Just got back recently from another fantastic Catholic experience. Feel bad
that you all are missing out on such awesome blessings available to you in
this life. Plus, if not for the grace of God, I could be in your shoes. Therefore,
in kindness and gratefulness, I would like to share this story of love from
a priest who spoke at our conference:
Its a short one...only 4 minutes, but well worth it.
For more sermons from this priest, go to:
and sign up! You can listen to his homily/sermon each week. Great wisdom
that will help you on this journey.
Blessings to you all
(male by the way)
PS-For those that were bashing priests for sex abuse scandals, my rational
response is that you will find sinners in all walks of life, even the priesthood
sorry to say.
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Do you just enjoy injecting random meaningless non sequiturs into the thread?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Yeah, I want to be that blessed. Then I can show up on toast and trees after I die. What power!
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
I wonder whether sierra is just a really really clever piss take. I hope so. That would be neat. I would be in awe of such genius.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
If he wasn't, he is now. And he'll be the better man for it.
Real salvation comes in much more interesting ways than that offered by myth-peddlers.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Pray....with you ? Are you kidding me ? Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
I wonder if this sensational asshole even realizes that the "Hail Mary" is in direct violation of the first commandment.
Hey, Sierra...Why are you praying to Mary? the words "I Am The Lord Thy God, Thou Shalt Not Put Strange Gods Before Me" mean anything to you?
I hope you walk in on the girl you love sucking the cock of someone who owes you money.
... .... that story buddha jesus would not approve sierra. To you he would say "get behind me satan" as he did to peter .... I recommend you also do your "40 days" alone, confronting your personal demons, and take the bible with you, to read all by yourself.
Good luck to you. Thanks for revealing the error of your idiol worship.
Atheism Books.
Are you calling Jesus a fruit? The politically correct term is gay.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
So in order to step outside the box, I have to dive headlong into yours?
No thanks, Christ and his followers messed with me enough through continual assaults on my self-esteem.
When I stopped caring about God and what he thought about me, the boost to my life was immediate.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
I have studied the Catholic faith. I've listened to Fr. Carapi. I've sat for hours listening to EWTN. I've heard about every lecture Scott Hahn and the other popular Catholic apologists put out. The subscription to Envoy magazine? Check. Read the Catechism? Check. Prayed the Rosary in front of abortion clinics? Check. Read Pope John Paul II's encyclicals? Check. Made novenas constantly? Check. Passed out "Miraculous Medals" in college? Check. Daily Mass? Check. Wore the brown scapular? Check. Joined the Knights of Columbus? Check. Made a point to kneel, face down, in front of the tabernacle when coming and going from Mass? Check. Eucharistic adoration? Check.
I could go on for days. I thought I had found the truth. It all fell apart in the end when I realized the extent to which I was engaging in all sorts of mental blocks and logical fallacies. It ended when I realized that my own beliefs were as flimsy as those of the other religions I debated. I finally looked at the Bible with open eyes, and I couldn't reconcile the wicked blood god in those pages with the supposedly pro-life love god I was teaching my kids to love.
I would say one day you will get it, too, but personal experience leads me to doubt that you will ever will. I can't even begin to describe how peaceful and content I've felt since leaving the Church. My marriage is better. My relationship with my kids is better. I am happier, and I have finally realized that if I don't go out and create the life I want, it won't happen.
So, frankly, I just feel sad for you.
All that is necessary for the triumph of good is that evil men do nothing.
does sierra write in fuckin' blank verse?