Proof that Heaven Cannot Exist

I was thinking about this on the bus on the way to work today...
Evolution is a proven fact ( current view of the Protistant Church and progressive christians)
If heaven exists, it is a place of eternal bliss
Intelligence is not a factor in whether beings can enter heaven or not (brain-damaged people have the same rights as the rest)
If God exists, he is omniscient.
All people go to Heaven or Hell after they die.
Proof by Contradiction that Heaven Cannot exist:
Supposition: If humans can go to heaven or Hell, so can lesser life forms
Evolution has produced humans over millions of years from simple life forms gradually evolving into the beings we are today.
Therefore there was a time in the past where human-like beings were roaming the earth. These beings must also have gone to either heaven or Hell when they died, as evolution is a gradual process and otherwise it would have to imply that Heaven or Hell has only recently popped into existance to fulfil the need to allow only modern humans in. This argument is too clunky and cannot be maintained if one has belief in an omniscient being.
Therefore animals on earth with the same brain capacity as our precursors (dolphins, border collies) have the same capacity for thought and are therefore allowed into heaven or Hell.
Therefore lesser animals are allowed into heaven or Hell
Therefore All animals including microbes are allowed into heaven or Hell.
Supposition: Hell cannot exist
Proof: Microbes go to heaven or Hell, but are not capable of evil, so all microbes must go to Heaven
Therefore all animals incapable of Evil must go to Heaven
Therefore only Modern Humans can go to Hell. But from our previous assertion that it is invalid on evolutionary grounds that Heaven or hell popped into existance merely for modern humans, this would mean that nothing went to hell until a specific point in the past when modern humans first emerged. Again, this argument is invalid for an omniscient deity, so Hell cannot exist.
therefore bad people must go to Heaven when they die.
Therefore Heaven cannot be eternal Bliss
Therefore it is not Heaven
Therefore Heaven does not exist.
If you don't believe in Evolution then this argument will obviously hold no sway, but you have other battles to overcome before this.
Thoughts? Comments?
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It's much faster to simply point out that mental processes and consciousness, in other words the "identity" of the individual supposedly going to heaven, are intextricably bound up with the physical organic processes constituting his physical body. It is not meaningful to state that this individual's identity somehow survives beyond the destruction of these objects. It wouldn't, for example, make sense to refer to you as an individual without your memories and your experiental basis, insofar as those determine your identity. But memory formation is a physical process and is destroyed with physical death. Likewise, for you to meaningfully have a conscious experience of heaven, you must have an experiental basis, such as sensory data. That, of course, is destroyed at death. It is impossible to argue that some sort of inscrutable mental "stuff" somehow survives with your personal identity intact and carries this inscrutable personal identity to a "place" which you will "experience" after you die. It isn't even possible to articulate the notion without stealing directly from material concepts.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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However, the church persists in the idea of a trancendental soul, which is impossible to disprove. Therefore the argument must be laid out on a philosophical basis, as otherwise theists will revert to this. My argument does not rely on this "soul" not existing, only that there's nowhere for it to go in formal religion's doctrine.
But you're missing an important point. It is possible to disprove the notion that our conscious identity surivives death. Strictly speaking, the notion isn't even coherent.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Thoughts? Sorry, we must die, to never be what we are this moment again, hey, but that makes this moment special .... so now what shall we each do in this moment?
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It's only possible within the constructs of our scientific universe. It is impossible to prove that another ethereal realm as a superset of ours does not exist - people living on a flat world in 2D would be able to discover a coherant set of physical laws about their world but be unable to conceive or access their 3D surroundings. I'm not saying this realm does exist, but as a philosophical point it's difficult to disprove.
So Theologans can justify their belief in an immortal soul as the transcendence from our limited universe to one higher, with adjusted physical laws.
However, even bearing this in mind, I think my logic above hoists them by their own petard, as the belief contradicts itself, and does not rely on any sets of physical laws, except the concept of evolution as an axiom.
