making your future advertisements have some bare minimum of seriousness, which is mutually exclusive to this male teen oversexed shit."

Here's a semi-pertinent thread where you will find some of our views on this issue and why your position is offensive to us: [fixed link aiia]

In Rationality,

Brian Sapient




Oh... here's the "making atheism look bad" ad...

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Why is it when atheists show

Why is it when atheists show pics of their pretty poster girls, it's construed as objectifying them and sending a bad message? I don't get that, especially when religionists flaunt their own in exactly the same manner only much more gratuitously and tastelessly.

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Are girls as they are good?,

Are girls as they are good?, in all the naked details of what they are?, and isn't what is mostly called god here in the west fucking stupid?

How would one get attention to encourage meaningful debate? RRS does a pretty good job, and heck, I would suggest being even more provocative.

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I hate it when Christians

I hate it when Christians say, "You make atheism look bad". I hate it when atheists or Christians say, "You make Islam look bad." It is bullshit because we are all individuals.

I am quite blasphemous and do not mince words in ridiculing magical claims. But I am not a clone of all other atheists nor are all other atheists a clone of me.

How about saying something rational, "When you say something like that it makes you look bad".

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Sorry Sapient but the guy is

Sorry Sapient but the guy is right.  Before you guys put up that ad Atheists were held in high regard.  Candidates for public office were often queried about their beliefs and those who were Atheist had a great chance of being elected.  Madalyn Murry O'Hair was so beloved they were about to put her image on the quarter.  A statue of Col. Robert Ingersoll was going to be displayed at the Rose Garden on the White House lawn.  Heck, before your ad I could go into any bar, mention I'm an Atheist and instantly have numerous hot women wanting to have sex with me.

Yeah, you guys blew it with that ad because you instantly made Atheism look bad after thousands of years of being held in high regard.

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D-cubed wrote:Sorry Sapient

D-cubed wrote:

Sorry Sapient but the guy is right.  Before you guys put up that ad Atheists were held in high regard.  Candidates for public office were often queried about their beliefs and those who were Atheist had a great chance of being elected.  Madalyn Murry O'Hair was so beloved they were about to put her image on the quarter.  A statue of Col. Robert Ingersoll was going to be displayed at the Rose Garden on the White House lawn.  Heck, before your ad I could go into any bar, mention I'm an Atheist and instantly have numerous hot women wanting to have sex with me.

Yeah, you guys blew it with that ad because you instantly made Atheism look bad after thousands of years of being held in high regard.

Sapient does make atheism look bad and for that he gives me justification to keep BBQing kittens which I had no intent of giving up in the first place. What good atheist would ever give up that?

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D-cubed wrote:Sorry Sapient

D-cubed wrote:

Sorry Sapient but the guy is right.  Before you guys put up that ad Atheists were held in high regard.  Candidates for public office were often queried about their beliefs and those who were Atheist had a great chance of being elected.  Madalyn Murry O'Hair was so beloved they were about to put her image on the quarter.  A statue of Col. Robert Ingersoll was going to be displayed at the Rose Garden on the White House lawn.  Heck, before your ad I could go into any bar, mention I'm an Atheist and instantly have numerous hot women wanting to have sex with me.

Yeah, you guys blew it with that ad because you instantly made Atheism look bad after thousands of years of being held in high regard.


You forgot about how the American public has been holding rallies and protests around the clock, nationwide, in an effort to get an atheist on the surrea...  err...   I mean, Supreme Court.

I'm sure all that support will be washed away like the sins that they are.

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Religious people flaunt the

Religious people flaunt the image of a dead half naked jewish guy on a cross around.

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kenderoth wrote:Religious

kenderoth wrote:
Religious people flaunt the image of a dead half naked jewish guy on a cross around.
"Saviour on a stick!"


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Haven't you guys yet learned

Haven't you guys yet learned that it's only ok for the opposition to use dirty tricks and common advertising gimmicks? Didn't you know that we must be restricted to cave walls and grunts? Shame on you.

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