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I will start out polite

Here i am trying to have a logical free minded debate and someone goes and deletes my post because i wont adhere to their black and white views. I mentioned i was an agnostic, you do realize i could always be convinced to not beleive in a higherpower if someone presented the case well enough but if this is your recruiting technique tsk tsk tsk.

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scratch that, pasting theist

scratch that, pasting theist on my name just pissed me off, you know what rook your nothing but a fanatical zealot just as bad as any bible thumper from the deep south. Do yourself a favor and read a book on "hypocrisy"

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Right...because I understand

Right...because I understand definitions and you think that because I communicate using the English language that makes me a zealot?  What am I zealous about?  You're an ignorant fool if you really believe that.

Your post was not deleted by the way, it was moved to Atheist vs. Theist.  Stop acting like a whining fool and think.

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Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:

scratch that, pasting theist on my name just pissed me off, you know what rook your nothing but a fanatical zealot just as bad as any bible thumper from the deep south. Do yourself a favor and read a book on "hypocrisy"

Troll much yes? No read other posts good no? Pouty little kid yes?

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Quote:Here i am trying to

Here i am trying to have a logical free minded debate

Then you were wise to try and take a position of "agnostic" even if it weren't true and even if you didn't understand that particular position in the first place.  Starting from the position of "theist" will likely bind you to a particular dogma & then you don't have an icecube's chance in hell (ahh ha ha "agnostic humor"!) of appearing "open" or "free" minded, much less "logical".  So, by all means present yourself as undecided.....A lie isn't so bad if it's for a good cause, right ?  So carry on w/ your clever self.  You're only the 4,378,543rd person to both attempt this clever little ruse and then also to actually think they were the first to try this.

you do realize i could always be convinced to not beleive in a higherpower if someone presented the case well enough

Agnostic huh ?  

Here's my case:  You're a liar... To others, yes.. but first and foremost to yourself.  For most theists, dishonesty becomes a necessary part of life..alot like oxygen.  Until you tire of this, you'll never be convinced of anything you don't wish to.  What a waste of time to try and change the mind of persons unable or unwilling to be honest w/ themselves.

While you're studying positions of belief/knowledge, don't forget to study a little something called "burden of proof".  You're having just as much trouble w/ that !  



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I love how people always

I love how people always jump to conclusions. Anyone who's spent any time at all at a forum of mediocre or better quality(which this site surpasses) would first assume their post was moved if it vanished from the location it was posted in. Only after a search failed to turn it up would a forumite be justified in assuming it was deleted out of hand.


As a note to the originator of this topic, I wanted to point out that your topic title is hardly conductive to a polite and logical discussion. Your words suggest that you believe you have no reason to be polite, and expect to not be polite shortly after your first post with a title like that. Ruffling feathers before your topic can even be read is no way to be logical and rational.

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So you come on here

So you come on here blustering about, clearly  trying to rile people up, then get angry when it works??  If you get angry that easily you really have no business reading this board.  Yes most people here use the terms atheist and theist sloppily but you got to learn to enjoy the nuances.

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WillieBop wrote:So you come

WillieBop wrote:

So you come on here blustering about, clearly  trying to rile people up, then get angry when it works??  If you get angry that easily you really have no business reading this board.  Yes most people here use the terms atheist and theist sloppily but you got to learn to enjoy the nuances.

What's so sloppy about proper labeling?

He's an agnostic who believes in a higher power outside nature. Sounds like an agnostic theist to me.

Granted, I take agnostic theists as more honest than the ones who claim they know their version of God.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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WillieBop wrote:So you come

WillieBop wrote:

So you come on here blustering about, clearly  trying to rile people up, then get angry when it works??  If you get angry that easily you really have no business reading this board.  Yes most people here use the terms atheist and theist sloppily but you got to learn to enjoy the nuances.

Sloppily?  I thought the definitions we quite simple.  Theism: belief in god(s).  Atheism: lack of belief in god(s).  Which part of that is sloppy?  Who, specifically, uses the terms sloppily.  Can you point me to quotes of this sloppiness?

I can point out to you a person who has very recently used a few terms sloppily, though more accurately they've been used incorrectly.

Atheismseriousbusiness wrote:
Personally I thought agnosticism meant. (you didnt know one way or the other.)
This is a patently incorrect belief about what agnosticism means.  Agnosticism is no more and no less than a position on the ability to have or to gain knowledge of something.

Atheismseriousbusiness wrote:
...a "theist" to be someone who beleive in "theology"...
This is also patently incorrect.  A theist is no more and no less than someone who believes in god(s).

Examples like that would suffice.