Good stuff
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I would LOVE to debate this with you someday DG. No supernatural or stolen concepts, just a plain positive logical argument that the majority constitution of conscious identity is not affected by death.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
Yeah I'd argue somewhat along those lines but without deffering to the vague concepts so much as you've suggested.
Your argument relies on an preferred arrow of time and I don't hold with there being one. Most here already know this. Otherwise it's a good argument applied to standard religious ideas of privileged identity and post life drama none of which I think hold any water any way.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
I am really interested in you expanding on this.
I think that you lose the fight early on, right about... here:
While you claim it's too clunky, you forget that they're also supposing an omnipotent being, fully capable of saying 'That guy there, HE'LL be the first one with a soul. Gabriel, Michael, make sure the guest room's ready. Azazel, go get ready to bone his daughters...'
It's awkward, it's arbitrary, it's needlessly complex...
fits in just fine w/the rest of religion, now don't it?
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
This is good mental masterbation, but it is just as hard to convince someone who consults tarot cards anymore than it would convince a baseball player that his lucky jockstrap that he never washes, gets him home runs in that their superstitions have nothing to do with reality.
Heaven, has existed as a concept, DESPITE WHAT CHRISTIANS/JEWS/MUSLIMS have claimed, long before. And what these cheerleaders of calamity(end times) don't seem to care about, is the necks of outsiders in order to get past the velvet ropes because daddy wants this blood bath to honor him.
But their utopia is hardly original and the "Chosen people" motif is not an invention of monotheism or even polytheism. It is a mundane invention of the species who crapped their animal skins (underwear) and crossed their fingers when they heard thunder.
"Maybe if I sacrifice this cow, the volcano won't explode"
"Maybe if I pray to Allah I can have an orgy in heaven"
"Maybe if I pray to Ganish, I can get multiple hand jobs at the Bunny Ranch for the price of one"
And maybe if I pray to Spiderman I can get his web to trap Fran Dresher(The Nanny) so I can have my way with her.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
You so often get me laughing Brian37. You are a blast. Heck, I swear you could a write a neat little fun best seller book, about how silly god is. "SILLY SILLY GOD". It's already written here by you at RRS for the most part .... just needs assembly and some brief editing. Thanks man.
LOL RRS .... keep "dancing"
Atheism Books.
Xian response:
"Uhhh.... but Jesus died for your sins and you will go to Hell if you don't accept him. I don't understand anything else. Dur..."
One has to wonder, if God intended Evolution to exist, and the Creation was declared "Good", then does evolution happen in Heaven? Or is it suddenly not Good anymore?
Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.
Isaac Asimov
...So, you're now arguing that consciousness is not an emergent physical process created by the brain?
If so, sure, I'll debate that one. We have enough information about the cerebral cortex now for even a layperson like me to machine gun this kind of stupidity into oblivion.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I always have claimed that position, Kevin, I'm surprised you didn't already know.
Emergence is a philosophical proposition which I weakly oppose in toto based on its dependence on psychological time.
I don't have a strong objection to the concept of arising systems in the sense of a framework (and a coherent language) for some model (describing phenomenon) requiring an objective basis (however arbitrary) and well correlated propositions from it. In that context I hold emergence to be trivially true. However, I hold equally that any proposition with a time bias is ultimately flawed and I would argue against it.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
Yeah , WTF is time ? I am so confused , just glad I can laugh about it .....
Incidentally this has only a little to do with my original post to DG. I would contend several other points regarding consciousness outside the subject of emergence.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
Shit, if I only could understand TIME ??? Damit , stupid lost me
That much I know
Most cetianly .... dumb ass me
Atheism Books.
Time is a phenomenon that manifests in multiple non-uniform and dynamic ways. Contrary to the intuitive notion of it which we gain from our psychological experience it really doesn't exist as a fundamental flow governing the succession of events in a universe - that is thermodynamic law.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
LOL. I AM still confused. WTF are we time creatures ?
