Im not a theist but srsly guys wtf?
Im not probably what would consider a "theist" i mean i dont adhere to any one religion really, I think its all a bunch of shit with people trying to explain a universe they cant possibly understand. BUT dont you think trying to get "theism" turned into a mental disorder is kinda wrong? I mean theism is a choice, yeah people take it to far, but who the hell are you to try and tell people what they "can and cant beleive?" im probably going to get flamed for this post, but you will just be proving that your as fanatical and dogmatic as any christian fundy. In case you havent noticed alot of countries throughout history have tried to outlaw or erase religious diversity and its never turned out well for both the country and its government. (Germany, China, etc) If somehow you guys succeeded and got theism to be classified as a mental disorder it would be the first step towards a totalitarian state. Pretty soon everyone with an oppinion that didnt adhere to the status quo would be considered to have a "mental disorder." now you can try and change peoples oppinions about religion but actively trying to make a campaign to totally eradicate it seems a tad fanatical? How would you feel if christians suddenly had the ability to go on a crusade against atheism because of some half baked technicality? well thats essentially what some of you idiots are trying to do. You can say "Yeah but where right!" but honestly thats just an oppinion. Im not saying theres a big bearded benevolent old guy up in the sky controlling everything behind the scenes like the wizard of Oz but that doesnt mean there isnt some symetry in the universe, people are just animals with who can only comprehend so much, do you honestly think you can prove that there is no "higher power" simply because of science? Yeah it disproves religious dogma's but then again i dont think afew stories written afew thousand years ago could really comprehend the nature of a higher power... now you can OMG DELETE THE FUCKING THEIST! but wouldnt that be the cowards way out, prove me wrong?
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Well personally I am going to have to disagree about the going wrong for the country and government part....look at a China, definately not going wrong for the country or government they are prosperous....with some human rights issues, but seriously what country doesn't have a few human rights peoples these days, and theism isn't always a choice, to many they are born into a religious family which they are brought up to be religious , it's no longer a choice at that point. It's not like chrisitan parents or mulsim parents don't force their religious views on little Johnny or Mohammad. It's is forced on them at a very young age.
Now why should we allow religious ideas to prosper? I mean sure everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they wants, however it does not mean A) that it should prosper amoungst other people, B) that it is good for a society C) that it is good for the individual. Especially when those people with delusions of a invisible deity that knows everything they do, knows their private thoughts and will punish them for not following the rules of an ancient ignorant society (of today's standards) are trying to make others follow those rules and that those rules should be enforced by the state. Now that is what I fight against, and that the belief that one should respect someone else's belief, well sorry no I do not have to respect those beliefs, especially if those beliefs are founded on nothing more than feelings, delusions or personal fears of death. There is absolutely no evidence that there is a god of any sorts, as such there is no reason to follow those rules in the holy texts of various religions around the world. So why should I back down for this stance that religion is bad and belief in an invisible no provable deity is wrong? Oh and you haven't bothered to check this site, I have never seen anyone say OMG DELETE THE FUCKING's kinda goes against the idea of this site.
Now actually the first thing i saw when i got on this forum was. "NO THEISTS ALLOWED TO POST HERE, THEIST POSTS WILL BE DESTROYED." so you can forgive me if i was expecting a flame war. However in response to your post. Yes china may be prosperous but human rights issues kind of make that point moot. If someone tried to stop me from doing something i wanted to do, (not counting criminal or hurtful activities) i would be really pissed. Your right you dont have to respect peoples oppinion, but then why should they respect yours? With that logic we might as well all duke it out.
I was raised catholic, I was chanting rosaries till the cow's come home afraid that if i didnt demons were going to come and take my soul apart, eventually i grew out of it and realized that if there is a God he is not going to send you to hell over something so stupid. Now notice i said "if" i consider myself agnostic more or less, but i lean towards a beleif in some sort of higher power. It seems to me people arent so mad at the beleif in god as much as the way people act when they beleive in one.
Maybe religion is not good for society. (i aknowledge that their have been countless fuck ups in the name of religion but that was really primitive idiots looking for an excuse to rape pillage and burn.) But by your logic. "if one beleif is allowed to take precedence over the other." (not your exact words, but more or less what you meant i beleive.) than what about atheism? not every person in a religion is as delusional as you would think, yeah they beleive in some omnipotent omnicient higher power, however that doesnt mean there going to get all militant and start shooting the infidels. (Not counting islam.) Now your getting mad at people for people beleiving something that isnt true, but why dont you just attack every oppinion that isnt "true" for that matter? in that case why dont you send people to an insane asylum for thinking that they make a difference in the world? while your at it why dont you lock up the people who think the south will rise again? see my point?