Atheismseriousbusiness wrote:
Here i am trying to have a logical free minded debate and someone goes and deletes my post because i wont adhere to their black and white views. I mentioned i was an agnostic, you do realize i could always be convinced to not beleive in a higherpower if someone presented the case well enough but if this is your recruiting technique tsk tsk tsk.
So, can you say that you believe in god(s)?  If you cannot say this then you are De Facto atheist.  It's that simple.  Atheism is no more and no less than not believing in god(s).  It really is that polar; it is that black and white.  This is not a bad thing, it is merely the reality of god-belief.  You either do or you don't.  You can be one or the other while contemplating whether you should be one or the other, but it is quite impossible to be neither theist nor atheist and it is similarly impossible to be both simultaneously.

So, you are agnostic?  You must not appreciate what 'agnostic' means.  It must be qualified by belief.  Agnosticism is not a position on belief.  It is a position on knowledge.  It is quite possible to be an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist.  There are also gnostic theists and gnostic atheists.  Hopefully you are now beginning to see the picture.  Obviously no meaningful conversations can continue until you understand all the terms you use and identify yourself as either someone who believes in god or someone who does not.  I'll remind you that in the absence of belief there is only non-belief and that it is not closed minded, only reality.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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On this site atheist is

On this site atheist is often used to mean a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the denial of the existence of god or gods.

Theism is often used to mean christian or someone who isn't a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the acceptence of the existence of god or gods.  A person can believe in ghosts and be an atheist. There are sects of budhism that are atheistic, they belive in the supernatural but not in the existence of any gods.

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Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:

scratch that, pasting theist on my name just pissed me off, you know what rook your nothing but a fanatical zealot just as bad as any bible thumper from the deep south. Do yourself a favor and read a book on "hypocrisy"

So are you a deist? If you subscribe to that philosophy then yes you are a THEIST. If you believe in some form of sky daddy then could you define exactly what you believe in and why any of us should accept your truth.

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WillieBop wrote:On this site

WillieBop wrote:

On this site atheist is often used to mean a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the denial of the existence of god or gods.

Theism is often used to mean christian or someone who isn't a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the acceptence of the existence of god or gods.  A person can believe in ghosts and be an atheist. There are sects of budhism that are atheistic, they belive in the supernatural but not in the existence of any gods.

And the guy you're defending accepts the existence of a god - he just calls it a "higher power".

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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jcgadfly wrote:WillieBop

jcgadfly wrote:

WillieBop wrote:

On this site atheist is often used to mean a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the denial of the existence of god or gods.

Theism is often used to mean christian or someone who isn't a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the acceptence of the existence of god or gods.  A person can believe in ghosts and be an atheist. There are sects of budhism that are atheistic, they belive in the supernatural but not in the existence of any gods.

And the guy you're defending accepts the existence of a god - he just calls it a "higher power".

Defending???  uh.. I was attacking him... <shakes head confused>

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WillieBop wrote:On this site

WillieBop wrote:

On this site atheist is often used to mean a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the denial of the existence of god or gods.

Theism is often used to mean christian or someone who isn't a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the acceptence of the existence of god or gods.  A person can believe in ghosts and be an atheist. There are sects of budhism that are atheistic, they belive in the supernatural but not in the existence of any gods.

I believe there are.  I've seen these people, but none of them have been atheist.  If you mean that it is some of the most frequent posters, you'll have to provide me with evidence of that.  I do not dispute that either atheism or theism entail anything other than disbelief or belief in god(s) respectively, though they do often carry 'baggage'.  A majority of the theists who visit the site are christian, so it should be understandable if theist is thrown around a lot when referring to christians; christians are merely a subset of theists and the distinction is only important when discerning them from other subsets of theists, which I've noticed is regularly done.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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WillieBop wrote:jcgadfly

WillieBop wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

WillieBop wrote:

On this site atheist is often used to mean a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the denial of the existence of god or gods.

Theism is often used to mean christian or someone who isn't a naturalistic materialist.  It's not, it's the acceptence of the existence of god or gods.  A person can believe in ghosts and be an atheist. There are sects of budhism that are atheistic, they belive in the supernatural but not in the existence of any gods.

And the guy you're defending accepts the existence of a god - he just calls it a "higher power".

Defending???  uh.. I was attacking him... <shakes head confused>

For the first part, you were attacking. Then you accused the people here of misapplying the theist tag to a theist. That was the part I got onto.

Sorry for the confusion.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Acutally, I see where I

Acutally, I see where I was  being unclear. I didn't mean the terms were mis-used in this case.  This guy came just to troll, claiming to be agnostic when clearly he' not. If he is  a diest that's still a theist so what is he whining about

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WillieBop wrote:Acutally, I

WillieBop wrote:

Acutally, I see where I was  being unclear. I didn't mean the terms were mis-used in this case.  This guy came just to troll, claiming to be agnostic when clearly he' not. If he is  a diest that's still a theist so what is he whining about


No, claiming he/she isn't a theist when clearly he/she is. An agnostic theist.

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