I will just say , ONE , all is connected .... But time always completely stumps me .... Geezz , nothing I have read even begins to really explain time for me ..... I don't know where to even start or how to form a usable meaningful basic "time" concept. I have called time the "mystery glue" of existence, but that's just me being cute with words. Lost in space and time ....
It's little wonder why people can and do invent religion dogma, and people believe such obvious B.S.
Funny thing is, I have this feeling that the basic time answer is way simple. What a teaser .... damn!
Atheism Books.
But there is the added problem of what constitutes a 'modern human'. There is evidence that for a considerable period Homo Sapiens co-existed with Neanderthal Man and that our lot interbred with the Neanderthals. Thus, many on Earth today must be of Neanderthal stock...George Bush would be a case in point.
The big question is whether humans from such an impure stock are eligible for heaven, or is heaven confined to the thoroughbreds descended directly from Adam and Eve.
It's a worry!
"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition". - Isaac Asimov
Let's not play word games (you said you wouldn't): what you're describing is the creation of emergent processes. You're starting to sound like the creationist opposing evolutionary theory:
'Oh, sure, there's micro-evolution. But macro-evolution? Come on...'
If you can walk five feet, as the old saying goes, you can walk five miles. Emergent processes have been clearly demonstrated in nature (bird flocks, fish schools, etc), and are actively being used in software engineering today. That's right - the study of emergent phenomena is yielding practical results (Hell, Spore - a soon-to-be-released PC game I've been nutty over for quite a while - was built using entirely emergent processes).
Emergence is a fact, and a rather solid one.
I don't personally know enough about neuroscience to lay down the facts for you (perhaps DG will oblige?), but we can intuitively infer easily enough that human consciousness is a physical process by looking at some rather simple pieces of evidence. We know that physical chemical reactions drastically effect consciousness, we know that physical brain injuries and abnormalities effect consciousness, we know that a variety of physical stimuli (most notably violent stimuli) effect consciousness (and can take it out of commission for periods of time, at the least), we know that the brain's physical impulses are different depending on a person's state of consciousness, we know that consciousness is altered depending on the state of one's physical sensory throughout their lives...
We'll now note what's consistent about all of these observations: the fact that physical processes are always involved.
Sure, I guess that doesn't absolutely rule-out the possibility of a 'ghost in the machine', but such a possibility is dismissible as nonsense anyway as it has no evidence to support it.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
That ought to be expected seeing as though I was referring to precisely those and as I have said, I don't posit a strong objection, I consider emergence trivially true.
er? there's something really wrong with that analogy, Kevin, and it looks like you're trying to straw-man my argument. I've already said I hold individuation is true, at any level, so it's a bit below the belt, I should say, for you to in any way associate my argument with something so lame.
However, from what I know of you I doubt you were attempting to strike low, and I think I can see where you're coming from. If I am reading you correctly then I can only repeat that I hold emergence as true, superficially. If you plot the evolutionary causal chain on a line f(t)=y where y is complexity and t is time and run t0<abiogenesis --> t¥>present; the line has a positive gradient. No contest. But if t does not refer to accurately the real world then it's not something one should consider fact, it's only trivially true - ie it's just reaffirming the rules you used from the start.
I think we need to clarify this issue, you seem to have missed my point. There is no ghost in the machine that I'm arguing, there is only a definition of the machine that does not bias the arrow of time. These are very different things.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Na Catholics believe god gave human ancestors soul in a point in history end of story.
Nice try however you need to learn to live in “super fantasy made up land” and get prepared for them to make something up or ignore your reasoning.
Simply they can say that god did really pop heaven in existence 6 days ago (some will really propose this) .
A better question is how to define humans or how to detect a soul ? Then you get them confused , and they will also argue agents evolution or cosmology or gravity. You need to ask them what they believe and show how their believes will contradict other of their believes.