My biggest problem with religion is it trying to infiltrate our schools. There's zero value in having some sort of religious backed classes (i.e., science classes) in public schools. You want to teach it in a private religious school, have at it. Publicly funded schools, no way. There's plenty of time in college to learn about religion if the student wants to (and pay for), but, for it to be shoved down kids throats that don't have a choice, that's wrong and only serves to dumb this nation down even further.
I agree with you there, i dont think people should teach religion in a publically funded institution. But that wasnt the reason i posted, im posting because people on here are actively trying to take away peoples right to choose what they want to beleive in. I also agree with chuck, i dont have to respect anyones oppinions, but that doesnt give me the right to take them away from someone by force. (unless it does, but that would be you saying it not me, and then we would have a nice little world war on our hands.) Alot of the problems in religion stem from "literal interpretation." of the scriptures, i beleive that the bible is pretty farfetched but its an allegory, some people dont, it might seem delusional but then again alot of good comes from religion. (Charity, self worth etc.) even if alot of bad things happen because of it. (Crusades, holocaust, Dubya.) i beleive in evolution, that doesnt make me an atheist though, I think there is a higher power but i dont think the earth is 6000 years old. Am i delusional then?
Now your just misquoting me, I never said that one belief is allow to take precedence, however a rational and logical response (I never said atheism is this, there are plenty of atheists that are non rational or logical, it just means no belief in a deity of any kind) should take precedence over religious ideology. Chrisitans have had a bad history of persecuting people in the past, just like muslims have as well. Even christians today (Rwanda is a perfect example) have been known to rise and kill or persecute non believers or those they consider infidels. I never said that we should put people in asylums either. however religions can be treated as a mental illness and the proper steps can be taken to help those people, but even today not every single person with mental illness is locked up, if that was the case, anyone with depression would be locked up.
Currently there are great fuck ups as well, as in the education field, specifically in sex ed in which religious idiots want abstience only teaching, even though it shows not to work and actually be worse in the long run, with higher cases of STD's and teenage pregnancies (look at states teaching abstience only vs those teaching proper sex ed, which does include abstience as a choice). Then there is the medical field, where a vaccine to prevent the most common strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer is refused and fought by parents because they fear it is going to make their kids sexually active. Or in the field of stem cell research where religious morons try to stop that as well. Then there is the case of in B.C. in the fraser valley that the religious idiots refused vaccinations because it's against their religious views and we get the first mass case of the mumps in Canada in a very long be exact 116 people from the same area, now we have to spend unnecessary money in treating these people because they refused a cheap and simple vaccination. Yes it is a mental illness in the long wrong, and should be treated as such, doesn't mean they should be locked up.
1. Who's "trying to take away people's right to choose what they believe in?"
2. There are many different religious books, not just "the scriptures." Bad things happen because of a literal interpretation and a figurative one; and good things do, too. The trouble is those things are, in a sense, coincidental, because the texts are a factual and logical void. It's nice that some people might be encouraged toward charity or community by their religious indoctrination, but that can come at costs incurred later, like a senseless disapproval of homosexuality or embryonic stem cell research; and one is forced to pit their reason against scriptural interpretation, since it was only ever based on the philosophical equivalent of "Because I said so."
Perhaps you should spend more time reading the announcement stickied at the top of this forum. Theists can post anywhere else on these forums - just not on this board. Most of us atheists are tired of dealing with religious people all day. These forums are for atheists and freethinkers - not for theists. This is a community of atheists, the theists have their own "theist-only" forums and ban atheists on sight. The fact that we are goodly enough to allow theists (even trolling ones) to have a voice here is a testament to our level of tolerance. But even we need to have a part of the board just for us freethinkers. That is why this community exists - as an outlit for those who live in a country dominated by ignorant sky-daddy-believing theists who want to control their lives and take away their (our) rights.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
yeah religion is full of fuck ups, im first to admit it, however all the things you have brought up. Such as people refusing vaccinations due to religious beleif. However there is a difference between "theism" and "religious fanatacism." yes alot of things are hampered by religion such as stem cell research. I already said i dont approve of religion in government, that leads to problems inevitably. ANd if such happened i would be willing to state my negative oppinion openly. But not everything you bring up against religious people doesnt make them crazy (With the exception of religious fanaticism.) as mentioned earlier. Rationality and logic IS the way of the future, and maybe crazy fanatics should be locked up, but to say that if someone beleives in Allah, Jesus, Yaweh, Buddah, Cthuulu, w/e they automatically have a mental illness seems a bit broad, general, and stereotypical. If this is all about keeping religion out of government you should focus on that, instead of adopting the view that people involved in religious beleif are automatically in the throes of mental illness, and that religion itself should be eradicated. Now you did NOT say that in those words, however what would you expect to happen if by some miracle (pardon my choice of words.) you managed to get your way that is exactly what would happen. And that to me sounds a wee bit like a totalitarian state. Religion is pretty fucking far from blameless but i think it is a necessary evil compared to the alternative. We cant allow spiritual oppinions to shape the government, but we cant allow such restrictions on personal choice. If someone wants to die because there afraid they'll go to hell if they take medicine, thats their fucking choice, besides we all die, if there is no God, theres nothing to work for, you will just die anyway, so you might as well let them do what they want, and get their idiocy out of the genepool.