PS: Try to play devils advocate with yourself to purify your arguments. Don’t assume stuff like “the earth is round” , “evolution is real” , “mental processes = soul ” you get them mad and they don’t listen (I actually got a theist that tried to convert me in real life to spin around and realy have problems to answer my questions and his only answers “Well it seams that you like intelligence and stuff ” ) .
Warning I’m not a native English speaker. DDR and game sound track download
Oblivion is the black hole that gobbles up myth. Once believed becomes quaint history, much like modern monotheists view the once taken seriously polytheism of the past.
What modern believers fail to consider is what their religion will look like in 1,000 years. If it is still alive, it will be quite different, or it may die, just like the Egyptians once falsely believed that the sun was a thinking entity.
Humans think they do things differently and the only truth to that is that they claim to do things differently to avoid admitting that they don't do anything different. People believed lies to be fact in the past and people still do today.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Well, it is by no means as cut 'n dried as that as per the following:
for National Geographic News
October 30, 2006"Trace your family tree all the way back to Stone Age Europe, and you may find Neandertals among your ancestors.
A new study suggests that modern humans and Neandertals (often spelled Neanderthals) interbred fairly regularly and even mingled physical features as Homo sapiens spread across Europe some 35,000 years ago......
Some scientists argue that Neandertals were slaughtered or out-competed by ancestors of modern humans once they reached Europe after first emerging in Africa. But the new research, reported today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, supports the idea of a more intimate relationship, with Neandertals becoming absorbed into the human race through interbreeding".
So, the question is for those who believe in the existence of souls, at what point did god insert souls into the human race...or did 'souls' evolve too? And, at what point did god decide that Neanderthal/Homo-Sapiens were to subject to the rewards and punishments of heaven or hell?
This and more needs to be answered!
"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition". - Isaac Asimov
Dear furture Indefinite, The article "suggests" based on one set of bones found in one cave in Romania, Gene researchers still disagree, and are still studying/searching for real DNA/RNA evidence. Such is the world of science that the current opinion is NO, but they are still looking.
I stand by my post of no evidence of interbreading, untill some scientist can convince me otherwise. It will take more then one "suggestion" of one set of bones. Compare Shaq O'Neil's bones to MaryLou Retten's bones and believe they ARE the same species. Your eyes and commen sense say NO, but DNA/RNA say YES.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I would inlcude "the Great Chain of Being" in the axioms. The modern theory of evolution, which explains the observation of evolution, refutes the teleological notion that evolution has an end purpose and that man is this evolutionary end-game. The axiom would play nicely into your suppositions about "lesser beings".
Subvert the Dominant Paradigm
There is quite a difference between your first statement, i.e. “NO evidence that our Cro-Magnon ancestors interbred with their Neanderthal neighbors; NONE” ………..and your follow-up statement, i.e. “The article "suggests" based on one set of bones found in one cave in Romania…I stand by my post of no evidence of interbreeding, until some scientist can convince me otherwise”.
In short, THERE IS SOME EVIDENCE according to the National Geographic article and more than you acknowledge in your dismissive tone. And I wonder why it is so important for you to disregard the possibility of our relationship to Neanderthal Man. Are you a Christian wedded to the idea of human uniqueness?
The Geographic article makes clear that “The skull characteristic noted in the study is related to braincase development… and is found in around half of humans known from the same time period. You then find it in decreasing frequencies as you go towards modern Europeans. The research team went on to say:
“The only way I can explain the anatomy of these fossils and the fossils from a number of other sites across Europe is that there was a fair amount of interbreeding,". Studies of the remains of other ancient Europeans, including the 24,500-year-old skeleton of a child found in Portugal, likewise suggest Neanderthals contributed to modern human makeup”.
The research is ongoing and given that there is some evidence to link Neanderthal man to Homo-Sapiens it would be best in my view to maintain an open mind until conclusive evidence is available.
"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition". - Isaac Asimov