in response too rook, lol if your implying im a troll cause of my name well i cant blame you, but if i was trolling you, you would know it. in case you havent noticed i have not shoved religion down your throat with my posts, nor said anything really that offensive. I just want to debate, im not a religious fanatic, nor am i bible thumper however i guess my problem is more political than spiritual with this idea you seem to have. i am willing to listen, and counterpoint as best as i can, I am not saying you are all wrong, and atheism is wrong, im not trying to troll you. Well maybe a little if you count debate as trolling.
Your still putting words in my mouth. first off, thesim and religion practically go hand in hand...unless you don't believe in a deity, however christians, muslims, jews, buddhists, hindus, and all other religions that believe in a deity(s) are under the theist umbrella, as theisms means belief in a supernatural or divine being.
Now I never said lets automatically label anyone that believes as mentally ill, that's like saying anyone that is sad is autmatically depressed. Sorry that is not what I said at all, I said when logic and rationality are thrown out the window in favor of dogmatic belief...then you have a problem, especially when it comes to the care of others or forcing those beliefs towards others, such as but not limited to children, those in your circle of friends or those society at large. As well just letting them be, doesn't get them out of the genepool, incase you haven't realized we have over 5000 years of religion controlling society...shit we have a whole age...the dark age which is largely responsible because of religion got complete power. So yeah sorry if I don't exactly like the idea of it taking power over society again, which if we take your approach and just let it be, can and will happen.
It certainly was not implied. What are you reading? I was just making the point of fact clear that we even allow trolling to an extent. I never indicated that you were a theist nor that you were a troll.
I thought you said you were an atheist? I'm confused now. Are you an atheist or are you a theist? You cannot be anything but one or the other.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
im an agnostic, i like to think im a free thinker, and i try to be objective.
You need to read this: Am I Agnostic or Atheist
You cannot be anything but an atheist or a theist. You either believe in god or you don't. Knowledge is a separate question all together. I did not ask you if you know a god exists, I asked you your belief pertaining to that god. If you believe in a God but do not know if a God exists, you are what is called an agnostic-theist. I am an agnostic-atheist. I lack belief in a god, but I would not say for certain whether or not one exists. There are also gnostic-atheists (those who claim to know for certain there is no God) and gnostic-theists (those who claim to know for certain there is a God). Most members on this message board would call themselves agnostic-atheists. Agnosticism is not a middle ground between theism and atheism - it is a qualifier for both. You are qualifiying what type of theist or atheist you are when you claim agnosticism.
So again, which one are you?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Atheismseriousb... , I hope you will hang out and get to know this RRS. There are lots of well received, and tolerated theists here of variety, being debated.
I need say that dogmatic idol worship is indeed a mental problem that needs healing, and appeasement (toleration) is not helpful. Understanding this common retardation so persuasively found in the religious, is "loving the enemy". Heck, even that atheistic story jesus buddha like character, called peter Satan, for wrong thinking. The moderates are also fools, wrong thinkers, and allow dangerous religious fundamentalism to be the huge menace it is world wide.
I really recommend getting to know the "RRS Authors" found a bit down in the left list. Here's caring Hambydammit relating to your Opening Post (of no paragraphs).
Religious Moderation
Begins - One of the most controversial questions among atheists involves moderate theists. Many who identify themselves as simply non-religious would prefer that us outspoken atheists leave moderates alone. After all, they will say, moderates don't hurt anybody, and most of them are really nice people. ..... ETC
Atheism Books.
you know that sort of "black and whiteness" kinda reminds me of christian fundamentalism, but anyway. If i had to PICK A SIDE i would say im a little more towards the beleif in a higher power, but its alot more complicated than that. You can say "oh well your a theist then." I dont find it that simple. Personally I thought agnosticism meant. (you didnt know one way or the other.) and i also considered a person who was a "theist" to be someone who beleive in "theology" meaning religion which you would most likely receive from religious text, which i think doesnt matter. So you could say this is a complicated response, which i know you probably will but i dont beleive its that black and white, it doesnt seem rational to me and if theres one thing i hate its when people force that sort of narrow minded outlook upon me, if you were my christian fundamentalist Uncle (essentially hes an idiot) I would give you the exact same response. So if your going to play the "Oh you sorta beleive in a higher power therefore you are a theist and have a biased oppinion card" I would tell you that I would do the exact same thing to a fundie. I may be assuming things, but i like to cover all my bases.
Are you dense? Please, let me make this simpler for you. Theism = belief in God. Atheism = lack of belief in God. You cannot be in the middle. It's like being "a little bit pregnant" - unless you want to suggest as ignorantly as you did above that you can be a "little bit pregnant" or else your a dogmatic fundamentalist...
Oh wait...maybe you're not really fully human...perhaps you're only a little bit human. Oh wait! Maybe you're not really fully man. Because being a man would be too black and white. Are you part female too? I'm trying not to be too fundamental here.
Make this easier on yourself. Think.
EDIT: On a side note, you are a theist if you believe in a god, whether you define it as a higher power or as a Christian god. Dogma need not be required for belief. You can be a New-Age spiritualist with a belief in a "higher power" with no dogma attached and you would still be a theist as a theist is a person who believes in a god or gods - by definition.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
I find this particular twisted definition of "agnostic" to be the very epitome of intellectual cowardice. Hiding behind an agnostic position in order to avoid answering a simple question. Utter claptrap.
I'm an agnostic. Given the plastic nature of the concept of "god" and given the (profoundly remote) chance that there is, indeed, some super-entity out there who might just meet the criteria for a "god", I'm forced to be agnostic about god. I can not prove such an entity exists nor can I prove that one does not.
I'm an atheist. Given that there has never one time been a need for a god hypothesis to explain anything in the universe, I see no reason what-so-ever to believe such an entity exists. I do not need any proof to come to this conclusion, any more than I need proof to not believe in faeries or ghouls.
Please note the difference between "have no belief/not believe" and "believe it does not exist".
If the OP bothered to read the essay Rook pointed out to him, he would have understood that the nature of the question "do you believe in god?" is yes-or-no/black-and-white. It's not a question about the existence of the entity, it's a question of what one believes about the existence of the entity.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
For the looks of this post you didn't go to the link Rook suggested. Agnosticism/gnosticism answer the question of Knowledge. Atheism/theism answers the question of belief.
They are not mutually exclusive terms.
Even by your definition of agnosticism there is no answer to the question of "belief" only to the question of knowledge.
So here is how I explain my position: "I don't know if a god(generic) exists (not in all cases as contradictary god I rule out), due to the fact I have no knowlegde of a gods existence it is unwarrented and illogical to go about(believe) as if one does."
Another way to put it. How many gods do you beleive in?
if gods_believed is greater than zero you are a theist otherwise you are an atheist.
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
I apologize for not making myself more clear. I read what you wrote and was bascially saying that is my particular beef with religion.
I've never been religious and was never baptized. So, I can't really say anything about the bible other than I think it should be on the same shelf at the book store as Astrology, palm reading, numerology, big foot, etc...
I think this world would be a better place with a lot less or no religion. You can still have charity, self worth, love, friendship and have no belief in god or a reliance on religion. All the good, all the bad can be placed squarely on the shoulders of humans. Take away religion, Hitler would still be one of the most disgusting people to ever walk this earth. Humans seem to have an outstanding ability to blame other things (god, satan, the dog) for their faults and actions.
In my opinion, religion just is not needed. If people would take personal responsibility for their actions and look at things logically, a lot of lifes "mysteries" would be solved. You're broke because you don't have any money, not because god has plan for you. Your loved one died because of a sickness, accident, old age, whatever, not because god decided it was that persons 'time'.
Religion also has ZERO business in politics too. I can force my religious beliefs on others, I can also get them punished if they don't obey. That is beyond wrong, which is a good reason to fight those people every chance you get. For example: Sorry, I could care less if a man wants to marry a man or if a woman wants to marry a woman. Someone please explain to me, how in the world that affects me in any way shape or form. I'll still be getting the same paycheck, I'll still be paying the same for food, gas, clothes, entertainment, I'll still be able to listen to what music I want to listen to, I'll still be just as married to my wife as I was the day we got married, etc...absolutely ZERO affect on me. Yet, you have these religious nut jobs thinking that the world will come to a screeming halt if gays can marry. Give me a break. Gay marriage is just one example of many, where the religious dimwits want to force their beliefs on others.
So, I don't think anyone is 'really' trying to take away anyone's right to believe, but, more calling people out on their bovine scatos and to keep it to themselves and not force feed it down anyone's throats. I'm not speaking for anybody but myself, but that's the impression that I get. However, I am rather new here and if I'm wrong, I'm sure it will be pointed out to me, which I'm ok with.![Smiling Smiling](/modules/smileys/examples/001.gif)
The following remarkable inventions will almost certainly be of interest to the original poster of this thread:
1. Paragraphs
2. Capitalization
3. Syntax
In this little corner of the internet, people generally don't bother to read posts which do not possess these features, nor should they have to. If you won't even take your own writing seriously, no one else will either.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
So. Fucking. True.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
In what way are posters here trying to take away the rights of others to believe what they want to? I don't care what anybody else believes. I just don't want some whack job's god thrust down my or my families throat(s). Is god belief a mental disorder? No more than belief in unicorns or fairies.
Again who says that people can't believe what they want to? I just think you're a little too paranoid and finding conspiracies where there are none. Atheists are governed by dogmatic doctrine. Sure many of us share common interests and views but that's different as we have no established doctrine like the churches.
I think religion should go away and I'm not afraid to state that anywhere and anytime to anybody but........... that doesn't mean most here want to see religion outlawed. That's the cowardly theist way out. I'm sure most fundies would love to outlaw atheism along with gay sex, blasphemy and abortion. Christians love to get government involved in outlawing certain behaviors because it takes them and their gawd off the hook.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
No doubt the OP will brand me a bigoted fundamentalist, but I swear, it seems the worse the grammar/spelling,the more likely the writer is a theist. Usually when there's a block of incromprehensible text, it's in the letters section or from a recently joined theist.What's up with that?
And for the thousandth time, how can anyone be agnostic? You believe or you don't. It's like getting pulled over and telling the cop you're agnostic about licenses.You have a driving license or you don't. You believe or you don't.
If many of the world's religions are true, 'agnostics' are as screwed as atheists and everyone of other religions.So just call yourself atheist.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Edit: AH! So that's what this is. Can we please stop these people at the door and ask them to educate themselves first? Responding to this kind of ignorance all the time must be getting tiring for everyone.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Here you go:
I'm not probably what one would consider a "theist"; I mean, I don't adhere to any one religion really - I think it's all a bunch of shit with people trying to explain a universe they can't possibly understand.
BUT - don't you think trying to get "theism" turned into a mental disorder is kinda wrong? I mean, theism is a choice, yeah people take it too far, but who the hell are you to try and tell people what they "can and can't believe"? I'm probably going to get flamed for this post, but you will just be proving that you're as fanatical and dogmatic as any Christian fundy.
In case you haven't noticed, a lot of countries throughout history have tried to outlaw or erase religious diversity, and it's never turned out well for both the country and its government (Germany, China, &c). If somehow you guys succeeded and got theism to be classified as a mental disorder, it would be the first step towards a totalitarian state. Pretty soon everyone with an opinion that didn't adhere to the status quo would be considered to have a "mental disorder".
I know you can try and change people's opinions about religion, but actively trying to make a campaign to totally eradicate it seems, perhaps, a tad fanatical? How would you feel if Christians suddenly had the ability to go on a crusade against atheism because of some half baked technicality? Well, that's essentially what some of you idiots are trying to do. You can say "Yeah, but we're right!" but, honestly, that's just an opinion.
I'm not saying there's a big bearded benevolent old guy up in the sky controlling everything behind the scenes like the wizard of Oz, but that doesn't mean there isn't some symmetry in the universe; people are just animals who can only comprehend so much, do you honestly think you can prove there is no "higher power" simply because of science? Yeah, it disproves religious dogmas, but then again, I don't think a few stories written a few thousand years ago could really comprehend the nature of a higher power... now you can OMG DELETE THE FUCKING THEIST! but wouldn't that be the cowards way out, prove me wrong?
If this is a common kind of post, then you all must have some good answers worked out by now (in addition to those already given). To some, responding by referring to an argument about double negation, and a criticism of punctuation might suggest evasion; this is hardly a good impression.
By the by, traditionally mental health institutions have been used to cordon off whoever didn't fit the status quo - indeed, originally their purpose extended to incarcerating the poor, too. Into the 20th century, this remained the case, on the basis of scientific evidence (or so Foucault claimed).
It's difficult to deny that there is a tendency to tell people what to believe here - many claim to have some fundamental and sole insight into the nature of reality, which brooks no argument (rationalism? obviously, not of the kind favoured by Descartes et al); likewise, use the semi-pejorative term 'irrational' indiscriminately to describe all positions other than your own, to avoid listening to others.
Seriously, WTF?
Hi new poster. You need to spend some serious time here reading at RRS. Your tired questions have been answered 1000's of times. LOL and thanks for caring. Yeah WTF?
Atheism Books.
Actually, I've been mulling this over, and you're right. You don't have any religious beliefs: why the fuck should you have to suffer those of others. Sure, sometimes religion can provide a principle ethical stance, but you can respect people's character for whatever reason. There are already a million ways to fuck up the world without religion, and there's a whole bunch more with it.
No-one is ever going to try and force me to believe differently from how I believe: no-one is currently trying - why should it bother me. Neither is any atheist going to beat me up, bomb my house, or put chewing gum in my hair because of religion - only for some other reason.
Yes, I do find the insistence on terming religious belief 'irrational' by definition annoying: however, what you seem to mean is that arguments from scientific, historical, or common experience cannot convince an atheist to believe in a God, or accept it as anything but a redundant concept. Fair enough: as far as I'm aware, there aren't any. I have an irrational belief in God; this does not bother me, sorry if it bothers you, whatever.
I just thought your high horse should be a bit higher: no, actually, it's perfectly high enough, and the general tone is no more sanctimonious or sophistical than any other internet forum. So, LOL, thanks for caring.
My horse: I have no belief of anything which does not exhibit evidence of itself.
Your horse: I believe there is something that does not exhibit any evidence of existence.
My horse is definitely higher than yours.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
No one is trying to turn theism into a mental disorder. Theism, looks to me, to be perfectly adapted to get itself classified as a mental disorder. Now, I'm not talking about a clinical definition, I leave that to my more educated colleagues. I am talking about the common sense stance.
From where I'm standing, if I believe that a super wizard farted out the universe because it was bored... I might be mentally ill.
If I start to hear voices in my head telling me the difference between right and wrong... I might be mentally ill (and a danger to society).
If I believe that there is an "all powerful force that controls everything" I might be mentally ill (or a Jedi).
Call it what you want man, but crazy is crazy.
No one is making that claim. Atheism is not a stance on public policy necessarily. It is the absence of belief in god. On this particular sight most here add "and it's just idiotic to believe that there is". Which is awesome.
No one is trying to ban anything else. You're making a straw man to fight against, save your strength.
When a government tries to inflict its morality onto its populace you have a problem. A government has not business having an opinion about things like religion. When they make it their business you get big problems, or at least it is fertile ground for it. I am no mastermind when it comes to world politics but I SERIOUSLY doubt that the absence of religion is the catalyst for destruction of civil liberties.
You are pointing at one thing and calling it something else. This whole idea of universal symmetry (which is idiotic, FYI) is just another description for theism. That stance is rooted in their being some "purpose" which is propelled by "someone" or "something"... most people call that God... or The Wizard of Oz.
No. How could someone disprove something that has no definable parameters? There’s another way to say that you know? No definable parameters = does not exist.
Face it, religion has played some type of roll in damned near everything bad that has happened throughout history. Early xtians killed each other over minor disagreements in their respective camps. When they got tired of killing each other they started holy wars to kill those of other religions. The Dark Ages (which may come again here in the U.S.) was responsible for the murders of millions and it lasted some 700 years, not an isolated incident. Wars have been fought over Dog, each side believing the same Dog was on their side. In every war ever fought each side believed their particular deity would champion their cause. Witch burnings, slavery, murder, genocide, rape, child molestation, and repression of all sorts have been justified by religion. Read your damned bible, it's all in there. You can't pick and choose, either your religious texts are true or they aren't.
We don't advocate outlawing religion any more than we advocate arrest and detention of theists merely for believing. What we are endeavoring to do is to educate. Once people use their mind instead of being lazy and swallowing everything some preacher says without following up to verify, and to educate themselves, religion will lose its grip on societies. Education is the best defense against the arrogance and ignorance of religion.
Quite frankly, I don't give a crap if you believe in Mickey Mouse, as long as you keep it to yourself and don't try to convince anyone else, your own children included, that Mickey is real.
Atheism has not been used as a reason to suppress religion in the past. Religion is suppressed by despotic dictators because they believe it is a real threat to their power, not because they don't believe in Dog. Hitler believed in Dog and enlisted the protestant and catholic churches to aid in his search for Jews to gas. He believed wholeheartedly that he was doing Dog's work in eliminating the Jews. He also hated them for his own failures or feelings of inadequacies. Stalin and others simply felt religion was dangerous to the State's authority and suppressed them.
All we are trying to do is educate in an effort to lessen and eliminate, if possible, the whole concept of an ideology that is inherently dangerous. it is dangerous because it draws charismatic asshats who use religion to control the minds of the ignorant masses who need something to believe in because they can't or won't belive in themselves, who need something to relieve them of responsibility for their own shortcomings.
Can religion contribute to mental illness? Yes it can. Religion figures prominently in many types of psychoses. When a person becomes dangerous to society as a result of his/her obsession with religion or the idea of Dog, gods or other supernatural beings then they can be and often are institutionalized for treatment. Religion has not been outlawed and it shouldn't be outlawed. Education is the answer and many theists are against education in the sciences because it shows religion for what it is; mythology. Nothing less and nothing more.
Moderate and even liberal theists need education as well. They are a part of the problem because they look at fundies as harmless and defend them when confronted by logic and reason. This has allowed fundies in the U.S. and elsewhere to wield influence in governments. The U.S. is not that far off from becoming a theocracy. Had McLame chosen Huckafuck as veep and the were to win the election, I daresay some fanatical xtian somewhere would have shot McLame so the Huckafuck could tear the Constitution apart and replace it with the bible, which is essentially what Huckafuck said in a speech to a xtian audience not too long ago.
We are working to maintain this country as it was established and to keep tyranny of all kinds out of it. If you don't believe this country was set up with a secular government you need to do some reading. Do it yourself. Your preacher has his career at stake and will lie his ass off about this being a xtian nation. Read, and I mean read to comprehend, all of the papers of Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Franklin and others. Their intent was to keep god completely out of politics. Anytime in history that religion has had undue influence in the affairs of the nation's government it has been disastrous. There can be no argument there. If you don't agree with this fine. I don't care. Just expect us to push back when religion overreaches.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
Which would explain why I keep bumping my arse of the ground every time I try to ride of into the sunset, eh? (teehee)
This is a false dichotomy. Agnosticism is a position of i don't know. Atheism defined by the Oxford English dictionary as "the theory or belief that God does not exist." And theism is defined as a "belief in the existence of god or Gods". Agnosticism is position that "contains neither faith nor disbelief in the existence of God."
If i don't have faith in you making a particular three pointer, this doesn't necessarily mean that I believe you won't make it. You might just be a 50/50 three point shooter, you might make it, you might not, i don't have faith either way.
We can clarify this with even the beliefs of mythicist, and those that believe that Jesus was a historical person. Mythicist do not believe that Jesus existed as a historical person, while others believe that Jesus did exist as a historical person, and yet we find an abundance of individuals on this forum that don't subscribe to either camp, and proclaim agnosticism on the issue the "i don't know", most of them would explicitly oppose being labeled mythicist.
An atheist as defined by the dictionary is an individual who does not believe God exists, a theist is a person who believes God does exist, and agnostic is a individual who neither disbelieves of believes, but doesn't know.
I can continue to make examples out the silliness of labeling agnostics as atheist, but I feel I made my point adequately enough.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
Agnosticism is not a middle ground - but a modifier to a belief statement.
Agnosticism is a word describing whether you know something exists. Theism/Atheism are words describing whether you believe a God exists.
Knowledge is not the same as belief.
Look at agnosticism preceding atheism or theism as "I don't know/there is no evidence for, therefore..."
Agnostic Atheism - "I don't know/there is no evidence for a god, therefore I don't believe in a god."
Agnostic Theism - "I don't know/there is no evidence for a god, therefore I believe in a god."
I'll leave it to the reader to decide which statement is more reasonable.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
As I said before, just because I lack belief in something, doesn't mean that I disbelief in it either.
Disbelief: is defined by the oxford English dictionary as the "inability or refusal to accept something as true or real"
Just because I don't believe something is true, doesn't necessarily mean that I believe it is false, I can believe it's not true because I am not to sure if it's true or not, it's my uncertainty on it being true (as well as false) that leads me undecided or agnostic on whether it true or false.
We can play the semantic game all we want, but it starts to become silly, and desperate for atheist to claim agnostic as one of them, as would for theist to claim agnostics as they're own. And it follows in a trite trend among unbelievers to label everyone they possibly can into the atheist camp, including Jesus, and individuals who believe in God, just not a personal one (as Dawkins claims in the God Delusion). And my suggestion to atheist is that they buck this trend, rather than risk looking shallow and desperate to find credible members to their party.
There are not just two options to the question, "Either you believe of your don't believe in God", agnosticism allows one to be unsure, undecided, to say I don't know if I believe or disbelieve in God.
Unlike most individuals here, I've been an agnostic for some time as well. Labeling me a theist would have been just as false as labeling by an atheist, I neither believed in God, nor disbelieved in him. I was pulled by notions that led me to believe, and equally pulled by notions that led me to disbelief, that I myself could not decide if i believed or not.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
This is why one shouldn't equate knowledge to belief as you are doing. Knowledge is a higher standard. As to the concept of God/gods, I personally don't believe anyone can say whether they know that Gods do or don't exist. Belief is the best anyone can do.
For myself, I love the way you redefined disbelief while accusing me of playing semantic games. Gave me a good chuckle.
If agnosticism is what you seem to be saying it is (a nothing position - you neither do or don't), why are you so stidently defending it? I have never seen one defend apathy with such passion.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
I didn't know resorting to the dictionary definition of disbelief, counted as redefining it?
Stridently defending it? I'm arguing against an erroneous characterization of it. Claiming that there are no agnostics, and that you are either a theist or atheist is silly, I argue this as I would argue a theist who claim that atheism is a religious belief.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
But you count "I don't know" as having something to do with belief. It has nothing to do with belief. It simply means you don't know. If you choose not to take a position because of your lack of knowledge, OK
Just don't call your agnosticism a belief system (your'e doing that though you deny it vehemently). It's like comparing apples to starfruit.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Well, I don't consider agnosticism of atheism a "belief system", and your confusion maybe a result of how you're defining my use of "belief" for me.
I'm using "belief" in the same context as i would in saying:
I believe the earth is round
I believe evolution is true
I believe the earth is a few billions years old
I believe I don't know, in regards to if OJ is guilty of not.
This is the same context I use it in, to say:
An atheist believes that god does not exist.
An agnostic believes he doesn't know.
I'm using belief as a synonym for conclusion, and not a creed or dogma.
I'm using belief as the dictionary defines it as "an acceptance that a statement is true" rather than as a "religious conviction"
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
Well, now I know your problem.
You are working under the wrong definitions of atheism and agnosticism.
Atheists do not believe in the existence of gods. That's much different from saying that an atheist believes that "God does not exist". The latter entails a statement of knowledge that the majority here don't have.
Agnostics simply don't know. Nowhere is belief mentioned.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Well, I'm working with dictionary definition of atheism, here's a direct quote:
atheism |ˈāθēˌizəm|noun the theory or belief that God does not exist.
(New Oxford American Dictionary)
The dictionary defines atheist as those who believe that God does not exist. Modern atheist are the one attempting to redefine the definition, because religious individuals have made them dread the word "belief". But it's erroneous to claim that I'm working with a wrong definition, when the english dictionary backs me up on it.
What I don't get is that earlier you were trying to distinguish to know, from to believe, and now you seem to treat them the same? Atheist conclude from a supposed lack of evidence that God does not exist, you can replace conclude here with believe, and say the same exact thing: Atheist believe from a supposed lack of evidence that God does not exist.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
Wait a minute:
Does an atheist believes that god does not exist. Or, believes that he knows a god doesn't exist?
What do you call a person who doesn't believe a god exists, but doesn't know because some asinine hypotheses are unknowable?
Or, what do you call a person who believes a god exists, but doesn't know?
Oops, someone just got caught with lazy thinking.
Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.
Isaac Asimov
Another asshat misusing the dictionary.![](/sites/
What we're working on is the difference between strong (gnostic) atheism:
"I know that god doesn't exist - that's why I don't believe in him"
and weak (agnostic) atheism:
"I don't know whether god exists or not. Because I don't know, I can't take a position of belief in one."
Now, let's get to you.
You say you don't know whether god exists. Neither do I. What do you believe?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
I believe I am as compelled to believe, as I am to disbelieve, therefore I am agnostic.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
Which is the colloquial use. But I'm told, technically, agnosticism describes a state of knowledge, not belief; the two being independent concepts in religious terms. A person can claim not to know a deity directly, but still profess a belief in it. A person can neither know nor believe. A person could know and not believe. That leaves the question of belief independent; and barring any specific criteria ("I would believe if..." ) that would allow for data to interpret and scrutinize, there isn't much left but a simple, and arbitrary, dichotomy. Ya either believe based on the big fuck-all, or don't believe based on the same fuck-all.
I am not compelled to believe in the slightest for lack of evidence.
If you call yourself simply an agnostic it means literally you do not know anything.
Since the discussion here is about an alleged god you are either an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Theidiot again proves to us that he is evidence for the statement "the name fits the man".
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Hi, I'm theidiot - I'm a loser with no life who likes to pretend I know something. I'm just a dingbat with his thumbs up his ass. Call me a loser from now on, please. I like being ridiculed for having my thumbs up my ass.
"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)
You actually believe the evidence to be equal? Or, are you compelled to believe the evidence is both equal and not equal? Or, are you compelled to believe the evidence is not equal but you choose to believe equally? etc....
How about this: whatever you call an "atheist" is unimportant - especially when on an atheist site and they are the ones telling you how they define themselves.
Just as we would not go to a Xpian site and tell them what their definition of "Xpian" is.
Now, consider that the definition on this site is one that is specifically used to distinguish between the philosophical differences, not the Pop Philosophy of the general public's usage (dictionary).
I just have to laugh. If theidiot went to a computer tech web site a decade ago he would be telling them "a mouse is a rodent, you idiots! Not a piece of equipment! I'm just quoting the dictionary!"
Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.
Isaac Asimov